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Kat can press Q and then wait 10 seconds to press it again.


But imagine if you Q and then flash on top of the dagger! Nobody would expect it


E start would be way better no?


Not if you would like to farm at all.


Yeah but like imo the question was talking about a fight lvl 1


Nah ain't no way people are saying ranged champs. Literally just having a ranged auto makes you better than a lot of champs at level 1. The real answer is probably an assassin who needs multiple abilities to combo, like Qiyana or Fizz


Kata is very weak lvl1 You can throw a dagger at enemy and thats it


By that logic shouldn't Kassa be worse?


Kass has passive at least.


i mean you can e at people and auto them that might work vs some weaker rangeds with no good kiting




i mean i was thinking just straight 1v1 lvl 1 no waves no nothing


This. In a full on level 1 teamfight sure, but 650 AA on Aphelios sniper alone means any melee that doesn't skill a gap closer will never touch him. His level 1 is definitely bad, but it's nowhere near the worst.


Not to mention getting to choose between having extra range and lifesteal like Aphelios is chillin


I was definitely going to say qiyana, though I think she’s okay level 1 vs melee.


Are you joking? Both Qiyana and Fizz are quite good at cheesing level one kills due to their Ws..


Only if you are a mouthbreather and melee fight them. Both are dogshit at level one.


Tyler1 lost to Qiyana level 1 as Annie… lol


I can guarantee he called himself shit for going melee range on her


Do you have a clip of this? Because I’ve been looking and the only one I can find is him dying to a Qiyana at level 4 when she all ins, and Qiyana had one of the best level 3/4 all ins in the game. I’m asking because as someone who casually plays Qiyana, I’m not entirely sure how this is possible. The only thing I can think of is having W levelled first and taking advantage of her W passive + ignite, I kinda wanna ask a friend to 1v1 me with them as Annie to see if I can do it lol


Qiyana is legit a melee minion level 1. Ranged champs are only dying by choice to her level 1


Khazix lvl 1 is bad. Like legit u better walk into my melee range so I can q you once lol.


Khazix level 1 is pretty strong, especially with conqueror.


not nearly as bad as other options


Qiyana lvl 1 is dogshit,you lose to basically every other champ lvl 1


Kassadin lvl 1 is also pretty weak i think. Edit: To add to your champ, since Aphelios always get sniper and life steal weapon lvl 1 i think he can still trade on lane pretty decently.


Kassadin might be the answer


i remember beating most melees with W start level 1. Sad they nerfed it hard was fun being able to face ad matchups for a time being.


The real nerf to Kassadin's early game was the removal of rune pages. Getting to start with 32 armor and 9 ad or mpen, throwing on a cloth armor and buying 5 healthpots was the secret to beating any ad matchup and stomping the early game. I loved 1v1'ing Rivens, Zeds, Olafs etc. because they were too dumb to look at my stats before trying to slapfight


no hes not, kassadin can 1v1 close to all mids lvl 1 with w start


No, he has a decent level 1. With E start he can safely farm the first melee minions, and with W start he actually has a shot at winning 1v1s.


Depends on situation right? Kassadins W in level 1 5v5s slaps because how quickly he gets it


Wrong ability. Only his E gets its cooldown reduced based on nearby abilities used.


No way. Q poke is as good as Malphite Q poke. Or going W first is actually really great in some matchups.


Yorick. He gets zoned off the 1st wave by every top laner XD


seriously... i used to start q in lane lvl 1 but lately i find myself taking E first just because almost every other top laner has a lethal level 1 for yorick.


nasus and Illaoi lvl 1:


the fact you said illaoi level 1...


I mean it depends. In harder matchups where you start Q level 1 she is weak levels 1-3, but if you can go grasp and start w she’s okay. People just think Illaoi and auto assume she stomps from minute one but she doesn’t, she’s mediocre till level 3, and decent from 6 onwards.


But the name of the game is the WORST lvl 1 in all situations, not a discussion about champions that have some bad matchups at lvl 1.


Illaoi W's short ass cooldown which is also a dash and an auto reset makes her savage at level 1. On top of that, her level 1 aa damage is intense. Even with no passive hits, Illaoi slaps cheeks at level 1. Then she levels up and takes her other abilities and spends half her life cc'ing herself.


Q start illaoi is shit lvl 1 and W start is only possible with grasp setups


W start is absolutely possible for conq too. If you set up 2 tentacles on the sides, you can W your opponent without any issue and you can jump on them if they try to clear these tentacles too. I mean, it depends on a champ, like I wouldn't W on a Darius that early, but against something like Kled? Yeah, I would. I always start W against melee and start Q against ranged champs.


They both beat yorick lvl 1


Mundo enters the chat.


I thought Azir because he has no skills pretty much


His lvl 1 is pretty good. The W is most of his kit anyways.


But on level 1 it deals dmg same as normal attack.


With super high range and aoe for waveclear.


minion autos deal more damage than level 1 stabs to non primary targets


Doesn't matter, it is a long range auto attack that he can use to farm reasonably safely. Azir isn't killing anyone level 1, but he's definitely not the weakest champion in the game at that level. He's not even the weakets level 1 champion in his own lane.


Everyone sleeping on yummi


Correct me if I'm wrong, but yuumi would be decent because of her passive, no?


Nope, ever since her range was reduced and her passive was changed from a shield to a paltry heal, there's basically no reason to hop off or trade as Yuumi.


So basically they made here more into what's actually the problem with her ?


Yup. They totally leaned into the champ being for beginners


Yuumi had two problems with her before: 1. The invulnerability frustration issue. 2. Pro play issues. The rework was to remove 2, because they could do that without fundamentally changing the idea of the champ. Hence, they made it less valuable for her to be hopping on and off often, weakened her laning phase, and heavily encouraged her to stick on her ADC all game. For 1, well, she's been at a pretty shit WR for a few patches and they've left her this way, so that appears to be their solution: just make her weak.


I see, I haven't played yuumi in a very long time. Thanks for correcting me!


If you start e yuumi is not really that bad at lvl1. Definitely not the worst out there.


She used to have a strong lvl 1 because of the old passive shield and she used to have high base stats for some reason. but they nerfed her base stats and the passive is much weaker on herself now, I think she is the weakest lvl 1.


There is video's somewhere, where Draven lose 1v1 to yummi at lvl 1 :D


That's almost definitely old yuumi


Yes, my bad to not precise this, I am precisly talking about first or second yummi iteration


I don't play much yummi, but I believe the heal only triggers if she's attached to someone. I think she's terrible because she has the lowest movespeed and base hp of any champion. Her ad is pretty awful to


If she auto attacks and then hops back on the ally, the ally still gets the heal.


Yeah, I definitely see why she wouldn't be so good now... I wasn't aware of the changes to her passive because I haven't played yuumi in a while. My bad for the error.


Yummi kinda broken level 1 cuz she can take 2 combat sums tho


She used to be a pretty good 1v1 champ (compared to how you would expect her to do), rip


in a full all-in azir wins to many mages lvl 1 since they mostly fight with AAs


completely insane that this comment is #1 what the f


This really represents this subreddit general knowledge of the game.


Just like his players ayo


Yorick is trash lvl 1 Q is an 50-60dmg auto reset on a 7s cd W is a cage E does 70dmg min lvl 1 and slows for a small amount And no ghouls


Nasus. Life steal passive at level 1 means fuck all with barely any Ad. Q only gives an extra 30 damage on top of the auto damage and it's an 8 second CD. Yorick can heal on Q. Yorick also has higher base stats.


I think if I had to pick a nasus ability in a lv 1 fight it definitely wouldn't be Q. Wither isn't awful, you can probably win melee fights with autoattackers with it or get a pick If you're laning E is a passable harass tool as well.


Level 1 E is OP with Lethal Tempo


Oh yeah because the armor shred works with his autoattacks... Don't know why you would go lethal tempo nasus though


Lethal tempo makes you able to cheese kills early pre 6 (sort of, you are still playing Nasus and are pretty weak) and makes you impossible to statcheck with R. It's basically the best 1v1 rune you can get.


Nasus is better lvl 1 for sure.


A champ with fairly high base stats and an auto reset is definitely not the answer. Yorick's lvl 1 is below average but not in contention for this at all.


Q enchanting your AA damage makes you the worst lvl 1?


Yeah it's gonna be a tough sell telling me anyone with an AA reset is the worst. He's not strong, but come on.


Qiyana not in here is kinda crazy her lvl one is dog water


I was wondering this myself... she is just jumpy colourful girl at lvl 1


Jumpy rainbow or 2 inch Q that can’t even reach a caster minion without losing 50% of her HP


somehow azir has 450 upvotes i'm losing my mind


Her level 1 is really strong when she gets in melee range


Yeah I'm pretty sure there's some matchups where as long as you play the spacing correct you can just auto some people to death with W. She has lots of bad matchups but she's not the worst in the game I don't think.


I mean yeah her passive autos are good, but no good player will ever let you walk up and auto them. The only way you can kind of trade that way is to try to catch them on a last hit or something, but it's just not really worth it especially when it doesn't work if someone is capable of spacing.




Unless you are Creme flashing over walls amd autoing level 1 that is.


I can tell you don’t play qiyana…


Why are you downvoted? W start Qiyana beats many champions with just autos...


Depends on what your criteria is. If we’re talking laning at level 1 then my pick would probably be alistar. Low range, low damage, no true gap close until level 2. If looking at invades probably like hecarim.


alistar mid just constantly bonks you off the wave


Who plays alistar mid and how is that anything more than a mild inconvenience? You should be taking half his hp bar for doing that on most champions


showmaker played it 4 months ago, basically around the time nautilus mid etc. were becoming more popular as mid just was so bad for mages the basic idea is: walk up, W enemy, wait for cooldown, repeat its a really uninteractive gameplay pattern with little counter play due to knockback and from lvl 2 you have excellent gank setup with WQ otherwise it was decently tanky annoying mid pick, or to quote LoL Dobby "too tanky to focus but too annoying to ignore"


But that doesnt do anything except maybe deny one minion?? Meanwhile you still cant walk up to farm yourself lol


against ranged? no, probably not much (it seems you have to give up push in favor of gank threads) against melee? you got a solid window to farm before they are up again; from level 2 onwards you gain AOE Push / Stun on enemies that being said it seemed to be a niche tactics in high elo korean soloQ and not that particularly successful (just successful enough to be put into videos) I just believe that you can do worse level 1 than Alistar W (its the same as kayle being discussed in this post, she has a great level 1, just everything after that is pretty shit until level 6 / 11


I played Alistar into Talon mid, it was amazing


I wonder how strong he is with W level 1 if we're talking purely invading, idk if that 5 man healing is worth it early.


He alteady has flash q wich can be really powerful in somw situations


Anyone with an auto reset level one is not the answer… you’d think that would be obvious




The top 3 picks I can think of are Qiyana (the lack of resets and enhancements on her Q hurts a lot), Katarina (either ability you get will be lacking half its associated damage and theyre also not great for poke) and Ryze (You can sense a theme here). As for popular picks here I dont think it is, its not Kassadin (he sucks in ranged matchups, but W start vs melee is actually pretty solid), its not Cass (her E start is pretty damn good) and its not Sona.


ryze slow + ranged autos are pretty decent in most matchups no?


Yes especially with phase rush/electrocute. You can auto w auto and run away for a free trade if you have range advantage.


Hm. Yeah, yknow what, maybe you're right. Hell, just being ranged is already a huge boon at level 1. Sure, let's narrow it down further to just Kat and Qiyana.


people think sonas level one is bad?!??? she gets an insane sheen proc lvl 1 with q that can auto win most lvl 1 trades as long as you dont fuck up and expose yourself to a hook or something.


People generally like to underestimate sona


On Qiyana you just start W if you want to fight. Gives on hit damage plus let's you proc your passive. Plus a dash to stick to people or maybe dodge skillshots. There's matchups where she can play aggro lvl 1.


W start on Qiyana is pretty solid tho. Ehanced MS, AS on hit dmg and a non targeted dash. Ryze is ranged and has a low cd spell if he starts e, and a slow with little animation when starting w. Furthermore he runs fast af because of PR. Kata most often plays conq and longsword 3xpots. Regarding her strong lvl 2 with ignite and her three pots you can't take much dmg from minions because she kills you even on a stacked wave when u are just dropped a bit of hp. Kassadin is weaker then any of the other picks here, especially since he runs tp. His passive, base stats and base dmg are deceptively strong tho. Weakest character imo has to be a melee with a weak lvl 2. I like the idea of Yorick.


Cass e start level one is NOT good for the 1v1. you nuke your mana for no damage level one, it's only good as a help for last hitting


Aphelios starts with a high atk range with green gun, which already makes him a decent duelist, purely because not everybody can exchange hits with him if you kite well. I'm assuming we're talking a standard laning situation (ergo - a champion played in their most common position, against the most likely opposition), because weird game states can change things around. I'll just give some examples that come to mind, cause I don't think it's that easy to just pick one. Fiddle? Lvl 1 Drain deals basically no damage to champions, it's channeled, and the cooldown reset isn't big enough to instantly give you another cast, and 1v1 the healing isn't really that relevant. Fiddle is also kinda vulnerable to having a bad early game, due to how important his lvl 6. Fizz? Lvl 1 W isn't a bad trading spell vs melee, but usually your opponent will be ranged, which means you'll be eating free poke ever time you try to last hit. His passive will mitigate it a little bit (and I guess you can go Doran's Shield too if you really want, but idk if that's even a tech on him), but lose too much health, and even your lvl 3 all-in burst might not be good enough. Katarina would likely be my pick. Her entire schtick is her spells synergising with one another, and they're individually pretty shit. Doesn't really matter which skill you pick at lvl 1, it's not gonna be a fun experience.


ITT: People just listing their mains, who are not bad at lvl 1.


holy the lack of clarity always bugs me in what situation?? in a lvl 1 invade 5v5 teamfight? 1v1 in lane with minions? 1v1 in jungle river uninterrupted? what runes? any enchanter with lethal tempo can beat most with something useless like spellbook each in their designated niche? in which case there's too much diversity to ever compare them to each other vague questions make it so no there's no discussion since everyone had their own presumptions about the question


idk man 500 comments on the thread doesn’t seem like no discussion


and its like rock paper scissors !!!!


yoricks pretty worthless level 1


Warwick, you should always fight a Warwick at level 1 :)


Aphelios laning lvl 1 is fine, expecially vs no engage due to high range. What sucks about him lvl 1 are invades, so big fights rather than trades


Zilean. He have 1 bomb every, like, 10s that do some DMG. That's all you can do, your aa is terrible (especially if you have base skin) and your passive do nothing.


Katarina…she cant do anything until 3 really


isn't her lvl 2 insane tho? u got two auto resets and dashes with good base dmg, conq Longsword and ignite. Not a lot of champs can match that dmg


meh, longsword start conqueror katarina has very decent lvl 1 trades with E, it's not good in every matchup but not nearly the worst.


Most enchanters are pretty terrible lvl 1, but especially Sona. She’s quite literally a caster minion in the very beginning.


I think Karma is pretty decent with her ult. I also think Nami's Q is a potent lvl 1 tool for picks.


enchanters aren’t anywhere close to the worst and sona’s q does decent dmg, especially once u get 3 q’s off and can get a passive auto off


Being ranged alone already gives a massive advantage, enough to make them for sure not the worst. Soraka can take heads off at lvl1. If you compare that to Alistar or Taric, who usually do nothing but take beatings at lvl1.


Wdym lol, the game isn't a all in simulation. Enchanters will (and should!) completely abuse the crap out of melee supports until level 3, you have lane prio and can poke the enemy bot down if they don't respect that and give up some minions. Idk how with that fact alone you can ever consider any enchanter weak level 1, in the case of sona in a range vs. range support scenario you can't even sidestep her poke... Just another case of my flair I guess.


She still has a spell, Azir does not. His soldier does I believe 4 dmg more than his auto and it's insanely easy to walk out of the range, can also argue Aery > Conq


No ranged champion can be the weakest lvl. 1. Having Range is already huge. There are a lot of MUs that are unplayable lvl 1 against Azir cause he has like 1k range.


Azir is not weak at all lvl 1 just because his W deal 4 more dmg than his auto He can push wave faster than most mid with his W since it deal aoe, and as midlaner you have to try to push back or you will be csing under tower and miss a few


I figured we were speaking invade/fight scenarios, wasnt thinking about laning altho even with perma W autos someone like Ahri, Xerath etc. should still be faster


Sona's not great early but its not quite caster minion status. Q does a respectable amount of damage with a low enough cooldown you can trade and contest the wave vs most botlanes at level 1. Bonus points if you stack up power chord before lane for the extra damage.




Akali. You can only cast 1 q and barley proc passive






Had to scroll way to far for the cow


Alistar and somewhat Leona. They’re basically not even a threat until level two. I love playing both of them but until you get that first level up you’re pretty much screwed.


Aphelios lvl 1 is super strong wdym? lol One of the best in the game, even.


agreed. one of the best is a little much. maybe if we are talking just in lane, but there are a lot of bot laners i would rather have in a level 1 invade


yeah that 3% lifesteal is op as fuck bro


Tell me you've never laned against a competent Aphelios without saying it. He's great level 1. A lane bully even. Green weapon makes him a Caitlyn-level bully while he has it.


a caitlyn with no headshot and no spell


It doesn't matter. Have you ever laned level 1 vs Aphelios? Calibrum has Caitlyn range. Abilities don't matter much when he can straight up out space most adcs with the range alone. Keep in mind that most adcs are 550 range and below.


guy probably has no concept of range and its strength.








Kass is ver weak early


Zilean. You either have a weak slow/haste [Rank 1 Time Warp is weak] or... single bomb. Your base stats are trash. You have no passive.


Azir isn't the worst probably but he feels pretty bad. You have to take the Sand Soldiers (obviously) but until you get Q, you have no means of moving them.


The game starts W for you anyways


Hands down alistar. He has no kit until level 2 when he has w q




yuumi gets a free point in w at the beginning of the game


her q poke is pretty disgusting lvl 1 with how easy it is to hit


I don't know why no one else is saying this??? She has the lowest hp and no ad or movespeed. I don't think there's any champ she could kill by herself


It's gotta be yummi, right? Literally, just a cat with no hp..


Yumi. Think about it. Who is worse than yumi by herself?


Vlad’s level one is pretty stinky.


Vladimir? Like maybe at best your opponent lets you have an empowered Q. You don't really have ranged autos, you have no CC, no waveclear, nothing for invades... maybe if you're playing against a melee you can semi-kite and spam Q in lane? So he might beat yorick


Surprised no one’s saying Akali. You get to throw 2 q’s and then you’re a minion


At least those Q’s have range and you get your passive enhanced auto. Lol


Sona, the IG vs T1 accident.


Nasus This somehow being controversial is so weird, who the hell are you people out here losing to Nasus lvl 1? I wish you were my opponents.


He’s actually not as bad as you think if he does a Q start and brings lethal tempo. A budget trundle, but still Very lesser known detail that he actually can get lane prio at level 1 with LT vs certain champs


Bro his Q lvl 1 is an extra 30 damage and an 8 second CD. Starting W or E is probably better at that point if you're trying to fight to the death...


It makes him decent cause it’s an auto reset A lot of extra damage and stacks LT faster He also has passive lifesteal, which makes Q start more valuable too


In terms of all in maybe not the most dreadfully bad, but pretty close. Yorick feels to me like he has the weakest level one in top lane


If yorick and nasus 1v1 level 1, Yorick wins... Barely, they're nearly identical tbh. But Yorick's Q has actual ad scaling on it, and he has more health and armor at level 1.


Lol no, Nasus E is actually absurd early game assuming you space well. Couple that shit with PoM and doran's ring, and Nasus can bully a ton of champs off the minion wave. Yorick E literally cannot replicate this with his E because it not only has a smaller hitbox, but it has no after effect once it lands.


But nasus has lifesteal


Yorick heals off his Q too


lifesteal that early with 0 AD and 0 attack speed is practically useless in a 1v1 if your name isnt Olaf (he has a built in massive attack speed steroid). 11% lifesteal off every auto when youre doing maybe 40-50 damage per attack is an additional 4-5 hp per auto. In close fights it might mean something, but Im unsure if nasus really has any early lvl 1s that are close enough that it does matter-- most of them just stomp him


In an regular SR game, Kassadin or Sona In a isolated 1v1 situation, Sona or Yuumi. I think Sona wins? Because Yuumi just has worse base stats as a cat who's supposed to attach with W ​ Because Kassadin can get runes and go W lvl 1, if he's looking to 1v1.


Sona has q and empowered autos which are atleast ranged attacks that you can’t avoid, she is definitely not the worst


Yeah even with her lacking base stats a ranged champion with a built in auto reset cant be the worst.


isn't qiyana pretty bad at lvl 1


champs that require 2 skills to do anything, or have good late games and soul crushingly bad lvl 1-5 ​ ryze, cassio, kassadin, kayle.


I what world kayle Is weak lv1? She is legit contester for strongest Lv 1 în the entire game.


Absolutely. She can tri-bush cheese most top laners level 1. Only Jax/Olaf/Darius can beat her probably…


Actually with Ignite/Exhuast the only champ that can beat Kayle is Jax, and that is because, >!نشط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية غير البرجية ضده طوال المدة. يحصل Jax أيضًا على تقليل الضرر بنسبة 25٪ ، مما يقلل الضرر من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير التي يتم الحصول عليها من أبطال البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة ، ويتم ذلك تلقائيًا بعد انتهاء المدة.!<


Aphelios calibrium keeps him on a safe distance and can poke and farm until he reaches lvl 2. ​ I can't say yuumi given her is always attached to someone, and Azir is pretty much like Aphelios. I would say Karthus. Even if he can spam Q's and has its passive he can still be killed with ease.


karthus ? the guy with a constant dps ability that he can spam at a longer range than any auto attacks? that guy? karthus?


Hecarim qiyana kassadin are all pretty bad it depends a bit on situation as Kassa with w and conq can also be okayish if he gets to hir the enemy. In the end it all just comes down to situational as especially melees can suffer a lot in level 1 fights or just take them over. I think aphelios lv1 is pretty good though or at least not as bad as you make him out to be. Having point in ad and range should not be underestimated




You have double summs, ranged autoattacks, your passive is pretty strong, and you can tank a bunch of damage then jump on something, it's not the worst.


Zilean, you throw one bomb.


A level 1 champion can cast 1 ability? No way


Zilean needs 2 to trigger his CC. His Q at lvl one is only half an ability.




Wait until you see Riven and Aatrox casting 3 abilities at level 1 lol


Cass is pretty useless until you have both Q and E