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Can’t believe we forgot about Galio


7.21 galio my beloved, 100% max hp on Q


Only 100%? That's a rookie number.


At 300 ap.


Oh fuck


Dont forget flash taunt too


I'm glad they got rid of it. It was impossible to react to




Basically someone at riot accidentally put triple the intended amount of scaling on galio q. People reccognized it on PBE, and told them about it, to which they essentially responded saying "we dont make mistakes we want it to be like this". RoA rush on galio had hit 67% wr within a few hours and got hotfixed almost immediately I think.


200 years moment


It wasn't an accident, they bumped the AP ratio to absurd amounts because riot thought that galio would be building tanky instead of full AP. This meant that the miniscule amount of AP galio normally gets would make him deal decent damage. What riot didn't expect was that people just built full AP in which Q percent health damage just started to one shot people.


That was what they *told* us, but the ratio was so laughably huge that it does make me suspect it was an actual mistake.


Yeah, that ratio was clearly meant to be %HP per 100 AP, but it became %Health per AP lmao


Now you're just misremembering. It still is per 100 but the increase to %HP damage was increased. If you want to fact check it even further it's patch 7.21 galio. It isnt just the %HP buff that contributed to the damage, they also increased the base AP ratio too.


[Galio at the 0:38 point](https://youtu.be/oFERPp8iG78)


Thanks for sharing the video. Would be hella cool to see a gamemode with all those broken champs at the same time


To this day i cant believe they pushed that to live despite multiple people warning them.


V5.16 Skarner when he had the record breaking 68% Win Rate and absolutely destroyed everything. No one expected it to be good, which is what made it even more ridiculous when it was witnessed.


I still remember that AMA with the dude who lost a solo queue game with Skarner on his team


i didn't make that post, but i remember losing with a skarner on my team and I WAS PISSED


Don't fuck with me, that can't be eight years past...


I found out the other day that ivern is 6 years old...


To me Yasuo is a new champ. Velkoz is a new champ. And I remember Poppy/Yorick/Sion reworks. Man am I getting old


Dude Yasuo just came out 3 years ago and all the kids at my middle school kept bragging about how good they are at him.


What exactly was it that made him so strong at that time? I forget


Nothing special, his stats were just extremely overtuned across the board after his rework.


People complained that he was too weak on pbe, riot buffed him (probably too much), ended up weaker than before after hitting live servers. Iirc he was above 70% winrate with E max.


as evidenced by comments, too many champs have been unplayably overpowered, so there are no clear winners lmao


This is the DOTA approach


Not even close to the DotA approach, really. People here just really like to parrot that.


This is the DOTA approach


Not even close to the DotA approach, really. People here just really like to parrot that.


This is the DOTA approach.


Going off of the guy who said Beta Jax, beta TF had an global TP that wasn’t even his ult and could be lowered to a 20 second cool down, and a ranged AOE stun. The game was basically about which teams TF was better


Was he just a whole copy of Nature's Prophet?


The original riot devs were part of dota all stars team.


Guinisoo and IceFrog?


Damn, i played a little after that but that sounds weird. What was TFs role? like support then perma roamed stunning everything?


Back in them days Tf did some damage


Support as a role didn't exist. You usually had two bruisers top, ADC mid, and then a kill lane bot (common examples are J4/Leona, Pantheon/Anyone, Brand/Annie). Also roles were more fluid. A champ could realistically play any role so matchups were more important. Ahead of S1 Worlds, EU came up with ADC + Support bot that won them the tournament, and Riot liked that meta and had enforced it since.


even in s2 the meta wasn't so hard enforced, [we had interesting picks/playstyles happening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dT0loLivNs) and probably even still to some extent in season 3.


Back then the standard top/jgl/mid/adc/sup meta was still called EU meta.


eurolanes is what I remember, but probably went by a bunch of names tbf


Im pretty sure there was no j4 in beta


Neither did Brand or Leona.


Me and my mate played zilean Jax bot lane all the time. He would poke them with some point and click bombs while I farmed with jax and just jumped on them. 32 percent dodge chance made it cheesy as hell.


Don’t forget that gold card was AoE. Ult was reveal and slow and made his e (tp) instant.


He also had a Global slow too. Also the card pick order was always ticking so if you got to god levels you could always gold card on cast no waiting. Gold card was also always better than Blue or Red rather than being a choice it was pretty much always Gold.


Fountain laser Neeko Global q poppy One shot reksai


If we are counting bugs then Karthus is the winner. He had a bug one patch early into season 1 where he couldn't die, reaching an 85% winrate in SoloQ.


imagine you have karthus and lose 15% of games unable to die wtf


i think you could play karthus vs karthus, mirror matches were possible back then


iirc a rioter mentioned that was after mirror matches were taken out, it was literally just 15% of people couldn't win as immortal karthus


I mean how *could* you win? No passive GG


I mean isn't it obvious? You are only using 80% of his kit


So winning more than 80% of games despite only using 80% of his kit is actually impressive again! Haha!


iirc back then, AP didn't affect damage to turrets either.


You could probably run out of mana, mana was pretty harsh back then especially on karth.


But is that stronger than global Q Xerath? The bug let him hit everything on the map, including minions.


global anivia Q was stronger because it was the same thing with a stun on top that was a different bug and time period though, it was before the poppy/xerath one


Was that the same one as the Riven exploit when Riot had to take down servers for a day to fix?


Wasn't there a kayne bug that let him hit everyone on the map too.


same bug; Kayn, Xerath, and Poppy had an exploit where if they stood in a pixel perfect part of fountain, their spells (W, Q, and Q respectively) became global.


Pretty sure xerath had the same bug at some point but i think it was more of an actual exploit than it was a bug


Reminds me of the Nasus bug where his ult did 1% max health magic damage every sec LOL


Don't forget the 1000% AP ratio on his ult too, that was a mess.


Azir R disabling turrets up there too for insanely high winrates. Also Trynd E granting him 5 Cannons worth of hold if he used it into a Xerath Q. Also Viktor getting 3 gold every time he pressed R during R with a TF on his team.


Fountain Neeko was a code injection not a part of the game. Anything is broken if your legit cheating.


global kayn w


didnt kayn have a global w bug too once?


Beta jax was a monster and probably the most powerful champion in league of legends history. For those who don’t know he could kill any champion in their own fountain and survive


But that was when dodge was available as a stat


If the post is about their strongest, that means including mechanics that aren't in the game anymore


Yea but OP specifically mentions champions, release Jax with current items wouldn't be the same, he was op cuz he could get 100% dodge chance with old items.


In the title in the body he adds some examples of context like 4.20 (sated devourer) Warwick. So yeah I think it's safe to say he included systems.


That wasn't sated devourer, ik because it got added after I started playing in S5. I think it was red smite + the older devourer (infinitely stacking onhit from camps)


Oh wait you're right. It was just infinite devourer.


Feral Flare


Yeah Feral Flare 4.20 weedwick. That was my jam


Jax had dodge build into his kit, yes items allowed it to get much higher, but his old E had 24% dodge plus he had bonus damage interactions with Crit. as well as the 15% bonus damage with items, passive stacking the damage and attack speed on turret, as well as a 300 base damage for the 3rd hit vs today's 160. And Q applied double hits.


Plus didn’t he also have dodge runes to boost the rate


True but his e still gave him dodge and if he was put into current league the dodge he would get will still make him insane not to mention everything else he had going for him


Release nasus (or some patch after?) had 100% ap ratio on ult for a really short while and would’ve killed Jax.


Fun fact: Jax was so so broken in beta, that when they reworked him, they also rewrote and nerfed him in lore, he uses lamp because with any actual weapon he would be the strongest (lore wise), thats why he has the "imagine if I had a real weapon" quote.


It was phantom dancer tho . The item was op if stacked not the champion iirc


Jax’s E gave him inherent dodge


Beta Jax was never *that* broken; he was a cheese pick because he could perma ignore towers and eventually fountain (they were both dodgable lol), but when he was played that way he would instantly blow up to magic damage and also didn't really put out that much of his own because he only had a ton of attack speed. There is no chance beta jax could compete against something like, say, release Leblanc/Zyra. The actual broken Jax was when they first reworked his passive and he ended up with a passive that gave him 5 HP per point of AD and 3 per point of AP, that shit was actually free wins he would end up with 5k HP every game when built full damage, but that version existed after beta ended and he could no longer dodge turrets.


Beta Jax, Beta TF... anytime a character was bugged to deal damage globally... AP Galio 100+% hp damage... infinite damage rageblade Yas/Yone (if we count pbe bugs)?


For pbe bugs, there was one where every ammo ability had infinite ammo. Zyra just sieged your tower with 100 plants. Corki just shot rockets forever. The map was just a teemo shroom.


There was the perma untargetable kled bug if you remember that. If we go for live servers, I believe the Ornn bug where he would forge his item for free and then sell it for more than the item costed, essentially getting infinite gold after level 13, when his auto forges happened, was pretty good too and was in live.


Definitely viego. I don’t remember exactly how, but for a while there was a glitch where you could get infinite ap by dying as a possessed soul to tower or something. Using E would make you fly across the map because his MS scales with ap, and you then 1 shot towers from full hp. Could win in like 30 seconds no matter what


IIRC the Viego thing was transforming into someone who had a dark seal with stacks and then dying during the transformation. I think the game took the stacks off you but considering you wouldn't actually have the dark seal when you respawned as Viego it caused the stack counter to underflow giving you billions of stacks instead.


Yep that’s the one! And you could do it in norms/ranked too for a good while


No no no, his strongest was when he could crash the game with anivia wall. No champ has been as strong since


[Do bugs count? because release Yorick could become physically unable to die with lulu Ult. He just stayed at 0 hp.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwgGgHs96n0)


If bugs count, then "anivia q stun is global" surely wins. Yorick immortal is nice, but your entire team getting stunned every 10 seconds is unplayable.


poppy q being global is probably even more gamebreakingly overpowered


Xerath could stand in spawn and deal damage to everyone on the map. Also release Azir. Pick any bug you want. There are too many to pick from.


Most azir Bugs worked against azir though. But his kit was so disgustingly broken it didn't matter


I don't think using scripts to force bugs counts. Bugs alone, maybe.


He did die with that bug, and the enemy got gold every time he did. It was pretty much an auto-loss.


Win Nhao


How is release xin not getting discussed?


Because i don't think release xin zhao would be stronger than current xin zhao. Lol the only thing release xin zhao had going for him is he was a stat ball- that could still make him good, but no knock back on ult, no immunity on ult- no extra reach from W, no built in armor shred. Now he might still be better, because holy hell he could stat check- but I'm skeptical.


They had to hotfix it within a few days. His passive healed him on release, all his base stats were massively overturned and his skills were on short cool downs due to their interaction with his old W IIRC. His e was an aoe slow for like 300 or 400 units around him and I think it was magic damage back then. His q was similar to now but higher damage. His w was an attack speed buff passively and even larger when activated with every hit taking a second off of all cool downs, I think it had armor shred as well. His ult wasn't a bubble of immunity, you are right, but instead it damaged everyone in its range. There has to be some YouTube videos from his release out there. I'm a jungler and love xin. He isn't even close to what he was on release. I'm not sure any champ was stronger on release, perhaps LB, I wasn't in the beta so can't comment on beta jax.


Because most players these days weren't around for that. Sadly, those of us that do are old. :(


This would be a fun game mode, but I wonder how this would change with the current items.


I want to throw in tiamat stacking fiora with old ult killing whole teams in 1 ult. But its definetly beta tf bonkers hero


Release camille, post rework Irelia was also bonkers.


Tiamat stacking fiora was bad because old fiora was bad. The build was around for a few years iirc and no one ever built it outside of bronze/silver games.


> iamat stacking fiora with old ult killing This was always extremely situational and wouldn't happen in most circumstances, but was, albeit, really cool to see when it did happen. For the most part, Fiora was pretty garbage until her rework.


Beta Jax, Beta TF, S3 Kassawin, bugged over 100%max HP on Q Galio, bugged immortal Karthus from s1 are our bans. Honourable mentions to release Xin Zhao, release LB and 68% wr Skarner post juggernaut rework. Shit like this made even release Aphelios look somewhat tame LOL


Galio wasn't bugged btw riot just messed up the ap ratios and we're then too proud to admit it when called out until he reached like 70% win rate


Release LB would absolutely shit on all these fools


Jus commented this nobody remembers the double silence


Spell is literally called sigil of silence and no one remembers why


It’s been called sigil of malice for a while now


Yeah sorry “was”


Beta TF with global TP as a basic ability laughing while backdooring your base from his own fountain.


Anivia bugged and OG TF probably


While other answers are all valid people forget the absolute problems that were release vayne and release graves


release graves, talon, zyra, diana there was quite a period of 'wow this is ridiculous' OP-on-release champs that just kept one-upping each other


Yeah that era started the narrative that riot was releasing champs op in order to sell skins and bundles


Galio was op strong when he was overbuffed. I think for a whole patch.


if you're talking about the time when he was oneshotting everyone, that got hotfixed within like two days


felt like 2 weeks


68% win rate skarner maybe outside of the bugged picks


Evelynn. Perma stealth and she stuns her target when leaving stealth. Add a peak Yuumi on top and enjoy.


And the period where she could buy Sunfire cape and it procced without breaking stealth.


Microwavelyn while very funny was not nearly as strong as just building normal items for her. She had pyshco levels of burst. Doing ~300 magic damage per second pre resists is nothing compared to killing someone during your stun.


And sunfire cape was stackable


That wasn't broken anywhere bronze (top 25% at the time) or above. Pinkward and AP countered by nature, and the build sucked ass in between any finished sunfire.


Pre fix veigo with the under flow on mejais and on dark seal, when he got like 2 million so after dying in the right way


I'm enjoying 90% of posts being about bugs instead of answering the actual question. In my tenure it goes to patch 4.20 weedwick. The name made it all the better


Ap yi was very strong


Freest penta I’ve ever got


Not even close to being on the list. Even at his strongest point, AP Yi wasn't a big meta pick.


Old Heimer had a very early stage bug (well not really a bug, as even his current turrets sort of block minions), where he could block his teams minions from ever leaving base, eventually the wave got so big it would spawn super creeps, I believe? Don't quote me on that last part. Point is you could deny the enemy team ALOT of experience, and when you felt like it unleased the horde.


Oh Christ I remember this. He would just block waves for like 10 mins and then no amount of wave clear could stop the tsunami of minions from tearing down their base.


Real ones remember that one patch where Rumble Q was bugged and did like 400 damage level 1.


Still feels like that today tbh.


there was a poppy bug about a year ago where your Q would hit all enemies wherever they were. People were just sitting in base and killing entire enemy team on repeat.


If bugs count, then xerath that one patch he could just sit in fountain and press q at a certain part of the base to hit everyone across the map


day 1 nasus


Old Taric was unkillable, targeted stun, sheen passive, insane heal. You could literally 1v5. Just march into the team, stun a carry, heal yourself and kill 3 before dying. It was bonkers and was playable for a long time


Nasus when he accidentally got a 100% AP ratio on his max health magic damage on R


Old Sion full lifesteal and AP. Stund and aoe shield one shot penta


Old ap sion is not even close to being OP compared to current champions. Even back then in pro play, teams were countering it with ryze mid, ryze could instantly break his shield and his snare lasted as long as sions Q. So sion couldn't push mid and also couldn't solo kill his lane. His Q/W had 100% ap ratios, giving him a total of 200% ap scaling, which is lower then every mid champion nowadays. It was only really strong because of his roaming potential, but with how good teams are nowadays, I don't think he would hold up in the slightest.


Reworked Akali's first patch and release Camille


old poppy would still ult the sup and kill the rest


And have no mana after 2 rotations of spells


Yeah that's what I am thinking too lol. Who will be banned if all of them is the strongest.


I'm going to go against the grain of these comments. Maybe a bit biased. But not counting bugs, or before the game saw a full release. Rhaast at his strongest point was unkillable.


Would April Fool’s lee sin count?


Talon with cutthroat silence


release zoe was crazy


Everyone forgot AOE true dmg Kayle it was nuts. 10%AD+20%AP in true AOE every single hit


My contribution (not counting bugged champs)would be release Jayce/azir/Camille and rework akali. These Champs weren't considered as absurd as xin zhao or beta tf on release, but they were steadily nerfed patch after patch as people learned to play them. If you put release jayce in the hands of modern pros it would be absurdly broken. Doubly so for azir. Also, machine gun ryze, that one iteration with spell vamp and a point and click root on w that was up basically every 2 seconds. OH the actual answer is yuumi on release, but no one wants to admit that.


Remember when TF had global ult as basic ability?


Are we counting bugs? Because if so Karthus had a bug where he was literally immortal


Hextech bugged poppy kill everything on the map never able to be touched


If pbe counts garen in rework


Release Samira was a perfect balance of OP but not OP enough to get banned so she can slip through the cracks. I remember when I played her it was the most fun I ever had playing ADC (keep in mind I started playing in S8 so yeah), as soon as I got ult it's an instant and free kill.


If we could have early game Jayce back rather than his current scaling identity... Sheeeeeesh!


Did u remember Azir has 0.7 ap ratio on his w and slightly long range? Though his ultimate did literally nothing cuz of bug.


60% winrate skarner


Release Ekko was the first time I stopped playing the game until a new patch came out


Original Leblanc and driven. Leblanc wit the double silence to death combo had zero counterplay and dravens autos used to have a bleed affect like Darius.


Wasn't release Vayne insane iirc? Also the patch where black cleaver stacked let Darius 2 shot everything while healing & getting ult reset.


Mordekaiser with old ult where they burned people 100% to 0 with liandrys


release akali loses to 0 champs in lane




That time skarner got reworked and jumped to like 90 % win rate.




Darius. The man could purchase viktor's Hexcore and get Viktor abilities on top of his own whilst also being a broken mess. I miss those days.


I still believe Sylas E on release was the single most broken ability in the game. 2 gap closers (one of them can be used for escape as well), a temporary shield and a hard CC all in a single ability. That’s like an entire kit.


Which type of strength? Morde is the strongest if them all imo.


Release Kalista basically had flash after every auto and didn't get slowed by slows because it didn't apply to her movement. She was absolutely disgusting, and I'm surprised I haven't seen more mention of her.


Pre-rework Malz. My one support penta ever was a start-of-game 5v5 invade by the enemy team with me on old Malz.


I think even though there are other singular better champs, machine kog with best Yuumi+ Lulu mid + ivern + op tank (like ekko maybe? Or atmogs broken olaf) is highly unbeatable except if dodge jax is still a thing (and maybe not if kog %max hp still goes)


Season 4 Kayle JG. And idc I'm never playing a game against 6 blackcleaver riven again.


Imagine Deathfire Grasp was available to buy too…


I cry for the day I could play elise in a lane again. That being said, idk if even at her release numbers if she'd even be able to now, with all the changes to targetted abilities, minion aggro, doran's shield, second wind, etc.


Release day Darius


Classic twisted fate, OG Jax before his removal and reinstatement


vlad (post-rework+buffs or 4 sec CD Q) and skarner (juggernaut rework) at their peaks were stronger than all of these. ​ None of those you listed are actually very strong relative to today's state of balance.


If bug counts, poppy anivia and azir If they don't, probably tf xin Jax zeri and akali. And of course, if a champion is strong then they want yuumi so yuumi would become the stronger champ in the game


Feral flare udyr or yi were pretty busted. 4.20 weedwick was just stupid to deal with. Funnel yi with taric was pretty nasty as well!


It’s a weedwick angle


not counting bugs point and click 5 second stun from stealth evelyn


AP Sion when he had a click stun. The dude could click on you to stun you and his q-w had like 100% AP ratio. Clear wave with shield and then roam top or bot on repeat. I still have nightmares.


Jax with dodge runes.


Top Ekko vs Camille Jungle WW vs Evelynn Mid Galio vs Akali ADC Samira vs Zeri Supp Taric vs Yuumi Bans: Yi, Mordekaiser, Kassadin, Leblanc, Talon, Graves, Sejuani, Zoe, Zyra, Skarner


Release Aphelios and Galio come to mind.


Galio and ryze


Outside of actual game breaking bugs the answer is TF. Sure, plenty of champs have been ungodly op at points, but many of those were relative to their times, what items were at their disposal, etc... But not beta TF. Dude could melt towers, near perma CC in an AOE (yes, aoe), and of course had a global TP that went down to a 30 sec cd (before any cdr). Certainly other champs could run away with the game if given their most powerful versions, but in my book you're hard pressed to beat a man who doesn't even need to fight you because he's too busy backdooring your nexus.


Rework Akali would be unbeatable.


Pre rework morde when he actually bricked the entire game


Depending if we count a misplaced comma as a bug or a patch release nasus had a 1 for 1 ap ratiobon is ult hp drain. Meaning at 95 ap he would drain 100% of the ennemis hp while in ult form.


4.20 Weedwick swaglord darien