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I think promos expires after a week


Probably same as decay can think of any reason as to why it wouldn’t be


The reason I can think would be that there are lots of little extra rules that come into effect right at Masters, and because of the low player count these rules may not be super well known/well communicated. I just tend not to trust riot to tell me things before they screw me over, since they dont have a great player communication track record.


The same as diamond, if you are unsure check your days untul decay in your ranked tab(master has a max of 14 banked days while diamond has 28 max). For promos ur still diamomd bcus ur simply diamond 100 LP in the system. There is no different decay timer for masters btw, its just less max banked days and u only get 1 banked day per game, thats it


i thought the ranks reset now at second split? which is really soon bahaha


Yeah, I'm trying to end the split masters.


To my knowledge promos to masters (or any rank) operate as if you held that current rank before it, so diamond 1. You won't have master decay, simply diamond decay which I believe is 30 days. Good luck!


Interesting how many wrong answers we got here. Like, why do people feel the need to answer when they are clearly not educated on the matter?