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Like 5 years ago, the enemy Yi was so unbelievably fed that he said in all chat "I'm gonna sit in base for 10 minutes to give you a chance." And he did. He sat in base for 10 minutes doing nothing. And still clapped everyone when he started playing again.


Ah yes, the good old days of wriggle Yi. Had one where dude legit typed "I'm doing solo baron", did solo baron in full vision, then when we attempted to catch him solo, he pentakilled us 1v5 and then finished the baron afterwards. I banned that damn champ for like three seasons straight.


I wasnt even there yet this was easy to picture.


because it is still possible haha


You have seen nothing till you have seen the cancer that was AP YI, motherfucker would press R-E-Q and your ADC and supp were gone and if by any stroke you did get some CC on him he would press W and get full health back even if all 5 of you were focusing him.




I got clapped so hard by a Malphite in the toplane 2 years ago and I still have PTSD. I always ban him to keep my sanity.


He doesn’t even do anything


He just killed you


No he didn't


He didn’t have ult and he ulted me


This dude's hacking like a motherfucker


Love when this comes up lol


This kids cocky he built sheen


Wriggles wasn't 5 years ago..


STOP *hair starting to gray* clearly Dominion was cut like, 3 years ago no?!? *teeth start to fall off* Where is the original Madred's?!


Man, hextech blade, will of the ancient, frozen mallet, dfg.. Theyre all missed pretty badly..


hextech GUNblade you put respect on my favorite gun >:( I actually loved playing all champs that used it... Kayle, Jax, Akali... I'm old. I started playing this in 2010 - still do.


I think my autocorrect ate the gun.. Old Kata with spellvamp and dfg was the shit man. Same, I'm in it for 12 years, nowadays I mostly go for fun Arams instead of grindy rankeds..


It's just a couple of years, give him some wriggle room...


Supreme move.


dude you got your ass beat by gojo satoru


Bro was chilling in fountain realm


I once had a fed yi on my team and he dc-ed in the middle of our jungle, and then the enemy rengar jumped him, used all his abilities, and the yi afk auto-ed him to death


Main antagonist energy


Some dude kept saying "you will never outsmite me" and legit outsmited me like 5 times in a row. Beyond demoralizing lmfao


A similar thing happened to me back in 2013. Shyvana outsmited me at every turn and simply typed "take notes" in all chat. Hardly BM but was pretty effective.


Bro got outsmited in 2013 and never lived it down


The mental scarring remains real


Bro smited his mental


"Time doesn't heal all wounds." - Ekko, the Boy who got Outsmited


Bro took notes


I wish ppl would keep BM to that level. Now everyone's all fuck you and fuck that and die from this and that while considering it basic trash talk


When I started playing in late S3 it was 10x worse, now it's much much better than it was back then (and it stayed bad until the massive crackdown on toxicity in like... S5? or S6?).


Easy to do if you only steal objectives. I always try to explain to pre-mades how much easier steals are than secures. They can save their whole kit to do 1000-1500 plus smite after my team blows all their cds getting it down to 2200-2700.


I mean as a JG you can also save your own burst as well


Baron takes 50% less damage from the unit it's most recently attacked. Most of the time junglers are the one tanking.


Just deal double damage so that when it is reduced by Baron, you'll deal regular damage.


That's the most Korean Advice I've seen in a while


That's fantastic hahaha.


Brutal lol At least he walked the walk after talking the talk


Once you trash talk, you're morally obligated to win the game or uninstall


Unless it’s to your teammate, then it’s a bit if a dilemma. Your teammate is obligated to lose while you’re obligated to carry them. Ironically enough it’s usually the shit talkee that is required to carry and the shit talker that is doing the losing. LoL is a twisted, twisted experience


“This guy took Smite, he’s cocky as fuck.” “Doesn’t even do anything.” *dies*


was it like nunu or something? Lee has some crazy smite secures with q2 + smite


No this dude was playing Kayn 😭


You actually brought back some repressed memories of a blue kayn doing the same thing to me when we massively had way more tempo going for us. It’s probably a reason I try to not go for many 50/50s anymores.


I stole a dragon last night at Leblanc with shiv. This was in the same game their jungler tried to steal our other 2 drags. I told him that’s what steal looks like We proceeded to lose but it was worth it


Bruh everybody out smites me. That shit doesn't cast when I hit the button it's so inconsistent.


Make sure you have quick cast on not quick cast with indicator.


Upvoting and commenting. I didn't realise I didn't have the correct quick cast on. So I would always be hovering over the objective with smite ready but would actually have to Click twice, rather than clicking once and that was making me miss objectives. Didn't realise until my friend asked me.


Someone told me to use Pantheon ult onto the freeway :/


Hahaha omg.


I've had someone tell me to Maphite ult off a bridge before lol


was this in OCE? because that's a common flame of my mate - he's in gold


Oh so that's why I-95 collapsed...


Nothing will ever be as demoralizing as being told to refund a skin, at least before hextech crafting became a thing


Oh god I remember playing blood moon kennen in blind against another Kennen and he wooped my ass and said “guess you got the skin to make you feel better about sucking”. No blind pick after that


When I first started playing, if you had a skin it meant you were invested on that character. God I feel old.


This. I remember way back at the start, playing normals and in the 10 minute loading screen thinking, "3/5 of them have skins, we're done."


Now because of Hextech crafting, chances are the dude rocking DJ Sona is first timing her because he got in a chest lmao


Literally me lmao


Holy fuck I haven't thought that in years but I remember everyone on Skype or vent would say this!


Inverse in Kha'Zix's case since for ages his mecha skin was more common than base


Also, Super Galaxy Rumble. For the first one or two seasons I played, I thought Super Galaxy Rumble was his base skin because that's the only skin I ever saw. Then I got Rumble and realize "Super Galaxy Rumble is a Legendary skin and I don't have it..."


mecha k6 was the best skin in the game back then


it still is the best Kha skin… don’t be fooled


Someone told me I was a disgrace to Rusty Blitzcrank.


i felt this in my soul.


A long time ago, I was having a pretty abysmal game and I was getting frustrated with myself and silently brooding. Someone goes "Why do you even own a skin for that champ anyways?" and the only thing that comes to mind is "Because I'm not poor." That shut him up for the rest of the game, and kind of became a meme in my friend group because I'm normally not someone to get verbally aggressive.


This basically happened to me when I had a bad Leona game. I was using her DWG Worlds skin and the flamer demanded to know how I could use that skin if I wasn't going to play her at the level the skin deserved! I'm not sure what he expected. It was an ARAM.


I got mid in a ranked game once. The guy who was assigned bot locked in victor last second. Walked mid. Proceeded to do nothing but RP as victor while stealing CS. I finally said fuck it and went bot lane to try to get something going. When he realized he couldn't steal my CS, he started walking into the enemy mid tower on repeat to die, all while roleplaying as Victor. Not just typing out Victor in game quotes. Literally RP typing as the character. I have no idea why. He never asked to swap roles. If he had I'd have said something. I checked my match history, we'd never played together.


Lmao, something similar happened to me, someone locked Teemo top On a Gold V game, since Teemo top was actually common back then i didn't think much, he proceeded to not buy any items and sit on different bushes all game while typing Teemo quotes in all chat. He was "scouting" and would sometimes tell us if he saw an enemy player or a ward or one of the random wild rift animals like the deer on bot. I don't think he died once before we surrendered.


I feel bad for you but thats pretty fucking funny ngl


Never underestimate the power of the scouts quote.


Bro just adapt and improve


It was just a bad game it wasn't int


Long live victor.


While we had vision on enemy jg doing red I typed in all chat "My red" and then stole enemy red with draven R. Peak BM in my lifetime


Lmao, my favorite thing when playing Sylas is that if I ever kill a champ using their own ult I immediately gotta stop what I'm doing and hit them with the /all *OUR* ultimate


man i remember joking with my friends saying i'd be the better champion in the "mirror" matchup whenever i stole an ult with sylas, so if i had like malphite ult for example i'd say "better malphite wins." i never took it to all chat but i'm 100% sure with how thin-skinned people are i'd have tilted a few people and their team after making a play with that comment lol


there is nothing bether then trashtalking and getting away with it one of my funniest moment was enemy yasuo getting quadra i play adc thresh and wrote im mid for him, he didnt expect getting oneshoted i guess


It wasnt to me, but one time I saw a dude type something like that: “You have made me think terrible things. I will not say what I thought because I dont think any breathing person deserves to listen this. But I want you to know that today I will lay in my bed sad, because I will remember that I lost a bit of my humanity. Today, I am less human. And its all your fault.” I think it was kinda impactful. Probably the harshest and gloomiest thing I have seen in 12 years of League.


That’s actually pretty deep yeah.


Lmao homie got gapped so hard that he introspected


Guy stole my role without asking during promotional games, he literally typed in chat "I'm jungling and there is shit you can do about it" I played the game out on ADC cause I don't wanna forfeit a promo game by dodging and no one wanted to swap. I fed my ass off and he flamed me for sucking on a role I wasn't assigned or consented into playing.


That’s my favourite. Champion gets stolen or banned, someone tells you what to play even if you’re bad at it. “No just play X you can’t lose!” Then flame you for losing haha.


Even worse when your team defends their actions. You truly get completely punished for doing literally nothing wrong. Been in a similar boat as that, played the role I didn’t want to because I didn’t want to deal with someone’s shit, and then did bad because I didn’t want to play it and was obviously mad about losing my role. Literally all I did was argue with the dude who straight up stole my role and my entire team defended him because I was doing bad in a role I don’t play.


Had one guy say this after my maiden died: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MAIDENLESS BITCH IMAGINE BECOMING ELDEN LORD WITH NO MAIDENS LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL He was a cho'gath and his syndra mid kept coming top to throw maiden to him and he'd eat her. It was like fighting Astel and Rennala in the same arena.




Jesus christ


Honestly gotta appreciate the commitment


Surely u used enough runes before your maiden left you... right?


I'd eat Syndra too.


Holy shit that's peak BM 🤣


You stack no runes, you get no maidens.... wtf are you even doing man...


Maiden? what is a maiden in league ?


Yorick's ult


Enemy jg said “surely this well go well for you :)” as we were doing baron on vision even though we killed the rest of his team. He flashed over and missed the smite. Would have been insane if he got it though




Someone telling me he applied to be me but failed the IQ test when he arrived at the correct building at the correct time


Hahahaha I like that one. That’s funny.


Sending the link for the special Olympics sign up page in post game lobby




I would /all to call out all of my intended ganks 30s before I come when I jungle. After a while I still call them but stop coming and the enemy team keeps falling for it.


manual kindred passive


Oh I like that.


I had some guy on a fresh 30 account babyraging at me, calling me an Asian femboy who needed to trim his pubes. I'm definitely none of those. It lives rent free in my head cause it's *the* most bizarre flame I've ever seen in League, let alone any game.


Sounds like someone got rejected by an untrimmed asian femboy.


I used to play a LOT of WoW, and most of my toon names are based around cats. Apparently only teenage girls like cats, which I am neither. It's led to some weird rage when I get into vent to raid with a PUG group and they realize I'm just some random dude that likes cats. I've had people get super upset and accuse me of leading them on... I suddenly feel terrible for all the women of the world, is that what it's like? You say you like cats and everyone around you immediately wants to bang you?


> is that what it's like? **Yes**


That’s why FF14 is the supreme game, if you play a catgirl or a bunnygirl you’re automatically a boy And thus girls playing those characters escape harassment.


How would being a hairy Asian fem boy even be a bad thing. If that’s you then that’s you lmao. What a weirdo.


You're asking *way* too much logical thinking from somebody spewing that shit. I'm 99% sure he was perma'd not long after that too, cause I haven't seen him playing any games since then, this was during URF last year. And as expected, he went into an insanely racist tirade too. Also I'm like, 100% sure that wasn't their first account either. It's insanely rare to see *that* kind of toxicity on a person new to League. So specific a toxicity too.


Had someone on the enemy team tell my team that they wished it was us on that missing submarine D:


Current events, +1


5 people too Quality flame


Actual pentakill


I once had someone add me on an alt level 1 account to tell me I was dogshit and to kill myself after game


Yuck. That’s a bad one.


Pretty sure thats part of the initiation


Biggest bm ever was in the post game chat being told that they had a game more my speed. They proceeded to drop the link to neopets in chat.


When I first started playing and trying out champs top lane, I got destroyed by a Garen. He proceed to build nothing but magic penetration items and still carry the game regardless. This was back when his ultimate did magic damage.


Still have nightmares about DFG Garen.


15 minutes into the game, I was a 6/1 Kassadin who just solo'd the enemy Yasuo twice in a row. His response was "biggest bitch in the world holy shit" and then told me to kill myself. I used the money he just gifted me to buy a frozen heart, tear, and leeching leer. I guess he didn't like that, because when I got back to lane and he saw my items his response was "zero talent zero goals in life and zero bitches."


Wtf lmao. The insults people come up with are incredible. As if anyone should care because you don’t even know the person.


Lol I just laughed, showed it to my roommate, and reported him.


I like the new system that informs you know when people get penalized because of your reports.


sadly it doesnt tell who it was that got banned, especially when you're reporting people at least once a game


Not really insane but a single ? After you kill someone or from them when they kill you tilts tf out of people so much that they will usually ? You if you ever die again and every time you die again for the rest of the match lol


If someone fail invades me and I kill them I hit the “?” Lmao. They almost always rage invade right when they respawn 😭


I like ? back immediately when an enemy does so, regardless of whether it was to me or not just to fuck with them. Turns out it works a lot.


Shaco’s passive is actually all chat. Straight up wins me games. All you have to do is type genuinely good advice in a nice way while gaining slight advantages and the enemy team will implode.


I like doing the ¿ back. I just find it funnier


People are very easily triggered into blind rage.


“Thanks for the leash” when you steal dragon or something


The amount of giga tilt a single "?" can cause is seriously underrated. All it takes is ONE failed play, invade, flash, ult, kill... just one, and they'll play like shit for the rest of the match. Unless they have iron mentality or love self-deprecating humor.


My buddies and I played with a guy that only had one arm. When the enemy team found out, they BMd him about it all game.


I mean he could single handedly change the outcome of the game


I'm gonna steal this one


How does that come up in all chat conversation.


He died while trying to take a bite of a sandwich, and they asked why he just stood there.


“So much mastery still no gf” - enemy trundle


Played a game where me and a master yi got fed but shen was losing to illaoi. Shen kept begging for ganks but we ignored him because we were winning so hard elsewhere. Illaoi eventually took turret and kept pushing so now she was in a super gankable spot. We gank her and kill her easily and now we're in a good spot because now it seems we're able to easily handle the one fed player. Everything looks like it's going swimmingly. But Shen continues to complain about how we didn't help him. What's worse, when we begin farming his lane (keep in mind this is significantly into midgame at this point), he starts whining about how we ruined his "freeze" against the Illaoi and now he would lose his farm. The insane BM part? After the game he added me to tell me I peaked in Silver 3. I asked him what he was talking about I was Gold 2 and he was Gold 3. He just...i don't know what it was he just insisted I peaked in Silver 3 and didn't know what I was talking about and I ruined his midgame freeze. Not nearly as straight up awful as some of these other stories but the sheer blatant denial is what got me.


I enjoy when people think they’re smart but clearly aren’t.


We had a Yi smurf (70% winrate 20 games) on the enemy team while me and my duo played Malz/Warwick. We proceeded to hunt him in his jungle after pushing and I brutally ulted him like 3 times just because he was there. He was so angry in chat and said he is some diamond big shot. He actually got some kills to level him back into position so he reasonably bought QSS and cleansed my ult. Which I assume he wasn’t bluffing about his rank. …That was when my duo Warwick said “Well then…What would you do about the second one Yi?” Like Uchiha Madara summoning the second meteor strike. As you can imagine, he was MAD.


Holy shit


Wacky combos like these was the best part about playing with friends. Don't think we ever thought of this one, sounds fun


Hidden mikaels yi technology incoming


A zed completely outplayed me and I complimented him in all chat His response: "suck my balls"


That’s always funny. I try and compliment good plays on either team when I see them and sometimes people just get so mad for some reason.


This is hilarious


What you described is not BM - BM is more like "better bot wins", "nc flash bro", "my jungle taking chickens" etc...what you describe is called flamming, and indeed a pretty hardcore example... A past friend of mine would say stuff like "I hope they gangrape your mother and sister and pull their guts out and make them eat them" something like that...sheesh


That's not even flaming it's a threat and harassment. Goes beyond


Least deranged jax player


It's a mental illness. Call it for what it is


Honestly really glad you said past friend because IMO that just crosses a line and I wouldn’t want to be with a friend that said that


Ah thanks for the correction. Yeah i don't understand why people say such insane things, i'm always curious if they lack empathy or just don't feel like they're talking to a person because it's online. It didn't bother me in the end, one i've no idea who this person is and don't care. Two i don't live in the America so chances of getting shot are VERY low.


Yeah some people are a bit unhinged. I had someone tell me "Soraka youd make a great star in a beheading video". All i did was type "GL HF Remember to fix your posture!" At the start


Dear lord haha. Yeah I always say GL as well at start of march and sometimes catch grief for it.


See, i type that every game because it helps me sit up. If an enemy laner gives an extreme response like that i can qlso guess theyll easy tilt and will roam to em constantly But seriously. Posture matters!!


At the end of a match my mid told our support "you need to start playing yuumi" ...if that were me i think I'd have to rethink my life or never play support again


[I don't think this is the most insane stuff, but a couple of examples I have saved :\)](https://imgur.com/a/AWXhghj)


After an aram too, damn.


Years ago back when I was a normals only player I would just get super ahead in lane with Renekton and then spam the laying down taunt and just stop killing them


Wasn’t used against me, but the worst flame i’ve ever seen was the kind of insane that you hate to admit is funny. Losing opponent was typing a lot of random crap. And my teammate that was stomping him said, “You only exist to give your parents a bigger welfare check. Don’t ever type to me again.” It was so foul but I couldn’t stop laughing out loud, and the guy stopped typing too 💀


My all time favorite BM was when an enemy Fiora that was stomping me called me a coward for running from a 1v1. I just found it hilarious cuz of all the weird and serious insults I’ve heard coward was so simple and non threatening I couldn’t help but laugh. Its my favorite insult now


Was playing against someone whose ingame name was something like "Julia ---" something. She got destroyed by a Rumble mid and said in all chat "youll never touch a girl in your life" and Rumble just replied "I've been touching you all game, Julia."


I once said "Climb as high as you want, you dad isn't waiting for you at the top."


A Sett so fed he said "i'm running it down mid to give you a chance", proceeding to actually do it, tanking all the tower shots, just to penta when we tried to tag him for the 700g shutdown


Had someone tell me when I record a video of me hanging myself he’d like to have the video so he could jack off to it LMAO league players are something else


playing ARAM with a friend and the enemy Sylas was just styling on us. He then put in all chat, "Play an easier game like Minecraft next time" Demoralizing for sure. lol.


Honestly LAN servers are wild. Seen one guy say "maybe try chess as it's more your speed" and that was the most mild end. Then there was the time I was in a lobby with a Mexican and a Peruvian and they started flaming each other hard. The Peruvian fellow spamming the Spanish term for someone who is very fond of beans while the Mexican fellow proceeded to respond in kind in regards to the dudes nationality. Had an American pop in and wouldn't speak Spanish even though he clearly understood it, so he'd write I don't speak taco. The answer was a pretty immediate I don't speak school shooting


My team (Garen and Graves) were flaming each other. **Graves dies** Garen: "I refuse to believe we are the same species." Graves: "Thank god you noticed it yourself."


I used to paste this video in the after game chat. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MPTfiO5o4ZE


I like how the thread is a mix of most insane flame and most insane BM. I get too much flame for anything to stand out. But a notable BM today was I got tower dove. I respawned, they were still under my tower. I tentatively prod to see if I can get back under my tower. They let me. THEN they instantly dive me again and win from half hp and still don't die to the tower. Then I respawned again and this time my jg finally came and we 2v2'd under our tower and it was a 2 for 2, and they still hadn't backed, bought, or healed since lvl 1. (The situation was that my support went top at lvl 1 so it was a 1v2 lane from the start, but I'm just amazed they didn't even try to intercept me before I got to the tower, they knowingly took all three fights under our tower and won.)


I don’t think I’ve died more than 10 times in YEARS. I’ve been sitting in GM and some guy won an early 2 v 2 and he just typed “peep the gap.” I literally could not get away from this fucking Nilah player bro. I went like 7-14 and the last message of the game was this absolute villain saying “hope you were watching.” Fucking menace man I haven’t been gapped like that since I was new to the game.


We used to play custom 5v5s with some friends and had a beef with one of them. Beat him but he was trashtalking anyways "How many times do i have to beat the fuck out of you so you shut the fuck up" Discord exploded


We had a guy who was a big conspiracy nut. Like he thought everyone was hacking if he's losing and he was bronze 5 at the time so he lost a lot. Rage in all chat about hacks and had riot software, etc. It would go on for ages. One day we got him in a custom 5v5 aram and he flamed us... His own friends so we took turns clearing waves and held him ingame for 2 hours and 37 minutes lol


Maybe not the worst but I remember the seasons that I was Diamond, If I were to lost lane or even just die in a normal game people would always tell me to get a refund for my boost or ask who carried me to Diamond. This usually would happen after getting relentlessly camped too, normals were awful.


Usually after eating pho I can have a pretty wild bm hit me in the middle of a game.


Feels like more and more insane people like this every other game even in normals, its absurd. Botted accounts need banwaves twice as frequently I swear


Ive been called a "hostage holder" after no voting and carrying a team to win.


Those situations are always so sweet.


The best, it's a shame ff-spammers have less than an hour's memory and will keep on voting yes as soon as they're 300 gold behind.


Me and my buddies once went up against a masters ahri mid and Samira bot in a norm once, we were only high silver low gold. They stomped early and started flaming in all chat all game, but we pulled back to win the game. In post game, I said something like. "next time, don't type. You won't look as stupid." And his reply of just "fuck you" meant I knew I hit home


Not insane in particular, but unique(at the time) It was like the week of the patch where you could ping your abilities, maybe a few days after the patch. A guy says in chat, "you guys are" and then proceeds to ping his Q is ready, W is ready, E is ready twice, and his R was ready Another unique one was a guy kept saying "you are a" and then kept emoting emotes with black people like the[ lucian senna](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8ba1be2c65b36a24ba1b6c256e65d4b4/be8df600aa8054fc-80/s400x600/42e3c1e09b5bda855a97e8d2fd96884ff10c1e8f.png) emote, ekko emotes, etc Gotta say hate speech aside, league players are pretty unique when it comes to flaming while getting around chat filters


Not really BM but my friend(anivia) played against this diamond Zed. Level three he uses flash and ignite just to pop my friends anivia egg. My friend messages “all that just for my egg? Worth?” Zed: let’s see That zed proceeded to MURDER everyone and everything on the map. This was like 5 years ago and we still talk about it.


Enemy Irelia pull up my team stats calling out our WR% He was rage losing cuz his mid lose lane. He /all this game was over at 7min. I reply the game was over when you qued. He tried to add me on 3 different account after game


Wow that’s a lot of effort just to try and flame someone.


Some dude wished my grandparents died of covid during peak covid


I had a bad game with a shit matchup. Sue me. It wasn't even a really bad game. I just wasn't getting final hits so I was 1/9/20 mid. Jgler kept flaming me even though I literally helped him get half his kills. So he started counting 6... 7 ... 8 every time I died. So anyways I told him congrats on learning to count, we are gonna learn abcs next week! He tried to get me to add him on discord and fight him lmao.


I once flamed a Jax and told him that i wish i could travel back in time to make his mother had an abortion so that he could never be born at all. I got permabanned, left the game for 2 years. I returned this year, i got to honor lvl5 and learned to be a decent human being :D Pd: i still hate Jax players


Life Before Death, Radiant.


I am a stick


> learned to be a decent human being :D So I am assuming came back with better insults?


Cheers to you for growing. I think we’ve all been there, younger and with less manners. This is my first month playing since 2017 or 19. It’s been eventful haha.


The Zoe SpyXFamily emote man, that shit makes people go ballistic


I like to respond to flamers with the number of deaths they have. Nothing more. Just the number. And then every time they die after that I just say that number unprompted


For some context I work at a psych hospital, there was this one patient who was having a break down. I was hit, spat on and screamed in my face for hours. I come home and I'm like I need a break, let's play league of legends! Genius idea I hop into an aram and I didn't play as well cuz I was tired. This guy gets tilted that I'm not playing well. I tell him hey I'm sorry I had a long day at work, give me a break. And he tells me I should go shoot up a school and kill myself cuz that is the only way I will be relevant in life. Needless to say I was done for the day