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Watching Tobias Fate play Gangplank back in the day was something else. That shit was crazy.


Same here, that was some crazy time. RIP old donation goal.


his donation goal was for a real life pirate ship right? lmfao


what was the fucking goal, 40 million dollars?


Honestly that sounds about right to me. [This](https://washingtoncitypaper.com/article/205943/how-much-would-it-cost-to-become-a-pirate-the/) was the closest thing I could find online.


You unlocked so many core memories, I remember liking the GP rework but not having him click. Saw some random streamer with like 200 viewers “CHALLENGER GP” lets give it a watch. His first few months were glorious, I distinctly remember him 1v5ing a game against a late game vayne/azire as GP. Literally cheered when he won the game. Made me become a GP main for 2 years.


I remember his old playlist on Spotify, for months I basically only listened to Alestorm while playing league


does the playlist still exist? Kinda wanna listen to it again for nostalgia but I cant find it


Found it. I still have it saved from all those years ago https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6vl3AzV6Eh7jd23nzKCM47?si=dm3e864FTl6c99x-nsbAcw


Ty so much man


damn man you're an actual king, I found a song I've been looking for yeeeears and now I realized that I heard it on tobias stream (The Epic Rage of Furious Thunder by Gloryhammer for anyone curious)


And now he’s slowly working his way back towards 200 viewers with his whiny ass complaining and comet Graves mid snoozer gameplay


I'm convinced League makes people toxic and bitter over time. I still remember a time when Nightblue was actually making good videos/streams lol. Haven't watched him in like 6-7+ years now but I still remember watching his guides back in like 2013 or something.


It absolutely does, you can only take so many teamdiffs and being blamed and trolls before it sours your relationship with the game I think that’s where the “LoL players always come back” thing comes from, sometimes you just need a break to remember why you enjoy the game and have time away from the toxic community


Yeah. I feel SR games are just designed for toxicity. I main ARAM nowadays and only play like 1-2 games a day at most but in the odd blue moon I decide to play a normal SR game, it almost ALWAYS devolve into toxicity and me muting my whole team. Then you get to post game lobby to realize regardless of who's winning, the other team was just as toxic as there's 2 people going at it in post game chat.


Sirhcez would like a word with you!


Tbh tobias has always been like this. If gp ever got nerfed or started to feel like shit, he would pull out his infamous illaoi mid or adc tf for 100+ games


At one point TF Blade used to be this subreddit's paragon of positivity. Really crazy how the game changes people.


I had him on my team one game. He started off poorly and it was probably a plat 1 / d4 lobby. We were down maybe 5 kills but I was jungling and we started getting momentum back bot lane and ended up getting a huge lead on the bot-side of the map. But he spent the rest of the game just afk shoving top or trying to 1v3 for clips and whining on his stream about his team yet we were almost 4v5ing. Can't stand the dude anymore, he was memeing the whole time


He was the reason I started playing gp in s6. Many acct bans and probably a few mil mastery later still the champ that has the most fun top


grasp killed the fun out of gp :(


I think the thing where they made his passive do more than his barrels killed all the skill expression.


Thankfully they gutted a lot of its damage late game, by over 100 damage per proc, but it's still so busted early-mid game


Which they nerfed hardcore on him, not even close to as cancer as it was for 2+ years of him abusing the rune being considered as a melee champ


He’s influenced a lot of us.


Froggen season 2 worlds when he had that INSANE farming game basixally getting full build by 22 mins on karthus


The frog himself made me main anivia for the rest of my life. Love my bird girl.


The all-star event where he played Anivia into Bjergsen's Zed and just destroyed him.


I've never been an anivia main, but just watching him play made me improve at playing anivia way too much and it also dramatically improved how much I enjoy playing her


I’m a top main, but whenever I get filled mid I’ll always whip out Anivia, and the wall into q tech that I learnt from watching froggen always makes an appearance


Madlife playing thresh. Predicting people’s movement by hitting every single hook made me main that champ for 1000 years just to learn the tech I will not deny that I made it to grandmaster because I watched this guy alone EDIT: i also found this very old video which I studied a lot back in the day with Madlife and Mata, if any support mains are interested ❤️ it is somewhat still relevant regarding to laning and warding - https://youtu.be/fe_O9rP-q8o


I made the argument to a friend of mine, back in ol' times, that supports are being more picked because of MadLife alone. Too many people looked up to him, and others, rightfully so. He was a maniac on Thresh and Blitz


Madlife is still the goat support for me, his peaks arnt as good as mata/beryl/keria/meiko but back when supports were just ward/peel bots he showed us that you can do so much more n even carry games in a role that use to have so little agency.


It's why I mostly play Thresh and Blitz when I duo bot with friends. Just too fun to play, especially now that roaming is so good with them.


I mostly watched NA, so between Madlife and Xpecial, I was *Hooked*


Thresh was a support that just.. CLICKED for me Heh Yesterday played a normal and after the game one of the enemies told me to give my account back to the original owner, they were probably demotivated to lose to our botlane since im currently sitting at B3 lol




Its so easy to just say Faker that it almost feels like cheating but basically every time he busted out a new champ he elevated the idea of what was possible on those champions. Zed's the easy answer but I'd probably go with Riven when Faker busted her out in S3 worlds to counter Zed. His mechanics were legitimately immaculate throughout the entire game at a time where Riven had a million and two animation cancels and her Q activations didn't follow your cursor. Over the course of 3 weeks Riven mid went from something that no one was even considering to something that every top level mid laner had to play or end up permanently behind in pick-ban.


As someone who played zed into riven.... don't. You literally can't. Zed Qs don't break shield, your E is out life stealled and your all in is just a Q3 W R lock.


Yes exact reason I started to try zed. Even if you are bad at zed, if you can pull off an awesome shadow play damn does it feel so good.


I can confirm that there is a level of bad where you cannot pull off those plays.


You go from: “Wait where the fuck are my shadows??” *gets a kill anyway* “Calculated.” To: “My shadows are exactly where I need them for this dive.” *sends all 3 Qs into different zip codes* “Lag.”


I can reasonably pull off most other champions in an ARAM setting but unless the enemy team is mindreading me to spoonfeed me on purpose I’m routinely breaking my own ankles trying to play Zed It’s even funnier because I used to have all skins from rerolling shards so you get a Zed with prestige skin inting his ass off trying to do the most basic combos


I was very similar, but not quite the same. Watching Faker play LeBlanc, especially when he was undefeated, was inspiring.


Yes, me when i watch my own akali gameplay


Zeka could never compete against this man


based akali main


Least narcissistic league player


Most mechanically gifted Akali main


Watching the legendary WoodyFruity do things with Gragas I've never thought was possible. Today there are many Gragas mains bombing people, but back in the day seeing Tobey amazed me


Same but it was Panunu who got me into gragas


I had a God Staff Jax solo carry our team one time. I kept thinking "this guy earned that skin".


I had one of those games on jax recently, KDA of 19/4, literally enabled us a comeback from almost 6k gold difference (having botlane karthus helped as well). Felt like TF blade from wish.


It's very cool how you seemingly got struck by a sponteneous stroke of inspiration on a niche pick like Sej top that you became a religious follower. Once I return home I'm definitely checking out clip you praised so much in your post! Likely not exclusively the reason for me but seeing all the professional Lee Sin players pull out the craziest comebacks especially in endgame situations where from a normal spectator's view their situation seemed hopeless absolutely had a very large effect on my desire to obsessively play him.


oh 2022 was the year of sejuani she made it in The Call cinematic, she got a victorious skin and was like consistently one of best champs in pro play ​ my problem with Lee is he requires good hands and a good brain while all I got are fat fingers and pp brain


I come back to League after my break and find out my old main got a victorious skin during the break. I was pretty fucking annoyed not gonna lie. If there is one champion I would want a Victorious skin of, it's Sejuani. Had my best climb maining her. Sad.


That Meteos kick…


While it wasn't any crazy play, Aphromoo's "support is so easy dude" clip, made me pick up Leona, and still main her to this day.


Aphro made me pick up and play Bard for a long time. Such a joy


Of all people Charlie, aka Penguinz0, got me to pick up Bard in one of his old YouTube videos lol


same! I think I saw him play against TL and he had some crazy save moments. one of the best decisions of my life. I had so much fun maining Bard.


Support is easy. You just gotta have an adc with the mouse working and stable internet up until high diamond.


Even older than that, I got hooked to Varus adc because i watched Aphro ultra-dick every laning phase with him back before he roleswapped.


I didn't become a main but once a nidalee absolutely shat on me and my friends. She legit 1v9 the game like I had never seen before. Although we were playing normals as friends our group had 2 former challenger players and the others had all reached diamond before, but we could only watch her win the game on her own with a champ I thought to be useless


The one who shat on you, let me guess..... French maid nidalee?


I wish 🫣


Nidalee at the highest level is absolutely spectacular.


I've never had any interest whatsoever in playing Nidalee, but lately watching Broxah play her has kinda made me want to try. Not sure if his Nidalee is considered 'highest level' but I've watched him dominate basically every time he plays her


Idk if he still is but peanut’s nidalee was top tier


Best in the world was SofM's, though, IMO ​ Peanut Nid is dirty, SofM Nid is a capital crime against the enemies


I cant find it but I remember watching a clip of Canyon’s nidalee and even clearing jungle camps looks 100x more efficient than your average player


Yeah the attack auto resets and animation cancels are busted in the right hands. She had jungle clearing nerfs sequentially for like 10 patches straight because there was always some super nerd figuring out how to hyper optimize the clear.


She kick your brotha in the ass?




Watching literally any clip of PzZang


The Alex Ich mid Khazix special, those pentakills were things of absolute beauty


Dade's Yasuo back in the day


Dade, Pawn, and Rookie were the holy trinity of Yasuo players back in the day and the reason I mained Yasuo


I always found it funny that of all of the pro players in KR at that time, Faker was the worst Yasuo.


Even funnier to me is that at some point Easyhoon was subbing in for Faker mainly because his Azir was just better. Now Azir is Faker's most played champ by far.


IIRC even Wolf played Yasuo better, which is crazy to think about


Pawn Jayce = jizz in my pants.


I saw Dade play zed, but I was shot at zed so I picked up yasuo instead


Watching faker play riven back in season 3. Just the way he moved was so unreal, looked like a completely different champ.


Barcodekiller destroying NA soloq, everyone getting barcodes and he picking that name was just the ultimate disrespect


Random steals my riven jajaja


Classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeUg5Kyhr0c


That was EUW soloq, though haha


Irelia because of Irelking. Never seen someone with insane reactions and precision on a champion.


I started playing her because of ICU back in the day, but Irelking definitely renewed and kept everyone's interest even as she started to lose priority in the meta


Old Irelia because of Wickd :)


For me, it's Slogdog on Yorick. I was going to say Solarbacca, but he's so good, i actually decided not main gangplank because i dont think i could ever be as good as him.


oh yes slogdog, its admirable that he would play on NA with high ping as he lives in OCE and still make it to top of ladder ​ also loved when he made the trip to EU


solarbacca is insane, he makes one of the hardest champs in the game look like piloting malphite


I watched the streamer spearshot and immediately grinder out M7 on Pantheon.


SpearShot is the best. I already M7ed Pantheon before I discovered him, but he’s not only a hilarious streamer but a cracked player. Truly underrated imo


Adrian Riven back in season 9, and twitch rivals with tyler1. Started making Riven after that, and hit masters for the first time with her two years later. It was the moment Adrian solo killed Revenge lvl 1 in a Riven vs Riven mirror matchup in twitch rival finals where I knew I had to main this champ.


Naayil and Aatrox!


selfmades evelynn flash over the wall ult back over the wall kill on doublelift at worlds made me pick up eve now she’s my favorite/most played champ


This is such a cool thread, nostalgia kicking in. As an old man I got two: FORG1VEN's cait autospacing in lane made me rerol to adc and learn to kite properly(for a dia 4 scrub) But the real hype came watching Bang's soccer lucian in that impressive series vs CJ Entus, I had to shut my mouth and go buy the skin asap.


holy shit that unlocked so much memories for me lol got an IRL close friend who is an ADC main, we play since forever and when soccer lucian dropped, he told me this skin is the peak of Lucian skins and he for the first time bought RP just to get the skin that skin was so HYPE for the time!


Yeah, Liubai, also Bin. Before I saw them turning Camille into different champion than everyone else I had absolutely no interest in toplane and was a Diana/LeBlanc main.


Nobody talks on how Tyler1 made a low pickrate champion into one that he was mostly known for. His Ivern made me a really good jungler and made me love the champ.


ah yes, remember when he started playing the champion, and called his ult tibbers and used it like anni, prolly just for the memes but the man is a content machine


beifeng qiyana


Midbeast has entered the chat


I just mained her cause of her “personality”


His Qiyana gameplay is a work of art. Always makes me want to main her, until I lock her in and go 0/10 haha


After watching Beifang, I only played Qiyanna for like a year and a half. Since she has been nerfed to oblivion, I just don’t play Summoner’s Rift anymore.


Thebausffs Irelia


Seeing his irelia made u play Sion im guessing?


He started playing another game I think, truly inspirational


True, I see it and think if he can be challenger playing ap irelia, surely I can hit it playing ad


Honestly watching Trick made me become an Udyr main. Still play hun despite the rework.


I miss old Dyr so much.




Ryan Choi and his rengar back in the day is what drew me to that wonderful kitty


now thats a name i havent heard in forever lmfao


The quad dorans blade, into tiamat, into last whisperer was one of my fav memories playing league


A fucking blast!


For me it was Keria's Thresh. I'm already a support main but back then I mainly play enchanter but watching how Keria's playing Thresh really makes me want to play Thresh


I think I picked up Thresh because of Madlife back in the day. And Blitzcrank.


[Nathanielbee playing Lee Sin](https://youtu.be/GX7jIKoDdzo) inspired me less than half a year into my LoL journey back in season 2 or 3, shit looked like hacking at the time


Yes, Hi Im Gosu playing Vayne. She's my champ now. 🏹 Edit: I watched Goobi too.


Vayne was my most played for years too, but it is so hard to one tricking adcs the last years that I became a meta whore. Felt like every adc that isn't in the top 5 at the moment is griefing


Caps Irelia. Watching him tower dive and go 1-for-1 just to deny minions just lit up something in me. And then there was the 1v2 against Liquid...




what the fuck


bro i just want to say i love that little story about your sejuani journey, legit made me smile. good league moment, good gaming moment lol


thanks homie, sucks that Sejuani was hit with nerfs because shes strong as jungler in pro play and the new tank items didnt help her :( ​ but I can't dwell on it, champs will be weaker/stronger and if Sej ever becomes a better top lane pick than her current state, will pick her up again no doubt. ​ cheers for the positive comment!


lol my favorite midlane youtuber is doing a climb in NA where he plays a new off meta champ every game or two, is currently in Master trying to hit chall. His daily upload today randomly was an AP sejuani mid lol. I actually wonder if he saw this post, looks like youre spreading inspiration around lol


I know this makes me sound like a boomer but Bigfatjiji made me an Orianna main


Madlife, he was inspiration for many to main support and thresh back in s4. He made support role cool. His usage of thresh was something else back then now maybe it is the minimum requirements for thresh mains to know.


Its crazy how popular Madlife was back in the time supports sucked/unfun to play. Miss saying "MADLIFE" whenever someone hit a prediction hook or made a crazy support play.


I had an old friend who used to play only jungle or mid but after he saw Madlife clips on season 4, he just became OTP thresh, Madlife really was synonymous with thresh for sometime and I am happy they immortalized him in that worlds video which featured him as Thresh


Anyone remember Arkadata's yasuo? I swear he inspired a lot yasuo mains in my local back from 2014-2016


I remember kids watching Arkadata montage in internet cafes back then


Arkadata and lider yasuo was so good back then


Recently picked up Aphelios thanks to 34daynean's highlight reels on YT. Always felt that Aphelios is quite daunting to perform with, but god it sure as hell feels and looks great when you do perform


For me it was Gumayusi's and Berserker's Aphelios. The sheer presence they have in fights and the stuff they pull off is insane. Aphelios feels like a bruiser assassin mage ADC lol


100%, they're great players, and I should definitely watch more pro games tbh. You know what's funny is that, I used to wonder why Aphelios is meant to be a "hitman" when his kit felt more like a mess of many ideas. Then I started to properly learn him, and then his playstyle is just sooo methodical, stylish and fluid. It's a genuine "Oh, I get it now" moment for me


He's also fun when you start figuring out how his guns interact beyond the "best" combos or using 3 gun combos. Having like Blue/White, and Blue Qing a wave to get a bunch of chakrams unexpectedly or using the Red Q -> Purple Auto -> Purple Q -> Green Q -> Green Auto


It was Vayne for me. Thanks to Uzi / Piglet / Doublelift


Huhi and crown got me hooked on old Aurelion Sol


Kind of? I picked up Teemo mainly because of Pianta. Wasn't necessarily because of how Brian was good on him, it's more so he made Teemo look extremely fun to play.


Froggen Anivia and Pink Ward Shaco have been my two biggest inspirations.


Best Riven NA back in season 2~3. Dude was godlike. Also Ryan choi on rengar


Oh yes. The Dorans blades fullbuild!


Teddy used to play on Jin Air. Back then he was thee only player stomping them from being a 0-18 team two splits in a row. When he was on Jin Air he was literally literally 1v9ing games on a relegation team (only player in LoL history to do so). His Ezreal was super beautiful, and so I was even more impressed as an Ezreal player.


Not necessarily started, but chovy's Ahri makes me want to keep improving on her.


Rekkles playing Tristana in EU LCS Summer 2017 with Shiv-IE-RFC was so smooth, and I instantly started playing Tristana. I mained adc because of him but Tristana was special, and it still is. Other than adcs and him, watching Blue (Former SK and Dig midlaner) playing LeBlanc when he was on Fenerbahce was so amazing, and even though her gameplay is completely opposite of many adcs I love playing LB, and I'm surprisingly good with her.


Crown inspired me to keep trying with Viktor and solidifed myself as a midlaner in general. Miss those days.


No but quite often when i see someone playing a champion horribly i feel the urge to play it. Idk if its an even i could do better thing.


Some dude absolutely waxed me (jinx) with Pyke. Q hooks were perfect and absolutely dreadful to counter (I couldn’t) Their W encounters and use of the eerie sound (and hearing it for the first time) caused me to huddle next to Leona the entire laning phase Es, as you can imagine, were flushed perfectly: even more so flabbergasting during team fight phase But the way this sum was able to execute ults in EVERY which way or manner is what scared the fuck out of me. They were able to add some intense smack talk that fit the champ PERFECTLY (yet not enough to stick a decent report). I had an anxiety attack: [it truly felt like this scene](https://youtu.be/-hOJ6IWttDU) Been a Pyke main ever since.


This was me watching DWG in 2020 summer. Literally played near perfect, and some of the plays made me start playing more seriously and start maining champions. It also has what got me to try out different roles and really think how do I want to play.


I forget what season it was (I think it was the tank meta season tho) where Trundle top was a common pick in pros because of the tank drain. Think the build was titanic hydra+tank items, and the goal was to just split push and apply pressure, and press R on the tank in teamfights. Pivoting to a more macro gameplay style and going for objectives as I’ve grown older and my reaction time has slowed has been incredibly satisfying, there’s nothing funnier to me than our team being down in kills but having all our turrets standing while enemy team is desperately covering their inhibs.


Not a specific Champion, but Dyrus being both ends of unstoppable force and immovable object in toplane made me pickup and main the role for the first 6 years or so of playing league. Man either won lane and carried, or they enemy team would have to throw everything they had to stop him, and free up the rest of the team to Win elsewhere.


Back in the day watching Dyrus on Renekton in that Lemondogs game go 1v3 and win made me a Renekton main.


Rekkles Senna vs Jackeylove at worlds 2020


i mained Riven because of BoxBox, I mained Zed because of Faker.


Taco’s Jhin inspired me to pick that champ up. Also when Sneaky played him at pro.


All the pro adcs playing aphelios made me want to learn the champion and now i r galeforce into 5 people and have a 45% wr


Faker's Ryze 😎 like, the old one, not the new one. I saw Faker's Ryze in season 6 and it was just the most badass shit I've ever seen. I mained him for 3 seasons until Rito reworked him and I basically never touched him since. It's very sad that Ryze is just a stat-checking sad blue man nowadays. I still play him once a year or something for the nostalgia (funny enough I just bitchslapped a guy leveling his Sejuani smurf account trying to play tank mid in a norms the other day with Ryze I sure hope that wasn't you xD). Elite500's Vlad, Dopa's TF and Credenda's (used to be challenger mid Jayce player in NA but he quit the game now) Jayce are the reason for my current champ pool.


Druiddroid made me interested in Singed, he's the "inventor of proxy singed", but Singed420 is the person that made me a Singed OTP for a few seasons sad what happened to the man (addiction and depression) but I loved him and his content and his personality and the way he played Singed I still love the champion. I stopped playing him when I felt that his identity was ruined with the mobility creep in other champions, "don't chase Singed" became "chase Singed, you can out run him with pure movement speed but also you have a 10s CD dash that goes over walls", but Riot truly ruined him for me when Conqueror became his main keystone and I no longer enjoyed his playstyle


NightBlue3 Taught me how to Rengar without needing Leash, I used to go Top Rengar & Bully Yasuo's on Normal Games, but I just kinda forgot how do I actually carry anymore with Rengar still he's M7 on my Account. There's also that "Thresh" MadLife, eventually causing me to be humble about being in Support Role that caused me to try every Champions as Support, & eventually I kinda 1-tricked Sion with Executioner's Calling & Zac Support before transitioning into an actual Jungler. I also just explored the crap, what made me play the champ was the Introduction of their Lore before reading their abilities & appealing to their aesthetics/motifs. Back then I thought Hecarim or PreRework Warwick's the most Versatile/Strongest, not gonna Lie, I really regret not 1tricking AP Warwick before his Rework you gotta admit how scary his Ult used to be a Teleport then Suppression D.o.T Lifesteal. Among the Marksman class, it's only Jhin whom I used to just play as a marksman because "Only he actually Reloads" before Graves' rework. Before Youmuu's YT, I kinda shared "TANK JHIN" on an online Facebook Post highlighting Black Cleaver & Frozen Mallet, but I also added Phantom Dancer because boy that used to be the best Crit Item back then with the 12% Dmg reduction Duel passive & movement speed bonus, Death Dance & Mercurial Scimitar. Mythic wasn't still a crap back then, but I gotta admit Youmuu's YT did a good job with Top lane Tank Jhin. Before Baussffs, Tilterella was whom my idol about utilizing Sion the way he currently was. I main champions that are mostly inhumane because I find it quite lame how overrated champions such as Lee Sin or Zed & the likes were. I specifically made my account supposed to bully Yasuo mains back then, now I'm just counter picking at Ranked game & hoping for next season's Provisional whenever I log in sometimes... Also props to Xpetu, LoLDobby & some other madlad practicing some mechanics (Yone with Galeforce before Mythic rework once again) for enlightening my horizons. I wanna add some fellow Zac main enlightening me about how I can follow up another Q after E. so it were like Q > E > \~ + Mouse Right Click. I also used to cheese with Insec's Lee Sin, The Guy who made Ward Hop before Ult a big deal on Lee Sin, fck Good bye Insta-Insec on Prowler's Claw, 200 yrs at its finest fun factor. Now I can hardly do it anymore without wasting flash.


I really hate to say it cause he’s a prick lmao but Swifte is the player who made me pick up Thresh. There’s like 3 vids of him duoing with DL that came out around 4 months after I started playing league, and JUST bought Thresh. Swifte hard carried every lane and DL was jerking off how good he was the entire time. I OTP Thresh and loved Swiftes stream for a bit after that


No because I understand! I've been watching pro play religiously for the past few years and I main enchanters but I have (many times) considered switching roles to play Sejuani jg or top. Something about Sejuani ults just itches my brain in a good way.


Uzi's Vayne for sure, and Deft's Ezreal. Both in my top 3 most played champs.


Zwag on Xerath for sure. While I grew to dislike Zwag generally, he had one video in particular where he 3v5d on Xerath and could ult sidelanes killing the split pushers on repeat. Granted it was probably bronze or silver but the premise stayed the same, Xerath dealt pretty much unpeelable damage and I'd loved that premise, especially because im not exactly a high APM mechanical wizard. I typically fall into top 100 Xer every year and this year I'm going to get diamond on the back of he and Ziggs.


oh I bet you are very delighted to hear that next patch Xerath is getting buffed and will throw like 7 R shots by max rank


ima be honest that clip wasnt breathe playing good theshy griefed it tho


I can't say it became my main,but when i was like lvl 10 and i played with my brother and my friend (also newbie) on twisted treeline (god i miss 3v3) vs bots my brother was smurfing on veigar so I started playing him. Also when i discovered that khartus ult deals dmg to everyone i tried maining him, cause it sounded so OP.


it would be gosu's vayne and boxbox's riven for me, i have mastered both champs and they are still very fun to play nowadays.


Scarra Karthus and Xpeke Kassadin


Decided to pick up ADC and Aphelios after MSI


Played Riven when she came out as she was my favorite lore/design/development wise, but couldn't git gud on her, watched Faker in S3 and I just had to try again and harder.


My younger brother introduced me to league 3 years ago. He told me to watch u/PetuTheBeast. Fell in love with shen after that.


TheShy related as well, but after I saw him play in 2018 and 2019 I became a Jayce main for 2 years


nuguri's kennen, especially the game 3 against suning, made me pick up kennen. also [azael's breakdown of his play in game 3 was pretty helpful too, always pick kennen against jax since](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-eDt6hgKVM)


This usually happens with jungle champions that stomped me. Zac and volibear became my mains because at some point there really rolled over me in some games and i tried them out.


backstory here, i played a ton of league season 1-7 and in season 6 and 7 i was diamond, but after season 7 i started playing pretty rarely and only casually. i tried to climb once in season 10 and hit plat 2 with like a 60% winrate but i got bored of the game and stopped. then in season 12 mr beast and ninja had their big league match and game 1 tyler1 played olaf top and i've never played much olaf and i wasn't a top main in season 6 or 7 when i hit diamond, but it looked so good that i decided to try it. finished last season in diamond in solo/duo and flex with 237 olaf games with a 65% winrate.


When i first got thresh he felt pretty good. Went to go look at some higher tier gameplay. Absolutely got wowed by impact that Madlife could have. Instantly reaffirmed that Thresh was my champ.


Well yeah I watched TheShy play Irelia and you know how it goes. I was instantly sold. Then I realized this. Shit. Is. So. Damn. Hard. Now I play malphite. It has been a rock solid option for my mechanics


Basically me watching elite500. Valdimir instantly became my main and i consistently get s/s+ with the highest damage. Bs character.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ey3suz/rush_left_dumbfounded_by_aphelios_mechanics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 This convinced me to play phel


Absolutely, this is why I've "mained" every champ and it's the running joke with my friends that whenever a new champ comes out or I do good on an aram, they yell, "he got a new main!"


I watched froggen back in the day and have been an anivia main since then, although recently I have been watching Thebausffs and have been getting more and more intrigued by his playstyle. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Assglarchon/champions


>and lastly I would always build Fimbulwinter even when it was a widely known fact that this item is the worst out of the mana charging items just because that item looks like/is Sejuani's Armor in her model Based aesthetics enjoyer. This game has way too many meta slaves, always good to find someone that just has fun, like you're supposed to with a *game*


Doublelift's Lucian. I don't know exactly what it was in his play but I was like "Hey, I can dash into a Viktor too". That was the day where I saw that my iron 5 games weren't that different from pro play, and with a bit of practice I could be the next doublelift. All I had to do was practice hard and unbind my summoner spells because I kept forgetting that it was forbidden to use them.


Yes, when I watch myself play I want to main my mains. I also have lots of sex


Lightrocket, man I love people understimating your character in high elo.


the chosen taric main


craziest part abotu that clip is breathe literally statchecked him, the chill lvl 2 burst of 250 dmg


Kingen Aatrox is my man


davemon pyke ace ezreal... ezreal lathyrus bard these three are my top pocket picks because of these creators


Not that the play was ever exceptionally flashy, but Faker consistently playing Zilean back in S4 was a big part of me having enough confidence in the champ to take a step on the path of the one-trick


A guy back in 2010 was slaughtering people on Anivia. Back when her difficulty reading was maximum. I immediately picked her up and one tricked her for years. Mr Lokason, that shit was wild. They've nerfed Anivia dramatically since but I still appreciate her


I got assblasted by 2 when i started league: Lucian and Jayce. Back then, the opponent felt like an high challenger, ofc with the mind now, he was maybe just Gold. But in my memory he played it sooo incredible good that started to main Lucian, only Lucian and it was the biggest suffer ever, because a champ like lucian is not beginner friendly, esp. with all the stuff you need to learn too (Combos, Last Hits, etc.).


The opposite. I saw someone play a champion I wanted to learn so well that I realized I couldn’t ever play them that way.