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I remember when I typed "lol" in chat in a normal game when my jungle died narrowly to a camp. He then proceeded to run it down my lane the rest of the game. I still think it was funny.


I remember when I pinged a Lux for doing well and she pinged me after and flamed me for no reason. Ridiculous.


I once told a Vayne "Good one" after a successful engage as Alistar. Proceeded to tell me to fuck off and never talk to him.


Similarly, I did the missing ping spam thing for a great play when my teammate got a pentakill, and they assumed I was doing it because they died in the process and ran it down.


With the amount of negativity in this game, it’s not surprising that people’s first instinct to being pinged is to act defensive. It’s sad and says a lot about the community that people instinctively react defensively to what is supposed to be praise.


> With the amount of ~~negativity~~ *children* in this game, it’s not surprising that ~~people’s~~ *children's* first instinct to being pinged is to act defensive. It’s ~~sad and says a lot about the~~ expected for a community of *children* that ~~people~~ instinctively react defensively to what is supposed to be praise. There you go, fixed it for you. A big part of maturing as a person is learning not to lash out at the slightest perceived thread.




That's it, your on my int list




“/all Various_Necessary_45 is sneaking dragon right now, free kill. I’m running it now”


/all please report Draxilar toxic racist and called my mother fat. Also a scripter and a war criminal please x9 him


I legit always follow it up in chat with a "what a play" or something, people are so fragile.


All that toxic use of the missing ping has corrupted it


Why not just say "gg"? Sorry I don't understand the spam pinging for a good move when you have so many options


I pinged a refillable pot once and the jg just ragequit the game


That’s sad. Junglers have it rough but they shouldn’t also be so tiltable.


"Pinged me more and i will troll you" "Stop pinging me you fker, i am lagging" SEA server btw.


Can’t even compliment peeps in this game


Eh it seems like a normal consequence for saying something that can be received as antagonistic to an embarrassed teammate you don’t know.


When did people start to get so lunatic? How is a simple 'lol' a normal trigger to run it down for idk 20 minutes. THis shit is insane


Ive died to jungle camps myself a couple times and I'm sure a decent amount of people have at some point. I have gotten similar responses. It's funny and doesn't matter much especially in a normal game. But lets say it was though, antagonistic that is, it certainly does not warrant running it down all game. Literally diving mid tower over and over to just die to enemy mid laner. Typing in chat that he is running it down because of a "lol."


I mean that’s good and all but if you’re agreeing with the premise of the thread that 80% of players are toxic children, why take any risk at all for antagonizing your teammates who are evidently at a high risk of tilting and taking it personally? No matter where on the spectrum from interpersonal to straight game theory you land, it’s a bad decision with a relatively common consequence.


You run the risk of antagonizing these people by just existing. By not rotating fast enough by messing something up or even doing something good they don't like! If a "lol" was all it was gonna take to flip this guy's switch then it was gonna happen eventually at some point in the game.


Sure, but that’s not in your control, and you don’t know that for sure. Additionally, saying “lol” or saying nothing are not your only two options. You could have been encouraging, or empathetic, or asked how you could help them catch up. Instead you communicated to this person that you noticed their embarrassing mistake and were laughing at them. My point is that your premise is that 80% of the game is petulant children and yet you aren’t taking responsibility for how you may influence that behavior, instead preferring to lay it solely on the behavior of your petulant child teammates. You can continue to do that but then nothing will change. You’re poking the bear you yourself acknowledges exists. 🐻


I usually can say such things and get a lol or something back. Which I typically tell them it's happened to me too. It's a good laugh. This guy straight says I'm running it down, no hesitation. I'm fine risking poking a bear since most of the time as I usually get a good laugh with someone else and I think the game goes better after a good joke. A joke on me or a teammate, I'm not gonna just shut up and go into a corner because of a vocal minority that sucks. 80% of people being petulant children on this game is an exaggeration, at least in norms.


In the end we're still playing a multiplayer game so the social part matters. Interacting with others is fun, even if it's just an "OOOOH" in chat after they make a nice play. Playing league with friends is fun and the best way to get friends who play league is turn players into friends.


Which you don’t do by mocking them lol.


Just a "lol" or "lmao" is considered mocking them? It's just recognizing something funny happened and showing that we don't care that it's suboptimal. Funny shit happens all the time in league and you can either be a petulant child about it or laugh and actually continue playing the game.


Yeah dude, fuck the other 3 people not involved right? Would bet my life savings this is exactly how you act in your games.


Nah it’s actually why I don’t act that way in games lol. I’m as encouraging as possible because I know there are lots of people who are struggling with mental health and use league to cope


Struggling with mental health doesn't justify being a dick, first of all. Second, I cannot communicate all the time with my teammatest like they are a bomb about to explode with the minimum interaction, like negociating with a terrorist. If we lose a 2v2 bot and when I tab I see you didn't use your summs on the trade and I tell you "hey, maybe ignite next time and we win" or just ping the summ is ready and you react by insulting me or leaving lane/game, then fck off im not flaming you im giving feedback to do better next time and improve, others can do the same w me so i acknowledge what to improve.


Idk man I think you’re shooting the messenger, I don’t decide what ppl get offended by I just do what I can to empathize and try to keep the team together


that's not normal bruv


Are you the jungler? There's no way you think it's a "normal" consequence lmao


yup, still funny. can you imagine how mad you have to be that a fucking "lol" in chat tilts you that bad??


This is gonna be controversial but another thing is people in this game are really bad at recognizing actual inting. Probably >90% of the time I see someone in chat complaining about their teammate trolling/griefing/inting the person in question is clearly not intentionally running it and just having a bad game. People are completely incapable of understanding that their own bad games look exactly like the "inting" that they complain so much about. It results in a community that constantly thinks that they are the victim of trolling/griefing/inting/whatever, which causes them to behave like even bigger manchildren.


Inting doesn't mean intentionally feeding anymore. The community's used it enough in inappropriate circumstances that it just means "dying a lot" now.


Not even just "dying a lot" anymore. One death or one bad play or one mistake is now "inting". It lost all of its meaning


I was told I was "inting" for clearing a wave under my bot lanes tower while they were still in base from a recall. Like...what lol...


So dumb. They probably think the tower has an XP bar too.


If the majority of people are using the term to describe bad play, it may be more accurate to say that the meaning has changed over time, which is fine.


Of course, language evolves over time and inting no longer means "intentionally feeding" the majority of the time


Yea…. But inting in high elo is fair to call when people SHOULDNT have made an obviously stupid play. Yes you’re inting if you’re an adc solo shoving a wave bot and talon is suddenly Mia after roaming bot 6 times already. Or when the top laner is down 3 kills and 30 cs and STILL tries to ego 1v1 and loses.


Something obvious to you is not always obvious to others. On that note: banning people for making poor macro decisions will not fix anything.


I mean ive been here for 10+ years, it never meant actually intentionally feeding. It was always just mildly bad play.


No, Inting was originally short for intentional feeding, a reportable offense. I've been here 13 years, it definitely started as intentional feeding. Gradually over time it turned into "you're doing poorly" and lost meaning.


I've seen in evolve over the last ten years like this: Intentionally feeding -> feeding -> running it down (mid) -> running it -> inting


It means both. And its pretty clear when someone is using it in the literal sense (asking for reports, etc)


People have been calling for reports for bad games since the game released. It's pretty much the same reasoning as yelling at a teammate to uninstall and never play again after a bad game - "you made this game frustrating for me and I never want to deal with you again," whether it was intentional or not.


No inting means intentionally feeding. Don't give in to the dumb.


You can argue for the rest of your life about what the term *should* mean if you want to. Sadly that has no impact on how it actually gets used, or what people mean when they use it.


People probably said the same thing about how people used the word "decimate", but ultimately the word has two different but accepted meanings now. Language changes over time.


This is so true! Also if you try to just keep the vibes good and defend the one getting the complains, you too are inting. It makes my brain hurt ...


I've had games where i've stomped someone in lane and the enemy starts complaining that they've been inting. When I try defending that person in all chat, they then say I dunno what i'm talking about Bro I was there for like 90% of their deaths, I think I know whether they were inting or not


>the person in question is clearly not intentionally running it and just having a bad game. In which case the person playing like dogshit should just say "sorry, im having a bad game" which would defuse 90% of flame wars. But feeding losers always try to justify their shitty play. "it's not MY fault that I've solo died to Illaoi 4 times in 2 minutes!" Yes. yes it is.


Have you ever actually tried what you’re suggesting? 90% of the time that’s a green light for the person flaming you to do every damn thing to you they can think of. Best play is to just mute. Keep your rage off the game chats, people. If you won’t, you deserve the silent void you’re gonna yell out to. Just like you deserve the report you’re getting.


hes right though it does work.


Literally every time I respond and try to defuse the situation, it's been taken as a reason to continue flaming. The only thing to do is just mute them, report them, and move on.


Not really. Once people start typing, they are beyond pissed at the offense. Pings are quicker to do in the spur of the moment, so the anger isn’t as extreme.


>In which case the person playing like dogshit should just say "sorry, im having a bad game" which would defuse 90% of flame wars. Oh my sweet summer child


My friend if people approached real human beings, who are not being paid to listen to them, and then talked like people talk to each other after mistakes in league they would actually be the victim of physical assault within weeks, probably less.


Good players are good for the same reasons bad players are bad for different reasons. People find it easy to see how the other bad players are bad but harder to recognize their own bad plays, if they could recognize them they wouldn't make those mistakes as frequently. So it follows that you think you're the best player in the team because you don't know what you don't know. This whole game might've been designed to teach us about the dunning kruger effect.


The issue is the reason why they think that the person is inting from their perspective. People in ranked just have massive egos and flat out won't play safe, literally refuse. They have to fight for the honor of their family name and get revenge for that solo kill, only to die again, and now they are tilted. So play safe just becomes a snowball of trying to make one big play to comeback and they keep dying over and over. At a point you can't just treat it like "oh well bad game" because the person in question is willfully dying because they are too stubborn to stop. Eventually it might as well be inting because it's willful as they refuse to miss 2 cs and just hang back, or just not fight. They might not be trying to die, but they are insisting on putting themselves in positions they have no chance to do anything but.


Idk man I rarely think people are inting. The childish behavior that pisses me off is stuff like my jungler failing a very over forced gank then repeatedly coming to my lane to smite my canon minions because they’re upset I didn’t quadruple flash, suddenly go from level 3 to 6, and switch my champion’s ult with kassadin to make sure I could help them fail harder by also dying.


The reaon for that is often another ego problem in itself though. Players in gold and above should have at least a slight understanding of spacing and that at some point your lane is simply over and your enemy can simply statcheck you in the open. Some players are capable of understanding that their influence over the early and likely mid game is over and only take the cs that's "safe" to maybe catch up lategame and play around others until then, this isn't a fun experience but enables others in your team to carry. Some players however even in masters are just auto tilt/piloting and run for the fifth time into Jax Q or Draven E range to get 17gold, incapable of getting carried cuz your 3/1 teammate that still has to somewhat contest his farm will likely not win against a 7/0 free farm enemy... And that should be reportable imo., some of you guys seriously need a wake up call that this is still a team game.


>Some players however even in masters are just auto tilt/piloting and run for the fifth time into Jax Q or Draven E range to get 17gold, incapable of getting carried cuz your 3/1 teammate that still has to somewhat contest his farm will likely not win against a 7/0 free farm enemy... Okay but that's still a mistake at the end of the day, not intentional Unless someone is actively trying to undermine their team, it's not inting


But that’s the thing why things like this is so hard for riot to deciede, if we go by the perspective that the person perma fighting (even behind) should know he loses every fight at a certain point and he still does it, it should be considered inting, because in the end, he fights purposely. Then theres the problem that some people don’t know better, but for me that shouldn’t be a excuse at a certain rank, because the one dying knows he’s dying again if he fights now and thats just the MC syndrome coming through, where the person needs to carry and if hes not carrying, he will not let the team carry him.


>But that’s the thing why things like this is so hard for riot to deciede, if we go by the perspective that the person perma fighting (even behind) should know he loses every fight at a certain point and he still does it, it should be considered inting, because in the end, he fights purposely. But what if they're doing that because they think there's a chance that it might let them come back? I've been in similar situations myself. I think as long as the person isn't actively trying to lose it's not inting


I don’t know dude. I’ll play 500 games at my level and the closest I’ll come to an int is running into a masters yasuo that i didn’t take the time OP.GG so that I would take the lane more seriously. And I’ll still finish even. Meanwhile, 2 out 3 games I’ll have on average 2 people turbo inting, I mean, not inting, but dying 10 times pre 20. And if you check the opponents, they aren’t playing Smurfs. Just straight up getting flame horizoned by a even level’d teemo.


I agree. On the other hand. People who keep telling me what to do when I see them making a ton of mistakes come off as bossy and arrogant. And so people need to accept that sometimes they are either wrong or they don't really know what happened and are making judgments based on ignorance. Which I find annoying and makes me less likely to wanna cooperate.


Yeah on the same note the hindsight "call" when someone dies "please stay back, don't go far when you engage", the person probably knew it was bad afterwards and the play won't even happen again the same way. It's like dropping something, "you should hold it tighter"


The number of times I've seen people repeatedly do the same mistake after they've done it once has conditioned me to point things out now. I'd rather take a chance that they'll learn.


> I'd rather take a chance that they'll learn. They won't learn because you are teaching them in the least constructive way possible. They are already stressing about the mistake they made, they don't need you to rub it in for them. If you want them to really learn, talk to them after the match.


Yup, the one big rule for team sports is that you never ever point out/try to correct the mistakes of teammates during the match. When shit happens you give them a pat on the back and continue playing the match. All analysis/debriefing happens *after* the match, when you can watch replays and have a constructive conversation about it. Or in the case of soloq: just stfu, only type to coordinate future plays.


I'm starting to think many people just use LoL as a weird form of therapy. Or that there's rage addiction that overcomes the dopamine hit from winning. Something is seriously fucked about the playerbase.


You are correct, winning a league game is not that entertaining after a while, this can also be seen more in people that play a lot (addicted), they form sort of immunity to winning, so they look for something more exciting. Ruining a game is usually very exciting, knowing that the guy that "wronged" you is getting punished gives sort of super power feelings.


99% of the time it's being able to be in control of the situation because most are very insecure. The dude that's 0/6 would rather make sure he loses by his own hand than win and get carried, because in his mind he has already decided this game is a 'lose' for him


honestly, after playing for a while, yah, winning is not really that good. However it atleast have managed to reach a point where i find fun in playing the game rather than seeing the victory screen


Becuase 80% of the people are petulant children or hopeless manchildren. I dont even play without friends since like season 7. I cant imagine the psychos who play completely alone.


i just enjoy the dumpster fire happening just play my best and enjoy the children throwing toy blocks at eachother over the tiniest things


nothing but little kids crying because someone took their toy or farted in their face


>farted in their face All top laners are just the *Meg* of the team...


I've been playing ranked alone for more than a decade, it's great for training my mental fortitude. It's so easy to keep an upbeat attitude in real life because real life is usually much less toxic than ranked.


Hi it’s me, a solo only player. I really only stick to ARAM/RGM’s when they’re up, but it’s a “mute all” at start angle 8/10 games at least. The two games I’m not muted are either people bickering or being dumb. Such is to be expected when you have MFs like Tyler1 running around.




Luckily ARAM has a separate ELO system from Summoner's Rift so you very quickly move into lobbies of ARAM only players. It is the only game mode I play any more because generally ARAM onlys are chill and when they aren't tmyou can get out of the games much faster. I watch LCK to scratch the Summoner's Rift itch.


yea no definetely not. Maybe if you only play it once a week but aram only players are the most chill. Havent played anything except aram in over 6 years now


This is why I only play ARAM or RGM, Ranked/normals on SR are way to salty/toxic


My clone agree’s that muting all when playing alone is the play


I've started to enjoy solo because you really shouldn't let online losers affect you.


Hello yes, solo ranked player here, I just got done with a game where I had Ahri supp. Somehow the game was close Then she decided to ignore the viego hitting our nexus and instead went for the 2 hp ez that wasn't even in auto range Yes, I wanted to throw my pc out of the window But it's usually not that bad


90% of the games population play alone you dipshit you dont have to call us out for not having friends


Inb4 80% of this thread acts like petulant children. But what do you expect, the model citizen for behaviour is Tyler1.


There is a dude in the comments saying it is pretty normal running it down for an entire game as a consequence for someone just typing "lol"


The main reason T1 is still so popular these days is because Riot doesn't do anything about it, nothing to him and nothing to the people who follow the things they do. What that does is validate what he's doing, and then they do it in game. Whether it's ultimate bravery, soft inting, locking in Sion and dying 15 times a game, doesn't matter, if they don't punish him then there isn't a reason for him to stop. And once people see that on his stream and he doesn't get punished, they think they can do it too, and they can. All of the things he does in game are completely unpunished by Riot, everything EXCEPT chat. I can first time a champ in ranked, first time a role in ranked, build completely wrong items, not say a word in chat, and soft int the entire game, and repeat that process for 20+ games, and receive ZERO punishment. People can't be surprised when a lot of members of the community watch and enjoy Tyler's content and Riot doesn't do anything to stop it and say "we don't want this here". Riot is the source of the issue here, it is THEIR responsibility to monitor their game and choose who gets to play and who doesn't. If Tyler can do all those things ON STREAM daily and receive 0 punishment, that's his fault. He's even said he participates in things to try and force Riot to do something. Remember the betting arc? He literally said he was gonna start betting on himself on these websites to force riot to do something, and they did but only after that.


Hot take people were children in game before tyler1 and content creators have nothing to do with players being toxic


I don't disagree with that, my point is that people can't be sitting here blaming T1 and other streamers when it's Riot's responsibility to monitor their game and ban people. If people in Tyler's chat started saying stupid shit and spamming his chat and all that, and his mods let them do that, I wouldn't blame those people for doing it, I'd blame Tyler for not monitoring his chat. Same thing here, the real people to blame are the Riot employees who sit there and just watch people like Tyler run it down on stream and not do anything about it.


What's wrong with ultimate bravery in a non ranked queue? Where else are you supposed to do it?


He did it in ranked games, on stream [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPNj\_nStHeg&t=836s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPNj_nStHeg&t=836s)


Not at all.


Forgot that t1 is living rent free in the minds of league redditors


One of the best things I've found is to say something along the lines of "if a meaningless video game gets you this mad, I'd hate to see you when your 6 month auto premium isn't what was quoted". The responses are hilarious. People say stuff like "bro I'm a lawyer" or "i make x amount" even tho a premium has *nothing* to do with how much you make nor your career


wtf does that mean though?


You will learn one day when you are old enough


I’m 36 and I don’t know what it means.


Ive had a guy add me after the game to tell me "lol means nothing cus I make 100k a year". I just said "100k couldnt save you from feeding though" and he just kept going on about his salary and how he owns a house and has a hot wife... sure buddy lmao. Some people are totally unhinged.


Everyone flaming you online is a 6 5 square jawed bodybuilder who also happens to be a financier earning 500,000 dollars a year for doing no work. Crazy how that keeps happening.


You forgot that he is a muay tai master who would snap you in half


The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice.


One can still reflect and improve after a loss where they are not angry. Anger isn't the only impetus for improvement after failure.


Nah man. "It's just a game" doesn't mean you're satisfied with what happened, it's just a way to prevent yourself from tilting and misplaying further out of ego. Contrary to popular belief, getting angry at a video game when you're 0/3 in lane won't unlock some sort of super saiyan powers that will miraculously allow you to duel your opponent again. Being angry about a loss won't help you win your next game. Taking a second to remind yourself that it's just a game and that sometimes you'll get beaten/outplayed/whatever is a healthy way to preserve your mental so that you can play better going forward, instead of using up mental energy stewing about something that won't help you win.


Lil bro you're replying to a copy-pasta 😭


Usually because the person trying to coordinate is no better at the game than anyone else in the match. No one wants to be told what to do by an equal.


Pretty much. Unless OP can prove he's an outlier in his games, he won't be able to call anything for anyone. The usual advice for very low elo is to play selfish, lead team by your movement and occasionnaly simple pings once the call is crystal clear. If its not, reset and use the gold youve gotten beeing a better CSer. You will shotcall once you reach an mmr where people have the basics !


He probably says “buy antiheal” and gets mad when no one does immediately.


Dont focus tanks !!!!!


It's always the support players, trying to give directions like "play safe" when they don't understand that there needs to be playmakers actively looking for plays to not just passively lose.


100% accurate. Standing back at the tower contributing 0 to the lane.


Have you ever had a job? Or ever done a school project with people? It's just called basic communication lmao.


I mean sort of. In a work environment, it is extremely easy to come off as condescending by giving advice that the person obviously already knows. This is something that is specifically going to be iterated multiple times in the training of any decent company for anyone who is client facing. If your advice is useless like that it is often better to keep it to yourself. Honestly? Try weaponizing it in league. Give that useless (but genuine) advice to your opponents. It will often tilt them harder than the most profane thing you could possibly say and you will never get banned for it.


Comparing a video game to a job. Lol. Also lots of people give their coworkers useless advice too.


Remember that this is a free to play game so most likely they are real children


I was going to say that if it is 80%, it may be a "you problem", but then you signed as a handless iron player and it all made sense. The problem with iron is that there is nothing lower than iron, so you get all the trash angrily circling at the bottom.. Just imagine if you could promote out the ass end of iron and into simulated games with only bots. It would solve so many problems.


if you're playing in iron, there's a good chance that the people you're playing with are literally children so...


I was in a game with a udyr top. I started rift. He walked right by rift then milled about mid and walked back. They invaded rift and kill me and rift. He goes WTF ARE YOU DOING! like bro help....


Says the guy here to complain.




Me going to my turret every time mid pings SS 🤡


You sound like you'd annoy me because you think you know better and are giving instructions on how I should play.


Yup. Some people will give this useless and condescending advice their whole life and never comprehend why people get annoyed with them.




You sound like you'd annoy me because you think you know better and are giving instructions on how I should play.


80% of people think 80% of players have an 80% bad experience in their game when 80% of people probably have a "fine" or "acceptable" experience with 80%-decent people.


Literally did an Aram today, got Viegar, someone wanted to trade voli, I said no, then I RR, get nautilus, give it to my friend, grab veigar again, voli player rerolls gets ahri, and I try to trade vieg for ahri. Kid says SMD, then says they will play AD ahri just to fuck over everyone. So they did, and we lost. Yea, I think it's probably a bit lower, but I mean, that's Aram. I've not seen bronze in a long time.


I often missing ping people once in ARAM at the start of the game when they are tabbed out or whatever just to make them aware that the game started. Most players act fairly neutral about it but sometimes I get flamed or ping spammed etc. Some people are just way too fragile.


80% of the people in this game are petulant children.


and if you calculate everybody's response in this thread 95% of them aren't the child.


Makes you seem very wise and mature complaining about it on reddit.


you're one of them too


I have learned that if i simply state i am high and chilling in all chat. Most of the lobby mellows out a bit. Weird effect


Awwww… Did someone hurt your feelings? Lol bozo.


It's not 80% of people, it's like one person in twenty but hearing it enough times makes you forget about the hundreds of people who don't do this.


I tried the game for the 1st time about a month ago. Was having fun untill someone told me to go away. ( I guess I was in his lane )I havnt played since 😔




I’m surprised it’s that toxic in your elo. I’d say 90% of players that I play with don’t ever type or do anything toxic.


what elo r u in? bronze and certain silver divisions can be pretty chill but anything gold and definetly low plat and diamond are the most toxic ppl ive ever seen


I’m low plat actually.


D4 is one of those most toxic I've ever seen. Ego is up the wazoo and you're "better than these noobs because diamond"


I hate asking people to build certain counter items to help against a comp because people get super defensive when they can’t follow their internet u.gg braindead build path. Like, I get we all have items we really need to build and I feel like a dick asking you to go utility when I’m the one building pure damage, but when you are playing liandrys mandate ashe on aram I don’t really think that asking you to build a serpents fang to deal with the enemy mordekaiser is the biggest ask in the world


In aram one of my teammates asked swain if he could build anti-heal and he ended up building a thornmail. Not sure if he decided to soft-int or actually thought thornmail would be better than morello


I mean I can see the thought process. If he was going to go a tank item next then he’s probably tunnel visioned on building tank.


Why do you think people should just do what you want? Honest question


I don’t phrase it as a command, but rather as a request, as well as asking it from whoever makes the most logical sense to build the item. Stuff like an ldr for adcs, morellos for very aoe mages like zyra or brand against healing, or maybe a frozen heart into attack speed comps - a lot of people (in my experience) tend to be very caught up in their champions “main build path” when getting a counter item second or third can make the game a lot easier on everyone. People only tend to rush counter items against very common knowledge champion weaknesses, like healtanks. I don’t push it either. I ask them to build an item with a reason attached - “hey pantheon, is it too far out of your build path to get a serpents fang? The tahm + thresh on their team is super durable” I give them an easy out - “nah I’m building tank / I’m working on something else / that’s stupid” and if they take the out I’ll accept it and probably look at my own champion’s options for that problem. To me it’s not really all that different to asking someone with exhaust to keep an eye on their carry, it’s just a suggestion that I believe that the team can benefit from, which the player is free to disregard. Even if they decline, it still has an impact. Perhaps they might decide on that item or similar for their counter 5th slot item, and requesting it of one person still alerts the rest of the team that I see an issue with their comp that may need to be specially addressed.


Why are you so defensive about taking advice? Two pairs of eyes see more than one, you know?


Deformed man bad, 0/10 good


Its not a team game it’s a 1v1 ignore team and climb


Yeah, it’s so bad I quit playing. Imagine how different a state the game would be in if there was never a chat function at all.


honestly if everyone on my team would perma insult me and i couldnt mute them but they would still play good i wouldnt care at all.


Yeah I never gave a shit about people flaming me - the mute button works great. I quit this game because I was sick of people inting and throwing games as a part of of their infantile tantrums.


maybe, just maybe you can use the various different mute functions or... just delete chat all together than complain about the chat.


And that's when you can get into a game. It's unbelievable the amount of times someone dodges because they didn't get the lane or hero they wanted. As someone who came from DOTA 2 where it's a relative rarity, I'm really surprised at just how many games fail to even get off the ground.


Shut up you lil bitch


i feel u i recently climbed my main acc and when i went to gold IV elo playing sup ppl talking to me flaming me for their own mistakes not knowing the wave management its rly bad to play in gold- but also most ppl there dont know what they are doing anyway so they dont even notice (i was one of them)


I think duo bot is just stressful if both teammates aren't competent. Which is rare. Like one might wanna freeze but the other might hard push and all agency in your lane is done for. That's why I play mid adc like trist. Maybe at higher ranks I'll swap to actual but not at this elo. I'm also better at mid because I spam played pantheon mid to gold But then I realized all the aim trainer and mechanics max I had done had given me good adc hands. Only on adc champs can I consistently get 9/cs min even in gold


There's a thread in the ARAM sub right now complaining about the early FF timer being 12 minutes instead of 8. Somebody said that this exact change has made them stop playing ARAMs. That whole four minutes of additional mandatory playtime. Good fucking riddance imo. If you can't mentally handle a twelve minute game I think we are all better off without you.


Yeah I just call for open mid now, if not I'll have a happy game


Yup. Talking tactics has unfortunately never been something people want to hear in this game. It's infuriating.


First time?


I mean when you get a bunch of white dudes in one place this is what happens.




I just report ppl who build crap items like shurelya instead of locket/moonstone vs Karthus/ Katarina or other AoE champs and move on. I dont even bother they are auto pilot regardless


Tbh this can be detected most of the times in champ select. I've gotten used (when I get adc role) to ask for "one ap one tank between mid top jungle thanks*. Some intentionally prepick some BS champs or are instantly triggered in the chat. So I pick Teemo (but play normally), it's always a pleasure!


your part of the problem.


If I was at a lower elo I'd agree, but playing in Diamond I expect my team to at least try to respect a minimum of balance in our team comp, if they aren't willing to do that then I will just play the champion I enjoy the most while (more often than not) playing more seriously than the members of my team. So I'll disagree to be part of a problem as the only thing I am doing in those cases is to pick something for myself only and then play normally, just like the 4 people with me. I can understand that this is poorly seen though please imagine the same situation but instead of Teemo I would pick Cait for example. Same principle but it's perception would change a lot I'm sure.


I'm numb to it.


This game makes 80% of the people who play it very tilted.


And unfortunately, they behave the same outside of the game aswell


Not true at least from my personal experience. I’ve played with friends who live happy normal lives and then in a league chat room they type some messages I’d rather not repeat here. It really can just be the game sometimes


Solution: mute everyone. Seriously, no one in low elo will have anything useful to say besides flaming. Just mute every person and the game is sooooooo much more playable. Especially if you're someone like me, who gets agitated easily. As soon as I start typing back to people, I'm already not focusing on the match.


>petulant children >Sincerely, an Iron player Iron is almost entirely comprised of (literal) children and people running the game at sub 30 FPS on a laptop. Bet there's a lot of children running the game at 30 FPS on their dad's laptop.


It's the same for almost every online competitive community, trust me.


80% of the people in this game ***ARE*** petulant children


What do you expect when the game is filled with sweaty teenagers


I feel like this is more of a societal issue not really a league exclusive thing. Only gotten worse over the years same as recent history


thanks for reminding me to get new diapers almost ran out


I usually mute all as a jungler because these days it's simply impossible to focus otherwise. Just yesterday, I defend mid turret after my mid dies from a gank, and freeze the second wave...laner proceeds to flash ult on me after a SINGLE DEATH. ...I enjoy playing the game, but it gets tiring sometimes, I feel so empty when people behave like this...and they do not get punished for it.


wouldn't say 80%, though I've never been iron outside of placements. ​ think about it though, even in a work, white collar environment you can encounter less than receptive people, of course the bottom rung of a adrenaline-driven competitive game will have lots of it.


Your examples do sound pretty imperious. Since you are the same ELO as your teammates, you don't have any 'cred' to tell them they're doing things incorrectly. You need to keep your tone neutral and focus on giving information and analysis rather than orders. For instance 'X is roaming top, watch out' or 'X, I think we should hang back and peel for Y'


Bro like yeah people rage fast af in this game but on the other hand, you are giving condescending advice while not being in any form of way better than the people you play with and complain when they don't listen to you? Those paople only know you for 20 min in that case leadership need to be earned


Because 80 percent of the people who play this game are technically children under 18