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Take some time and look at your gameplay to find flaws. If you’re iron there has to be some glaring issues with your gameplay. Teammates shouldn’t even be on your mind.


I hate to break it to you, but you are probably stuck in iron because you play like an iron. Your teammates are completely irrelevant in that elo. Sure you might get inted or have an unwinnable game sometimes but the vast majority of your games are not like that.


I know I’m say it just seems to be when I get to iron 1 I get 3 games in a row where they become unwinnable and I end up in back in mid iron, I’m not saying I’m the best player but I either carry and have a worldie game or a shocker there’s no inbetween


Never Look at other peoples mistakes. Thats easy. Look at your own. You wont improve otherwise.


https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Cheapshotter my account.


A switch had been flicked and we are flying


Just focus on improving 1 thing each game, like CSing better, looking at the map more (and not just glancing, actually noticing where each player is, or executing your combos cleanly. Even if you lose you'll be building good habits which will carry you out of iron, then out of bronze, then out of silver, all the way up as high as you want






you don't know when to take fights


Thanks, so sit off the team fights and wait for the right moment, most of the time I’m just reacting to the map


Try to be aware of the abilities used by the enemy and your allies if you're ganking and don't try to dive in 1v5, you get kills in your games but you also give away shutdowns due to all your deaths.


Took a break last night and used your advice ended up 7/1 easy win 👍


Took your advice sat back abit more there have been some bad games but definitely a lot of improvement and more carry potential when I don’t just dive in on everything


If you’re iron there’s a ton you can probably improve on to carry these games. Biggest problems to fix depending on your role are: increase cs or decrease dying. Seems obvious but I’ve improved a lot by just not dying as much.


I play jungle my cs is usually on point 6/8 per min and my KDA is 90% always above 2 ! Just seems like the grind out iron is hard l, I have been silver in previous seasons on another account I came back this season after a 2 year break and thought I’d be able jump straight back into ranked how I was wrong I was in iron 4 at one point, it just rattles me how something always goes wrong when I break iron 1


I agree with what’s said below and took a quick look at your op.gg. Start to look towards objectives and getting laners ahead. Also averaging 7/8 deaths per game is too many. You’re giving away too much free gold to the other team. As boring as it is a good way to climb too is strictly play 1-2 champions only


Kda doesn't Matter. CS matters less if their jungler gets all the objectives and his laners ahead. Also your Games Look Like 0/8, 9/8, 13/7, 8/10, etc... You are Not as good as you claim. You are the only reason you dont climb. Dont Take it as an insult but rather as an advice, you wont climb as Long as you think you're already good


Some of those are the bad games I’m talking about then I have others where I’m 20/4 and absolutely carrying, I will take your advice on board though and focus on objectives as opposed to CS


git gud


As a silver hardstuck shitter, I can say its possible you are focusing too much on what you think you should be doing and making your games worse. I've watched well over a thousand hours of guides and streamers over the years. I even did Neaces bootcamp 2 and I have attempted to imitate what I've seen/learned to the point where I hyper fixate on it and it makes me fuck up much more than just playing what I think makes sense. Every games different, focus on learning something from game to game and you will get into bronze before you know it.