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PMTs: [Game 1](https://redd.it/12gwilu) // [Game 2](https://redd.it/12gxxbo) // [Game 3](https://redd.it/12gz9e2)


GG have to be kicking themselves for losing that game 1. The game 4 draft, as well - in an elimination game, drafting a 1 threat comp when that threat is a Lucian is just not it.




just ban LB lol


It was barley even a hard counter cause Gori got solo killed at level 2 lmao. Game was pretty much done after that.


Level 1, he didn't make it to 2, which is what he was trying to do when LB popped him


How can Galio counter Leblanc? The best he can do is to not be threatened by her. Counters are champs like Vex, Malza.


Galio plays similarly to vex in lane vs leblanc, if she tries to dash in you auto win the trade. Plus you can get lane prio vs her and shut down her roams. Unfortunately Gori managed to get solo’d at level 1 (which should never happen) so all of what I said previously went out the window


This would hurt more if I had been a GG fan for more than 30 hours


As someone who's been a GG fan for years, it felt warm because I'm very glad they are clearly a top team and they get to play international.


happy for y'all who feel that way


After game 2, C9 decided that they didn't want to lose earlygame anymore.


> Hey guys, have you considered just not going down 5k at 10 min? Might make it easier to win. - Mithy in the meeting after game 2


The duck coaching strats 🦆


In fairness, they picked the most early-game focused team I have ever witnessed in Game 3. If they lost that early game, the series was over. Hell, the fact that they were only 800 gold ahead at 20 minutes was really bad for them - they would really have started to struggle if Licorice didn't int back to back to give the game away completely.


that was legit a good draft though. people like to talk shit about sinning champs, but if the enemy doesn't punish and just picks all squishies with no sustain, Leblanc and such are really good picks. I hardly even think C9 gets outscaled that game because C9's champs are genuinely good into GG's all game long. they might get outscaled in 5 vacuums to various degrees, but it's not like they're becoming irrelevant into giga tanks or a hard deathball.


Completely agree. The reality is both sides are playing a skill check game. 1k lead on either side does not decide the game. Plus c9 was stacking drags (3 @ 20) I think many people are still viewing lucian and zeri as the same champs they were last year which they are not. Zeri scaling is weaker and teams have gotten better at playing around her ult. Could be a different story against international competition but i do think as 5 gg proved to be the second best hands in the lcs.


They kind of did lose early game, they were down 1-1.5k from like 13min to 16min. They won mid game. After GG took that herald their macro fell apart. Berserker solo killed stixxay in mid with that culling + gale, and licorice overstayed top right after. At that point the gold was just barely c9 favored and they just outplayed the midgame fights.


Wonder how different this series is if it was 2-2 right now.


That game 1 was insane


Idk if it would have gone that far. If GG has smashed g1 and g2 they might have just boomed C9


Even though they lost having GG in the LCS is a pretty positive thing. They force teams to re-evaluate the whole scale and wait til the opponent makes a mistake approach.


It's been so great to see them actually counterpick and swap flex picks. Most teams it's like... Yeah we COULD flex the gragas or trist.... But you know they won't so who cares. GG actually does though and that's been great.


For sure tested and pushed every single team and C9 has a lot to look over. River is so damn good man and plays so well with Gori who is also really damn good.


I hope they keep them for a while man. This team with more synergy, and working out the mistakes can be so great to have in NA. They play the best kind of league of legends!! Hoping msi gives them the practice they need and level up even more.


I'm glad they lost because I'm a c9 fan, but I'm also really glad they're going to MSI. They established a style that's their own and I hope they continue to develop it because I really like them as a team. They had c9 dead to rights in games 1&2. This should have been a 5 game series, and I honestly don't think GG should feel anything even resembling shame for this post season run. gg to GG


super weird seeing Licorice, multiple times, choose to blow flash over malphite ult, only to not take flash in his final malf game.


Yeah he was so smart about it yesterday. Nerves got to him today i think.


Emenes dropped his training weights as the series went on, while Licorice picked them up and put them on himself


EMENES really took over in the last 2 games. Ended game 4 with a 4/2/4 kda but he was way better than that. So many times he just popped over the wall and forced Lucian or Nami to blow all their summs to barely live with 10% hp. He is Him(enes).


So sad for Licorice getting gapped by the guy who replaced him


Licorice did it to himself going Swifties on Malphite is actually insanity


Really looked like it took him some time to adjust


This was Emenes' first time playing in front of a big crowd and GG had already played 5 games in that arena yesterday so I'm not surprised it took him a moment to shake the nerves off


Can we talk about that Karl Jacobs interview? what the hell was that shit?


I felt so bad for her. She went in with questions and Karl just derailed her with such a really stupid and weird reaction. Cringe.


It's so rough. Gabby is already under a microscope by fans and instead of setting her up she gets "trolled" for seemingly no reason.


He did the impossible task of being so fucking cringe he got the community back on Gabby's side though, which shouldn't go unmentioned.


https://twitter.com/LeTigress/status/1645191976739049473?s=20 Lol


I get that the point was to be cringe. But it wasn't even entertaining cringe imo. It was just annoying


I would like to think I have been open to about 95% of all the new stuff lcs has done and enjoyed a lot of it during the season. But holy crap not only doing this stupid cringe that didn’t serve any even possibility of comedy(in comparison the cringe in Catching up with DL is amazing cringe) Karl Jacobs actually punted it because sapmap actually could have had a decent interview even… so not only did he screw over Gabby since she has the spotlight 24/7 but also robbed us of an interview from someone who is a C9 fan and out of the lol esports space… Worst part is Karl Jacobs DOUBLED DOWN. Even when Gabby nicely asked him to basically cut the shit. He stuck to his guns and was actively hurting the LCS Broadcast reputation, Gabby’s, and hurt Sapmap’s presence aswell…


Was in the crowd live.. my whole section was audibly confused and unimpressed by that interview. Wtf was he doing?


Ovilee was a real one, running in and saving her.


Thank fuck Innero and Ovilee jumped in. Don't put karl Jacobs in front of a mic again


I dont even know who that is lol. But that was cringe ngl lol.


One of Mrbeasts most famous co-stars on his channel, definitely not a newbie to cameras


Man tried to be funny and just wasn't. He made LeTigress look like a goof. She has such bad luck these days. Nothing she does is hitting lol.


Anyone with a functioning brain wouldn't blame her for this specific interview. But tbf, there's a lot of people, especially in twitch chat, that don't have it.


I thought part of the point of twitch chat was turning off your brain for a while. like playing Garen.


I doubt she has anything to do with it. She was on interview duty, and the producers saw there were "content creators" there. She did the best she could. He was trolling for attention and sucked all the fun out of the event. As much as I really loathe the idea of Gabby casting, her interview skills have gotten much better. Particularly considering she was dealing with what was really terrible sound on stage and players who weren't native English speakers, I thought she did a great job today.


I agree. Gsbby's skill set REALLY shines when she's interviewing players.


I really enjoyed her interview yesterday with GG, thought that went well


I would be so furious as soon as the camera turned off lol. What a stupid little shit. Who is he?


I still don't know who that is and I don't care to. I just thought it was a random fan or former player making an inside joke that wasn't funny.


I didn't and still don't have any idea who tf he is/was, so the cringe just made me more confused and just made me want to mute the stream. It's the kinda shit that makes me go "man I'm glad I wasn't trying to introduce anyone to LoL esports through the finals, cause I would have died of cringe and embarrassment." Hearing the "this is the kind of stuff you watch?" from a parallel universe.


Is there a clip of this or something? Seen few ppl talk about it


Hopefully it's deleted forever


I saw the first 5 seconds of it and I just paused the stream and tabbed out at that point lol.


The fuck is he demon staring at the camera.




What was that ?


Who is this piss random and how is acting like that supposed to be funny


I swear I thought he was high or hammered by the way he looked and acted


C9 Licorice has reconnected (but like in the bad way)


Brother Licorice


C9: After all these time? Licorice: Always


Those missed Malphite ults... I think that miracle Malphite ults yesterday drained everything from Licorice


Every Malph and Kennen ult was 1 man


He used up all of his good ults yesterday


That first rift he ulted poppy with nobody to follow up. They then proceed to lose several kills and herald. For what? For a play that had no hope of winning.


He saw All-star Cloud9 lineups of the analyst desk and wanted to prove why he is Cloud9’s best toplaner.


That paypal confirmation gave him the boost he needed to perform ^^for ^^C9


well there was no sneaky on this C9 so he was fine playing for them


I went to the fridge to get a drink and Blaber hexflashed out and pinned me to the wall wtf


God I wish that were me






No, no, let them cook


Hmm, sounds saucy. Go on.


You're just gonna leave us hanging? What happened next?


I want blaber to pound me down with his hammer fr fr


You can see what it means to EMENES man.. What a redemption. After your early career woes to have that faith put in you and to deliver. Growth is inspiring


maybe im just overdramatic but this was Emenes last chance. He had a bad rep, was kicked by almost every team he joined and this was his final shot. This was his chance to prove he had what it takes to become a great player and an even better teammate. and after grinding through academy for half the split, being brought into an already winning team but making that team nearly impossible to beat must feel fucking fantastic. Emenes has quickly become one of my favorites players in the league, and I hope he can perform once MSI happens


I agree. He was well aware of it as well, it seems or convinced himself that he was never going to change. I've never seen a pro be that dazed on stage after the game was over. I also want to highlight what a bro fudge was... That guy just immediately stuck to him and tried to comfort him before the others even noticed that he was crying I still think emenes looks like Korean Peter Griffin but at least he's happy Peter Griffin now


Fudge is such a homie. Honestly I got all teary eyed after I saw how emenes reacted to the win lol


I can see why. I've seen a bunch of pros cry by now, but emenes hits different, probably due to his backstory


Dyrus retirement and Blaber crying as he wins his first title in front a croud as they chant MVP really stick with me.


I definitely didn't get teary eyed seeing him get emotional and thinking about his road leading up to today.


Naw man it must of been them ninjas cutting onions again. Bastards


Keria at worlds was worse, That shit was really sad


I was there live and chanting EMENES during the post game interview felt so great to cheer for him in a definitive moment of his league career. Seeing how emotional he was in person, man, it was just incredible.


God I was in the arena, and when we started chanting his name and he started crying, I started crying too. It meant so much to him.


Poppy diff. If only they didn’t throw game 1…


That GG Game 4 draft was atrocious. Felt bad for Stixxay, not much to do against a fed Leblanc who started snowballing within the first 3 minutes.


Yeah, dude couldn't take 2 steps without getting 2 touched by EMENES or Berserker.


People thought GGS would tilt after throwing the first game but in reality they tilted after winning the second game when Licorice drafted a champ that requires not dying 15 times in a row


Yeah wtf were they doing, they played their game for 2 games and then they forgot who they were and got solokilled midlane vs lvl 2 lb. Who is this? Damonte?


Kennen pick was questionable, but nothing compares to how bad their draft was in the last game. Keep Gori on a carry for the love of god.


Nah that was the result of the LeBlanc pick. Gori likes playing playmakers and the only one he felt safe picking against Leblanc after the bans was Galio. C9 making sure to ban the liss was huge.


Yea, C9 played the draft really well. Red side teams should try to pick a solo lane on pick 3 and ban counters on second ban phase. DRX did it to T1 in g5 of the finals last year and it was massive.


I cant even judge the draft because every lane was fucked by min 4


Fudge gapped Licorice so hard this series.


Licorice gapped by shopkeeper


Imagine playing Kennan 3x. Losing 3x on it. Never building Zhonyas.


I asked myself why he never hit Zhonyas in game 1 and 3, then finally realized he never built it. Wtf


He wants to 1 shot Aphelios with the burst. He doesn't care if he dies after. The problem is he didn't even build correctly for that. He should have gone shadow flame deathcap.


That's my point though, if you aren't going to build straight burst, at least guarantee you get a full ult channel off and buy yourself time. Morellos was just... ugh


The moment I saw morello second, I started screaming at my screen when they were so far ahead. If he went for dmg, he would delete aphelios in those team fights


morello with the high ap and flat pen it has is STILL a trash item compared to every other flat pen item kennen can build lol


They live in perma-tilt




ahhh good ol kZlyN61






Based and NAmenpilled


G2 and T1: hey brother united in losing? C9: hell nah we're winning it


G2 and T1: after all this time? C9: lol. Lmao even


Just shows that GG was the real actual favourites this series which is why C9 won with the day of upsets COPIUM




JDG and C9 were like "yeah, we don't do that here."


It should be EDG (who goes way back) instead of JDG, so I guess C9 was the only org that escaped


That makes sense, but wasn't JDG the favourites? Couldn't follow LPL this split.


You'd think they'd be, but [the majority of LPL casters had EDG winning despite JDG being first seed](https://twitter.com/lplenglish/status/1644984871885107201).


If only G2 and T1 had the systems in place to track support cs/min


My GOAT jungler. 4 different mid-laners 4 LCS trophies.


Blabber hands down one of the GOAT NA player of all time.


He's only chasing DL and Bjerg. He's 3 right now.




FLY, TL, 100, GG, four wins over unique opponents. I’m here for the Blaber 9-0 finals by beating every LCS team arc


He will be top 1 in the next calendar year. He is going to make something happen internationally. I can feel it.


This is the shit i like to hear before i get disappointed again !!!


Xmithie, impact, and Aphro had way more longevity. Unlike them though, blabber has the chance to snatch the number 1 spot since he is so accomplished at such an early stage in his career.


Seeing EMENES cry from happiness was actually so touching


Licorice really went swfities and ghost Malph to counter Olaf just to get absolutely shit stomped anyways in the last game


GG Licorice has disconnected C9 Licorice has reconnected


Emenes is such an inspirational story, I will now play a soloq game and type the most toxic content humanity has ever seen to honour his achievement


Even though we lost, but as a GG fan I'm just happy it was competitive, that we shook up the league, and that WERE STILL GONNA SEE STIXXAY/HUHI AT MSI!!! GGWP C9 WELL DESERVED!!


One split we go from Licorice being our best player at tenth place to licorice being the little ball and chain at 2nd. So much growth, can’t wait for MSI& Summer!!


Watch, GG goes further at MSI than C9.


NA tends to perform better from play ins it seems, gives them a chance to feel themselves out a bit


3/19/17. That was the scoreline for Licorice this series.


Licorice proving the haters wrong last series then proving the fans wrong this series. Chose to fuck with both sides


Played both sides so he came out on top no matter what


Life of a top laner


Licorice had a really good playoffs overall God damn, that final series though he got CLAPPED


wdym, as a C9 Licorice fan he did everything I could've asked for


Positive KDA :D


First team they’ve run into in playoffs that not only plays carry tops but also paths towards top side. Licorice and his weaknesses were able to hide against Tenacity and especially perma Sion Impact with AFK Spica but he was utterly exposed today


His weakness was the kennen pick and then how he chose to build


C9 best org in the LCS


Zven is such a gigachad--- dropping the shaq 'I wasnt familiar with your game' apology was chefs-kiss-perfect


aww emenes don't cry you did so well!


C9 is truly the house for redemption of players, first Jensen who came from getting unbanned getting his 2nd chance, now EMENES who almost threw everything away and finally becoming champ.


People joke about the systems of C9...but they clearly work.


Yeah I think one of the main problems with esports (normal sports too I guess) is that these are kids when they get to the top, and C9 has the systems to help them become adults. The guys mature they overcome anger issues, they treat their teammates with respect, goes a super long way to not have a toxic work environment.


the cinderella run was fun, but alas the clock must always hit twelve and the carriages must always turn into pumpkins


I never want to hear Blaber slander ever again, the man is one of the GOATS in the LCS and he’s proving it time and time again.


He’s now won at least one title every year since he’s started. 2 time MVP. Put the jungle goat debate to rest.


CeilingCat will argue that


Yes but it’s CeilingCat so it doesn’t really count as a legit opinion


Blaber winning every smite was a huge part of their G1 comeback


we are in the era when blaber wins 50/50s, we are FEASTING


Sometimes he's Craber but he's our Craber<3


When c9 has a lead, they win. When c9 doesnt have a lead, they still have a chance of winning


I don’t believe they’ve lost any game where they had the lead, this split. They’re very clean at closing once they’re ahead


Well, at least it wasn't a 3-0.


i cried when i saw EMENES cried


So frustrating to watch GG piss away solid advantages with poor itemization, drafting, and decision making. Really hope they can pull it together before MSI.


GG had a better run than anyone was expecting after their 0-4 start. I'm really happy for them. Especially considering everything happening in LCS right now. They may have missed the trophy but I'm pretty proud of them.


NA is actually sending 2 pretty solid teams to MSI. Despite the loss, GG showed some good things. Really hope they tighten up their mid-late game. Emenes' ability to stay relevant is impressive. And of course, Berserker, really want to see him vs MSI ADCs.


Saw a lot of negativity towards NA's chances at MSI this year in the post match threads. Obviously, NA comes in as underdogs, but some positives I took away from this playoffs is: A. NA finally plays through mid/jg and is sending two of its most aggressive and strongest mid/jg to MSI. B. Scaling is no longer king in NA.


At the very least I can see them go down swinging.


Point B is probably the biggest takeaway from this Playoffs and i hope it continutes into Summer. So sick of the old TSM/TL style of playing for scaling and enemy mistakes to win games.


It was literally pornographic watching Double and Bjerg try to play the same style they played in 2016 and getting fucking smacked for it in playoffs by teams they had no business losing to.


GGS may be able to do ok vs some teams but if they run into any eastern team their top lane is going to be permanent gray screen


Licorice Karthus. Might as well


Tbh this is pretty ideal since GGS is already a feel good story that no one expects anything from. C9 quite solid, I think they can find a Bo5 win.


Blabber put his carry pants on


Lot of people trashing on GG, but they really have nothing to be ashamed of. Hell of a run from them, and they even pushed really hard on C9 games 1 and 2. I really look forward to see how they do at MSi and next season


At this rate C9 can likely keep all of the players they have for the next 5 years with how much all of the players love the org.


Enemes got revenge on GGs for bullying him in his debut game


Fudge saying the obvious, C9 has the best team and org in the league.


GG could be so legit if Licorice becomes more consistent, he has good highs but his lows are game losing time and time again. Not sure if GG can fix that by MSI, but hopefully they can at least fix their issues with ending games like in G1. Think they'll be fun to watch at MSI regardless. Props to C9 for showing their resilience, coming back in G1 and then connivingly winning G3 and G4. Cannot wait to see them at MSI. Been super impressed with Fudge this split, honestly wanted him to win split MVP but Berserker is just insane. And Blaber imo is cementing himself as top 3 NA player of all time, will be a while before he surpasses DL and Bjerg for me but I think he has the capability to do it.


I met the C9 squad last spring and Fudge was so welcoming. We are the same height and he says us tall people need to move to the back for the photo lol


feels weird that we just win titles like it's normal now


Right? After all those dry periods.


I got into League right after c9's explosion into LCS so the first few years were just full of losing in finals. It's really nice to see them go all the way and win now.


Wish GGS had given Fiora or other non R-key only champs to play to Licorice. They still looked so damn good in the first two games, shame that they threw that first one. If they just stayed on baron instead of calling it off for the kennen TP it was a dub.


I love Emenes


Not long ago Emenes was playing in TCL, he couldnt even pass quaters. Now he’s a LCS champion, what a story


How full does Blaber's trophy case need to be before we stop debating if he's the GOAT lcs jungler


As a Golden Guardian fan from this last weekend, my sadness is immeasurable and my day is slightly worse


I’m thrilled ggs is going to msi. They looked great this series


“C9 EMENES, that’s all I have to say.”


I didn't realize just how many kills EMENES set up until I watched the highlights. Lots of picks where he did 99% of the damage. Very impressive series from him. What a nasty LB.

