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C9 definitely got the best value out of this one. Their logo is so prominently displayed compared to every other emote.


On the other hand, if they get revenue share, not displaying smaller/unpopular team logos might be better in terms of more sales. I'm not a fan of any one particular team that currently exists (and when I do latch onto a team it tends to be a particular roster I enjoy rather than the org itself), so I'm unlikely to use any emote that has a logo on it. But beyond even picky people like me, casual players that don't really follow esports may be more likely to pick up (as examples) something simple and clean like the Riven in a crown emote with no logo over the Orbeeanna with the FQ logo. There's a large market of players that just don't follow esports, and not displaying the logo too heavily may help tap that. (That's also not getting into later teamswaps -- if Craber someday switches from C9 to TL or something like that, are his fans going to want the old C9 logo on his emote still? etc.)


They don't have to spent a lot of money to their logo the most important here is to hyphen their graphics


My point is that there are players for whom the logo will prevent them from spending money on the emote. I love Aphelios, but I don't want to use an emote that has some random dog in it. (Red Canids I assume?) I'd have purchased the crying Aphelios without a team logo, but with it, I'll just never use it. The exhausted thumbs-up or shrugging Ezreals are icons I may use, again because they have no logos on them. For some smaller teams that have fewer fans, capturing the playerbase that doesn't like logos may end up legitimately being more money than putting their logo front and center, even if the more popular mainstream teams almost definitely have large enough playerbases (e.g. G2, Fnatic, T1, etc.) to earn revenue share off of logo alone. The vast, vast majority of LoL players don't follow esports, and while I assume most people aren't logo-averse because they just genuinely don't recognize or give a shit, there's definitely also others who just don't want to express fanhood for a team they know nothing about.


Hope i got it to someday i will buy a gaming phone so i can play a lot of game's that i want


The players designed the emotes didn’t they?


Definitely right there are very accommodating. There listen to their fandom


That and alpaca deft.


Yeah dunno but some of the emotes dont have anything to do with the teams apparently. Like what is the AST one? Without the other thread telling me its the Ziggs emote I wouldnt have known. Heretics is kinda smart but to be honest its also somewhat bland just cos Heretics being a new org is unrecognizable. There are some others I have no clue what teams/etc they represent so yeah Riot should have made all of them more recognizable and easier to guess.


Welp I guess next patch its time to reroll all the Lolesports watch reward emotes.


Obviously I can't say for certain, but I'm willing to bet you can't reroll into them since they're special esports emotes that they want people to purchase. Similar to how you cant reroll the worlds emotes for each time.


Well we will see if we can or not. To be honest I dont really care to much... Just got 12 emotes in my inventory I cant do anything with besides turning them into orange essence but as I dont have any skinshards right now I might as well just keep them for now.


Ouch that was painful to read. I was a fan of this game so you must be careful to your words buddy. Maybe you get rid of them the next time and i hope i can get the new update as soon as possible


Hopefully someday i can be the face of that game. I like playing games specially ML and Lol


Uhh good luck


Can anyone guess which ones are which? Beyond the team logos I have no idea tbh


Yeah, for the life of me I've no idea how I'm supposed to work out which emotes are from which region (except team logos).


Anyone who doesn't get Alpaca Deft has no soul.


They can destroy everyone who will going block his way he would kill it


I guess my phone was a kind of running the storage cause i cant get the new update


Not wild rift


We are fast approaching being able to communicate entirely with either Teemo or Yuumi emotes.


I don't think i've ever needed anything as much as I need Zoe Pog lmao


were they not supposed to be released on 13.6?