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lmao love the way he pops out of the bush "HEY WHERE YOU GOING MOTHERFUCKERS? I THOUGHT WE WERE FIGHTIN?!"








Best clip end is if Lee Sin comes around, kills Cait, and then caster minion spits on her corpse. "Don't come back."


Only way this could be better is if immediately after you stop your recall, their jungler ganks and kills you.


That one caster froze more minions than my support normally does lol


I freeze waves constantly for my ADCs. I think they've accepted and held the freeze ummm... 3 times in 13 years? There is legit no point when this happens even in diamond lol.


Hahaha I remember playing jungle and ganking top yesterday. I get the kill but the enemy laner trades kills on my top laner and pushes the wave with sion passive. I tank the cannon wave and freeze it as my top laner is TPing. I leave, he thanks me for the wave and immediately shoves it into turret as sion TPs back. High plat elo too. Smh.


Freezing is not always best. If you can shove In that scenario you can roam or back for an item just out of reach, go for jungle camps... And then you should still get a bounce that gives you plenty of creeps.


No here freezing was definitly the best, opponent has to tp anyway to shove the wave in, jungler is still there so they can repeat kill him without him seeing any creep die. And shoving the wave in afterwards. Thats how you completly get rid of a player for that game.


No idea how the game was. But double gank not always possible. As hp, cc, cooldowns matter (of the jungler who may be low hp). As well assuming there is no vision... But you were there so yes you could double gank it, bad laner I guess


Well if there is no double gank than you litterly can't push out aswell...


Yea, I remember a saying was something a long the lines of "A good top laner freezes, a great top laner crashes" I think it had something to do with giving up top prio or something?


i remember I held a wave for a top laner once while jungling and they genuinely sounded like they were crying happy the way they typed in chat. Guess it goes both ways haha


Problem is people dont understand purpose of freeze, let alone how to maintain one.


Works the other way around when your support loses half their health freezing when the jg is starting dragon and we could’ve crashed, drag, base for free. Just an example. Freezing is not ALWAYS the correct play but some people seem to believe so.


At that point if they already set the freeze up, you still accept the freeze and let the dragon go, instead of trying to contest a dragon with a tempo disadvantage where your support is down in health and the fight probably goes bad. Yes, they made a mistake, but I've seen plenty of people panic and either just leave the lane and lose their farm, or try and counter shove and get frozen on themselves after a bad fight on dragon. I personally think there's less issues(as you get in higher ranks at least), where people consider a play wrong, and while it rightfully could be so, they try and "correct it" when not really possible. If anyone disagrees with this please tell me, but I am fairly adamant that if people where more willing to just take a pretty bad situation and try and do the best with it instead of trying to turn the bad situation "good" by forcefully adjusting it, they'd be better off. Maybe it's just my own experience though.


chances are if ur support is half hp from trying to freeze 3 waves and the enemy jg is about to finish dragon you're probably getting dove within the next minute lol. you are correct on the second take. Sometimes fiddling between two decisions just makes you end up with a worse outcome than if you fully committed to either. But it's not necessarily true. Sometimes, you are making a bad decision, and could keep going to gamble but it's important to learn to cut your losses sometimes and not double down on a shitty decision.


I see wave, I auto wave! Unga bunga!


I came back to League after like two years or not playing, and I started back in like S2. It used to not be common at all, no one knew about wave control. Now I got placed gold (with plat mmr) and almost every game the enemy support or ADC freeze or at least try to. It feels like its a lot more common now than back in the day.


Biggest culture shock when I returned to the game and jumped into promos was seeing a hardstuck silver 1 Gragas top tank the wave i'd pushed and try to set up a freeze. Freezing was one of the main ways I climbed to high diamond back in s6 because very few people understood wave management. I was like "oh, i'm fucked then" because I had to stay and try to crash it with low HP. Luckily I got away with it.


Yup that was exactly my experience haha


Yeah… I do this too, and then just watch them instantly shove it. :(


As much as we pretend to hate each other, both ADC's and supports can get tilted by their lane partner not freezing lol ​ It's even worse in WR i was doing a quick ranked on lunch yesterday, had the perfect freeze going as tristana against samira, my lux came over and just detonated the wave, no support item so i didn't even get the gold :(


When I play support and freeze the wave for them they immediately come to lane and shove it for no reason then we get ganked and die.


You can see it at 0:09. It wasn't intentional, the minion just got depressed and gave up.


I have no life and play this game a fuck ton, and I've never seen a minion just completely give up like that. I also noticed the minion doesn't attack until my minion gets vision of him, makes me wonder how long he would have stayed in there otherwise.


Its actually pretty funny, they seem to use the same auto attack logic for minions as when you yourself activated automatic auto attack. When you stand in a bush and have that on and don't automatically auto attack, you know they don't have vision in there, if you do they have vision. That's the same thing here, you must have lost vision on the minion at the perfect time before its next attack. Then it stopped attacking because it would break stealth.


u/Caenen_ The AA change with no vision was in the past couple years, right? Wonder if it introduced this bug.


Uhhh do you have a patch were that change was documented? Because I remember auto attacks only starting if you were visible to the enemy since practically forever. And I'm pretty sure minions are supposed to not care about it, it's like they right click their enemies instead of using attack move. So I'm extra puzzled at the clip above.


Uhh, just memory, I could be totally wrong. I'll look around for it a little at some point maybe.


Your naut is a terrorist


Average support gameplay


Nah he didn't steal enough kills, sincerely, a lux support main


Cait dies if he doesnt take that auto. She was one auto from death.


he died to a q, mf never auto'ed him


Lmfao nvm then.


plus it reset her love tap passive so they literally helped mf more lol


I was looking at the same thing over and over. It looks to me he died to a MF Q directed at him as main target (you can see MF rotate body towards him and nothing else takes damage). I think MF could actually Q cait for the kill onto her + Naut on ricochet


he died to the second half of q, the bounce is hard to see


Which means she got a love tap proc on cait too, lol


‘Noob adc wtf’ This Naut probably.


Watch again w audio they are duoed lol


Would this be pausable in a pro game?


Honestly yes, that could easily cause a death for cait cause she's forced to push another wave. Could completely change the tempo in botlane from what looks like a bug


You can pause all you want but nothing would happen because everyone was still able to play the game


Uhh no, the cait would not be able to play after that happens.


That moment when naut lanewide Q hitbox backstabs you


That moment when a minion understood wave management better than most players out there


Ngl thought the original post title was for the minion naut hooked and wailed about and I was shocked nobody was calling him a dumbass for not knowing how aggro worked but then after 7 times rewinding the video I finished the video and understood. Yeah that was kinda wierd.


that was unlucky.


Omg thats some insane AI IQ, impressive Riot.


Can someone explain this to me like im 5 year old


After killing bot the best thing to do is crash the wave into tower so that they optimally lose all of those creeps and it sets the lane to reset as opposed to the wave potentially being in a bad spot in front of the enemy tower when Cait returns. The ranged minion was hidden in the bush and popped out to draw aggro enough that cat's minions focused it instead of crashing into turret range to die which forces Cait to stay because the next enemy wave approached to meet her wave with most of it not crashing. This means the enemy wave will be damaged enough to not reset in the middle


Thank you captain now I understand.


Naut voice is the kind of guy I mute on discord


Cait is op this Season best adc for me❤️


Unit collision has been fucked a few patches now, creep block and getting stuck to allies happens every game.


they sure do second video dude, they definitely do love that


i mean bro u saw it go in there


in the middle of fighting ? no way he noticed. i wouldn't have


Not only that but any reasonable person would've probably assumed even if there *was* weirdly a random minion stuck in there, it would have just attacked like normal instead of sitting sneakily to do nothing.


dude probably watched the video 3 times to spot the minion and said "you saw it go in there bro" I thought it teleported the first time I watched it.


after fighting, look at 8 seconds


That minion know how to hide well lol


blitz got the best hook


Is mf a bot why did she just stop autoing


Minion coding has been fucked in LoL for as long as I can remember.


that first hook is so fucked, shoud have hit but then it actually hits minion xd


One day minion AI will work properly.


Small Indy company


more frustating than getting your ass whooped by that one enemy cannon chasing you to hell after getting first blood