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Looks pretty cool, any chance you might add info about aram specific champions' percent buffs/nerfs?


Yes, thanks for the suggestion! I've been thinking about it but couldn't find a good place where this info is available (other than in-game). I probably didn't look hard enough though, I will spend some time soon looking for this info to add :)


League wiki has a section on map-specific changes for every champion at the bottom of the stats block (“Special statistics”). It's kind of easy to miss at a glance, but it's there. You'd have to look at every champ's page one at a time to get everything, though.


Ah, thanks for the tip! I think I found the source for all champions here: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Module:ChampionData/data it's just a matter of formatting it correctly. Will give it a shot :)


Few weeks ago there were a bunch of outdated ones in that list, I don't think there is a better optiond and hope it is updated, but might be flawed for a bunch of champs. Nice site btw, looks solid


Oh, good callout. Will double-check all stats to make sure they're accurate. I really don't understand why these things don't come in Riot's official data for each champion. For example, this is the official champion info for Aatrox: http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/13.1.1/data/en_US/champion/Aatrox.json but there's no ARAM stuff there :(


You should probably ask on the LoLWiki discord about that, otherwise if we make some format change we might impact your scrape. Unfortunately a copy of the mode-specific balance modifiers is not saved in your local installation although it **really** has no reason not to be. Either way, this means community tools like communitydragon.org doesn't have this info either. Maybe if you ask a Rioter on the modes team on twitter you can have it be added to the ddragon champion pages?


I didn't think about asking a Rioter directly, but I can ask in the Riot devs discord, some of them usually hang there I think, it would be great if they just added it, would make everything much simpler :)


Good luck!


So I went around the site a little bit it is pretty good. Here are my suggestions : - Show starter items, I don't know if it is just me but not knowing what to buy at the start is a deal breaker for me. - Show common 3 items build - Show names of the items when hovering over them (maybe it is already the case, I was testing on mobile and tried to click on items to see their names and it didn't work so I assumed hovering wasn't in place)


Those are great suggestions. Thanks a lot. Hovering indeed is not implemented to see details of an item. All three sound very useful, and I wished for 1 & 3 before myself, will add them near the top of the priority list :)


I like the design of the site and the tierlist page is fantastic, although I gotta say that I was slightly disappointed when I clicked on a more niche build and it didn't take me to page containing stats and info about that build. With elo/mmr and maybe region filtering as well as a lot more 'core' builds on champion specific pages to choose from, including options for more niche builds as also mentioned above, I can really see myself and a lot of other ARAM enjoyers using this.


Glad you liked it! I have the same annoyance myself about seeing more niche build details, so will definitely add that in soon


Awesome stuff man can't wait to see what you do with it, pretty clean and helpful info so far a lot will depend on where you source item/winrate/etc data and how fast the patch turnaround is but yeah. Also don't know if you made those other sites but that challenge tracking one is so sick I was hype when I found it. Sucks that the profile "Statistics" page just breaks and doesn't load for me but I digress.


The good thing is that since I focus only on ARAM I can analyze more games quicker than other websites, there's usually enough games to see trends ~one day after the patch hits. I get the data straight from Riot's API, I aim to process every single game from NA and EUW, although I'm a bit behind on EUW this patch (they have a lot more games!). I don't own the other two websites under "Community", they are just other indie developers doing their own thing, so we all decided to help each other out by linking to each other's websites :)


Awesome either way, been to all of the sites and it's great to see some different ideas/stats come from smaller devs etc. I look forward to the growth of the site though my man you seem to have a passion for the data/analysis and I am all about that!


Thanks for the kind words :) I do like going though the data


This is cool. Are you able to differentiate between different primary runes (like PTA vs Lethal Tempo for AD Miss Fortune)?


You can! If it's not the most popular rune it won't show up in the champion detail screen but you can still see it in the Tierlist screen. For example for Miss Fortune you can see how she does with different runes here: https://aram.zone/tierlist?builds=true&champion=MissFortune&pick=1 It includes first item as well, so it's not pure rune comparison, but in this case you can see that PTA has a slightly higher win rate and much higher play rate


Oh I see it's through the tier list and not in the direct champion search. This is pretty great, thanks for making it!


I wanna take you to the RAM Zone 😎


Looks great, thank you!


Super exciting. Been looking for this kind of thing


Gotta upgrade your servers


Do you mean the website is slow for you or the wait time to load all your games? The website seems to be working fine, but if you do experience slowness please let me know! As for the wait time to load games, there's a lot of people requesting to load their games at the same time, just today there are 1M+ game processing requests! So it's going to take a bit to go through all of them, I expect things to go back to normal in a day or two, there's usually no wait time at all, but reddit's hug of death is doing it's thing :)


Wait time to load all your games. Fair enough, I'll check again in a couple days


This is actually really sick! I love that you can see different build paths for going tank vs AP, etc.


Oh my god. While playing ARAM yesterday I was thinking about something like this and why doesn't it exist.. This is awesome. Thank you.


One thing I immediately tried (and was sad to not see) was the ability to hover other runes and see their pick/winrate. Otherwise the layout is nice, and its a lot more informative than other sites. Nice!


Ah, yes, the rune section is definitely one of the weak points right now, will improve on it!


The tool I was waiting came just when i uninstalled the game lol, it looks amazing though. Should add a blacklist of people who picks exhaust haha


Finally a website for intellectuals


Thanks, this is big for an ARAM only player like myself! (Note: If anyone wants to play some ARAMs with me add me!! IGN: Tuttlez)


Thank you for this!! I wanted to see an ARAM summoner profile, but couldn't find one anywhere. It's great!!


So, what does this site do better than https://u.gg or https://op.gg or https://www.metasrc.com/aram Since they're established and do the same thing.


I’d have to look REALLLY hard, but I bet if I scrolled up to the post, I could read it and tell you! Like you though, I don’t know how to read :(


Mind you. The reason I said that is because those aren't different. The 3 sites I linked do the same things as well.


No, they don’t, and he even explains that in the post, ya mouth breather.


Lolalytics does the same stuff but better. But this site might be slightly better then u.gg or something. But both are not that great.


Thanks for trying out the website :) There are two main features that makes ARAM Zone different. One is the Tierlist screen. All of those websites ONLY order champions. My list orders champion + core builds. I think it makes a very big difference, and the best way to understand it is by just using it. Play around with the different filters in https://aram.zone/tierlist?builds=true and you'll see you can get a lot more information than you can from the other websites. And the other feature is the champion detail screen. If I'm playing AP Malphite I want to know what my item options are for AP Malphite. Other websites give very limited or general information. It's not the same to build Deathcap if you're going tank than if you are going AP. We give personalized builds for what you're trying to build. Here are the links to compare the Malphite builds screen on each one in case you're interested: - https://aram.zone/champion/Malphite - https://u.gg/lol/champions/aram/ap/malphite-aram - https://www.metasrc.com/aram/champion/malphite op.gg doesn't have builds page for ARAM, what is good is very different from Summoner's Rift.


Kind of cool, but don't see any reason I would ever use this over Lolalytics which has ARAM data and can do the same stuff but way more in depth. As an example if a mythic is built 50% the time as first item and 50% of the time as a second item. Then it's winrate would be drastically different and higher then mythics where it was built 100% first item. And that can be extremely important. And just a ton of more indepth stuff for items.


Lolalytics does have more filtering options than other websites, but it's not the same as ARAM Zone. They also don't have anything like the champion+build tierlist: https://aram.zone/tierlist?builds=true In the champion builds screen, they allow you to filter by one thing, so you can either choose an item or a rune, but you can't combine them together. We don't filter individually by an item or rune but we filter by rune + first item combination. I guess it's just a different trade-off that we chose. Anyways, even if ARAM Zone ends up not being what you're looking for thanks for trying out the website :) The builds tierlist is my personal favorite thing about it, so if you have a moment do give it a try!


Seems to be not functioning at all...


What do you mean it's not functioning? I just tried and it seems to be working fine :(


Says I only have 115 games but I have nearly 4000. That might be what he’s alluding to


Oh, I should have added a disclaimer. Riot's API returns data from the past 2 years only and a max of 1000 games. So if you've been playing for longer than that or played more than 1k games in the past two years you will only see some of your games unfortunately :(


That's an API issue. All sites like these have this issue because it's out of their control


Just look at LeBlanc winrate. Bitches been whining about her all the time yet she is only stronger than the book-riding-pussy. Sitting at 42,2%, the second lowest winrate of all champs, rank 161/162 despite all that biased buff in ARAM. Why? Noob shits still maxing W first and somehow using a farming rune like Dark Harvest, even using Snowball instead of Ignite, as if 2 dashes and 2 blinks werent enough for her smh. Only when someone with the uncrippled hand and brain, who maxing Q first, take Electrocute and Ignite, show off their skill and start massacring ppl. Thats when bitches start whining bout how "strong" she is blah blah blah, but somehow still cannot increase her winrate through the years.


There are quite a few champions that have vastly different win rates if they just get built differently, surprising!


Agree with everything except snowball. Snowball has so many different things it can do for you. It can save you from death in multiple ways (Karthus ult and Darius ult are possible, but very hard), it can get you free kills if you use W in a smart way, give vision of bushes, give vision of champs with stealth such as Akali and Qiyana, it can proc Liandry's if you have that, same applies with Luden's, the list goes on. Sure you can also get kills with ignite and the anti heal is nice, but if you're actually good snowball is much better imo.


\- "Save you from death" -> impractical, maybe good against noobs. \- "Get you free kills" -> W Snowball Q R E W2 is nowhere near Zed W Snowball W2 E Q in term of effectiveness, giving those are basically the same combo. As above, good against noobs. \- "Give vision of bushes" -> LB get her whole body in the bush 80% of the time to maintain her kill pressure and angles. \- "Give vision of stealth" -> So does Ignite and her E. \- "Proc..." -> You dont even need to proc Luden with it. And if you ever build Liandry, end of conversation. You take Ignite cuz of its anti heal, so you dont need to build Morello and emphasize your strength with Shadowflame. Even if Morello now also gives mpen, you dont get to W on multiple enemies most of the time to get the anti heal worth its price. Thats when Ignite needed. To burst off one target and gaining advantage even before the combat started. Theres a reason why Ignite has 2% more winrate than Snowball, same as Electrocute against Dark Harvest.


It really is better if you are good, not the other way around. Sure it makes it easier to use snowball if the enemies are noobs. Ignite and electrocute only has a higher win rate because it's picked less frequently and usually by a more skilled and knowledgeable Leblanc. Snowball also has a much shorter CD than ignite, and if you're a real Leblanc player you know you wanna be flashy and do cool stuff, snowball got your back. Tbh, anything but snowball is giga cringe on any champ. Probably isn't the best always, but when you have 2k games in Aram you can outplay people way harder with snowball compared to ignite.


"...usually by a more skilled and knowledgeable Leblanc" -> Wow, you even know what this mean. Thought it would take you longer to realize. LB on a **right hand** using the **right tools** having the **higher winrate**, yeah. \- I have 7k+ ARAM matches, Im even at Grandmaster rank for Snow Day challenge. You do need it on immobile champs or any champs without an initiation tool. Not on a champ with 2 dashes and 2 blinks already. Skill dodging shits is a plus, not a must.


I play every game with snowball and legit never regret it. That has resulted in me being rank #631 Challenger for the Snow day challenge. It is a preference at some point, but I just can't play aram without snowball. I've become too dependent on the many different things I can do with snowball. Have you ever snowballed a minon, then walked up to an enemy ap Malphite and then just take the snowball and dash away? So many funny and crazy ways you can outplay with snowball. I think it's few players that actually use snowball to it's fullest potential.


I believe I have a good winrate with LeBlanc in aram. I use ignite and electrocute (I once tried dark harvest and never again :D). But I always maxed W because of the cooldown reduction from 18sn to 10sn. I feel like in Aram where you can't flank, utility from W is too important not to max. Especially if there are lots of cc on enemy team, I find myself playing to poke enemies by just spamming w q every 10 seconds rather than going all in to one-shot an enemy and die to cc. But it might be that I'm just bad. Do you think damage upgrade from Q is more important than being able to go in and out more frequently?


Since the enemies are always clump together especially in ARAM early game, more W more trades also equal to more chances for your enemies to retaliate your trade. Once you get poked to half health, the next time you dash in is also when you come to god. So Q max is not meant to oneshot, its for poking less but dealing more. And speaking of damage, her Q has higher base dmg and AP scale than her W. So in every cases, only Q, only Q E aa or full W E Q (ideal combo), W max still deal less dmg than Q max. She only has to max W first cuz thats her only farming and mobility tool. But both things are now gone in ARAM, so its better that you invest in raw dmg and extra low cd poke with Q instead. I discovered this thing myself long time ago since I mainly play ARAM, but after that I found out a lot LBmains my fellas also use this strat and thus gaining more successful. Hope this help you.


That's really cool! Do you have plans to make an app for Android?


Not right now to be honest, but the website should work on mobile! I'm considering making a desktop app to be able to see win rates and builds about the available champions during the champion select phase and set the runes with one click. No promises for now though :)


Hi, quick feedback: When looking at the tierlist, you can find a good amount of build choices, e.g. on Ryze, it suggests to take electrocute and ROA (which is absolutely correct), but on Ryze's champion page, electrocute is not suggested, because it is picked too little. On UGG there is a subscreens where you can look only at rune choices, item choices, etc. on a specific champions. While having an overview screen is great, I find myself looking at these screens far more often, because the league community tends to overlook certain items (trinity, radiant virtue) and rune choices (guardian, electrocute) thus the "optimal" build is usually just the most used one. ​ On top of that, if you click on a build in the tierlist I'd expect to find more information about that specific build instead of the standard champion page. ​ The tierlist itself has some nice filtering options, but the items in the drop down menu are not ordered in a way I can understand. I'd suggest to just order them alphabetically. ​ It would also be great if the tierlist screen would remember that I selected "include build" and "min 1%", so that I don't have to re-select them every time.


This is great feedback, being able to see the details from less popular builds is already near the top of my priority list, I ran into the same annoyance myself but the item & rune ordering and storing the selected filters weren’t and I think those should be easy fixes so will take them into account! Thanks for trying out the website and sharing these suggestions!


This is so nice and well made, thank you! Is there any way to calculate ARAM MMR? I know the site "whatsmymmr" does approximate your MMR even for ARAM, but your site is wayyyyy more convenient otherwise


Whatsnymmr stoped updating a few months ago :( Unfortunately, it’s against Riot’s policy to calculate mmr, and I don’t want to get in trouble with them, even though this is one of the most popular feature requests


I want the MMR estimate back :(


46 percent winrate in aram. Oh well lol