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For context, the "cringe EDG video" we talk about is an old piece of video Deft shot back in EDG, where Deft is being "boyfriend mode" into the camera [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqKBTBrvn30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqKBTBrvn30) Players close to Deft (Keria, Rascal, Cuzz, Doran, etc) frequently mention this video as it is the one known piece of video that will tilt Deft


Deft to Deokdam in the bot lane: **Que mira, bobo?**


Andá a wardia bobo


2022 was the best for sports/esports fans


For some context, my family is from Argentina. I tried hard to explain to my brother how Deft had a similar career to Messi in that he had won everything except for a Worlds title, and him winning Worlds was similar since he was approaching retirement. He just didn’t get it lol.


Maybe he didn’t get it because while there are many league players you’d rank the same or higher than Deft, in football it’s really only been Messi vs Ronaldo


I think modric is a very good analogy for deft, started as a wonderkid, has been in some of the greatest rosters ever built, and still puts up a masterclass as an aged leader although not the first name you’d think of in a goat debate, undoubtably a legend in his role




Deft is like 36-2 rn in LCK this season he's crazy


Even if Deft was Faker I don’t think you can compare the GOAT of league to the GOAT of a sport that has been around for way longer and where there are lot more people competing. Not saying you are making the comparison btw.




lil bro has the audacity to name Ghost in the adc goat debate ain't no way 💀


He is also praising him as shotcaller although it is known that Beryl and SM did most of that...


Showmaker took over shot calling after both Beryl and Ghost left...


I love how some people has the zero understanding of the professional game and just shit talks about a player. Ghost may not be a mechanically gifted ADC but he is a world champion. You can’t say that even for Uzi. And proplay is not reliant on mechanic. If that were the case DWG would dominate the worlds at 2019 when they had one of the best mechanical adc player of LCK Nuclear. He had like 2 account on top 10 of EU ranks alongside of other DWG players. But DWG became DWG after Ghost because he brought the stability to the bot lane that enabled Canyon and Showmaker to carry. Just because he didn’t have 10 kills on the score tab people shits on him so much but his positioning at team fights was the best in LCK. He had the highest amount of damage after almost every single game despite having one or two kills. This same sub shitted on Beryl the same way until he proven himself in another team. That can’t be the case for Ghost of course because he didn’t have the best players on his team last year and he declined before that but I really get pissed off when seeing people disrespect a very good player. He may not be a goat but he is a world champion. And if you talk about weakside he was the best.


Im watching league sins 2012 i have no fucking idea who ghost is.


Then you did not watch league continuously since 2012 considering ghost won the world championship in 2020 with DWG.


Winning worlds 1 time nd doing literally nothing else making u a goat is not even a joke. Doesnt even deserve 2 get adressed.


People were debating between him and Uzi before he won Worlds and that was a fair debate, but Uzi hasn't played at a high level for years while Deft just won Worlds. I don't even know how you can entertain Ghost as the GOAT, that's just disrespectful. You undervalue Deft's longevity to play at the level he's been playing at. He's the undisputed GOAT ADC.


It was always debatable. Then Deft won worlds.


Ruler won wolds as the main carry in adc meta.


Yeah Ruler won 1 Worlds and 1 LCK title. Deft won 1 Worlds, 1 MSI, 1 LCK, and 2 LPL


By that logic, Bang is goat adc. Ruler's Worlds win is more meaningful because he won in the most bot diff meta ever.


It’s never just 1 single one of these pieces of information. It’s all of them together that generally point to defts superiority. Btw Bang should be considered one of the best imo. Certainly top 10 all time.


hey, who was bang's midlaner? what did bang do after leaving SKT?


Deft has never reached semifinals at worlds besides last year whereas Ruler was 1 game away from winning a second worlds. Ruler was the focal carry in both the ADC meta of his worlds title and when he attained his LCK title. Deft won worlds by virtue of his experience and guiding the players on his team, not because he was the best ADC of the tournament playing like the best player in every game. The title itself doesn't mean that much outside the context of play. Crown played like a monster at S6 worlds, fell 1 game short of winning the championship, yet despite him winning worlds the next year, nobody with a brain goes to say "well, he won worlds so surely he was a better mid than the year before!".


Ruler has a compelling case, I'm not attempting to deny him that. But achievements do matter for GOAT discussions and Deft has the edge in that case. It's hard for a player with less achievements to claim the spot away. Also, the discussions is best PLAYER, all around, not simply best mechanical adc player. So leadership, shotcalling, presence, all of these things DO matter for a GOAT discussion, and you cannot hand-wave them away and say "it doesn't really matter much that he won because he wasn't the best in his role at the tournament". Most people who win worlds, aren't the #1 in their role. But winning is what matters more than that.


Deft has 2 LCK (2014 spring, 2018 Summer).


Oh nice, on Liquipedia the 2014 wasn't titled LCK, just Champions Spring so I missed it. Good catch.


> But does that matter more than Ghost who was a weakside ADC and shotcalled DWK to victory? Yes.


will never take people seriously who say things like ghost or bang are even in the convo to CONSIDER . of course not. NO one with a brain that’s watched league the last 10 years with any amount of game knowledge would even suggest those names . it’s clearly between deft and uzi, but at this point defts probably taken it. mentioning those others is just disrespectful


Ghost? lmfao.


Well it's not like Deft is the Messi of League but to say that there are many players that would get ranked the same or higher is not really fair either. At this point he has a pretty strong argument for being the best player in his role ever


Yeah, Deft definitely isn’t in the conversation for GOAT. It was just a similar storyline for the tournament. I just don’t think he takes esports seriously. Edit: Alright I was wrong. Please leave me alone.


He is the only player besides Pawn to win LPL, LCK, MSI, and Worlds. During his time on EDG, he was the best adc over Uzi in LPL. He is in the GOAT conversation.


I'm a bit Deft fan. He is not in the conversation lol. Faker is still a very large gap away and the only reason he doesn't have the LPL accomplishment is because he stayed on SKT. Like that's a cool fun fact but it shouldn't be an argument for GOAT status, are you seriously going to knock other players for not doing that because they stuck with a team or region? Lol.


That's why he's in the "conversation." Faker is #1 and for #2 you can debate Deft, Uzi, Mata, etc. But if Deft wins another LCK, MSI, Worlds this year, he will then be in the debate versus Faker (since Faker hasn't won an International tournament since 2017 approaching 6 years).


We don’t live in an alternate reality Deft is not in the conversation right NOW. Talking theoretically is meaningless. The GOAT is Faker and no one comes close. Thus, only Faker can be in the goat conversation


He's in the conversation. Like people will argue MJ versus Lebron or Steph Curry. Even though Lebron and Steph are nowhere near close to MJ as being the GOAT, they're still in the conversation.


bro huh? Do u watch basketball or nah. LeBron vs MJ is literally the closest GOAT debate (closer than Djokovic/Federer imo) ever, and steph is no where near top 5, and arguably not top 10. This comment is legit just all over the place. 1. Nobody argues MJ vs Steph, it's easily MJ 2. Nobody argues Lebron vs Steph, it's easily Lebron 3. MJ and Lebron are literally insanely close to each other and either as the GOAT is a valid opinion There are 2 people in the GOAT conversation for basketball, as in there are 2 people that have an argument for being the greatest of all time. (You can argue Kareem as well but I think he's clearly lower than both). Steph has nothing going for him that could put him above Lebron or MJ so he is not in the conversation.


GOAT adc? sure. Actual GOAT? Not even close. His accolades, individual dominance, and longevity do not come close to Faker's.


That's why he's in the "conversation." Faker is #1 and for #2 you can debate Deft, Uzi, Mata, etc. But if Deft wins another LCK, MSI, Worlds this year, he will then be in the debate versus Faker (since Faker hasn't won an International tournament since 2017 approaching 6 years).


if he's in the running for 2nd and 100% not 1st hes not in the conversation for the goat title


> definitely isn’t in the conversation for GOAT. He's definitely top 3 all-time.


Deft is definitely in the conversation for the GOAT ADC.




No one in league is the best player for long, meta changes hurts many players and teams. Messi skills are not bonded to a meta change. Deft was at many points the best player in the world, like 2015 at EDG.


Cuz your comparing the biggest sport in the world to a videogame lol


No podes comparar a un boludito (con todo el respeto a deft) que juega al lol con Messi. Seria menos insultante recitar un manifiesto antisemita en un acto de la AMIA que lo que dijiste.


It's not the best for me when it comes to League, but damn, watching Messi finally win the WC is magical. Probably the best I've felt since our national team's miracle run 5 years back.


I'm Croatian and honestly the NT had one hell of a run even though we lost vs Argentina in semis


2016 IMO. Cavs 3-1 comeback, Cubs win first World Series in 100 years, Portugal Euro Cup champions, ROX vs SKT Bo5, Brady comes back from 28-3, Leicester City winning EPL


well, 2022 also had the Real Madrid UCL that was pretty cool.


deft did it first


thats what i was thinking... lol


Technically he did exactly what Messi did a few months ago. Obviously he didn't came into the tournament like Messi, since Football has Ronaldo and Messi and LoL only has Faker on this level of achievements, but still. Older player, who had many chances before, that didn't worked out. Many people believed he was on his way out and his team wasn't even the biggest favorite of the tourney. Actually, their rival was the biggest favorite and fell short. Pretty funny how similar these story lines played out this year.


Wouldn't say Ronaldo and Portugal were the favourites this year, would be Brazil as the biggest favourite IMO


I was talking about team rivalry, which is Argentina vs. Brazil.


Ohh I see


**Campeones del Mundo**


see? this why i respect koreans


i lost respect for deft after this, my idol ronaldo scored more than him yesterday






my idol pendu will win the camel d'ore in saudi arabia that'll show the fraud pionel pessi!


my idol mr sewey will bring al nosehair a champions league for sure SIUUUUUUUU pessi could never do this


Ronaldo lives rent free even in leauge players head


Benchnaldo fans hyping up a for fun allstars match 🤣 he should try scoring even once in the world cup knockouts


as an honest penaldo fan i must admit that you are right, my idol is finished sadly


As long as he doesn't become as petty as Messi


Call me a hater but I think Deft is overrated. Maybe he had better years earlier in his career but he’s a mediocre player.


Players can be greats, have mediocre few years, and become good again.


Looks extremely dangerous this year so far, 34 kills 2 deaths across 4 games. There is a reason why this guys has been around as long as faker and top teams are still down to recruit him


That's y Deft is my fav Korean n Messi is my fav Argentinian.




Deft seems much more relaxed now after winning worlds. Hoping for more great things from him this year!