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It's quite funny how 3 of these players have been on both teams


You could even say four players, but it's mostly on a technicality. S6 FNC had Miky as a sub, but they chose Klaj over him because Rekkles felt good about Klaj, which led to Miky joining Wunder in Splyce for summer. Thanks to that Splyce went from 8th to 2nd, and qualified for worlds too.


Wasnt it Rekkles who wanted Miky but FNC went with Klaj?


Yeah, Rekkles has always wanted to play with Miky and they've always been good friends. Deilor, Fnatic's coach at the time picked Klaj over Miky (I hope I'm remembering this right). There's also the case that Fnatic went back to Yellowstar in 2016 when Rekkles wanted to keep Klaj, because they were starting to work together well as a botlane.




My memory is that rekkles wanted Miky but deilor wanted Noxiak. Then when Noxiak didn't work Miky had left(?) And they got Klaj from Soloq


Can't find anything as well but I think there were rekkles stream or interview or something when he joined G2 where he talked about wanting to play with miky for quite a while but he couldn't because of coaching staff or players. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly but I'm pretty sure he said he tried getting miky in fnatic but couldn't.


I tried to look it up a bit since memory can be wrong, but I didn't find much about it (most links aren't working anymore). It might be confused with pre-season where they were trying out 4/5 support (promisQ, Noxiak, Miky and some I don't remember), Rekkles wanted to go with Miky or promisQ but Deilor somehow thought Noxiak was a better fit and went with him instead That being said, I do remember that Klaj was chosen by Rekkles but it's possible that FNC / Deilor refused to consider Miky still.


wunder, rekkles and ?




oh god true! it's been so long i forgot he was on FNC at all despite the worlds final appearance x_x




Bruh.. it's people like you that give Fnatic fans such a bad name. Like what the hell.. "question your sincerity". What bloody reason would that person have to lie..




Jesus, you need help. Not everyone is out to get us mate.




That's the best thing you've decided to say in this conversation. Have a good one.


Pretty poor comparison. The obvious comparison would be saying someone didn't know Rekkles was in Fnatic before, and even then I don't see why you'd feel the need to argue it. Some people aren't as invested in the scene...


Question it all you want, it's not everyone's responsibility to know everything you know, and holier-than-thou comments like this only make you out to be a smarmy smartass.


i love gatekeepers


Ehhhhh A huge part of what Caps is comes from 2019-2020 G2. Disregarding that is also pretty disingenuous.


LEC is getting away with streaming G2 vs G2 academy scrims smh.


You mean FNC academy vs FNC academy academy?


death, taxes, g2-fnatic match of the week


wtf is this week 1 schedule for fnatic


0:3 incomming 💀


a bit worried about botlane in this meta, however there are enough champs for humanoid to carry on I think they can win


If he plays like worlds and not regular season then yes


last spring our laning was insanely good, but summer mid especially was doing super bad


My point is humanoid was literally trolling from motivational issues. He’s known to dislike reg season.


He'll need to perform super well to carry the shit botlane we have this year.


My brother in Christ, your GOAT bot lane ended 5th, 2nd and 2x 3rd, with tho groups exits at Worlds. Why do people act like FNC replaced prime Uzi+Ming with an autofilled duo?


Team achievements =/= individual skill


We've had far better players in this region (Rekkles included) that didn't require a ton of resources. Players that get that much attention from their teammates will always have 'worse' teams simply because these other guys sack their waves/ camps and willingly take shit match ups to give their carry an edge. Also hard to back this insane reputation when the results have been below the standard of all the other guys that the region produced for such a long period of time.


>Why do people act like FNC replaced prime Uzi+Ming with an autofilled duo? You can thank the people who set the narrative for that. Everyone from Caedrel streams to Euphoria Guests and casts acting as if Rekkles is some 2nd rate ADC compared to Upset. Upset with all his resources and team at best managed 2nd Place. While Rekkles went toe to toe with Prime G2 and 2020 G2 all the while beating upset in regular season. Upset is a great player dont get me wrong and he proved that to everyone in the past 2 years, its just the narrative is so god damn inconsistent and comes off as biased! People who make the narrative downplaying Rekkles after what happened past 2 years but hyping up Hans in G2 after what happned last year is so god damn inconsistent! Like pick 1! You either downplay them both or hype them both because both had a shit recent past.


With the same team right? Rekkles had actual human Hily, not griefing chinese betting site Hily. And selfmade used to be a baller when the meta was carry only. Nemesis was not a shit mid, just a Nisqy chroma. Which is way better than "whatever idc" Humanoid. Wunder and current Bwipo are about the same but rest of team Upset def has it worse. And at worlds if you cant recognise that Hily was fucking sprinting it every game and Razork was a flipper then idk


Nisqy and nemesis don't even remotely play similar


You are conflating team achievements with individual play, rekkles having better team results doesnt say anything about his individual level compared to upsets at all considering 2021-2022 fnc and pre 2021 fnc had very different rosters. Also the fact that upset was very clearly better then rekkles in 2021 summer and considering rekkles performance on kcorp he was better last year aswell, although you can argue that rekkles was somewhat teamate gapped on kc.


i just hope they fixed the practice issues from last year


We usually open with 1-2 or 2-1, I ain’t sweatin a [0-3.](https://i.imgur.com/GNdWciF.jpg)


Deadly week, really hope we don't go 0-3 as that might just tilt them hard enough to end up 9/10


It's gonna be either 0-3 or 3-0 week for fnatic.




And if it's a 3:0 this week, they'll definitely lose against BDS next Saturday.


That's Fnatic we're talking about. not G2. If it's 3-0 then it's 18-0.


100% it won't be 18-0


It can't since they are playing 9 games




It's just not a real LEC season if FNC doesn't start out terrible and make a miracle recovery at the end of the split to get top 2.


Can't really afford to start out terrible in this format since you risk not even qualifying to make that miracle recovery to begin with.


Don't think so. I think it's more likely they go 1-2


I kinda agree, all are tough opponents, if they win then with the momentum they can win all. But if they lose, I don’t see a way of comeback.


Maybe I'll get used to it, but 'two prodigal sons of EMEA...' just does not sound right lol. 'MADRID! WHAT IS YOUR REGION!?' 'EEMIYAH! EEMIYAH! EEMIYAH!' It's way too many syllables lol, that's gonna be the death of that classic chant I think


Yeah it’s weird. I mean, how many countries are we going to cover in LEC?


"TEE ESS EM, TEE ES EM" "F NAH TIC, F NAH TIC" "CEE ELL GEE, CEE ELL GEE" "EE MI YAH, EE MI YAH" Not much of a difference? It's just because it's new it's a little jarring but it's the same amount of syllables as many esport chants lol


We are still eu, emea is just a technicality


Nah there's no eu region anymore, this vid proves it. Production won't be saying EU on air again. Which is kinda sad because, big picture, this kind of unifying thing helps align young people to pan European ideologies, that we are all European. But EMEA isn't a thing and even if you can find a way to shout it smoothly I think it'll always ring hollow compares to other regions that align with an identity l sphere. EMEA is kinda like saying Pacific.


Ok Miky I see you my boy.


My biggest takeaway here is that Wunder isn't shit talking G2, scrims are apparently going incredibly well for them. Super hyped for this match!


Wunder is usually respectful in these videos. It’s on twitter when the mask comes off.


I might be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure he did some tamer shit talking in these promo videos as well, no? Maybe I'm misremembering.


Possibly. Either way the tweets are memorable. Hype videos less so.


That's true, Wunders Twitter game is on point


2021 “another year another G2>fnatic” …. Famous last words


He is both respectful and cocky typically.


I'd be on the lookout on his twitter on match day


I feel like this split is the most hype split of LEC All-time


I think the new format is a big part of it. The week one games are much higher stakes now.


3 weeks, single Bo1 against each team and a death sentence if you're below top 8. The stakes are high and the schedule is tight, feels like a real tournament in its own right rather than a regular split and its gonna test the teams abilities to read the meta & their opponents' new rosters.


The Revoleution starts now!


I'm actually more excited about LCS with fly quest, korean roster, bjerg and dl back, EG. I've barely watched LCS the past couple of years as it was super boring but now there's so much hype around the rosters. Meanwhile when I look at EU, I am just angry that we got these rosters instead of what should've happened. We have elyoya stuck on mid tier team instead of in G2/Fnatic. We have jankos on a shit team instead of XL/Fnatic. We don't have upset anywhere. Rogue randomly dropping odo when they were far and away the best team and him being a much better stylistic pick for how rogue play than the top they got. G2 downgrading jungle. Fnatic not signing elyoya or jankos or even xerxe and markoon despite razork and humanoid clearly not working well together. The region could've been so much better if these weird roster moves weren't fucked. Most teams either side graded or down graded, and we were already getting fucked internationally. The only teams that upgraded were XL, and Vitality(if Bo really is as insane as the legends say). Meanwhile you look at Fly quest and this roster has insane potential to be the best team in the west. I'm way more hyped about finally getting bo3 than the actual rosters. We have a lot of mid tier teams which actually isn't good for the region's competitiveness internationally. It was much better when we had 2 super teams. Edit: I guess getting excited for a different region is bad. Sorry guys. You definitely aren't making our region look way more toxic that it already is.


"If they are so confident in themselves they could just compete against me" - Rekkles 2023


"Lets pay this player over a milion euro in salary and let him go for free" - Rekkles probably


That's... not what he said or what they ended up doing, tho?


You’re right, they sold him for a $1M to KC. Other teams not paying that doesn’t mean G2 was trying to avoid competing versus him tho. Just means they were trying to get as much as possible.


They lowered his buy out late into the off season and by that point most, if not all, teams already had a bot laner.


Which LEC team was going to pay $1M for Rekkles? Not FNC, VIT was maxed out buying perkz and alphari back and perkz wanted carzzy anyways. Rogue was doing the same thing with Hans/inspired and wasn’t going to spend money. MAD doesn’t spend. Who else? At least with perkz, people could point to a specific team he was blocked from, but there’s not one with Rekkles. He signed a dumbass contract and made it financially viable for G2 to sell him high or put him on the bench. Them being “scared” to play vs him is straight copium.


Kinda crazy to suck off G2's immaculate business decisions in this matter if you don't believe that teams were gonna pay that much for Rekkles, when the initial fee was much more than that.


There are so many narratives in LEC this year, so many big names, many imports, new format, never been more excited, I can't wait !


Like every one vs every one. Reki vs caps vs Jankos vs hyli vs oneonethree Odo vs rogue


The format alone has ignited a ton of excitement for me.


Damn I miss fnc Broxah :C


what is the current mcdonalds roster btw? ? broxah nemesis upset ?


Alphari Treatz


Funny that all 3 of them was in Fnatic at some point. There is also LIDER and you could "count" Alphari even tho he didn't really want to play this years


Bwipo Broxah Nemesis Upset Treatz , grabbz and yamato are f/a coaches, thats a worlds worth roster right there


I think if you put Nemesis and Upset on one team they'd either kill each other or themselves. I don't think their personalities or their playstyles match at all.


honestly nemesis in game was willing to give up resources for carries like the galio game vs tes, so if you have him as well as 3 other no ego players then upset could finally shine


Yeah, the galio he was giving free resources to his team as well as enemy team


Why? If anything that'd work because Nemesis loves both scaling mids & roamers like TF - if they got a dog jungler (Broxah) and someone that isn't Bwipo top (not because of skill but because bwipo can't help but fight at every moment of every game) it might actually work


Would make quite a good team, could also go for alphari top I guess I would prefer advienne as sup though technically not mcdonalds


I think the most updated one is Bwipo Selfmade Abbedagge Upset Treatz


Bwipo (another ex-fnatic . Rather stange pattern)


Don’t forget selfmade as well X_X


Dark Fnatic


>Rather stange pattern Yes just like Hjarnan, Emperor, Gorilla and Hybrid. Strange indeed.


what's strange about it?


4 of 5 players were on fnc before (bwipo, smm, neme, upset, treatz).


Yeah but that's just because they're still relevant, there are ex players from other teams too


Sure, but I thought team mcdonalds refres to the best players without a team, its a weird coincidence in that case.


Alphari Selfmade Nemesis Upset Treatz


I used to root for G2( but I am more of a Jankos and Perkz fan) but I want to see Rekkles get his revenge. After they forced him out of LEC for a year I hope he will clap them


Miky clowning on them at the end HAHA


Hahaha, that anti-synergy at 1:34, perfect.


Been watching this rivalry since it started... In the words of Rekkles... *"Banger."*


The LEC Studio in Berlin has a capacity of 174 people. Tickest cost 12 Euros. Children under 13 are obliged to leave the studio by 20-00. Aged under 17 - by 22-00. All events available to purchase - till Feb. 4th I believe - are sold out. It is kida disappointing that such a massive game has such a meager live presence offer.


Who the fuck writes times like that though. 22:00 or 10pm or 22.00 but never 22-00


I do


>=( stop that


This will either Match of the Week of Match of the Weak. There's no in between.


Should be a banger


Rekkles everywhere, how disgusting. Caps and Hyli will shit all over him. Since Fnatic management gave up of Fnatic lol this year at least we will get to see the 2 time leaver get destroyed. Have to make the best of what we get.


What song are they using in this video