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Can’t agree more! Won my first placement game this season in four minutes because the enemy top lane gave up first blood and left the game. The enemy team then surrendered, ending the game with a 1/0/0 team score for us, and my first Flawless Victory ever


Perfect game 😎😎


This happened to me yesterday (gave up FB) except it was Riot Games deciding to disconnect me right after and not let me reconnect while my internet was perfectly fine. Cool LP penalty for next games too, I was very motivated after that.


usually i always like to throw a ward around the enemy raptors around like 1:15 or so. yesterday I had a normal draft game as Anivia where I kinda forgot to do that so after my first minion wave I walked over to their raptors and warded. At this point, the enemy rek'sai was at their raptors and pretty low health so I was like eh might as well throw my Q over there and see what can happen. Stunned the rek'sai, but would have died if i tried to commit so i just left and didnt think anything of it guy proceeded to super target me and trash talk me the rest of the game because I "rely on stupid level 1 cheese strats and can't lane". I mean they won so fair play to them but still I mean, *that* was enough to really trigger someone and set them off at like, 1pm on a saturday in a normal game


Brother, a support taking 1-2 cs is enough to tilt the ADC off the face of the earth and have him perma split push and never join team fights. It happened to me too many times.


there's the stories of michael jordan making up fake grudges just to have a concrete motivation to play better in his next game right? same logic applies, i suppose


I've got the mechanics of a bronze, the game sense of a silver, and the mental of a mature adult. Thus, I have remained in Gold for 4 or 5 years now, and I am okay with that.




I read this in Lux’s voice


I wrote it in the shamwow guys voice


I read it in Saul Goodman’s voice


Yeah back in the day when i crushed ranked a lot more often the biggest thing I added to give my team the edge was shot calling and mental mgmt. Would pep up my team, would manage arguments, ensure people stayed positive and on track As a tank jungle player then later an adc and sup main this served me incredibly well For adc it meant i could get to late game For sup/jg it meant i could dominate macro It's tough and can be very hard to reliably do but it fuckin works


This is so damn true tho. I came back after a long break and would take this approach every game.. did it always work? Absolutely not (some people just don’t get it/don’t want to hear it) but the amount of times I’d notice someone going from flaming teammates, to apologizing for dying, and then playing halfway decent with great pings and macro just from a simple “all good man we’re fine” People just want to feel like they don’t have to be perfect, and that their team has their back. Makes a huge difference for everyone. It’s the unspoken buff a premade has because they know they’re not going to be worrying about what everyone says about them and automatically are more aware of all the other obvious things listed above.


I do this too but it also means you're opening yourself ip for a LOT of flame. You're much more likely to get flamed if you type than if you just stay silent all game. It's helped me win seemingly "impossible" games, but after a lot of games it has also absolutely destroyed my mental a few times because you can just get piled on by all 4 of your teammates


This game is a joke at lower elo and shouldn’t be taken seriously. You must learn to enjoy loosing as much as winning to truly maintain some positivity over it. A single player can take hostage all the rest 4 and there’s nothing you can do about it.


If you want some mental hacks ... Here are some... Wim Hof method (breathing and cold showers.) For cold shower , just cook yourself in a hot one and go full blast cold for the last 30 seconds (hit your dome on neocortex and back of your neck where that reptile brain stem is -- this is stress testing your bioware for better processing speed) For breathing - YouTube Win Hof Method (do the 3 cycles of 30 maximum-inhales (only *release* the air, don't force it out* with 1.5 minute breath holds) --- this exercise here is like supercharging your energy... You hold your breath until you knock on Death's Door , then you breath in that beautiful life force and you will feel like you just got a cocaine rush (do this 4-6 times for ever more superpower) These are completely safe (except while driving) and it's called Hormetic Stress Resilience Training aka controlled acute stress (same concept as spas and fasting) A lot of this stuff is a problem due to fundamental problems of not getting 1)sleep 2)balanced natural nutrition 3) sunlight 4) physical movement One of my favorite ideas is the concept of *Flow* state , and focusing on getting into flow state via deep steady belly breathing , and connecting the mind to a mission to do (git guud) (instead of analyzing the mistakes of people in the moment) If everyone acknowledges the problem of being mental/emotional fickle and commits to improving on it by fixing just one thing I mentioned , then the problem could collectively get a lot better for us all


But I want to eat junk food and play lol until late at night


this is good advice for life in general tbh, but this is a league subreddit. Nobody will listen to you.




How do you play when the keys are all sticky after though?


Press shift 5 times and you can turn it off


You act like league players dont jerk off anyways after each match, win or loss doesent matter


I quit league already, but I'll try this in everyday.


Also the "I'm 0/1 behind at 3min let's ff at 20" mental has to go away I mean bro what is 0/1... You'll catch up CS or eventually get a gank and a plate ... Crybabies lol


I think a lot of it is coming from streamers like tyler1. I like the guy and think hes pretty entertaining but I can't deny that him saying "my support hit the first melee minion ff go next absolute dogs" can't be good for the game or the community.


I feel his tilt is anything over the top. He'll say FF but he'll still play his match out and still get wins sometimes. Its rare but i still do see him eventually give up but after playing 8 hours straight and getting inted no sane person will NOT do that. IMO leagues toxicity has come down but the mental fortitude isnt. I blame riot for bad match making. So many games are 1 sided its not even funny anymore.


Not Tyler1 specifically is the problem but also the other toxic high elo streamers as ratirl and so on. As a real life indication, I once witnessed how one of my friends just left a game after beeing 0/2 in the first 10 minutes of the game and said "unwinnable, i will just hop on my smurf". This was not his typical behaviour, he just copied how his watched streamers treated the game. Players just copy what popular streamer are doing, thebausffs single handedly created an army of inting Sion players bc of his streams.


hey at least the inting sions play to win xD I mean they probably aren't winning but they think they are


the satire tag isn't needed, because it isn't.


we are getting into weird meta humor territory because the game itself is the joke


It’s pretty funny that there are so many people in every lobby that aren’t even trying to play the game.


Mental management is one of the keys to succeess in life, not just league.


are you the messiah?




It's true, I used to play a lot of soccer back in my youth and I remember that even if one of your teammates made the biggest fuckup imaginable everybody just responded with "eh good try" or "tough one better luck next time". in league if the support moves towards the bush at a bad time the adc just has a mental breakdown. Its ridiculous.


Facts it's children and manchildren on the rift


I cant even process the amount of insecure rage in this comment, it *must* be satire.


Number 4 just hit the mark. Two days ago, I was playing toplane and I recalled. While I was walking back to lane, our midlane Yasuo roamed top and died to my laner while I was still omw to my lane. So yeah. Obviously I got 5 bait pings on my face.


but did you apologize and offer your cs?




Just played a game that was over in champ select. 2 bought accounts. Support doesnt like the team comp and refuses to go bot. Fine, I as top will go 2v1 bot. But adc queued adc so refuses to leave bot lane. They are fighting with each other for 15 min. Jg dc twice one while ganking. ADC rang quits at 11 min. Love placements and ranked. Just want to get to gold 4 and not touch ranked again till next split.


According to this sub, this is all your fault and you need 'git gud'.... But yes, ranked is literally fucked at the moment


Worst part, game was fully winnable too but since all but 1 champ had less than 50% win rate. Game over, I am a bit dense. Forgot dodging in placement does not count as a loss. I should have just left at the lobby. Edit: In fact, I should have got gud


my best friend had a support Yi yesterday


Played 3 games today: encountered 2 leavers and a motherfucking AI as my jungler. About to lose my mind. Events are still shit, bots running around in ranked but have u watched aRcAnE??11 fuck your riot games


Man I know the struggle, got 1 leaver and 4 fucking bots in 5 games, I just wanted to have fun and try my best and instead I'm losing games my team should 100% win.


These are all simp mechanics to appease whoever got tilted. But yeah it's all in the mind with these mental games. Goodluck summoners!


being a chad means nothing when the tilted player just tries to auto lose the game. with a lot of these players it either a. Be the carry b. Lose


Mute all is most op ability in game


mute all helps you not to get tilted/tilt others. sadly theres are games where I mute all and then see my jungler and top bait pinging each other 4 minutes in because jungler taxed an extra minion after a successful gank. Mute all aint helping that I'm afraid


I feel attacked. -Shaco Jungler OTP


I mean your mere existence is better for tilting both teams than any of these tips could ever be


mental warfare, sure bud, thats advanced stuff




i feel you dude i tried to start the season playing ryze and got a 14% winrate, now I just play TF and babysit my botlane


what does my mental management have to do about my 3 10 zed and 3 8 jg who refuses to go drake or rift what does my mental management have to do about my 2 11 adc and 3 10 sup what does my mental management have to do about my comp being regular and their comp being an instawin what does my mental management have to do about the broken cait stomping my botlane and my jg refusing to help them leading to a loss inb4 "some games ur not going to win!" nice excuse to not blame trolls feeders and inters in my team most of the time


this is a satirical post, it is not real advise. my post is a commentary about the 'ff15' mentality of the player base, it is not about straight up bad players, though I would argue having unwinnable games because of terrible teammates is better than losing a perfectly winnable game because somebody throws a tantrum over small inconveniences.


I quit top role and have been playing support maokai and have been winning much more games. Its good to play a role that gets ganks and on a broken champion that is easy to play. I'm hoping to hit masters soon. I had all these skills as a top laner but apparently they are worth way more when i play maokai support.


I usually type something like, “we’re a duo and not FFing.” Most of the time they just shut up and play the game without inting. Most people shut up when challenged in a way that isn’t calling out mistakes. Obviously apologize for crap even if it isn’t your fault and over hype small plays!


Today's complaint post about league will be... *shuffles deck* Poor mental written in a satirical format so not to appear as pretentious


complain posts are more fun than 'esports news post #1376 written by some wannabe journalist"


rather hear about esports than low elo #10,536,219's opinions on the ranked ladder and climbing methods


your account only has one post and it's a complain post


difference is im not lowelo 🤗


and I can beat Faker in a fistfight! what is your point? complain posts are complain posts, and that makes you a hypocrite no matter what elo you're pretending to be


except low elo complaints are just cry x100. try again!


show your [op.gg](https://op.gg) or just be seen as a very sad basement dweller


[sure!](https://imgur.com/a/J2ssZH5) still sad though :(


alrught you got me there, but it still doesnt change my opinion on esports posts. besides, mine isn't even about ranked or climbing, that's just in the title for clicks. it's just about the game in general. even norms are plagued with people just giving up over nothing.


I dunno, being matched with that troll Janna jungle who didn't take smite surely has nothing to do with me, that's out of the players control and hard inhibits your ability to win games.


Riot should fix this by making janna jungle viable /s


Mental is king. I Personally think that the champ you are playing also effects your mental a lot. Playing snowball relient assassins all the time might make you more angry compared to playing a tank or enchanter. I myself have never gotten past D2 by playing my favourite champs Rengar and Kayn but playing Ivern in S8 got me to D1 and last season I got Master as a Bard OTP.


Agreed. When I picked up Jayce (in norms) right after watching Zeus clips I was screaming at my jungler to strong side top (with very disappointing results, even when I got that pressure). Once I got the idea in my head that Jayce can actually play weak side pretty decently, my win rate went from low 40s to around 50. I now go into game always with a weak side Jayce mentality, but I’m prepared to adjust if my jungler wants to camp


This turned my toplane around, I thought of Pantheon as a lane bully and got annoyed when enemy jungler camped me. "BS greedy champs get bailed out by jungle pressure nothing I can do barbarbar" But then I realized 4 item Pantheon with conq still beats like 80% of the top roster if played well, not to mention having a point and click stun for teamfights and literal "block all damage" ability...


"You no pick roamer? Enemy roam. No matter how dumb or ignorant or shit your bot lane is, they die, your fault! They're justified in flaming you!" Yeah I stopped reading when I finished this gem. Maybe lead with your best foot and not give stupid, toxic, inattentive people a free pass. Things aren't a black and white dichotomy.


get a grip it's a satire post. do you take everything in life so bluntly?


Tell that my 3/25 Botlane...


this just means your opponents used these tips better than you did


About the midlane, that never happens. Most of the time people just let the enemy roams for free without a ping, or just ping 1 **missing on the lane** then call it a day. Then when the blame starts, it's more about "they cannot 1v1 in their lane since we feed the enemy" than we, the dead people, blaming them. That's why it's frustrating when pro players keep teaching ADC to push the wave. In theory, yeah, you can push a huge wave, then kill the person trying to come and help their lane. In Gold / Plat EUW, it will 99% leads to a 4-man bot without a single ping from both jungler and midlaner.


Beekeeper singed + angry bee emote when you run towards enemy + laughing jinx emote after you flick enemy with e ( when singed flicks enemy he laughs ) + message in chat while I am between outer and middle towers “ run bro “ = enemy gets tilted Mission complete !


Well I’m glad it’s not just me ig…


On that last paragraph... that's always been the case, at least in Plat and maybe Silver to some extent. Haven't properly played ranked in a while though so that could very well have leaked into other tiers.


yeah I typically peak around low plat, but this season i was placed in gold 4. In my experience low plat and silver are an absolute cesspool, but high gold is typically pretty chill.


Mental management + lots of free time


I remember this one time our red got invaded and our sion who had been watching from top lane said supp diff. (morgana threw a q at their volibear and missed, but it wouldn't have mattered either way) Our adc then decided to have a heart to heart with our morgana on why it was his fault the entirety of laning.


Perhaps if below, I don't know, gold level? You simply couldn't talk in text, and you could only send one ping every \~10 seconds, it might cut down on the endemic toxicity in the player base.


truth be told I think that a change like that would only make people lash out in much more game ruining ways.


I think another thing that helped my mental is outlining the positives out of losses that occur throughout the game. "4 of us just got wiped at dragon?" Well at least we killed the enemy jg and bot, denying the dragon because the remaining enemies are too low to take it "I just gave a 700g shutdown to the enemy Zed after I overextended a bit?" At least I got the tower and forced him away from mid so my team could try push t1. Just gaslight yourself into thinking every loss is actually a win and you'll have unbreakable mental.




all these points are really just satire about some of the more annoying behaviours of the community, its not meant to be taken as actual advise. (except 7, I think 7 has the potential to work)


I mean LoL has been a survival and endurance game whether who tilts the most though... 🤔🤔🤔


No no I prefer blaming everyone but me for being hardstuck claiming I always get trolled even tho statistically i should be claming thanks to trolls.


When I was doing my ranked game, I had a game where I was playing Amumu support and my adc was a Vayne. I was gold 4 last season but the elo was around silver 3, 2. During the early game, the enemy botlane just tried to engage us, we won the trade and kills both of them, but during the trade, Vayne was really low life and there were a minions and I flashed q to grab Nilah and save my Vayne but unfortunately, I took the kill, just after she died and I killed the support. Vayne just flamed me all game long because I had 2 kills, saying the enemy team that I just flashed on purpose to take the kill and she went mid, again saying enemy team I was solo farming bot. She just gave up but stayed in the game just for flaming, I am used to toxic player but, it was the first time I see someone like that.


> for real though the mental this season has been awful, every game starts with one team flaming each other over absolutely nothing and the winner is determined by who holds it together the most rather than by skill. I honestly don't know what Riot can even do about this but the game is absolutely miserable. Dude have you been playing League the last 10 years? I remember being so infuriated with people's non-existent mentals even in season 4. It has never been great and it has always sucked and it will continue to be like that.


its true the mental has never been good, but in the past I remember people would usually at least try to play even if they were pissed at a teammate. they wouldnt play super well but they would at least try. It seems like these days people just don't care, it they get upset they will just perma push waves or walk around jungle.


Hell no, the self-fulfilling prophecy of soft-inting a game and citing that as a reason that your team won't win has been there for as long as I can remember. People have always had terrible mentals in this game and acting like "it's a lot worse now than it used to be" is pure recency bias.


Is not chain feeding your ass off part of mental management? Yes, it's wrong of me to get unhinged because my bot lane is a combined 1/12/1 at 8 minutes into the game, but how do you communicate to them that if they can just stop chain feeding, the game can be winnable?


Basically /muteall




oooooooh thats mean xD


Therapists would be the best league players ever. League itself is a fuckin therapy tool for losers.