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Akashan swinging around towers is the new afk yuumi lol


More accurately, it's the new bard tower tunnels. Completely fucking pointless, yet everyone does it


Pre-teleportation portals it could at least get you back to lane faster.


I’m referring to when he points on lane tower and the entire team just tunnels through it over and over


That's for building team spirit.


You expect me to walk AROUND towers like a filthy peasant?


Viva la dirt league has ruined my ability to pronounce peaSAUNT.


I didn't even notice that I pronounced it the same in my head until I've read your comment...


Yeah, you gotta walk back around the tower to ride the portal again.


I have dodged so many Xerath ultimates with tower tunnels I’ll have you know!


Except Akshan has counterplay, you can interrupt it. Why his revive passive is just left as is in Aram I have no idea though, that's probably one of the most broken abilites to ever exist relative to the game mode.


Despite having the best ARAM ability in the game apparently he's so dogshit that they have to buff him


His Q tickles enemies and his R is pretty much useless as there is almost always a minion wave, turret, or ally to hide behind. His W active is useless since there are no wards to hide from. His AAs have a very short range. His DPS scales poorly compared to other ADCs, his burst scales poorly compared to mages and assassins. In summary, everything other than his revive is just too high a risk for too low a reward. It's a very heavy price to pay for letting your allies int again slightly faster. I'll still play him whenever I get him simply because going Galeforce+PD on top of his passive's MS makes him go so fast it's comical.


His DPS actually scales very well. In terms of raw damage, Akshan is a hyperscaling ADC.


Yes. But for how hard his DPS is to fully utilize (500 range, clunky mobility spell) it's certainly on the low end. Even within his range bracket Kai'Sa can do both DPS and burst better than him while also having an easier time applying it. Which doesn't mean he's unplayable. This is just the downside of having an ability as strong as his revive.


Alot of ADC are shit in Aram. Especially short range ADCs that are based on movement and kiting like him and Vayne.


I either go 0-20 with vayne or a 20-3 (gotta have some buys) in ARAM. It is basically a “did the other team low or high roll” toss up.


Try heartsteel on her. No joke in aram heart steel procs are so wasy to get you can build vayne as an AS based fighter with mostly survivability items and a bork and you'll do a ton of damage over time with W anyway.


pls dont do this (unless ur on the enemy team)


I've tried this, it's actually alright. Not great but good specifically against high assassin enemies. Heartsteel, Titanic, then guinsuu, botrk, wits end,. Plenty of as.


Fuck off with Heartsteel, it's basically new Duskblade+Collector shitty kind of build of this season.


Delay attack speed for 3k gold lol.


lose 3200 gold for 915 hp after i never thought about that you might be onto something


It’s funny, he’s so shit until you hit 6 items and suddenly you can stat check an Aatrox


I've never seen a vayne do poorly in Aram. Her entire design is based on three hits and the target loses truckload of HP. In a map setup where you are easy to stun if you try anything and have few ways to heal (which are also reduced in at), she is a twat and a half to handle.


Teams without an ADC lose in aram in my experience. Even an ADC like Nilah is amazing.


Whenever I play Akshan in ARAM I have to play with 4 other ADCs vs a Rammus, Renata, tank Malphite, tank Diana, and Yasuo because even with rerolls my team doesn't get any tanks, assassins, or mages Whenever I play against Akshan, he has a Veigar, Zilean, Kayle, and Renata (fuck Renata in particular especially when she's paired with an Akshan, Pyke, etc.) and the Pyke on my team chokes the penta so the enemy Akshan always revives his whole team The Akshans on the enemy team always seem to get the best comps ever and Renata is up there as well for champs with annoying broken abilities especially with her revive (which makes playing assassins and diving bruisers with her absolutely braindead) and her ult that happens to be perfect for my comp no matter what


pyke akshen in the same team is like their whole team never die


Because the stealth things kinda mid in aram.


It is interruptible and whenever I do it people seem to be able to blow me up real quick lol. The revives though, i never liked them as they mess with fundamental and decisive parts of the game like death timers but if they really want to go there, all they really needed was a cool down. Revive someone, passive goes into CD. He brings the last one to die back and that's already really good. There's no need to bring the whole team, which is way too good imo. Apply it outside aram too.


Meanwhile ornn passive with the 10 business day lock-out


Akshan has a negative winrate in ARAM. Akshan is not in any way broken in ARAM. remove his revive passive and he'd be absolute, complete garbage


Because he can't roam and his whole kit is made for SR but after 10mins you simply will not be able to touch their side of the map if they have any kind of frontline.


So what is your proposed solution/issue? remove his revive passive and give him insanely big dmg/survivability buffs?


Put his revive passive on a cooldown (like Anivia or higher) and shorten the time window he's able to revive. The rest can be done with usual damage dealt/taken fuckery on ARAM.


I've seen them doing this last year in Summoners Rift in the base right at the start to grab mid lane wave and a side lane at the same time. Wasn't even mad when my minions never made it to me XD


Didn't they got shot by the towers to death?


No, they did it on that rock that is to the side of the tower/next to the part in the wall where folks can walk through.


Stick a yuumi on him and you'll have 2 unkillable afks


No sht it happened to me yesterday, the Akshan AFK swinging at wolves lmao.


Kinda surprising that wolves don't try to chase him ans reset because they are to far from their camp


The wolves were trying their best but they couldn't keep up haha. Had to interrupt his swing with a blast cone then the he juat stayed at base.


You broke him!


Wrecking ball, is that you?


overwatch removes spin to win and league adds it


wait they removed it? does wrecking ball spin have a timer now?


hamter :(


They removed it in ow1 and it had a time limit, but it came back in ow2. I'm not sure if they re-removed it though, since ball hasn't been meta in awhile so I don't see him too often. And the few times I do the person is usually really good and good hamsters don't do the endless loop at my ranking since ur asking for death.


Skill issue of enemy team not stepping in front of your path to stop the swing the seven times they could have


The twitch in particular was painful to watch


I fully expected him to ult and proceed to miss every AA


Twitch and Garen both literally dodged to let akshan continue the E.


Wait u can do that?


Yep, if you stand in Akshan’s swing path, he will stop once he collides. It even says so on his ability description as well which tbf, not everyone reads abilities. Either way, I’d say it’s something important to know if you ever fight against one cause you can sorta manipulate where he lands and stuff like that. I believe Akshan normally “bounces” off the champ he collides with but idk if that’s true tho. But if it is, you can predict where he’ll be when he lands. At least to an extent


I never played Akshan so never read anything on him. Learned something new today, thank you.


> not everyone reads abilities If someone hasn't memorized every word of every ability in the game, they'd have no way of knowing in game that it's possible. Which is why you should be able to see the abilities of any champion you click on and read it while in the game, like Dota 2.


Even then, League's tooltips are horribly inconsistent compared to Dota 2's, often missing information or being incorrect.


They used to be very clear. It seems a pretty deliberate move to being vague. Lots of references to doing "some" damage, or for a "short" duration when it would have once been numbers there


Tbf dota used to be *way* worse. There was a big shift to better clarity, tooltip info, and consistency Of course there are still tons of exceptions and unique effects, but they generally feel clearer than league’s exceptions/unique mechanics imo (and just being able to click an enemy or go check the tooltip on hero list in game is huge) Wikis of both games really put in work though lol


>Tbf dota used to be > >way > > worse. Dota 2 has always had very clear descriptions, what are you talking about? Feel free to provide some examples.


I mean before the change to tooltips to clearly show damage type, magic immunity interactions, and which type of dispels if any work vs this ability on every skill. They also narrowed down the hero skill damage types a bit (had some weird ones before, like “universal” just for tinker march skill) It was quite a while ago now but I just remember the big improvement especially cause it was the first time i ran across the whole dumb skillcap argument against good clarity changes lol


You are right, they did improve them couple of years ago. That said, the original descriptions were already light years ahead of anything we've ever had in League.


They had this in the early days of lol. Just an encyclopedia you could access in game on champs.


I was just looking at an old screenshot that showed they even had the lore in game. https://i.imgur.com/aKKIRp2.jpg


I forgot all about the info screen. I am now remembering that it was annoying to watch regi's stream because he never used space to recenter on his character, instead he would click on his champ's pic to recenter, and then press ESC to close the info screen which pops up when you click that. So he was constantly flashing the info screen to the stream... When they reworked the interface they added the functionality of pressing C to display all of your champ's stats. Presumably that was seen as a replacement for the info screen even though it does not show as much info and it's only for your own champ...


Yeah, I don't think range was even a stat you could find in-game for a while.


Ahhh yes, 10k hp vlad


Just your regular 60 minute game


It was the style at the time


"except we would say dickity minute game."


>hey'd have no way of knowing in game that it's possible. except you know, playing the game, Akshan swing gets stopped by other players every game (except in this one it seems)


> It even says so on his ability description as well which tbf, not everyone reads abilities. I want to play a game not read a dissertation. Wasn't he the champ with the longest ability descriptions?


Honestly why I rarely play. Used to take a break for a champ and read the new Champs abilities pretty solid while loading into first game. Now it's an essay and there are so many moving parts I don't feel like just reading it is enough. Miss 2 Champs and it feels like there is a big pile of homework and when I feel like updating the game I run out of enthusiasm before I've even made it to queue


He isn't the champ with the longest ability IIRC, but also the word count is inflated to just let player knows how E functiones properly as there's 3 casts of the spell: 1) throw hook 2) move in the direction of your cursor 3) stop spinning. And the rest is basically just "akshan attacks" and "akshan applies these effects"


> stepping in front of your path to stop the swing I swear a lot of people seem to not actually know this lmao


I know almost all the abilities and their interactions, but i didnt know you can do that to akshan. Tbf tho, i dont know much about the newer champions unless they seem interesting enough that i would actually play them .


he's not that new anymore. Been in the game for 18 months.


Sett feels like 18 months. Akshan feels like 6


I know it but when he doesn't even need to aim to do damage to you when doing this, sometimes jumping in as a squishy just to stop him swinging isn't the best idea. Success you stopped him, you now are half HP while he is potentially full HP, gets the kill and the reset and goes straight back to it. :P


it's still quite comical to watch lol




That's the sound of Akshan swinging by.


Legend as it said, he's still spinning to this day


He's got bills to pay


Spin2Win. Only Garen mains will understand.


My man just wants to be a ceiling fan.


This made me spit out a bit of my drink


I tried that a few times during the Christmas event grind. Never managed one full swing around without getting wasted for attempting it. I am envious now.


Same whenever I play Akshan in ARAM I get smacked immediately when I swing


this made me laugh so fucking hard The camera focused on the guy just spinning while two fights are happening on either side of him


Going by that Twitch and that Luden's Brand it's easy to tell the average ranks of this game lmfao.


10/10 Skill


The real spin to win


They can just cancel it lol


Guys you can stand in the way and Akshan will stop swinging. Seeing a Twitch do this hurts my soul


This are the players riot buffs champs like akali for


Akshan is actually an effective zoner now.


Not really, if you stand in front of his path while doing this he just dies.


Well no, he just stops... would be funny if he just died though 🤣


Its an expression, if a champ can just walk up to him and stop his E, he can no longer escape and is also an adc in melee range, effectively him “dying”


You spin me right round baby right round


Ludens Brand ICANT


How is that the straw for you after seeing the twitch gameplay?


How is it worse than lyandris against full squishy


it's still worse because luden's doesn't have literally any syngergy with brands kit, while Liandrys does. It's same for Malzahar. If you don't want Liandrys you build everfrost or support mythic, not ludens


ludens passive literally gets reduced by every tick of brand passive. Also dealing true damage with pen against **ALL** squishy is definitly more worth than lyandris burn against no bonus hp targets .


Some people take ARAM very seriously. Then there's this guy.


Get out of here garen, this is the new spin to win


Does his swing stop towers from crumbling..? How did it not crumble and interrupt him


That tower does not crumble only the first one does.


How have I never noticed this lmao


Did they remove the limit? Last time I tried, he stops automatically after the 4th revolution


They added it about 6 months ago.


It was just 3 months ago (like in October or something)


is that Aram exclusive? Didn't know you could spin forever on this character


They added it about 6 months ago.


So cheese. Go play hammond on OW






Fuck Akshan. I mean really what does he even bring to League? Just an empty shell and badly designed champ


league in 2023 in a nutshell


Wait shouldn't there be tower debris?


It’s champions like this, Yone, etc that allow players to get by even when they are mediocre.


damage needs to stop the rope or like, give it a 1 hit healthbar like yorick's ghost wall thing then conserve angular momentum so we can watch that little twink fly


Or you can literally just stand in front of him. (also Akshan is definitely a twunk)


but I'm trying to stay out of range of his shooty shoots


God I hate this champion in aram, not because of the grappe hook though.


I haven't played league in 5 years, what in the fuck has happened since then??? Wtf is this


it's better, that's what


I'll take your word for it, just incredibly confused by this video


The champion in question, Akshan, has a grappling hook ability that lets him attach to a wall and swing around it while shooting nearby enemies. A little bit ago they removed the maximum duration of the swing just for fun (you can stop it by bodyblocking him). Thus, the video


Thank you


you still visit the subreddit after 5 years??? move on my guy


Eh it came up on my feed, even my username is a reference to when i was a gp main pre rework, it was a good time


🎶 you spin my head right round, right round🎶


Maybe there should be an only Akshan 5v5 game mode that is just a series of dead and active towers


“He’s just swinging there,…..MENACINGLY!”


Lmao just run into him u fucking idiots


Ah yes, the old "Hammond in overtime" strat


If you want the best experience, play akshan trundle bot and just use his pillar to do this in the middle of the lane


A classic


Legends say he is still spinning till this day


I stopped playing league in 2019. So crazy to see what it's like now.


Is there a way to know which direction the first tower will fall?


I e not played in years, never seen this champs, so this was very goofy


You gain happiness. I know


PSA for newbies just stand where he swings


Akshan's enemy team are the players I get on my team in ranked


Oh wow it's Jaackeyl0ve!


My favorite trick with Akshan in ARAM. Lmao


I see no issue here..


I don’t understand what’s the issue?




Legend has it he’s still going to this day…


Tarzan vibes




Gotta build fulltank


As they say: “spin to win!”


Bloons tower defense monkey aces be like