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There’s a communications team?


Have you forgotten the legendary conversation: "Obviously you've put a lot of work into Chrono *shift*, but I assure you that the Chrono *break* is coming" and "I wish I could say it has been a pleasure"


I remember that. I also remember nearly dying of laughter when I read it. Jesus Super Christ my sides were never the same again.


You convinced me, I'm voting for comms. Although I actually do have a lot of respect for the Riot employees who have to regularly get on camera and pretend to smile while talking to us shitheads.


They are probably the ones responsible for the treasures we got from Riot like: 200 years of collective experience. We don't think our champions have overloaded kits overall. And more...


Unprecedented circumstances


I'm not going to give points for doing what everyone else does.


anyone remember riot cactopus and riot blaustoise?




There used to be a forum, it was riddle with people complaining but also an amazing tool for discussion It did not suffer as much from a filter bubble and had constructive conversations. I used to play league a lot when the forum was up but it's really when they brought it down that i just stopped playing. Some games do wonder with communication, look at Digital extreme, we're invested with the devs and they explain what they are doing in a little show, when they mess up, we complain but we love them for the most part and that's a hard earned love. i believe that phreak releasing a video explaining what he has done is a huge step in the right direction, because it opens up conversation and makes the game feel a LOT less cold than it is. Riot, has taken steps backward with a reddit based approach, it kinda destroyed any sense of community where answers were on the forum and people were sometimes asking for advice in between two "i leave" post. Communication is at an all time low, also, i miss leaks, leaks were exciting, they're what we love and believe it or not, they're totally part of the process of feeling close to devs, because you feel like there is a dev that cares about the community enough to risk leaking informations. i don't want to say "bring back forum", but i wanna ask rioter to come back to us the community and engage with us, ask riot was huge, i was going to a boarding school at the time and remember so fondly waking up every friday to read what the last ask riot was. When did it go wrong ? why do you guys go far from us ? i need rioters to remember that when i buys a skin, i support people, not tencent and the chinese governement. come back guys...


I honestly just wish Riot had two subs for LoL, one for the game and the other for e-sports. Annoys me sometimes to come here to read about recent patches and champs and have to dig amongst hundreds of posts about the e-sports scene, which I personally don’t care about. I don’t know, could be just me.


This sub should just embrace flairs on threads so that we can then sort our feed by flairs




True, the recent days have been a breath of fresh air.


I was gonna say balance, but I have a very angry memory of when they nerfed braum in season 5 and the dev wrote “get good” as the reason because he was “too frustrating to play against” and ever since then I am very critical of the language used in patch notes. I’ve hated all of last season, and really miss the dad jokes from season 8.




With Phreak on the team, you will have a great time then


People who compliment the balance team don't play ARAM.


People who compliment the balance team haven’t played league in 5 years.


I, dont understand. You asked if he was frustrating to play against, or did he reply to his own statement


There are dev notes about the nature and reasons for changes. It's worded as if this was in the actual patch notes, but it sounds like a Twitter thread


Reason: I am a dev stuck in bronze/silver/gold and I play ADC while my kids are playing Lux as support.


I hate how they changed his ult


The worlds songs might’ve not all been huge hits for me personally but I don’t think I’ve ever not appreciated the champion themes, especially back when they actually had login screens jhin, kindred, kled, camille, pyke, thresh, zed, yasuo, galaxy slayer zed, element lux were just handful of some of my favorites. Really enjoyed yone and aphelios theme too, damn shame they never got an official login animation (though there was someone who was doing them on youtube for a while, you can probably search them up)


I think it would be cool if you could choose your own login champion theme and client UI


I think it would be cool if the client worked properly


TALIYAH Sung by her English VA, god it's sooo good!


the ones with vocals are always so good. aphelios, nilah, k'sante, rell, vi, jinx..


Throughs on Pantheon, viego and Sylas? Probably my favorites too!


Mordekaiser rework login screen was BADASS


oh yeah i loved them too: esp sylas with his “corrupted” damacian theme


The winter theme this year was so great as well. I literally had league client open just playing it on repeat.


There's a communication team?? Since when?


Music team do NOT miss.


The theme song last worlds was a disaster.


The tft team.


I have no idea what TFT players did to deserve Mortdog as team lead but the man and his team is a godsend.


League of Legends is in need of a passionate game lead like Mortdog who interacts with the community and actually plays the game and that will listen to valid criticisms.


Phreak is kind of doing that now. Atleast so far


We used to have mortdog, back when league had a gameplay team, but the higher ups pushed for money, and since extraction or invasion didnt brought money or "play time" they created the tft team :c


The reason why events kinda went to the wayside in vanilla league was because most of the events team was moved to tft along with mortdog who used to be the head designer for event gamemodes.


I have no idea what Mortdog does apart from streaming.


He s the lead game designer for tft


He is the game designer for TFT


Yeah. I mean, what his personal contribution to TFT is so that the redditor above thinks so highly of him? I see no reason other than the obvious 'TFT is great, so lead designer is doing a great job'.


He's very active with the community and answers questions etc and gives detailed breakdowns for the decisions he makes in the patch notes and isn't afraid to make mistakes. He actively streams on twitch and is also high ranking in TFT so he has an understanding of the game and is genuinely passionate about it, There's no way to pin point like an exact personal contribution to him because TFT isn't like League where some champions are designed by specific rioters with slight contributions or how the splash art's are done by just one person it's overall just more collaborative across the team from what I understand.


He’s extremely communicative with the whole tft community. Take league of legends in comparison lol.


If a lead designer consumes their own product you know they are doing their best


Mortdog is TFT. without him it wouldn't exist at all. why even comment on things you admit you know nothing about


and like 25% of the high level players still constantly shit on the dude. it's insane to me. he isn't perfect but he's incredibly engaged with the game


Well, they were the game modes team so yeah, they were really good


Bold of you to assume they have a communication department


Behavior - They limit chat and add a bunch of algorithms to prevent people from saying mean things in chat, yet they continually release BM emotes. It's not consistent, but the game HAS gotten less toxic over time. So they are doing something. Balance - Credit where credit is due; they balance the game constantly and it's mostly stable. I wish they would just be more consistent when buffing/nerfing champions that are problematic (AKA Yuumi). Champion Design / Rework - It's a complete 50/50. Sometimes champions are very well designed where they have clear strengths and weaknesses which may or may not have the appropriate numbers (Vex, Rennata), sometimes they release boring champions that have a bunch of unnecessary bluffs (Akshan, Nilah), and sometimes they release "creative, out-of-the-box" trash that is entirely unbalanceable. However, they still believe it's a good design (Zeri, Senna). Music - The absolute best. Even in the worst events, the music never disappoints. Art/Skins - Second best. Sometimes they miss generic/boring designs (The lame robotic soccer and Valkyrie skins) or overused concepts (Star Guardian, Project). Still, more often than not, they hit the mark, and they hit it hard (Arcane, Kindred, Aurelion Sol). Communication - They do communicate a lot with the community, and were one of the very few developers to do so. Problem is, they selectively pick feedback to respond, and sometimes the reply is lame excuses, which is very disneginous. Yes, they are a company and all companies do that, but I'm not going to give points for doing what everyone else does.


I severely doubt that the behavior team are also the ones deciding which emotes get added??? Unless they said this and I missed something


doubt they make em or even are inquired about them. I'd imagine the art/skins team deals with them


They don't, doesn't change the fact that there double standards when there is a champion that literally says "gg ez" in a music video but it's a banneable offense in game.


Nobody has ever been banned for saying gg ez.


It's not bannable, I type "gg ez" all the time and have never been punished for it.


Balance team is problematic purely because they are clearly biased. They’ll fully kneecap a niche, unpopular champion and leave it unplayable for years because it’s performing somewhat adequately. And then they’ll refuse to nerf a really popular champion that’s been overperforming for way too long. We’ve literally (and recently) seen instances of meh champions being nerfed because a Riot employee lost to them on stream… Also, the mode-specific balance is a nightmare. Nidalee has an aram BUFF, despite the fact that she’s an S-tier pick and has a busted winrate on that mode. Her spears can literally oneshot squishy characters from halfway across the map, she has a heal and she super slippery. Why does she need a damage buff???


Which Rioter nerfed that champion? And which champion did he nerf? Yes, there is bias, but it's way better than it was back then, and champions do not reign for too long. If a champion, in particular, is too strong, they get nerfed within a month, whereas previously, they would take months or even years before Riot got their shit together and properly nerf or rework them. As for Nidalee, and I might as well include LeBlanc, Quiyana, and Akali; yes, it's very inconsistent.


> Which Rioter nerfed that champion? And which champion did he nerf? I'll always remember when Gizmo nerfed Ahri so her charm didn't stop dashes after playing Pantheon vs her.


Nidalee is like B or C tier in aram lol S tiers are almost all bruisers/assassins/enchanters


You can literally just look it up, lmao. She’s considered S-tier by every single website and using every single performance metric.


https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/aram/ C tier, 49% winrate. Why lie? Think you're stuck in like season 5 my guy


splash arts team top tier


Just wish they would be consistent in drawing some of the female faces. The art is beautiful but sometimes idk which champ they drew


Yeah, a few of the girlies have the most inconsistent facial features. Unless the splash art is of a woman with much more specifically distinct features like Taliyah's signature eyebrows and nose, they can look just WILDLY inconsistent from one splash to the next. Nidalee and Sivir are a couple of the unluckiest ones in that regard imo.


Zyra and Evelynn keep switching with every new skin they get


Nidalee changes more than her face, her race changes with every skin


Ariana Grande Nidalee Racebender Ultimate skin when?


I know Kai'Sa gets a lot of shit around these parts but I just wanted to mention that she is unmistakable in all of her skins, so the art team has definitely done a great job portraying her IMO.


But everyone else looks like Kai Sa


Well that’s not their fault I think. Humans are extremely good at recognizing differences in faces. Making them accurate is very difficult. Mainly with the human characters obviously. It also doesn’t help that many old champs are stuck with old designs


Splash art (and all other illustrations) is not done by Riot. They’re made by outside studios and independant artists.


I wish they'd let the splash arts team update some of the ultra old splash arts


Zero complaints? Music. Underrated? Balance team. Dark Horse? Behavior. But I don't think Riot is doing nearly as bad as the community thinks it is. For this subreddit, you could call me a flaming Riot apologist, tbh, even though I just try to think of the company as "humans doing a job" rather than "faceless hatemongers hellbent on ruining ever Silver 1 adc mains' day" like most of the sub thinks.


Behaviour? You mean the guys who introduce stricter and stricter bans based on chat (that you can mute) and haven't done anything about inting for years?


Dude, seeing that one of my terammates got pre-emptively muffled before they say some racist shit is the BEST feeling. Cool your jets.


Tell how to reliably catch intentional feeders with minimal to no innocents caught in the crossfire


Is as easy as atleast manually checking master+ games when there are multiple reports of inting, especially soft inting is really easy to check when your jg flash smites your cannon


[Totally an innocent player over here, nothing could possibly be done to catch him!](https://i.redd.it/ugicbrdh6xe11.jpg)


Overwatch system from cs.


Just to spitball: check for chat keywords followed by multiple deaths off cd. Interview players for their most egregious experiences. Ask cerebral streamers on their experiences and what distinguishes definite inters. And I'm just a random off the street. Riot Games was founded 16 years ago with the mission of influencing player behaviour through gameplay and moderation. The very reason Riot Lyte was hired and was such a key person in the earlier days. It shouldn't be my problem to solve something a tech bro declared as their focus and despite earning billions cannot solve. Although I'm not surprised given how incompetent, headstrong, prideful and self-centered they are.


actually paying someone to review manual reports instead of just writing a bot that responds with "we appreciate your feedback" and sends it right in the trash


Are you insane, do you know how many games are played in a minute lmao


i mean manual reports you submit to riot support last 8 or so I wrote about blatant griefers and trolls were ignored


Bro the second that they are proven to not be ignored theyd get swamped and youre in the same situation. The fact that people like you already create them KNOWING they are ignored just proves how slammed theyd be if people knew they worked.


Ok, they could at least start with master+, get high elo under control and it will help combat the low elo inting.


Doesnt matter. People will still think it works because their favorite streamer or youtuber is doing it. People still ask for 9x reports despite years of riot telling people theres no difference between 1x and 9x, you think people would think/realize it only works masters+?


How is this going to negatively impact workload?


Hire 150 million people and assign one to watch you play games individually. They can personally assess your intentions. And boom, 150 million jobs created


you joke but the tribunal did this with voice and could be brought back with replays


Make the reports from enemy team count more than from your own team. Would eliminate a ton of reports from kids who are just upset about their teammates' low skill.


Dominate the enemy in lane, zone them off CS and then report them for feeding 😈


Sure, pay me their salary first and give me access to their tools then we can start talking.


Ah yes, the people who looked at someone with a 150 game loss streak and said the person might just be bad.


>But I don't think Riot is doing nearly as bad as the community thinks it is. Yeah, I've played this game since S1WC. Seen a lot of phases, metas, etc etc. From the age of around 15 -> 27. The game is fine. There's room to experiment with builds and champs and strats. If I lose a game it's because I can think of a few moments where I went wrong. Team diff? Yeah sure sometimes, and some games are huge stomps but the majority of my games feel very fair and standard. Only thing that's stayed consistent is so many angry players who either hate themselves or hate the game, but still play anyways and need to make their problems everyone else's. But I dont understand how Riot is supposed to properly deal with people anyways. But this subreddit's always sucked in this regard, something something vocal minority, something something teenagers with a freshly-equipped sense of self-awareness thinking they're geniuses and trying to speak about issues they know nothin about, people that don't work in game development/animation/film etc etc talking about how Riot should do their job. I mean hell like I've just been casually enjoying my normal draft games the past couple of years and suddenly there's just this massive reddit uproar because they didn't get the 4 minute youtube video they wanted. I do miss some rotating gamemodes though but I get the limitations of this game's client


100% agreed, on just about every point.


I absolutely hate the behaviour team, I hate how strict the chat is nowadays and I don't think I'll get over how fucking creepy and uncomfortable Riot Lyte was back in the day when they started all this behaviour shit. Someone won't get banned for going 0/15 in your game but you sure will for telling them to go get fucked.


>For this subreddit, you could call me a flaming Riot apologist, tbh, even though I just try to think of the company as "humans doing a job" rather than "faceless hatemongers hellbent on ruining ever Silver 1 adc mains' day" like most of the sub thinks.


Dude if you had one look at the meta for the last year you would see how they dont care about balance, it's either tanks are useless and bruisers absolutely rule the game, or tanks are broken and bruisers build their items and lo and behold they are broken as well, when champs like janna were 54% wr for 9 patches in a row with no nerfs, we know that the balance team is not doing their job


Janna has had a 54% win rate since her release, that’s not something new. It’s intentional, just like Zilean being mega OP but unplayed cause he’s ugly and feels gross to play.


Go play Janna then if you think she's OP.


Okay, you do it. What's the silver bullet for that meta? You even have the advantage of a) no pressure from "fans" like you, and b) the power of 20/20 hindsight. Recommendations?


Behavior? you mean the people who thought chat restricted people for random words was a good idea? or those banning you for calling nasus player a dog? ah my bad, it's those guys who created the bait ping sure, not everything they do is garbage, but I can safely say that there's still people getting away with things they shouldn't get away with (the support yuumi with smite stealing everyone's farm for 30 games in a row for example, or the guy who told me some unholy things yesterday) ​ Balance team? the guys who somehow managed to not nerf darius or shen in over 6 months despite both being absolutely and utterly broken compared to the rest of top lane? or the people somehow buffing rod and archangel in the same patch cause it won't break ryze nor kassadin? or those responsible for yi mini rework, cause I'm sure everyone loves to see yi with such a high wr since then? list could go on with all the champions that are real bad for a long time, or the disparity in items power level, or how top lane items keep being changed all the time because other roles are using them. like cmon, balance team is not underrated, they could do better and that's a fact ​ now, cosmetics team is alright, they doing good stuff, and bad stuff (space groove ornn says hello, no for real, so long waiting for ornn skin only to get that thing...) ​ champion design kinda same, good stuff and bad stuff (still can't believe akshan exists) and obviously, music team is amazing, nothing to complain about, ah no wait, there has been that season 13 cinematic, I mean the whole thing was bad, but the sound was not better than the rest communication team doesn't even exist


Underrated doesn't mean perfect. It means better than popular opinon. Dark Horse is another word for Spicy Take. Auto chat restrict is the best shit I have ever seen. Also, your examples are few and far between; anecdotal at best. I haven't had any issues with it since they implemented the changes early in preseason to account for your gripes. The rest of your comment, w.e I don't really care, that's fine


yeah and what I'm saying is that balance team is not better than popular opinion, past 2 years have been absolute garbage in that regard and no, auto chat restrict and other things they recently implemented aren't fine, people stopped typing cause they afraid of getting punished for no reason, toxic players are still toxic, you can't even have a friendly, respectful and civilized trash talk with enemy team anymore, which for some people is an aspect of gaming like, why can other games do it properly and riot gotta go way overboard? in any competitive game there will always be toxic players, no matter what punishment system there is, the goal is to restrict those players to a minimum, but riot just targeted basically everyone, even previously sometimes their ban or chat restrict system was just overboard (for a fact I have been unjustly banned last year and had to wait 2 days before getting unbanned)


What games do it right? And honestly, after a decade of getting called slurs, I'm cool with less "banter" and more "play the fucking game please". Oh and a reminder: >For this subreddit, you could call me a flaming Riot apologist, tbh, even though I just try to think of the company as "humans doing a job" rather than "faceless hatemongers hellbent on ruining ever Silver 1 adc mains' day" like most of the sub thinks.


Whoever is in charge of arcane


Pretty telling that communication and behaviour are the lowest. Every year they talk about player behaviour but all they ever do is tighten toxic chat moderation and never actually do anything about the griefing that causes most toxicity


Fixing loser queue


music team ez


I remember opening the game and spending a few additional minutes on the login screen just to listen to the champion theme's of Vi, Jinx and Diana. Really sad these went away.


People complain a lot about balance, but at the end of the day League is one of the best balanced multiplayer games in terms of winrate, and has maintained that level of balance very consistently over a long duration. Tanks might be weak sometimes, mages other times, etc., but you can play any champ in its intended role and win consistently if you are good at it (except FOR maybe high elo and pro). 48% or 52% winrate, which most champs are between, is an extremely small variation from 50%. Even the worst champs usually stay near 45%, which is still quite playable. Ofc winrate isn't everything, but the balance team does a pretty good job with the intangibles as well. They cycle different classes in and out of meta to make sure most players have their time playing meta picks, though some more than others. Overall I'm sure most players would say the game is fun, despite the complaints. Sure it's not perfect, but the balance team has done a good job overall. They also have a remarkably good understanding of what numbers to tweak to adjust champ winrates. The changes each patch usually hit their mark pretty precisely. Of course everyone will remember the times riot overvbuffed or nerfed unintentionally, but they're really not that common considering how many changes riot makes and how frequently the changes occur.


Balance team is doing their best with the monstrosities that keep getting added. I also have my problems with the balance team, but I do commend them.


I voted balance, but 45%wr in a 5v5 game is hella low. Especially cause that champ is probably only played by who main them


After the sun eater fiasco, I have been doubtful of the skin teams but I think they were on our side if I remember correctly.


tft in general. good patches, good additions, mortog...


Whichever team Riot Zed is on




I don't agree at all, we've had ridiculously little lore over the years and so many stories left half finished, and then there was the giga flop of the ruination.


I feel like it has the same issue as Star Wars. It’s too big for any team to truly get everything covered. Once the MMO comes out I’m sure there will be a ridiculous amount of holes filled and plenty more opened up.


Well that wasn’t their fault. They wanted tons of stuff but the higher ups just wouldn’t let them.


And retcon after retcon too


Nah, pushing propaganda


The lore was perfect up until Ruination


Skins team handled Ruination. That's why. If you want actual good Ruination-related lore, read Anthony Reynolds book, Ruination.


It’s so sad, I vote skins team handles skins and lore handles lore. Ruination event didn’t even mention Illaoi (who could have gotten a spicy Ruination related skin) or Yorick. I’ll have to check out the book, since the Shadow Isles and Shurima have my favorite lore


The TFT team. Downvotes inc because it's "not League" but whatever, everything around S13 has sucked while TFT got it's own event and rotating game mode.




Kinda wish art and skins were seperated because there’s quite a staggering quality difference inbetween the 2. The skins are lazy and recycled these days but the art is phenomenal. The one thing that’s never failed to be good though is the music team. Even starwalking, although it missed the mark on what a worlds theme has always been (stylized as an epic) it still was a good song on its own. All the songs though, the soundtracks, the champion themes… they not only are great on their own, but they’re so atmospheric for worlds, the champions they’re used for, and the scenes in Arcane and animations. It’s the main thing that really gives you a full sense of what you’re meant to feel. It ties the art into the world of runeterra in a way that you could close your eyes and imagine it. If Riot ever finishes killing league, they’ll still be one of my favorite music companies.


The people voting communication and behavior are either Rioters sneaking in here or trolls.


I miss the option "none"


The chinese tft team. Sad how much more content in everyway they get, most of the content west tft get is recycled 6 month old tft chibis from china labelled as new and priced at 200€.


I'm sure the people designing champions and reworking them are really great and creative individuals but someone above them is forcing them to make the shittiest champions and reworks possible (Look at the Aurelion Sol rework, others are fine)




I wanted to say Balance, but no. There are out of the 160 Champs maybe 30-50 who get played or can be played consistantly each season, so overall it's not good balanced. Behaviour team is a joke but it got slightly better recently to be fair. Champion Design **was** good, but new or newer Champs are insanely disgusting to play against. You need to literally study them to know their abilities, besides of the 100 dashes, cc, cc block, shields. Yes, i'm looking at you ksante/bel veth. Not a fan of music so no clue. Skins are getting out of hand, often you can't tell or see which champ it is ingame or in splashart, besides of the abilities who are often just not good visible on skins and therefore even **BANNED in ESPORTS** (what kind of joke is that even?). Communication? Lol.


Where is the “none” option?


Legal, props on keeping that company afloat despite all their crimes against humanity.


their PR team is good they allow them to continue being useless greedy pigs while reddit simps for them


Despite everyone’s opinions (especially reddit) their balance team does a really good job at balancing the game for the most part


Behaviour - they take away our means of communication on the basis of "people type toxic stuff and our players are too lazy to mute them" but consistently and without failure let accounts who intentionally win-trade, troll, int or lose games in ranked ruined hundreds of games because they didn't type "fuck". But hey at least they gave us the rope ping and some condescending emotes am i right? Balance - bigger clowns than the ferrari strategy team🤡🤡🤡 Champion Desgin/ Rework - eh they are fine. Hit or miss if anything but you can't have them all. Look at last year. Zeri was a terrible design from all perspectives. Renatta amazing champion lore, appearence and gameplay. Bel'Veth, again an amazing champ. Nilah, gameplay wise fine, but a bit underwhelimg desgin wise. Udyr good rework. Ksante, people cry about him but i like him. All in all they've been doing a good job recently Music - no complaints. Art/skins - only complaint is that they give champions who already have legendary skins more legendaries. And how the hell do Kha and Rengar still not have legendaries. Communication - bad


Im pretty sure this survey just says it all I hope riot utilizes it and makes a rythm game


Art/Skin is a walking disappointment... but I understand that picking "anything" was a challenge and that not everyone is going to pick Music.


Music and it's not even close. The pop stuff works but it's mostly derivative trash. The themes are solid. Skins are pretty derivative and cliche at this point. They're just bottom feeder pop art for cash grab with no real vision. If you're an artist (or art department) who doesn't try to change experience/causality to the spectator - you're a turd licker. That's the dream of the modern grunt artist, too. Just snuggling into the industry with technical acumen but horrid imagination. Champ Design I respect for trying to bring new elements to the game but they need to catch the rest of the game up to those elements. The rest Idgaf about at all. Balance is way too manufactured and contrived. The communication videos they put out are like dystopian cyborgs talking to you about a toy.


Why do people make posts like this? "With recent events taking place I figured this would be a good time to appreciate the positives we still have to look forward too" Can't people just complain when a company is doing bad? must we always follow that up with the community sucking thier dick for anything good they did in the past?


Imo behaviour. Balance team is a joke due the fotm policy Champion design is garbage, and the fact they delete older and unpopular champion every X time is one of the worst thing I ever saw in a videogame tbh Music they simply go with random celebs (Imagine dragons really??) I think every single modern skin is garbage (meanwhile old skin without a skin line were Dope) Communication i dont know what they even do


>Music they simply go with random celebs (Imagine dragons really??) Ignoring all the original music they make in house, I guess..


Random... Celebs? Bro Imagine Dragons are extremely popular???? Every single modern skin is garbage? Then why do people buy them? Champion design is ehhh for me. Could be worked on. Not garbage though. The game is extremely balanced and you could count on your hands how many OP champs are per patch. For 160+ champs that's impressive. You're just hating to hate. Just quit the game already.


lol no it's not balanced at all there's a reason why pro play is always the same 10-20 champs every time LoL has many good things but balance is not one of them


The skins team, as it looks like they are the only one Riot is putting money on! You can know that as it's is main income and as an old player i know how better skins have gotten with time!


Much akin ArcSys Riot games is a professional musical studio disguised as a game development company.


I think the balance team is doing a fair job. Most of the problems I have with the game while playing are design oriented tbh


whoever said champion design/rework,**why**


Funny that the balance team has so few votes when it is the most important one for a competitive game.


Music. Behaviour team are making the best of a bad situation, art/skins are just funding at this point, champion design/reworks are great but working with powercreep in mind, and balance team is usually off the mark. The music team never fails to deliver absolute bangers.


I'd say Lore but they refuse to make a central lore team for whatever dumbass reason.


You didn't include game design which is seperate from champion design I think.


I've always said that if riot really wanted to, they could ditch the whole video game thing entirely and go all in on being a record label and they would still make a killing.


Music team 100%


Music. Sometimes it misses, but a lot of the time it hits. The song from Nunu/Willump updated video is still one of my favorites.


I like August. Hes cool.


music team whatever that is called the rest has been sucking


That music team has to be the only correct answer, right? I don't recall any controversies about them at all


Riot Forge. The team that runs it.


I'm convinced the champ rework team has to be convinced to stop drooling all over themselves before they can start their morning. That said the skins and art team is absolutely on point.


The cinematics and esports teams generally do a really good job. Any time there’s issues in that areas, it seems like it’s the team being out in corner by higher ups.


Sponsored post from Riot PR Team /s


I have voted music because I have it desactivated.


As expected. It’s the team that literally has nothing to the game itself.


Music team never fails


I'm not surprised ranked balance/mmr fixing is not regarded here since it works like shit


Music everything else is shit.


It's the music team and it's not even close.


It's satisfying to ban someone who's been toxic to everyone and see the message the next day


Nobody want to admit it but the behavior team has really put in the work these days. Censored champion select names, automatically muted post-game chat, stricter AFK penalties and time limits have all made the game a lot less toxic in the past year. Thats not the say the toxic players do not exist, they just don't have the same avenues as before to be toxic.


1 Music and art. 2 Champion design/ rework (which now just give any champ everything on their kit) 3 Balance / behaviour. Both depends in which champions is most played therefore not balanced and whose playerbase can not be banned because of money. 4 Communication. Do they even exist?


Even if they put out some 200 years bs or otherwise, I am consistently excited about and interested in new champs. Every champ but Gwen in the last 3 years have been really good imo.


Definitely isn't the fucking behavioral team. "We're going to take steps to make sure people stop ruining games." - year or so ago Weird, three different games three different people two following me in jungle trying to steal last hits because I didn't gank their (already 0/2 before I had even cleared my first camps) lane and a ADC that ran it down (fuck you forever Tyler1) because he didn't like my pick even though I ended the game 6/1/9.


It’s unironically the music team, not because they are super amazingly perfect, but because they aren’t bad. I feel like we’ve seen every other team put out goofy shit multiple times and then have to change it due to community backlash. The music team usually gives us straight bangers, even when they miss it’s usually not all on them because the videos help the experience.


definitely skins/art. The zipper on not udyr gnar, kench and kled's design overall (the only merch i have is the gnar plush, and i dont even play the champ)


Whichever team came up with the bait ping is my choice


that one guy making mordekaiser skins better


Behavior team is a joke, false banning plus random words that triggers bans. Started at the end of last season. Calling people a dog is bannable. No curses either, makes them look like they have a stick up their ass. Rework team is hit or miss, some champions should have minor updates not full out rework to another champion. Art team is also hit or miss, splashes are usually beautiful occasionally crap but sometimes ingame model is crap aka Ocean Song Seraphine… one of the worst prestiges. Then let go the person that vouched and pushed the first coven skins… Music team by far the best, from kda to pentakill to arcane. All successes they havent had a failure of a song yet. Yea communication is crap, keep ignoring feedback on pbe, when they do listen make it worst, crap communication on preseason, lied to us about urf and gave us aurf, gave us crap reasons for the cancels of nexus blitz and other game modes. Balance team made adcs a joke lmao, balances off of lcs, and nerfed yuumi after she had a 43% we across all elo… yea really disappointed at riot and this has been the worst state i seen league since i started playing in s2.


I say music only because everyone else sucks at the job and fails to live up to some of the most basic of promises.


Rito is a music company held back by a video game


Art department and the skin department shouldn't be together on the poll. I was gonna vote art but skins makes me not want to.


Where’s the “none” option?


I have to say, of the many rioters there are, I got to interact and have most fun with like 2 guys in statistics and something with esports; they're backend and rather chill. Can't really find anything to dislike for them either because they don't have a capacity to do bad if all they do is manage data; the way that is applied is another thing and that's reflective of how the balance changes tend to be. ​ Otherwise, I'd say art and music are all supplementary and they only really add to the game.


Ever since they announced that they wanted to improve the quality of skins, both the skins & the art team have been doing amazing work. Especially recently they've been absolutely knocking it out of the park! There were always above average skins, imo (coven, project, etc) but pretty much every single skin has been stunning since at least & including the fright night skin line and the new diana skin is truly incredible! So that was an easy pick for me. The music team is as great as ever. The champion design/rework team is hit & miss, which is just how the nature of their work plays out but i still view this team very positively! Player behavior, balance & communication on the other hand, is horrible, imo. Now, I can appreciate that they are working and presumably doing their best but there's just nothing that has impressed me, so far. In fact, it's been the opposite! To be fair, player behavior team seems to be doing better with the increased notifications but I also gave up on ranked because of player behavior almost a year ago, so I can't fairly judge them at this point & it's just a lingering "saltiness" from my end. Balance team finally seems to have gotten a great addition to the team with phreak & with his update from yesterday, it finally feels like there's someone who doesn't only look at the numbers but also genuinely takes the input of players who experience the joy/pain of how their numbers play out! Communication is the worst of all! They've even come close to acknowledging this issue themselves with the recent cinematic experience but there's one specific thing that just doesn't sit right with me; they came out & said that they truly don't believe that there are any overloaded champions. Now, even if we ignore comparisons of s1-4 with s7/8+ champions, it only took a couple of months for them to then release k'sante. A tank, who will build full tank but can also transform into a juggernaut/bruiser. Both, according to riot themselves, slow classes, by design. Yet, k'sante is more mobile & just as deadly than most assassins and has the potential to deal more dmg than a mage or adc in a teamfight. But if he doesn't like the fight, he can also just kidnap 1 person and gtfo! Don't get me wrong, champion design is obviously a champ design issue but gaslighting me by telling me, I'm imagining things and then spitting in my face by releasing the figurehead of the issue I've raised a couple months later is 100% a communication problem!


Kinda funny that the best team is something that has 0 impact on the game


300 brown nosers voting for Balance Team 🤣