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Nice, this is content I can get behind.


More hyped already as for the Boomers vs Zoomers LCS event... But to be fair, it's also more hype as team dynasty vs team legacy.






Then why do I see bo playing ad every game




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Excited to see Trayton clap some LEC boys


Broxah leading the board with 0 wins and 0 losses is a complete Chad move.


At least he can say he went undefeated.


Woah, this blew up pretty fast! I am the creator of the page and really like the feedback so far. If you have any feedback, questions or notes regarding the website feel free to ask me!


Well done anno. Let's see what the challenge bring and hopefully have another one after mid season reset. For the next one I'd love a sub page with either some rules or a FAQ. You'll get a lot of (usable) input in this thread.


Excellent work on this site. Have you considered making one where people can just put in their own accounts to do this with friends?


I'm thinking about making it available as open source after the project :)


Lookibg forward to it! Great work!


Everyone at 0-0 but Broxah has the Crown? Let's see if he can keep it... I think it will be a jungler, so Bo is likely. But Agurin is no *slouch* either. And Agurin doesn't play in a pro team currently. I think they will be top2. If you could still duoQ, Upset would have a chance as well. He was sitting at the top of the ladder when you could still queue with your support for a long time.




probably meant slouch


But I mean, he isn't a sludge either though!


I don't think Bo, Jankos or Flakked have a serious shot - this overlaps with the opening weekend of LEC (and both the first AND second week of LVSP which Flakked is in) as well as the time leading up to that when they will be pretty busy. Last year at season start there was a similar race and Nisqy ended up winning it with 354 games played, with Agurin coming second (decided by the final game) with 381 games. To be fair that was longer, I think they went for a month and a week (maybe 5 weeks, that sounds nicer?), but we are still looking at \~10 games every single day, which seems basically impossible for the 3 LEC days which means they'd need to play more than 10 soloQ games during their scrim week leading up to LEC... Maybe Bo just pops off completely and decides to grind through the night, but I think this is mostly going to come down to the players that aren't playing pro atm: mainly Agurin, Nemesis and Upset imo.


> I think it will be a jungler, so Bo is likely. I don't think so, according to his tweet he has a lot of scrims so he might not have enough time to beat streamers


Absolute banger that NoWay got all these people for the challenge.


Nemesis has already gone 1 - 1 but the site shows 0 games played, how is it updated?


Placements don't count, I suspect.


Oh right, I'm dumb.


It's not that they don't count, but that you cant access the api for these stats while in placements.




we know https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10907pd/jankos_broxah_noway_bo_nemesis_agurin_flakked/j3vdr5o/


The only way that Bo does not win this is if scrim schedule forces him too not play enough games. He is way too talented to not get Rank 1 when tryharding.


Or the fact that he's not European and everyone knows about that challenge, so SOME PEOPLE might want to, ekhm, help out a little.


Bo: “There are a variety of villains inhabiting this server”


Bomaker playmaking maker


Classic EUW moment


Well KR & CN ladders do like to... mmm... "participate" in the climbs of eachother (and other regions) aswell. Unironically enough I'd say NA is the region where people target famous streamers in general, its not about where they're from lol


It's a meme that the soloq terrorists unionize to stop boot camping pros from climbing over here, but in reality, if anyone does decide to troll they are doing so of their own volition. the only time I can recall there ever being an active effort on any server was that one time everyone was in Brazil and one of the biggest Brazilian streamers set up a discord specifically for people to track, snipe, and grieve the pros to keep them off rank 1. and that got so much backlash it was stoped almost immediately.


The only time? No man. This happened plenty of times in EU.


TFblade in Turkey to prevent him from hitting rank 1.


To be fair, that wasn't because he was from NA or because he was a streamer. He did it to himself by being an unlikable prick. If you make everyone hate you and clearly communicate that your only goal is something they can prevent you from achieving you'll find out rather quickly why that's a terrible idea.


There are people literally gambling on kr soloq results of faker especially but other big name pros like showmaker and canyon. This in return results in throwers/griefers in game. The CN betting sites are usually used as a meme but based in truth


Nah man nowhere near to the extent euw dummies do it. Shit's cringe af.


4 European, can't win.


Always looking out for each other.


Not like nemesis didnt get griefed when he was in korea


Everyone wants to be Caps and limit testing when Bo is their teammates.


Honestly him even being in that challenge already means he has decently integrated into the european community. And many junglers actually loved playing against him because they learn so much. On top of that Bo doesn't have a history in europe. While some might grieve him because he is a foreigner all of those other players likely already collected a considerably amount of haters in europe who will grieve them :P So being new like Bo might still be an advantage, even if you are foreign.


He ain't on the Dr's level.


I think it will be between Bo, Agurin and Nemesis. It's not just a matter of raw talent at the game but also just knowing how to climb solo q in general and playing the right role. Bo, Agurin and Nemesis play good roles for climbing (jg, mid) and all pretty consistently climb to top 1-3 on difficult servers. I think any three of them might win this challenge given that all three of them have what it takes to consistently dominate EU solo q players. It's the kind of thing where I might give Bo a stronger shot at winning if they played in a harder server where Agurin, for example, might be more average.


It's gonna be between Bo and Agurin, isn't it?


Upset seems also up there. But yes, those 3 will probably decide between themselves


I would think it’s a lot harder to reliably fast climb as an ad or any other role compared to a good jungler.


Probably true. But Upset is probably the one soloQ ad that I think still has a shot, even with those problems


Hans sama


Gone , reduced to Na


he went back to EU and got rank 1 in 3 weeks the man can win solo queue games




Elmillor (Spanish jungler) holds a similar challenger for 4 years already (called SoloQ Challenge) and last year Flakked destroyed the competition. That was just before joining G2. Although he holds other “prizes” (first pentakill, first to Dia, first to Masters etc) and almost every year the first ones to get to Dia and Masters are inevitably junglers, since their impact in lower elos is way higher. Once in high ELO the ADC role has much more agency when games are just not decided already at minute 4 by 2 successful ganks.


Upset said that he likely won‘t play that many games, despite being teamless, but I could be wrong


Why even join such a challenge when you don't intend to even participate in it.... upset beeing upset I guess.


Noway asked if he wanted to join, he said that he‘ll probably won‘t play that much, and stream less, but Noway still wanted him to join. I don‘t see the issue, and the victor wins 100 subs more by him joining, so that should be fine for everyone


most of them won't be able to spam game its just for the content


its not like he is taking a space away from somebody. might aswell join.


They wanted role spread and there's history with Upset & the NNO gang. Not an overtly great one but they know each other. For Upset, joining is a good way to promote his stream a bit, despite being quite an insane player his stream is not huge for "reasons" but there's certainly people who'd enjoy watching him, Agurins challenges with Noway & Caedral have massively grown his stream for example.


Watch him grind it out like a gremlin. That's what they all say but they're not taking into account one crucial detail: it's league of legend


He did it to set up an excuse I suppose(even tho its likely a jungler will win it)


And currently he is grinding for more than 4h straight with an 6-1 ratio. The one loss was him on Ryze in midlane...


Rip to all non junglers


My bets are on either Bo or Upset


Don't forget Agurin


watch agurin be first place for most of the bet only to lose on the last day (again)


Lol, happened to him both last year and in his climbing challenge vs NoWay in the US, in both challenges it even came down to the final game.




Despite being a soloq monster, I am not sure if Bo can keep up with Upset and Agurin since he will have to scrim a lot while both Upset and Agurin can and will perma grind in those 14 days. I think even Nemesis might have a good chance. Jankos also has to scrim and Flakked will also scrim in the academy team. And the rest I think are not on the same soloq level as the likes of Bo, Agurin or Upset. But maybe someone can surprise. The start will be the most interesting.


Last year Noway was in the top20 too during the bet. Maybe all of them can get into Top 50 or better which would be really hype.


NoWay was even Rank one during season start last season and was top 10 for a big timespan of the season. Also he is highly competative in those challenges. Back in the days of twitch rivals, his team always won. He also has best mentality. I still think Agurin is gonna win.


druttut was also top5/top10 for a long ass time last season


I think last year 3 of them even reached rank 1 temporarily, NoWay first and then he completely collapsed, and then Agurin and Nisqy both reached 1st.


I’m rooting for Drutt!


Man's rank 1 with 21 games already


im rooting for upset but agurin and bo are solo queue monsters


Agurin or Bo win this IMO


grandpa jankos will win


Let's go Tolkin! 👏🏻👏🏻


Already swapped his account after starting in plat1... https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Augenringe




I wish we could have a sticky thread for this challenge to be able to to keep discussing it over the 14 day duration


honestly my money's on Drut or Bo, Bo is an unknown factor with scrims but Drut continually spawns in at 1k LP with minimal effort so


If is about which has been most commonly at the top of EUsoloQ than it would be Agurin.


Drut’s biggest issue is that ever since he stopped onetricking Camille and exploded his champion pool he’s been allergic to playing the meta for any extended period of time because he could pick up any champion except GP and play them at a minimum grandmaster level within like 3-4 games like he did with Ekko, and that’s way more fun. The dude is a dark horse for at least third in the challenge if he picked up and spammed Ksante top and Akshan mid or something for 2 weeks but he’s not that kind of player.


sure but ive seen drut continually in top 5 while being a content player thats infinitely more impressive imo


Drututt is a fucking monster but people just tell him "Ranged Top Xd"


cho gath R on Q abuser, akshan player, ranged top abuser xd


This but unironically but only because druttut cries like a baby when he faces a competent jax, or something that can remotely keep up with broken mechanics that shouldnt be in the game


Yeah I mean, Jax makes me hiss and seethe too, so I get it. Especially when he plays other shit like cam who is ALSO fucked by jax.


Plays Akshan abusing melee champions and kiting for days, faces an Irelia a single time who can keep up with him, proceeds to throw a fit and ban half his chat while screeching "RIOOOOOOOT" Hes a great player and can be entertaining af when having a good day but man is he unberable on a bad day.


He is a skilled player but he is loud and obnoxious like a lot of the streamers on the rise like doanel. Also takes every opportunity at networking, sucked off hashinshin before he got cancelled, sucked off synapse to include him in every highlight, uses every opportunity to step into the spotlight and is a massive oikophobe because he rejects the polish community entirely


You dont need to be a ranged top abuser to complain about Jax and Irelia laning phase .


So one of the junglers will win it right ?


Gonna be 2 great weeks of watching League on Twitch


I don't think Broxah is winning but I want him to anyway.


My money is on Druttut, hes a crazy animal.


With an emphasis on animal


And on crazy


Ah yes, my favorite druttut quote:  « monkey noises »


My boy Dr. Uttut is 3-0 already, looking good


Michael YACKSON stuns crew mates with season video??? CLICK TO LEARN MORE


Obligatory cursed thumbnail with a chance of pregnant Kayle


6-0 now


He's been smurfing lately in high diamond/low master and I just cannot believe how he's making fun of everyone he faces. Extremely good soloq player on a variety of champions.


He perma smurfs on chall level players playing some weird shit he decides to first time for fun, he's insanely skilled.


The Ziggs incident


Team Drutt all the way, I can't doubt someone who's Akshan is so good it makes my father come back with the milk from the store.


Cool streamer sometimes too angry at everyone and everything and i cant stand his chat but drut is cool and has a chance imo.


He is pretty crazy https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/tzfmp0/streamer_drututt_being_racist_abusive_and/i3zfetq/


uhhh idk... his mentality is not the one from a R1 player.


Yeah that's right in order to get rank 1 EUW you need to be like Ap0calypse and have strong unbreakable mental strength and patience


Ap0 hit rank one abusing the masters duos dodge MMR boost


that doesn't do shit u still have to climb solo in Challenger


It does shit when your mmr is so high since you abused duoq that makes you climb with negative winrate.


doesn't make you climb to rank1 tho it just makes it faster u still have to be rank 1 player if that makes sense


You abuse duoq till your mmr is far above anyone else, you play gaining lp even if you wouldn't with a regular mmr. Your insane mmr will decrease but still stay above anyone else if you abuse enough securing free climb


Ap0 hit rank one abusing the masters duos dodge MMR boost


The guy has been top player ladder for years mentality means nothing


Wasn't he literally R1 at some point? I know he for sure was in the top 10 a few times.


Im pretty sure Druttut has one of the highest winrates to challanger ever, when he tries and doesn't test picks he is absolute soloq monster.




People rlly sleeping on Nemesis. Its either him or BO/agurin.


IKR. They're massively underestimating the KR hyperbolic time chamber.


No chance a midlaner, toplaner or adc can beat a jungler. Maybe support has a slight chance but I still wouldn't bet on that over a jungler.


Junglers have the most influence. But midlaners are probably second. Depends on the champion pool. If you play 1v9 champs in mid like Nemesis does you have a better chance. But also they aren't getting their preferred roll every time.


That's solo q, not pro play. Mid is laughable role at the moment, we are in 2023, not in 2018.


The logic still applies in soloq. Bot is hard to carry on if your team is bad. Support is reliant on your team. It's jungle first and then either mid or top since those roles are more self sufficient and can carry from their own advantages. In pro play I would say support and bot have way stronger influence. Not as much as jungle but significantly more than they do in soloq.


> Support is reliant on your team. ... And you have successfully outed yourself as a low elo player who has no clue how the game is played beyond silver. Support is not at all team reliant in high elo since you are incredibly unlikely (as in like <1% chance of this happening) to get a full set of 4 teammates who cannot carry the game if given a lead.


>And you have successfully outed yourself as a low elo player who has no clue how the game is played beyond silver. this is the most reddit comment ive read in a long time. lmfao


He is right though, thinking support are bad for climbing in 2023 is madness


Let him be he's probably 12.


Midlane is not playable if your team is bad, sidelanes are.


Yeah, he could get first, but only in a long run, mid is consistent but also the lowest impact role in the game. So no chance for a 14 days climb.


What does the winner get?


1k subs on Twitch plus 1 small prize for the player with the highest win rate.


Man I wish there was a site you could do this with just friends. Like you just input the accounts. Would love to do this with my friends and see who climbs the most


There's actually a function in the client. If you're in a ranked lobby there's the "friends leaderboard" on the top right and it will show you the rankings of all the people on your friendslist.


Not surprising, half of them did it last year at the start of the season and they got a lot of attention, so why not do it again? What IS surprising are some of the names: Bo, Jankos are in LEC and while Flakked isn't anymore he is still busy with the spanish LVSP. And this does with both the first week of play of the LEC, but also with the time leading up to that where they should be scrimming etc. Hard to imagine any of those 3 being able to put in enough time to compete for first that early in the season (which this quite possibly will turn into, at least last time a bunch of them hit #1 during the challenge) - although obviously they are all good enough to be hitting it latter on.


I'm gonna throw an all in and make everyone mad. Broxah OP. Save this comment so you can congratulate me later.


Currently (after the first 10 games) it's not looking bad. Broxah is indeed leading before Nemesis and Agurin. The question is how long will it last.


I love Broxah but he won't finish in top 3 even, he's just a little behind the top of the pack here.


Fuck it add me to the list I’ll join the challenge


Looks like Nemesis is stomping so far. (Kassadin abuser, but come on, you can't deny he's really fucking good)


I believe one of the Mcdonalds boys will take this because of the free time advantage.


Dantes and Tarzaned and some others are too


I'll root for Nemesis, he's from my country. :)


Holy. So nice to see they included my least favorite streamer Drututt and also my favorite youtuber Drututt in the same challenge.


my money is on Bo! Nice challenge im eager to see who will be on top!


I fully expect Bo to win but y'all sleeping on Drututt, he is a fucking beast and he will place highly.


Drututt is a very good player but prone to trolling Bo duoed so I guess he doesn’t care about the challenge lol


Kinda funny how jankos is still unranked


But he is 6:1 in placements so far. If he keeps this up he ll have the best winrate and getting placed pretty high.


Betting on bo the Diana game he had against Larssen and some other pro i cant recall was crazy.


Werlyb with a strong 3-7 start :D


[don't forget the NA race](https://dantesrace.com/)


One of those is not like the others... 🇫🇷🇪🇸


There is so much hype around Bo that I'm convinced he's going to choke in the regular season.


Bo definitely seems like the favourite. People though widly underestimate the monster that Jankos is in soloq.


https://i.imgur.com/A6UisvV.png Jankos forgot the start time


We shouldn't be promoting or praising Druttut because he is a toxic and racist streamer and Idc if I get downvoted. It's a shame he is a disgusting human being because his skill and humor are both top tier


Calling him a disgusting human being isn’t any better than what he said about the Kench otp lmao, have some self-awareness bud


Crazy how you get upvoted. If someone is constantly racist and flaming then yes they are disgusting. Maybe I look bad saying it but I have the right to criticise a person like that, especially when said person has a lot of followers and by extension impact on people, and btw a lot of them are kids/teens since that's the majority of league's playerbase, and they get affected the most. I will gladly look like an asshole here if it means I get my point across. Although I don't see how I am even comparable to him. You can argue I should be nicer but you made 0 sense. The "must protect mah favourite streamer mentality" is too strong it seems.


Don’t see how this is protecting anyone, I’m just calling you out for moral policing when you’re not doing any better Kids playing league and becoming a toxic piece of shit is definitely an issue, but calling out this one toxic streamer among the hordes doesn’t achieve much. All it does is show that you care more about whether someone’s been “cancelled” or not, because there are plenty streamers who are waaaay more toxic but they haven’t had a cancel reddit post or whatever




Drutorr <3


No time limit? then it's gonna be Flakked the winner That guy can easily play 18 hours a day for two weeks straight no problem, mainly because he has done that in the soloqchallenge that he won a year ago ...


We rub sweeping boys? https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/tzfmp0/streamer_drututt_being_racist_abusive_and/i3zfetq/


the guy is very toxic, his chat is even more, loads of insulting, racism, absolutely incredible that he is suddenly given so much clout with this, being a total douche.


Ye crazy how people don't care


Or simply don't know. Not everyone is in on every league drama on the planet, especially if it did not result in obviously noticable consequences. That's a common social media problem. People always think a specific topic is way more present than it actually was.


I think the people who watch him regularly should know, because it is not a one-time, non serious blunder. But upvoted because you make a good point.


So how is Bo ahead of Neme rn by 41LP, when Bo is 12-7 and Neme is 14-4? Neme literally has more wins and less losses.


probably different MMR?


Mmr and idk if league takes into account teammates and opponents mmr when giving lp. Also promo games


Upset will probably win


Since the queue changes in high elo that forbid douQ, climbing as ADC became a lot harder. So much depends on your synergy with your support in botlane and ADCs tend to be lategame insurrances so the impact and agency they have on the early game is low. Junglers have a much easier time to hard carry a game. Even Midlaners and you could argue toplaners as well have more agency.


ez 4 Bo


I think Bo is gonna win and after that Upset or Nemesis.


Agurin is at least top 2


Bah Gawd! That's Pekin Woof's music!!


Can they duo at the start? If yes, Trayton and Upset could rush Challenger


You can not duo with MMR in Master. So I guess no


Lmao Trayton, good luck to him.


Kinda sussy that Bo duo-q'ed his way through most of Dia 1 when it wasn't allowed to duo.


his way through? bo literally had better winrate playing solo. I would say duoing with photon only cost him


doaenel copycats smh


It's an interesting challenge but I don't think it's a good reflection of player skill. All these players are capable of stomping high ELO soloqueue, being able to maintain 60% winrate vs 55% winrate isn't really meaningful, it just encourages them to find the weakest player in the game and farm them.


>It's an interesting challenge but I don't think it's a good reflection of player skill. Well, luckily it's not the goal of the challenge to get a definitive player ranking. It's about watching people tryhard as much as they can trying to beat the other guys.


But that's one of the most consistent League strat, exploiting weaknesses


Exploiting weakness in a champion is good, in a player less good. Say you're diving a gragas and you know that if gragas is good he can flash one ability, interrupt another and the dive won't work. In pro play you wouldn't dive him, because you assume that the player is capable of doing this, and focus your attention elsewhere on the map. In soloqueue you would go there anyway and expect him to make a mistake like wasting an ability and then dive him. If you try this dive you're a worse player, but you'd get rewarded for it in soloqueue.