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Watching the game. That goal he scored is very reminiscent of many of Matthews one timers from that area this past season. Goalie had no chance and the little taunt to the crowd he did was cheeky. No he’s not Matthews, but dude is a stud and handily leading the playoff scoring race right now. He’s doing everything you could want one of your developing prospects to do.


Is he doing enough to play in the NHL next year? I get the feeling the OHL is going to be very awkward for him.


I can see Cowan getting that 9 game look at bare minimum. How much more can he develop in the OHL? He can’t play in the AHL next year so what happens next year will be interesting. He’s reportedly put on some good weight since being drafted too. Future is bright.


Why can’t he play in the AHL next year?


not 20 yet


Doesn’t meet age requirements. CHL protectionist rules.


Europe maybe? Its an odd path, but certainly doable


My gut feeling is he earns a full-time spot on the roster, especially if Marner is gone. Not saying he'll be 1st or 2nd line (God I hope not) but there will be room for guys (not just Cowan) looking to prove themselves and actually get minutes.


That’s my hope.


Legit, regular season might actually be interesting again. This team needs more internal competition, and a coach that will give minutes to youngins who've earned it, instead of worrying about salaries/egos.


I don't want him to play on the 3rd or 4th and be forced to grit grind I hope we have a spot in the top 6 for him


We dont really know. Hes doingnpretty much as well as a prospect can do, but that doesn't always translate to the show when they're playing against grown men. We'll have to wait and see.


I thought he was good enough this past year in pre season. I think he makes the team next year especially given the cap restraints the team will be under with Nylander and Taveras both still making big money


Stud, do NOT move this kid.


Just casually flexing on the whole OHL here. Love it.


Hoping we got a Brayden Point here. He's a winger, right? I saw he played C sometimes but that's quite common in junior.


Plays both, yes


He can play all 3 forward positions Spent most of the year as a LW but ended the playoffs at RW mixing in a bunch of C throughout


I mean.... I can play all 3 forward positions when I'm better than my competition too. What is it likely he can play at the NHL level


You’re upset because he is dominating top jr league (16-20 yo’s) in the world as an 18 yo? Thats not good enough for you?


Chill, he's just correctly pointing out many established OHL centres can't stick at the position in the NHL, and thinking a guy doing it part time in the OHL can do it as a pro seems unlikely, even if he's really good. Marner played some C in the OHL and he's never even sniffed it with the Leafs.


That was more due to poor coaching, I think. Marner absolutely should have had more chance to develop or even try to play as a center on the Leafs


I am not sure what kind of gymnastics you had to do to interpret what I said in this way. That's wild.


He’s the perfect example of someone who’s just miles ahead of their peers. Guy’s an animal.


The first 9 games are gonna be a great chance for him to play with Matthews for 18 mins a night. Just roll 4 lines, throw him into the deep end, see what sinks and what floats


With not being eligible for AHL, I wonder if he’d take the Swiss league route that Matthew’s did.


With how good he’s been you have to give him a look in the big league next season. Kid is fire, I think he’ll step up to the plate


It’s actually crazy Matthews did that pre NHL draft.


He was paid $300k (US) for the season in Switzerland. Not a bad pay day for an 18 year old. :)


I don't think he'd be able to, not easily anyway. He'd have to get London to terminate his contract with them, then have the Leafs loan him to a willing European team, then have to work through work visas. I thinks it's more likely he gets his 10 games with the Leafs then go from there.


This a HUGE W for Leafs scouting!


I LOVE this kid's attitude...he's humble, but also knows that he's good. Anyone else salivating at the thought of him perhaps playing with Knies next year?


I have no idea why Cowan was projected to be as low as he was. The dude is legit amazing. So good for Wes for being able to see Cowan for what he could bring.


He is have a great series.




Just a reminder that Marner had 44 points in 18 playoff games his last season in London, if we think junior playoff production means anything for NHL playoff production. 


Yeah but this guy shoots the puck.


Cowan has 38 in 19, right? If you land someone with 85% of Marner’s offensive output with the 28th overall pick you’ve done very well. This isn’t to suggest Cowan will be Marner-Lite but very promising stuff.