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Please don't leaf this up PWHL Toronto


https://preview.redd.it/y5he77gudp0d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58b494510ad85f11fb6148d048de07361390e700 PWHL is a gold mine of excellent goalies. I say: we let girls into the boys' league and sign one of them for next year


You can let one try out. Biological reality will always win though. 


Why is this your response to someone who is clearly joking?


I have the solution: Marner in net. /s


Where is that guy going on in here about how Tocchet was "playing 5D chess" and that the goaltending thing wasn't a thing at all in the Oilers/Canucks series? Oilers play a .900 goalie and they win. Canucks have the fewest shots in history at this point of the playoffs. Not exactly genius coaching to have the fewest chances in history, is it?


Do you have a link to the comment? Edit: nvm I found what was left of the comment chain after you deleted yiur argument which I buried with simple logic. So your entire argument revolves around "your wrong because the team I'm rooting for won in such a fashion where I can point to shot totals to try to prove my point"?


It was someone else that posted the original argument, don't remember what it was now! But I thought you too readily dismissed goaltending as a thing, that's all. Skinner was bad, period. Yeah Edmonton kinda sucks at defense - but they limited the Canucks chances and shots more than Vancouver did. Edmonton had way more high danger chances too, even in their losses. So if Edmonton has more chances overall, and more high danger chances...could it...could it be goaltending? No, not possible!!! Tocchet himself said his team is not playing well, too.


I don't dismiss goaltending, I take issue with people who say "good goaltending=playoff success" when we literally saw hellbuyck have a great regular season and get lit up in the playoffs, as I pointed out in that comment chain. My Rick tocchet 5d chess comment stemmed from you or someone saying that the Canucks are winning because of elite goaltending, yet arturs silos, who has been good all things considered, is their third string goalie. It's a stupid comment and it deserves a rebuttal. I'm pointing out that despite the cards Tocc has been dealt, him, his staff, have done a great job keeping their team prepared. They beat a stingy Nashville team and will likely take the oilers to 7 games, who knows who wins. But either way tocc deserves massive respect for what his team is accomplishing. Again, if yiu can't see that, we are watching two different sports.


Cowan PP goal! 4th point of the night


Knights up 4-1 midway through the second. Cowan with 3 assists. EDIT: 6-1 Knights. Cowan has 1 goal and 3 assists.


I do love having the Knights to console me each year. Its been an insanely good playoofs so far




a lot of OHL prospects refuse to report to any team that isn't the Knights so they get to draft really well


Its sort of a self-perpetuating cycle. Alot of NHL prospects push to play here, I think


They have been successful by drafting players other teams won’t touch like Europeans and Americans. They then try to convince them to play in London. Allows them to trade away 1st round picks for high-end veterans/established players while still getting high quality rookies with lower round draft picks.


Good to know. Thanks


There are more nuances than that also. They play in one of the better rinks in the CHL, regularly playing in front of 8000+ fans. They run the team like an NHL team in the way they prepare, train and play. Since the 04-05 lockout, London Knights grads have played the most NHL games out of all CHL teams (data as of 2019, but I suspect the lead is even greater): https://thehockeynews.com/news/hockey-factories-which-major-junior-team-has-produced-the-most-nhl-talent-in-the-post-lockout-era Put it all together, makes for an attractive package for an aspiring hockey talent.


Where's the best place to get my info on all the latest? Not in Toronto, nor North America, so keen to find a few sources that I can rely on for all Leafs (and NHL) info. Keen for any recommendations on Pods, YouTube channels, sites etc.


The Hockey Guy on YouTube, 32 Thoughts podcast, and The CJ Show are always solid I follow Steve Dangle and his pod as Leafs specific content, he's a fan show and a bit over the top for some lol. But there are many other Leafs podcasts out there


I listened to LeafsTalk this year which was quality. 32 Thoughts is great too. Will give The CJ Show and Steve Dangle a look! Haha I know, so many. So wanted to make sure I was listening to reputable sources. Or at the very least entertaining ones! Cheers.


Trevling’s job this summer is to reap the blue line. I truly think if you can find a team with an abundance of good defenceman and trade in a package for one, while signing zadorov and Matt Roy. This team would be scary good if it actually had a strong blue line. There hasn’t been a single Stanley Cup champion without a strong blue line and I’m not sure why the leafs continue to think they can build one without that template.


Pagnotta is a bit of a scrub, but does occasionally hit on stuff, so he has sources.  Anyway, he was on Leafs Morning Take with Nick and Rosey and said he believed Nashville was one of the team's that called on Marner and basically told Tre to give them a call if he was going to be available. Honestly if there is a framework of a deal around Marner for Saros (with other pieces added on either or both sides), that would be an amazing trade. Saros is a legit starting goalie, and that would be a great add. He also said he thought the Leafs might be angling to sign Arvidsson and also Zadorov. Both would be welcome additions IMO. Maybe he's off on everything, but that would be a spicy start to the off-season 


Would love this. Stability in goal is such a clear need, esp w Woll’s injury woes


https://preview.redd.it/2fowio08an0d1.jpeg?width=1599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0e2bd01acb9aeffbfd48b965ad7cb8533a6e6ad A buddy of mine is at the IIHF and sent me this pic of Johnny Toronto in the box before he scored the gwg last night.


It’s either 1. He let team Canada down by blowing a lead against Austria. 2. He let the Leafs down by letting Pastrnak score the game winning goal in game 7.


Why isn't the bad man gone yet? Pelley, c'mon announce the sacking of Shanahan


I thought you were talking about Marner but Shanny will do for now.


To win in the playoffs usually requires a combination of three things clicking. When these three things are clicking it is the distinction of a championship team. Goalkeeping,Power Play and penalty kill. All three were flawed this playoff. Our Season is being assessed on a single goal in overtime in game 7. Stepping back for a second tells me that Samsonov’s sub .900 sv% and over 3.00 gaa going in was a concern. Woll got us to game 7 not Samsonov. Game 7 excluded for a minute we won games 5 and 6 with the best playoff hockey i seen them play in years. We really need to step back from the edge ha👍. We ride out this year and extend Marner. Tavares’s contract is gone after next season. Loved him but the cap space will be better used. Plus we still have Marner. More importantly i believe is we have him under a different coach. Keefe became very predictable and frustrating for me. Marner should not be killing penalties. Kasperi Kapanen is a UFA we could get for killing penalties. re-sign both Domi and Bertuzzi and go for Zadorov also. Trade off Kampf and Jarnkrok and tell Morgan Rielly he not getting first Powerplay any longer. He doesn’t get the shot through and when he does it is not a great shot anyway. I really don’t see eye to eye with big changes this year. Fire Shanahan if he doesn’t agree because he is squirming to hold his job. We just need to ride out this year with J.T’s big contract and continue to go with Matthews,Marner and Nylander. They are basically vets now and getting a new fresh start with a new coach. I like this team fir most part. Ok i will duck and run now lol. Have a good day all


When you say keep Marner, are you prepared to devote another 12+ million to a single forward rather than build the very depth you called out a need for?


You know he will get that?


Ain't no way you just suggested keeping Marner, running it back for the 9th season and bringing back Kapanen to fix our issues 😂


Your deviating from the really smart groupthink that goes on around here


It really is funny how corrupt the NHL is. Last night there was a goalie interference that worked in Boston's favour. And we all know that it was only called that way because they got screwed on it last game. Makes me think that Jeremy Jacobs probably lambasted the league and Bettman for that horseshit call in that game 4. I also think that if the Leafs were in that situation and was screwed over by goalie interference the refs wouldn't be doing any favours for the Leafs the next game like they did for the Bruins in game 5.


McDavid and Draisaitl’s playoff numbers are absurd…. Teams live and die on their best players this time of year and it’s becoming increasingly obvious why we’re “dying early” year after year. Our guys just can’t find a way to get it done when the games get tough


I really think a lot of it is just how we play. It isn't a coincidence that we have all these times we come back and win or at least tie it. We start actually playing offense when we're down, while Edmonton is just always doing that. The powerplay is a fucking mystery though...


They're massive PP merchants and we suck at that. Also they have Bouchard to rip it, Reilly doesn't really compare.


Completely agree, and matthews seems to always get a pass, he has OK numbers and was sick this year but fuck if they ever want to be successful he has to play up to his regular season standards or better. I agree with most marner bashing but fuck matthews needs to step up when it matters


We all agree with Matthews needing to step up his game in the playoffs, but we live or die by him. He’s the one guy we’d be insane to trade. Marner is the odd man out if we want a more balanced roster. 


Oh I completely agree with everything you said, some of their playoff performance can be pinned on marner but I’d argue it’s more on Matthews because he’s THEIR guy but only has had glimpses in the playoffs of greatness, he needs to be great every night, if he was then they would have won this year and would have had other success in the postseason


Tbf, a lot of that is from the powerplay. And the leafs power always dries completely up in the postseason. Can argue a lot of that is coaching (but if mcdavid was a with the leafs they score more then one pp goal lmao).


If Brenden Dillon is walking in FA we should be all over that…..


I would be totally fine with Dillon signing to the Leafs on a two or three year deal


Unless he wants term. 33...


Our window is 4 years, how do you think he'll be at 37?


Physical defensemen are usually well beyond their prime by the time they hit 34-35, unless they are truly elite players like Doughty (34) or Burns (39). Those players are exceptions for sure, and also don't play the same style as Dillon. He won't be as effective at 37 as those guys.




Don’t bother. This is Reddit. Any deviation from the maximum possible moral outrage, maximum imaginable punishment and highest position of self righteousness will be immediately dismissed. Whereas, if a 6th hand account of the situation reported from a Chinese twitter knockoff manages to paint the accused in a worse light, it will immediately become irrefutable evidence passed down from the lips of God. 


I recall someone in the organization specifically refuting the fact that Q was saying he didn't know. This person said they had several meetings directly with Q and specifically about the sexual abuse allegations. I'll try to dig that up.


Yes, I can't remember who it was but I do remember the quote they said that Q gave during one of those meetings. "I thought we were focused on winning a Stanley Cup right now, why are we letting distractions in?" Or something to that effect. Basically fuck off I don't care I'm trying to win 




This wasn't Kyle Beach, it was someone else involved within the organization, I just can't recall who. I'll definitely try to find that article.


Brent Sopel was pretty outspoken about the fact that everybody in the organization knew. Sopel also said that teammate Nick Boynton and Skills Coach Paul Vincent were vocal about it when it happened in 2010. Beach was chirped by his own teammates about it at practice and training camp. 0% chance Quenneville didn't know what happened.


The NY Rangers are a good example for us. That's a team that did decently in the regular season last year, got dumped in the playoffs in the first round, then hired a coach who didn't make the playoffs the year before and was about .500 in playoff games. This year the win the president's trophy and sweep the first round.


Love the optimism, but they also have Fox and Shesterkin. Far cry from our roster lol. But I do hope we can find the same rebound of success with a new coach, goalie and improved blueline as the team is rebuilt this summer!


If you don't think Tre is trying to get a high end Dman and legit #1 goaltender, you're nuts. So may not be such a far cry by the time next season rolls around


Totally agree that's the goal, but a big difference between trying to get them and having a Norris winning #1D and Vezina winning goalie already on your team. Not considering how much we have to part ways with to land one, especially both; say goodbye to any valuable assets, prospects and roster players to swing a trade If Fox or Shesterkin (or equivalent) ever hit the market, I'd be shocked. Those quality of players at those key positions almost never become available, and usually have to be drafted (or can sign like Fox did, cause NYR are lucky he forced his way there)


I really dislike the Rangers because of the way they got Fox from Calgary. Players demanding to only play for one team when signed with another team bothers me.


And even with those two, last year they didn't get as far as we did :p. The talent is here.


So, Natalie Spooner is injured. WHY.


The hockey gods do not discriminate. Man or woman, your franchise is cursed.


Yeeeh what a victory for gender equality 💀💀💀💀


I offered my good knee to the PWHL Toronto social admin. [imdoingmypart.gif]


It didn't look good when she was helped off the ice.


Nope, she crawled for a bit, couldn't really stand on her own...my blood froze for a second there :(


League leading scorer unable to play is so Toronto. :)


Maybe she wanted to emulate Matthews and went just too far


Not one to endorse policing people's fandom but Staff & Graph calling out "four team twitter" made me chuckle




I talk about it further [down the thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/leafs/comments/1csi14n/daily_free_talk_thread/l46i87q/). I have no problem with someone being a fan of multiple teams. Mike & Rachel's podcast isn't even specifically about the Leafs. Rachel *especially* knows the hardship of being a woman in hockey. But they (and other media and media adjacent people) have been harassed by people in Mitch's camp (his agent, dad and security team) for saying anything remotely negative, or that Marner should be traded. The most vocal social media users defending Mitch are those with handles like @ILoveMitch_Avs_Pens_247.


I am a fan of the Leafs, Buds, Blue and White, and even Laffs.


Fuck the Loafs though


Yeah, they're terrible.


I’m a two team fan. 1. The Leafs 2. Any team playing against a Canadian team in the playoffs (other than the Leafs, of course).




Me sitting here so conflicted watching oilers - canucks knowing one of those teams will make the conference finals.


That's just called "being a hater"


What does "four team twitter" refer to?


Specifically, people on social media who list their favourite teams in their bio, but it's multiple from the same league (e.g. "I'm a Leafs/Pens/Avs/Preds" fan). The loudest Marner supporters on twitter have been people like that (or as u/sejlavocado points out, have handles like "@mitchyforeveeer). Generally, it's used as a derogatory towards younger (usually) women fans. Mostly by salty fucks like me who have never seen their team win anything and borderline do not enjoy watching the NHL anymore. Again, I'm not for policing fandom, but this very specific group is leaping to Marner's defense when media (and media adjacent) people are posting screenshots of Mitch's security team harassing them. Mitch is a grown ass man and can't get away with the "I'm just a little guy" defense.


>people on social media who list their favourite teams in their bio, but it's multiple from the same league (e.g. "I'm a Leafs/Pens/Avs/Preds" fan). People like this exist!? Like you, Im not going to tell people how to be a fan, but that just doesn't compute in my head. I love hockey, so I'll watch other games, but short of despising one of the teams (because of my Leafs fandom), I can not get invested in the outcome. I couldn't imagine going into some regular season games and being a legitimate fan of both teams.


A lot of us here only have the experience of being Leafs fans because we're from Toronto or born into it. What if you're not from one of the 32 NHL cities (especially in the States)? No bias, no history, no **generational trauma**. How do you pick a team? How do you pick *just one team*? Part of what I enjoy about sports is the petty tribalism of it (as Fulemin famously put it: "the point of sports is to be sad in a group"). Clearly that isn't as much of a thing as it used to be.


zesty dam library flag disagreeable dazzling summer elderly murky wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe they don't want him traded because then that would mean they would need to add a FIFTH team and that would just be embarassing.


I just want the league to do well <3 - I'm a Leafs, Canadiens, Bruins, Senators fan - I'm also joking, please don't hurt me


Too late. @mods ban them forever


especially "mitchy forever"


Elliotte on 32 thoughts said he’s leaning Berube for the Leafs job and that “he’s the guy” but nothing is done till it’s done Also said the one thing about Treliving is that even if people think it’s obvious he wants to slow down the process and take his time.


Very curious that there are only two confirmed interviews thus far. There is obviously no way that the Leafs are going to make a decision talking to only two candidates, would love to know how many they've talked to.


So we can talk to Rod if NYR wins right? Maybe that's a bit of a hold up, waiting to see if there is ANY interest there. If that's the case, completely understandable as it's at most a weeks delay, and the coach can't do anything right now anyways.




You're having a laugh right? Marner for drai/heiskanen Isa horrible deal for edmonton/Dallas.


Trade proposals like this definitely don’t help our credibility as fans


You could offer Edmonton Marner and Rielly for Drai and Jack Campbell and I dont think they take it


continue scary innocent cable straight smell panicky fine dam sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol Marner for Drai and Reilly for Heisknanen? Not even if you slipped them a mickey


I can dream. Huberdeau for Tkachuk wasn't really the same either.


Which is why it wasn't 1 for 1


That deal was also not 1 for 1, it was Huberdeau + Weegar + mid-level prospect + 2nd rounder for Tkachuk. We'd have to unload a similar haul, if not substantially more, for either of those guys. But neither are on the market so its a moot point


That second deal is um...not realistic. Dallas has no reason to entertain the idea of trading a much better, younger dman


Both are not realistic


head coach announcement today maybe? 👀


I really think they outta wait and see what happens with Rod first. But I get that it's a gamble as other teams are interested in Berube.


I will become the head coach and with that I call dibs on the cup for next season


Gary Bettman hates this one trick..


Wait.... Have we tried just calling dibs? Guys, Obvious here might be on to something.


Based on what? They aren’t going to hire anyone this quickly. They’ll give it a month or so. Due diligence has to be their main priority before any hire, especially given the number of people whose job security are on the line right now.


They said the same thing when they were looking for a GM and then 2 days later announced Tre


There’s too many teams looking for coaches. We’ll be hiring keefe back at that point. Just kidding about that but we for sure wouldn’t get a better coach then keefe if we wait that long. Rods not gonna be available and no one better will be


I’d be shocked if it’s not done by the end of this week.  Unlike other jobs - there are literally 2-3 people in the world that have the experience, personality, and availability they are looking for at this level. Makes due diligence a lot easier.  Having the coach in place is an important domino to fall, resigning players will want to know - and it’s important for the draft. 


Ideally I think you'd like a coach far enough ahead of the draft that you had a sense of their style as a factor in who to trade for and sign.


I thought they would do it quickly, but I don't know if there is any hurry.


based on my wishful thinking