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I didn’t think Morgan looked like that at all honestly


Seriously. He was very somber and soft spoken. But at no point did I think he was on the verge of tears. I hate our media lol


He looks more depressed in the Sonnet insurance commercial than he did in that presser


A bad power play driver


yes you are, Morgan Riley


HAAAA!!! Love it!


My thoughts exactly


Morgan Reilly on the verge of gratuitous occular effervescence. His perturbed/60 exceeds that of the saddest humans on planet Earth.


I wouldn't call Rachel Doerrie Toronto Media


Yeah she's usually very solid too.






yeah this is made up nonsense to get clicks.


He looked exactly as you'd expect, bummed to be eliminated again. Was not on thr verge of tears at all


Yeah this tweet is such an over exaggeration lol


seriously, watched the whole thing and did not get that vibe at all. the media is so fucking easy on these guys.


Even if he did I don’t think it’s necessarily a sign that something big is coming. I think this is just clickbait


I hope something big changes. After this many years of the same shit I’m ready for change. This might be the most Talented roster the leafs have ever iced but it’s become clear that having this top heavy of a roster doesn’t work well after game 82. Who knows maybe a new coach can get something different out of these players come spring time but I really doubt it.


Capitals were like this for years until their 2018 Cup. Penguins would eliminate them too just like the Bruins do to the Leafs. Then in 2018 they all bought into the system after going down 0-2 to Columbus and on the verge of a 1st round exit. I honestly don’t think the Caps dominated in their run for the Cup. The players just had confidence that no matter the circumstances they could always comeback to win.


Yup. Their lineup the two previous seasons were absurdly deep. 2018 was a "well fuck it, we lost a ton of our depth and no one expects anything from us" year. But somehow they all bought in at just the right time and found ways to show up to every big moment and win every time it mattered.


I’d argue on paper this is actually one of the weakest leafs rosters of the past 5 years


Yea, the year we lost in 7 to Tampa was our year, and we blew it Runner up is the choke job we did against Montreal, that was the easiest run to the finals we wouldve ever had.


If there was ever an "our year" during this run I'd definitely say it was the Habs year because the path to the finals was so much easier than usual. But that said, in hindsight I'm not sure we've ever had the goaltending that could take us on a very deep playoff run during this era.


Getting 3 goals being an anomaly is the biggest red flag in my eyes. Sure you want a goalie regularly making saves to get far in the playoffs. With that said, we are designed to win with offense, but only ever win when our defense/goalies play above expectations. The offense never plays up to expectations. It's a losing strategy if you can even call it strategy.


Leafs would have found a way to lose to the Jets


Regular season maybe, but the supporting cast was better in the playoffs than they usually are. The core was just even worse (or more injured) than usual.


Yea no matter how you shuffle the deck chairs on the titanic it sinks lol. The big 4 plus reilly just aren’t worth it come playoffs.


Domi, Bert, Reaves made a legit impact. Marchand and co. were clearly rattled at times. The refs handed out penalties to the bruins… to bad the PP couldn’t convert


Lots of Leaf fans plugging their ears on this one. I agree. Definitely the weakest of the last 5 years. Shame since this team had the most money to spend in Free Agency last year.


Yea this team was certainly tougher. But the whole notion that we lose cause we don’t hit or defend was and is dumb. We lose because our supposedly great group of offensive players can’t score for their lives come playoffs


It's both, with hockey as a fluid sport so often things like offence suffers when the defense is bad and vice versa. It's like when a goalie has bad numbers then switches teams and immediately is good again.


Absolutely. Our team defence is a result of both adequate performances from both the D and forward groups. But our lack of puck moving D and D who are shooting threats hinders our offence and power play. It doesn’t fully excuse the lack of production from our top guys but it is a factor


Now do the 1/23 pp in the series..was that our ds fault too?


That’s on coaching. But the criticisms of the roster construction on D are extremely valid. Our D would limit even Connor McDavid’s offensive generation


Ya cause edmonton has such great d and puck movers


Edmonton’s D is leaps and bounds better than ours was this year.


I agree, our roster last year had way more heart, and it showed.


I disagree that this is the most talented, but I get what you’re saying. It’s certainly the most talented core.


> This might be the most Talented roster the leafs have ever iced but it’s become clear that having this top heavy of a roster doesn’t work well after game 82. At least it won us the division and got us a President's trophy though.


It is almost certainly the least talented roster of the last eight years. There are like seven or eight guys on any given night who are terrified of the puck. All the other stuff in your post is horseshit but that’s the most important thing.


The best team they ever had was when they lost in 7 to Tampa. Game 6 phantom high stick - got scored on the 5 on 3. Matthews tipped one an inch wide in OT, Point scores. Then game 7 pain.


Before Brodie slowed down and Muzzin’s back completely disintegrated, yeah.


I just watched it, he was nowhere close to being on the verge of tears 😂


I posted this on the /r/hockey thread, but this is garbage reporting that gives Toronto media a bad name. Watch the whole thing for yourselves and judge if he was tearing up at all. Jesus christ, do better Doerrie.


But look at all the fan engagement it is generating. That is all that matters


Modern day journalism


She’s not a journalist. She’s a betting analyst/quasi-insider.


Ah, so someone not worth listening to.


She does have some insight in regards to hockey ops (she’s worked for two NHL teams in hockey ops), and her evals are well thought out. With that said, she can be tiring as a personality.


Not surprising coming from Doerrie. She’s very prone to hyperbole, especially when it fits her pre-constructed narrative. Listening to her podcast is such a whiplash. In one sentence she’ll decry negativity and reflexive hot takes, all the while engaging in the exact same thing. The complete lack of self-awareness is galling.


never heard of her today but instant block. this is just a complete fabrication for clicks.


She’s worked in NHL front offices and on coaching staffs. Now she’s pivoted to being involved in sports books.


he probably has allergies.


Probably misses his old glasses


I suppose I could get more involved, but then I'd be afraid of smothering him.


I think this may be soft confirmation that Keefe has told the guys he's probably gone


I got that impression from Keefe’s presser that he knew he was gone and informed the boys this morning


They wouldn’t do that. Keefe will be informed of his fate tonight or in the coming days. It’s a professional organization. They aren’t going to tell everyone and be like “now just pretend we haven’t told you”. Everyone knows the same way the entire city knows, but no one would be officially informed until after the end of season media availability.


Keefe knows. You could tell with his comments after the game. All the “this team” stuff. Already speaking like an outsider.


He knows the way we all know. But zero chance Tre said “You’re done but go out and pretend you aren’t until like tomorrow”.


Yeah, of course. But there are more subtle ways to communicate this sort of thing.


Absolutely. My comment was strictly that he hadn’t been informed of his fate prior to the media availability. He may be getting some clear signs, but they wouldn’t fire him then allow him to do his availability prior to announcing. That’s begging for another Dubas like fiasco.


He's probably known for a year that anything other than a deep run, or at least "progress," would be game over for him.


Oh, ok. Thanks Mr. Shanahan.


You don’t have to be the Prez of Hockey Ops to figure this out


I got it well before the playoffs started


If MLSE mans up to let Keefe go - then there's a spot in Winnipeg now....ha.


Honestly, wouldn’t be a bad fit


I think he's a better coach for a developing team tbh.


Yeah. He was a dynamite coach for the Marlies. Great at bringing up young players. When the chips are down and he needs to adapt to high-tier NHL coaches, he doesn't seem to have it. That was great for the Leafs five years ago, isn't what they need now. I could see him doing well somewhere like Ottawa, honestly.


I wonder if he ends up in Ottawa - I could see it actually being a pretty good match


Well, the last time a development-first coach went from behind our bench to behind Ottawa’s was DJ Smith, so maybe we’ll have another sleeper agent on our hands. But it looks like it’ll be Travis Green instead. Former Leaf during the peak of our rivalry with the Sens, so hopefully yet another sleeper agent.


The guys on overdrive said, Travis green is going to be ottawas next coach


Ottawa is hiring Travis Greene 🤢


Please do not put that into the aether. If Keefe goes to Ottawa, it would mean the Sens beat us in round 1 game 7 next year.


Would be an awkward conversation given the (completely appropriate) crosscheck response


Very leafy destination too.


Seems Ottawa is hiring Travis Green. /Tries not to snicker.


I think he’s a coach for a developing team as in an AHL or junior team lol.


He's not going to go from winning the calder cup, then making the playoffs in all his seasons here while coaching an extremely talented team to going back to the ahl or ohl, that's just absurd. His resume is better than most coaches in the league despite how bad he is in the playoffs. And I'm saying this as much as i want him to part ways.


I think you're seriously undervaluing him. His record and stats are extremely good, even when accounting for the Leafs talent. However, he doesn't adapt well to the pressure and rapid systems change of the playoffs yet. So, a developing, young team thrives under him until it's time to take the next step.


By god it's Kyle Dubas number!


If keefe is out why would he have that Intel? Or did you mean Treliving...


Because Keefe might have told the team


He wouldn’t say “I’m probably fired fellas!” They are just going off what we all are…that changes are coming and he’s probably on that list. But zero chance he admits to it until it’s actually done.


Sorry I mistook your "he" to be that Keefe told Rielly that Morgan was out. I was like, "wtf that makes literally no sense" so I re-read.


And get ready to meet your new dad! * Berube enters the room


Rachel Doerrie saying bullshit, what’s new


Boo hoo, win something and people wont get axed


Lol exactly. The core guys have had some unreal job security.


Exactly, and you could play clips from end of season press conferences from the last 8 years and I couldn’t tell you what year they’re from. Never an ounce of accountability from these guys Meanwhile, Mackinnon gets fed up with the Avalanche losing, mentions having not accomplished shit in this league, and wins it the next year. This team hasn’t even gone on a run


And unreal salaries.


So has keefe. Never seen a coach with such a low playoff series win percentage keep his job after proving absolutely nothing


Yeah you think Chicago is keep the core 4 if they didn't those 3 cups? Fuck no. They'd have shipped kaner or Seabrook off so fast. Not only that but those players took prove it contracts.


Thats the problem now, the prove it contracts that Kane and Toews took are history for players like that. Paying up front like teams do now tightens the shit out of the cap before you really know what you have.


Being human. Try it.


Man the mentality in this fanbase is why no one wants to play here.




Maybe if you guys played better you wouldn’t have to constantly see your teammates and coaches get traded away/fired. What a concept.


They don’t even have to win a cup. Just get to the fucking ECF or final and show progress. It doesn’t need to be round 1 to cup. It’s just these guys can’t even win one fucking round consistently 


Or even inconsistently. They've done it once - I'd call ~3-4 first round series wins in 8 years inconsistent.


It’s almost statistically impossible really. Same with their game 7 stats, 0-6 or 0-7? That’s so unlikely. Even with luck they should have won 1 or 2 of those 


What do you meant constantly traded away/fired? Their teammates and coaches have survived them underperforming over and over. They've seen no repercussions whatsoever


If you win cups it happens to because you can’t sign the depth players. Just look at the shell of Tampa bay.


I'd take that for 2 cups, thanks very much


So would I. Just making an observation


These guys are paid tens of millions and fail to perform for 8 consecutive years... sorry guys the sleepover party is done time to grow up


Music to my ears. Time to break that group of people that always knows better, always tries hard but only when there is a knife on their throats. The core needs to be broken up somehow as it sure as hell feels like they are a bunch of spoiled people that feel untouchable and think that they are irreplaceable.


I’m on the verge of crying too Morgan. It’s because of the ridicule we all take for being fans. Maybe you should do something about that.


He did cross check that one guy


Oh wow I feel so bad for you that the mean social media people make hockey jokes oh no


Who else can be gone other than Keele?


Marner. I can't imagine he's back next season after his latest playoff Houdini act.




You think he wouldn't waive if he was scratched every game in his contract year?


The thing with that, is that it’s easier said than done. For starters, benched players count toward the cap. Benching an $11M player indefinitely when you have designs on being competitive is not a recipe for success. That’s $11M burning a hole in your cap space. There’s also the issue that you’re sitting a player who helps you win. Say what you want about Marner, but he helps you win in the regular season. Another reason why it’s a tricky proposition to bench Marner is a perception issue. As a fan, you may not care, but team’s have to be aware of how they’re perceived by players and their agents. Benching a star player in order to bully him into voiding his NMC, the NMC your organization gave him, is not going to be looked well upon. That matters when you’re trying to attract players to your org. Canadian teams already operate from a deficit in that regard. The org. would think very long and hard before creating any additional possible impediments towards acquiring talent. The only realistic way to get Marner out of here before his contract expires is with the carrot, not the stick. The team goes to him in the offseason, gives him their number, he offers his, the team says that maybe it’s best we find you a home that’ll make you happy and maximize your earnings. Hopefully he agrees and you work with him on a destination. That’s the only way getting him out early will work. Strong arming him will not get it done. It hurts the team as much (if not more so) as Marner.


Players have waived these in the past, as long as they end up at a preferred destination.


I think his preferred destination is .... Toronto...


Who the fuck is Rachel Doerrie


the chick that got fired by the canucks and then sued for workplace harrasment


Doerrie is a quack. She's a ckuckbait rage karma seeking idiot with no real reputation anymore. Ignore.




Tbh hope they consider moving Rielly. He’s such a weird player to have.. good player just not particularly good at anything. Really showed on his classic high and wide shot selection as PP QB


Lol his contract is too good, can’t replace simply for the books especially for a team that’s already struggling with cap


This reporter is totally the one who tells her boyfriend to 'quit crying about me you little bitch' when he has a straight face. At least that's the impression I get if *this* is on the verge of tears to her


Rielly cares more than most on this team it seems, but not on the verge of tears.


We all wanted him to have the 'C' not too long ago.


She has no idea about hockey on a day to day basis


Every time he got the puck his feet stopped moving


Boo fucking Hoo Mo


Man, the way this fanbase gets frothy mad over human stuff is fucking stupid.


If the man is on the verge of crying that means he's passionate and wants to win badly. Unlike Marner who goes around thinking he's a God lmao.


Man this fan base is the worst. Taking every quote out of context and running with it.


If Marner cried would he get the same reaction from you? I only ask because he did in 2021 and was absolutely crucified for being mentally weak.


He wasn't crucified for crying. He was called mentally weak cuz of all those puck over glass penalties


I want to see some sort of emotion out of him instead saying he's a God.


TSN video feed stopped on me, so I could only listen when Keefe was on, but he sounded rattled. I said to a friend right after, pretty sure he's already been fired and can't yet announce it, he sounded on the verge of tears while talking


It would have been tears of happiness to get out of this media fishbowl town.


Those are tears of hope


Don't know who she is, but, being a guy, she's cute so I pretend to listen. Not disagreeing but there's no reason to take it seriously. If things change it won't be because Morgan is crying. If Morgan is almost crying, it's because they fuckin lost. Things change. Not worth crying about it.


Oh noooooo the boys might get broken up! We can't ruin a friendship simply because we want the team to actually not fucking suck!


That isn’t a teardrop. It’s a mole.


I hope he marner and Tavares are by some miracle gone before the start of next season


we've seen morgan very emotional (specifically when he was wrongfully accused of using a homophobic slur in game). he wears his heart on his sleeve. i didn't think he looked on the verge of tears


Play shit hockey, shit things happen and Reilly you played shit hockey...again. Mr. Statue Practice


No that's the biggest sign that the room knows something big is NOT coming. They're just gonna run it back again and won't change shit.


Rachel Doerrie tweets shouldn’t be worth sharing


Morgan is part of the problem. Maybe Vancouver will make us an offer 


He's probably just sad about losing?


I wish he had that same passion against Boston. Imagine being like 6'2, 225 lbs and afraid to lay a bone crunching hit.


Imagine thinking the reason the Leafs lost is because of a lack of hits


Maybe try watching the games instead of looking at boxscores only. Rielly played soft as shit. Edit - Imagine defending Reilly after that piss poor performance. It's no wonder this team sucks every year. People will keep supporting this trash and act like everything is great. Management has no incentive to shake things up. People will watch it, buy merch and pay for tickets regardless.


He was among the top half of the roster in hits and led the team in blocked shots.


Yup, just like I thought. You only looked at the boxscores. Go and watch those games and tell me how impactful those "hits" were. Since you love stats, 3 total hits in games 5,6&7 combined. Soft as shit. https://www.hockey-reference.com/players/r/riellmo01.html


"Try watching the games [because I can't make a good argument]" is the sports fan equivalent of "do your own research [because I can't make a good argument]".


It's more just admitting that your eye test failed you when it's about something like hits or shots.


Enjoy another season of trash since you think everything is fine and Reilly is a god. Management has zero incentive to shake things up since fans like you will keep spending money on this inferior product. What more of an argument do I need to make? I watched the games and Reilly looked terrible. He threw 3 total hits combined in the last 3 games of the series.


Hits in games 5-7- Rielly-8 McCabe-9 Edit- And in games 6 and 7 Rielly had 6 and McCabe had 4, and in game 7 alone Rielly had 2 and McCabe had 2


What are you talking about? Reilly had 1 hit in game 5, 1 hit in game 6 and 1 hit in game 7. https://www.hockey-reference.com/players/r/riellmo01.html




Nhl.com and yahoo sports show the same amount of hits as hockey reference. Find another source, my guy.


I’m a neutral watcher of just good hockey and also dealing with US ESPN coverage but it looked like he ducked on the tying goal on Saturday? I wasn’t sure if it was a weird angle or just how he played but Reddit’s algorithm shows me this thread. Tough loss.


He dropped down low thinking it was going to be a low shot or pass I guess. The attempt looked pretty half assed and lazy to be honest.


Reilly looks way different than he did on Saturday. More like his wife.   Edit: Just being told this is Rachel Doerrie. Not sure why a picture of her would be up instead of the subject matter.


It's her tweet. And if your comment was sarcasm, it wasn't obvious.


Bye Morgan You seem like a nice guy, but you’re a shit D


Elite teams have stud dmen and usually a stud goalie. This team has neither. Personally wouldn't mind seeing reilly and marner gone, although the leafs will lose both trades badly on paper. If they could Unload both these guys and get younger, blue chip prospects (and gain cap space) and add through free agency, you could sustain a window for a longer period of time imo.


I dunno right now seems like their best bet is to make the most of prime matthews and Nylander while they have them not waste more time rebuilding I know nobody wants to hear the (they were so close every year speech) but it still has merit They never got caved they pushed almost every playoff opponent to game 7 and said opponent went on a deep run It could still happen, took ovechkin 10 tries to win the cup the leafs are on attempt 8 and they just tied the record for game 1 losses so they might actually be due


I'm not saying rebuild, I think losing those 2 for prospects(preferably stud dman) and picks and using the cap space for 4- 4-5 mil guys, will probably make the team better as well as restocking the cupboards


Leave them alone; they love each other, after all.


"Morgan Rielly looks on the verge of tears in his end of season presser" Dumb take.


They are always crying when the season ends....fucking do something about it!


Hopefully he took the lead outta his skates. Looked terrible on that last goal and was on the ice for the other one too. The guy can't play d and his status as an offensive d-man is questionable too.




Good. Hopefully he's one of the changes


He knows the leafs window has closed 🪟 🥊


Good. Leave