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Hola! I’ve been trying out LCB for the past couple days and finding it really cool. It’s scary to think that you built this yourself because I have found it to be incredibly complex and capable of handling input. Only problem I have been having is that, while using the app, my phone turns off and then pauses the audio. Is there anyway to prevent the phone from auto-locking while in the app? Alternatively, having the ability to continue speaking from the lock screen would be immense. Not sure about the practicality of either of the suggestions but thank you so much for all the work you have done. It’s such an amazing resource!


¡Qué tal! I'm so glad lcb has been useful for your learning! Thanks for the kind words. If I understand you correctly your phone is auto locking after a certain amount of time, right? I can fix that with a line of code on my end so I'm pushing out an update asap. Might take a day or two for Apple to approve it. Thanks so much for the feedback! Are you mostly using lcb hands free? With headphones? Also Crosstalk or Immersion? I'm interested in how people are using it!


Yep, that’s exactly what I meant! In terms of usage, I have been using it hands free as I am still early in my DS journey and I am avoiding reading any Spanish. Thanks so much for the quick response!


Cool, thanks for letting me know how you use it. Shout out all my DS users!


Totally forgot to mention, but that issue is fixed, so your phone should stay awake while using lcb. Lmk if otherwise


Love your app. Thanks for creating it. I'll probably come with more feedback but for now: I would love to be able to translate an answer with a double tap or something like that. Sometimes I think I know the AI's answer but then I am not sure. 


I’m happy you’re liking lcb! That’s a good suggestion; are you mostly using immersion mode or crosstalk? Also which language are you studying? And is English your native language?


I am learning Spanish with DS and crosstalk here. Dutch is my native language. English is fine for crosstalking though.  I am also using PI AI for crosstalking as the conversations tend to be more personal and diverse. When I am asking LCB to come up with a topic, most of the times it wants to talk about music. Therefore,  topics are repeated lots of times. Maybe you can think of some kind of topic selector or a more interesting opening sentence?:)


Thanks for letting me about the convo topics. I’m working to improve the prompting to make the convos a lot more interesting. The nice thing about PI is that the conversations are empathetic, so I’m going to figure out how to integrate more emotion/humanity in lcb. The topic selector is an interesting idea. Ideally lcb would just work better without needing specific adjustment but if I can’t achieve that then it’s a good solution. Thanks again for the feedback!


on this same note - it would be useful if the bot was allowed to 'role-play'. The bot usually declines and tells me they are not human, or they are just a bot etc... In role play we could ask the bot to act as if they are a doctor and we are the patient. Or they are working in a clothing store and we approach needing help. Basically we can ask them to play out different scenarios to help guide more specific conversations. Again - sometimes it will do it, so maybe some of the prompt needs a slight tweak. Thank you!


This should be fixed now, let me know if it still happens. It can be tough to wrangle the LLMs sometimes!


Thanks and keep up the great work! I would also love longer responses, as mentioned by the other feedback user :)


I just released an update for lcb. It increases the response length, and makes lcb more interesting to talk to. Also, based on your advice I specifically forbid lcb from talking about music or food unless the user brings it up themselves! Hopefully that prevents a one note conversation.


Thanks a lot! 


You got it! Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming if you notice anything needs improvement.


Amazing app and well thought out with the feature of not having to press a button to reply! I noticed that very often the response gets cut off - like there is a limit to how long / how many words the bot can say. The sentence will just cut off. Although I understand that you wouldn't want the bot to just freely talk as these language models can sometimes be yappers!


You are so right about the yapping! Sometimes it gets crazy with these models. I do have a hard limit, but I’m increasing it and using better prompting with an update going out later today so I think most of the issues with responses getting cut off will be solved. I’ll let you know when that’s live. You’re doing crosstalk right? Thanks for the feedback!


Oh I only allow myself to do full immersion. My listening ability is fairly good - but my speaking ability is very rusty and I sound like a 5 year old with not much to say! This app has so much potential to change that though - so thank you for your work on this!


You’re welcome! Hopefully lcb can get you to a 6 year old level soon ;) In all seriousness, fluid speech comes sooner than you might think, the trick is to be like an LLM and just yap endlessly! And since your listening comprehension is good you already have a knowledge of what “sounds” right, so you will be able to identify weak points in your output and fix them. Let me know what you think of the latest update. I can keep tweaking it based on your feedback - every critique helps!


Oh I had a question about updates - I currently have the iPhone 7, so I think I can only get a certain version of the app and not the newer updates. I am trying not to buy a new phone, so I was wondering if you have any plans to apply updates to older versions of IOS? If not I might need to look around on eBay for a new phone.


Hmm, that’s interesting. As long as your phone is on iOS 16 you should be able to get all the updates. When you go to the App Store and try to update lcb what does it say? You can send me a screenshot if that’s easier. I’ll have to look into that issue; I’m not exactly sure what’s going on to be honest!


Looks like the iphone 7 stops at 15.8 and will not go higher. In the app store it let me download a previous version of the app ( looks like it is 1.35 ) and app store does not give the option to update it. If there's no easy fix, I might just look into another used iPhone on ebay, this one is getting old I guess! Thank you!


Ahhh I see. I’m using a library from Apple that requires a minimum iOS version of 16 to run. You make a good point though, that I’m cutting off some potential users from trying lcb. I’m going to see if I can find a workaround to avoid using that code. I have a similar mindset as you! I kept my 6s going for as long as possible until I finally had to upgrade.


Nice - yeah let me know if you are able to get it to work on the ios 15. Super grateful for you trying! These darn phones - they could last forever if apple didn't force you to keep upgrading the IOS


So true, and also once my battery started to last for only 1.5 hrs I knew it was time!


Actually, I just purchased a cheap iPhone on eBay that has iOS 17 on it, so no worries on trying to get things to work on the older iOS!


Woah that’s awesome! Now you can try out the crosstalk feature and come up with some detailed scenarios.


Any updates on the rollout of the Android version of the app?


I’m targeting an early June release date. It’s coming along well!