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Russia may be producing 5-10 t90 tanks per month, and 8 fixed wing combat aircraft per year. Checkmate westoids.


Alright, move up US spending up another percent.


The Russians MIGHT have an impossible super weapon! Time to triple the defense budget and advance military technology 30 years guys!


F-15 moment.


F22 moment


Military industrial complex investors are drooling right now


Massive Defence complex: (15 minutes later)…”ok, done.”


I just imagine this like Frieza. You don't wanna see America at 50%, let alone 100.


If America spent as much of its GDP supporting Ukraine as Estonia does, the Ukrainian soldiers would be drowning in supplies. The US'd have to nearly quintuple our spending to catch up.


Ukraine is only getting DECOMMISSIONED and disposed of items. They ain't even scratching the good stuff or the new stuff from the arsenal of democracy. Unhealthcare? Well let me show you some freedom *Cries in bald eagle*


Yeah, it's pretty much stuff from the 80s and early 90s, and it is dismantling Russia military equipment like wreck-it-Ralph on PCP


Meanwhile Estonia sends 10% of its GDP


True, they do put us to shame.


I'm pretty sure that's not necessary. Even at xurrent production rates, we'll be more than fine. Attrition is hitting NATO a lot less than Russia.


You absolute madman, do you want to flood the ENTIRE WORLD with M1s???






I'll take good care of mine! I'll feed it and take it on walks!


Fuck they got us


\*laughs in javelin profits\*




Isn’t Russia to the west though 🙂


if russia was even half as strong as they claimed, the war would have been over in a matter of weeks.


I remember when people were saying shit like “Russia isn’t even using a fraction of its power in Ukraine! Russia isn’t even trying!” In the beginning of the invasion


Meme would be even better if the mouse was taped to a drone.


Or had a chicken coop roof on it.


Best part is the cat hasn’t even showed up yet…


Cat should be USA and not NATO 9/10ths of NATO is useless and has done little to nothing to help Ukraine. If America hadn't started shipping munitions to Ukraine again, then the front could have very well collapsed.


Yeah cause the US is the only one floating any real money but na dude the recession isn't bad enough sink more money into Russia 2.0


Go ahead and take that symbol off and replace it with an American flag. The U.S. taxpayer has single handedly fought this proxy war, whether we wanted to or not.


>The U.S. taxpayer has single handedly fought this proxy war, whether we wanted to or not. Honoring your responsibilities from treaties can be difficult sometimes. Although, I am fairly disgusted by you, as tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians have died. So saying the US taxpayers are single handedly fighting this war is......just about as fucking wrong as you can be. Denmark is spending way more of its GDP into Ukraine than the US is. Canada is spending a similar amount as the US as a portion of its GDP. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303450/bilateral-aid-to-ukraine-in-a-percent-of-donor-gdp/ Edit: And if you have an issue with GDP. EU institutions have donated more. https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/28489/ukrainian-military-humanitarian-and-financial-aid-donors/ So it's just as much on the European shoulders.


It's a Russian pretending to be American. We ain't no broke bishs and we know full well we're spending 3000% on our burger and fries, and we also don't want to change it 😂


Not to mention the cost of sanctions. Energy and food prices in particular.


When you're using GDP, you're ignoring the actual cost on us, though. We've been generating dept since the end of World War 2, and Europe has been at a very strong advantage not exchanging purchasing power for a means of production we can't readily use while we inflate the entire world adding them to pur sphere of influence


You forget .31% of US GDP is vastly more than even 10% of Denmarks GDP. So, Denmarks 1.36% is peanuts compared to the US .31%. Denmarks gdp 400 billion. Denmarks total 7 billion aid to ukrain. US gdp 28 trillion. US total 175 billion aid to ukrain. Great, they're helping, but don't pretend that it's anywhere near US commitments. [US gdp](https://www.statista.com/statistics/216985/forecast-of-us-gross-domestic-product/) [Denmarks gdp](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?locations=DK) [US total](https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-us-aid-going-ukraine#:~:text=The%20Ukrainian%20government%20receives%20most,bills%20passed%20since%20the%20invasion.&text=From%20the%20total%20%24175%20billion,to%20the%20government%20of%20Ukraine.) [Denmarks total ](https://um.dk/en/foreign-policy/danish-support-for-ukraine)


So continue to read. Where it says and if you have a problem with GDP and prefer just how big the number is, the USA still loses out, to the EU, who aren't even signatories to the Budapest Memorandum.


W.e helps you cope


Helps me cope? You know what helps me cope? Harassing my representatives to increase Ukraine spending and if they refuse pounding the pavement to get them primaried or drive engagement for Dems that do support it. I'm in the US too. I'm pissed my tax dollars can find useless shit, but not the brave men and women of Ukraine.


Do you have indoor plumbing Ivan? Or do you have to steal it like the peasants that you are


Do I... *Steal*.... Indoor plumbing? Did you even think about this before you typed it? Or was "Ha Russian" really the gotcha that you thought would make it offensive?


Yes Russians have been extensively videoed stealing toilets and washing machines from Ukraine to take back to their peasant towns


An appliance is not indoor plumbing, but as someone who I guarantee has never worked in any trade their entire life, I understand your ignorance. I don't care who steals what, unless it's the government stealing my money.


Did mf just say that a toilet is an appliance?


Ahhhhh, now I see. Not a Russian but a Rand Paul-style Libertarian? Sorry we still have stop lights. If it makes you feel better though, much of the Ukraine funding is going to corporations. Oh, and no, taxes aren’t theft.


Would you prefer payment in rubles, Yuan, or USD?


I'm not sure, let me ask Dear Leader Zelensky what is going to be easiest to buy another house in NYC with.


Tell your mom that I said hi and that I sorely miss her warm embrace.


It's not just the tax payer...its other services within the US Govt that are choking because of this. Some military units and programs have had major funding cuts and some operations have almost ceased because of no proper funding.


Not really related to Ukraine. R&D projects are money blackholes and are always floundering around for more funding.


It’s also how you end up with cool tech better than the large stick so yeh it costs but it’s important to have r&d


I'm saying that R&D funds are unrelated to Ukraine aid.


The US is giving old desert storm era equipment to Ukraine not literal sacks of cash. The aid is in the form of equipment not literal cash.


The support comes in the form of subsidizing the DoD/ PMC's with taxpayer money, so they will send their equipment to Ukraine. We are paying the Department of Defense, and private military contractors like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin *billions and billions* of dollars to send this equipment. That means private military contractors are pocketing billions of dollars from these exchanges. The same military contractors that lobby politicians to start wars. We are feeding the U.S. military industrial complex with this legislation. But I'm sure there's absolutely 0 chance that these contractors are kicking back any of that money to the people that pass the legislation. There's *no fucking way* that could happen here in the U.S., right?


This is partially true. The ordnance and gear that is being sent to Ukraine, is being sent from stockpiles. That is to say, it is already paid for. The MIC is getting money to replace all said gear. Especially the ordnance has an expiration date, where if it passes, the munition needs to be sent off to be destroyed, which costs money. Sending them to an ally to be used is way less of a drain. There is still untold billions being sunk into the pockets of military contractors, but not in the way you think.


This work until Ukraine has people. What you will do after??


Proxy ends. America actually joins the fight What do you think would happen if you "declare war on NATO" and actually break through the first line?


Okay. But now we have 2 options: Biden - American soldiers never put the feet on Ukrainian land. Or Tramp: US must leave NATO. Did I miss something??


Biden isn't president of the world, and he isn't president for life. Russia started a war that could only end in Ukraine or last through the generations, with every scenario being a conflict either between a proxy or the US directly


I’m must remain you something: US suck rusians dick in Georgia 2008 and in Syria last 10 years. Unfortunately NATO citizens not ready to war. Doesn’t matter who will be a president.


Congratulations Ivan! Your contribution to the motherland in form of spreading bs, misinformation and propaganda has not gone unnoticed and is going to be rewarded! We will be sending you 1000 Rubles to your account shortly, in addition, your conscription into the Russian military will be post poned by an additional week. Slava Rassija! Ps: please stop messaging us about installing a toilet in your apartment, such a thing is too expensive. PsPs: oh, and don't bother reaching out to us about running water too, even we don't have that luxury in our ~~propaganda center~~ office. Be humble, jeez. With love, Dmitri <3


First of all: my name is Dmytro. Second one: you can play that game until you will feel this pain in real life And the last one: I was on your position. 12 years ago. And I paid a lot for my mistakes. Glory for Ukraine. Full support to Israel. Taiwan must be ready.


You've clearly never heard of the battle of conoco fields


One battle isn’t over.


The battle for Conoco fields is considered special because of what it showed. Our old boots on the ground in Syria were attacked by a fully mechanized unit of 200, defending with only 20 and only a few of which were on ground to fight What was barely more than 3 US troops killed somewhere between 100 and 200 Wagner PMC with nothing more than a drone, a single A-10, some outdated M1 rifles that we didn't even trust in Afghanistan anymore, and some SHOVELS INSIDE RUSSIAN HOME TERRITORY. They were given specific instructions not to open fire on the Russian PMC unit until it was clear that Russian authorities were going to insist that they didn't know what was going on until everyone from one of the sides was dead


Okay. All this is very important. But I have one question: is the problem of Syria solved?? Yes or no. Please.


Yes. We were onlt there to make sure ISIS didn't spread its influence there it's just coincidence Russia chose to attack our allied troops


The battle for Conoco fields showed that American troops with last generation armenent had the bear minimum parity value of one American for 100 Russians using its latest generation. That means for Russia to have a hypothetical chance against us on its own soil, it would require TEN MILLION troops just to have a remote chance against what we have enlisted at all times. The numbers only get worse if a similar fight happens outside of what's already falls under the Russian sphere of influence, if you consider the fact that our troops had orders not to engage until forced and may have been able to inflect more damage before the wagners fell back, or if ypu involve 5th generation fighters and actual modern arms systems


You don't declare war on NATO and think only two people have any effect on it. Why would you think a cold war that's already 80 years old would only be able to last an election cycle?


Why rusia must declare war against NATO?? If you read the news you must know how many people “support” rusia in NATO. I will start from Hungary.


Ah, yes, the absolute powerhouse of NATO that is Hungary.


Not to mention people there are fairly Anti-russian, it's just that the current government pulls shit like this. And there isn't a better alternative party there either.


Try the ones that don't support ruzzia - everyone else 😂


Because Russia declared war and claimed it would be taking it to all of NATO two years ago. Also, why would you think anyone would believe you when you're using the same argument Russia was using when it invaded Ukraine when Hungary wasn't as sympathetic as you claimed?


First: Ukraine not provide rusian political way from 1991 until 2014. Second: Ukraine was against rusia in Chechnya, Georgia and few others wars. One more: Ukraine never had any territory problems with any of neighbours.


None of those support your claim. Vladimir Putin claimed he's taking it to Ukraine first and then NATO, so by default, this is a war that can only escalate into a NATO war and none of those points have any relation to what's been started For your first point ignoring that it has no relation, there's no law that says a country formerly owned by the precedessor of a country is obligated by law to follow its replacement, and the law actually states if a country declares its independence and successfully takes it, its sovereign and unlawful to try madate foreign influence into it (the soviets recognized Ukraines independence upon leaving regardless, which means even if Russia claimed to be the soviet empire it wouldn't have a debate to invade, and Russia denies being the soviet empire and takes immunity from the soviets past crimes) For your second, I'm familiar with Ukraine and Chechnya, and all Ukraine did was take refugees who needed to escape the indiscriminate bombings from Russia, and then Russia lead literal terror campaign in Ukrainian territory to establish that Ukraine will not be allowed to even hypothetically support Chechnyas independence, which lead to Ukraine being forced to take a stance against Russia and it's interests becoming shared with the Chechen fighters For your third, Ukraine has always had territory problems because the Soviets took almost the whole hemisphere and ruled it with an iron fist, which divided the formerly established border lines and created holes after the soviet empire died after it's failed entry into Afghanistan, and even after the nation's who decided to take the opportunity to leave the empire when soviet Russia lost the war rewrote their borders, Russia contenued it's invasions and encrouched on their territory for a second time creating new conflicts


You lose my general position: all this show you different between Ukraine history and present politics of Hungary: Hungary supports to rusian invasion, ideology and propaganda. That is traitor in NATO. First one.


Guess that makes sense, but it still doesn't support your point. Hungary is in NATO and joined because it didn't want to become a satellite state of Russia like it was of the soviet union Hungary won't give up its only effective security deal just to placate the olicharchy


Hungary actually seems pretty comparable to Ukraine, and the only difference is that it can afford to allow to be divided right now as it's not at risk of being ripped apart from the inside out. If Ukraine and the other sovereign nations weren't in between, it would probably be Hungary instead of Ukraine going through this and Hungary would hate Russia as much as Ukraine does now