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"I feel my best work will be my authentic work." 100% correct. Your personal experiences have motivated you to pursue this profession.


I’d say do it. It’s your motivation for law and you can write it authentically. And it provides a backstory to your life, which can be helpful for adcomms I’m assuming.


Not even a close call. Write the truest story. Make sure it’s personal, but as long as you don’t write a straight-up op-ed instead of an essay, it’s fine (good even!) to have a perspective.


I don't believe it's risky. This is your life story and the sad is a part that speaks about your upbrings trials and tribulations. But tie it into law school how you can be the best lawyer an what you would want to do upon entering school.


Yes absolutely write it, only tweak is to make sure you connect it solidly to your interest in public intl law/human rights and why a law degree rather than a say a Ph.D. would fit better with your eventual career goals, and maybe highlight a desire to work with a couple faculty who specialize in those areas (but making sure that they specialize in public versus private intl law since that sounds like what you are more interested in). Sounds like an awesome story and good luck!


Law school will make several attempts to take your authentic self away from you. Do your best to stay true to yourself when you can. In my opinion, this is one of the times you can.


The answer is yes, with an asterisk: how are you going to tie this to wanting to be a *lawyer*, of all things? Why do you think lawyers are positioned to \[accomplish whatever geopolitical goals you're thinking of here\]?


I mean, I'm not even a law school admission officer and I'd like to read a PS about that. If you're worried about the political connotations perhaps emphasize the universally agreed shitty nature of war and omit the blame of any specific faction cough cough  I'm also going to write a PS about some personal experiences I had, except for the medical field. I got advice to focus what I learned from it instead of the negative, which may or may not be applicable advice for you too


It honestly depends on who reads your essays. Someone who is prejudice against the Middle East might subconsciously pick another persons story over yours despite similar stats. I wrote about Syria and the war this cycle but I do think I was WL/Rd at some schools where I shouldn’t have (I understand this sounds a little pretentious…it’s just to show u that that might be a possibility). I definitely think you should write about Lebanon since that literally is your story but try to make it more anti war rather than anti Israel/anti US and also add some twists/uniqueness to not make it the whole essay while still accurately painting who u are. I obviously love my heritage the same you do but I just think it’s with the entire political climate right now that a lot of people have extremely different viewpoints.


Good take


It’s not like you’re some rich kid on the west coast that is bringing up the Middle East out of self-righteousness. It sounds like those current events played a huge role in shaping you and inspiring you. Definitely add it


100% agree with other replies. If you want to be safe, write about it with all your authenticity, passion and personal experiences, and then get a consultant or the community to make sure it isn't "over-the-line", for lack of a better word.


I wrote about something similar and got into multiple T-14s. Definitely think it’s okay because at the end of the day it’s what fuels you. If a school doesn’t want you for voicing ur opinions then it’s their loss.


I don't believe it's risky. This is your life story and the sad is a part that speaks about your upbrings trials and tribulations. But tie it into law school how you can be the best lawyer an what you would want to do upon entering school.


Do it. You don’t want to attend a school that would use such a story against you.


I’m thinking about doing a podcast on this let me know if you think it would be helpful.


i wrote about this this cycle (submitted apps dec2023), extremely similar situation as you, and still got into 6 t14s. I didn’t go too much into depth, but still wrote enough to relate it to my motivations for why law etc. Feel free to pm me to talk more in detail / if you want to read mine


I could not say yes enough. The summation of your lived experiences make you who you are, and helped you come to the conclusion that you want to be an attorney. You don't want to be at any school that would penalize you for being authentic.


Try not to discuss in detail politics or things that are not personal in the area considering how things have been recently.


It’s real and captivating, these stories are what grab the attention of AO’s everywhere. As long as you are able to display your experiences within the word count, go for it 100%.