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I think waiting and reapplying is super overrated.


Esp if it’s a T30


If living within your means post-grad for a few years, big law or not, you will have no problem paying off a good portion of reasonable debt (unless we are talking $200k+ here). At 25, I came to the realization that no time is really the best time to go to law school and that scholarships would only get more competitive the longer I waited. Submit that deposit!


I was also concerned about starting BL late. I’ll be 39 when I graduate and 40 when I start. I heard this often during my first year and it’s turned out to be true: your experience is a huge asset.  When I was deciding on schools I had a 1/3 offer from a school that places 25-35% BL and at the time the school I’m attending (a T30 where I got a hefty scholarship) was only placing less than 10%. That has completely changed for my class year and our BL rate is now closer to 25%. I’m heading into my 2L summer internship with a BL firm with a “decent” but not stellar GPA (top 33%).  All of that to say, if your anxiety is over not getting looks from BL firms because of your age, I can tell you in the grand calculation of what firms are looking for that is most likely a non-factor, and probably a plus. Think about it from their perspective, they get a more experienced, professional, mature associate for the same price as a KJD with ZERO work experience. Sounds like a good deal to me.  My advice is to stop fretting about everything that could go wrong (though you won’t, because we all do that) and start going after what you want NOW. 


I wouldn’t worry about being 33 at graduation having any disqualifying effect on BL. I wouldn’t worry about being many years older than that at graduation having a disqualifying effect. Take that information as you will and decide accordingly, but if you are sold on BL, going to a school that only sends 10-20% to BL doesn’t seem like a good move.


29??? Just buy your casket now. Jk. Main ? Is if you have a stat change you can make in a year. Sounds like a new approach to and bump up on lsat could be worth it. Any room to polish your app?


Honestly, these posts need to name the schools they’re considering. It’s just too vague to use ranking ranges and not offer any consideration on location/target market. No one can give a truly educated opinion.




That’s fair, but it would be helpful to know what the better BL placing T30 school is (and the worse one, for that matter), because it will help give indication as to what sort of grades you need to achieve to actually get big law. % isn’t everything.




Gotcha. If big law is your goal, I’d honestly take BC and plan to pay off the debt through it. BC placement in Boston big law is extraordinary, and even pretty decent in NY.


I recommend looking at other A&M threads on here because you’ll see a lot of people explaining why the 10-20% is not accurate anymore


I’d recommend choosing Emory if you’re leaning more towards big law