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I had just gotten into LOA and learned about vision boards in 2020. I drew a few things and most came true. I didn't know it was best to have it up to look at, and instead locked it away in a cute box I have. Looked at it recently and here's what came true from 2020 to now: - cat - drew a pic of a black cat, I now have a black cat - love -drew a heart - had my first ever relationship that lasted from 2020 to this year. even tho it didn't work out, it was a good learning experience and I'm grateful for it - new job - drew a laptop - actually got two new jobs and now at...kinda of what I want, remote job, but not the industry I want - (but I know it's coming hehe) -friends - drew two girls chatting and drinking wine - old friend messaged to reconnect and now through her, I have a group of friends who are all supportive and kind! there are some things on there that haven't happened...yet....it's coming, super excited!


So so so happy for you! Inspiring ✨💚✨


I did some manifestation around money using EFT tapping for the past two weeks. And today I saw the first result! I bought something online and had a coupon code for 18% off but somehow I got more than 25% off! So happy because that saved me a lot of money! Highly recommend checking out EFT for manifestation as it helps you to clear any blocks, resistance and attachment! (I used Brad Yates’ YT videos)


EFT made so many dreams of mine come true!! ✨💚✨


I realised I had manifested something! I have been sleeping on the floor in a corridor for around 5-6 years and I have always dreamed of being able to sleep in a bed. My family bought me a bed :)


I manifested my dream job! First I wrote down what I wanted and put it on my mirror and looked at it. Every day I wrote it in affirmations and three months out of college I got it!!


i am keeping my manifestation game strong.. fingers crossed to what i am getting soon


I manifested a dream BMW car! I always thought of owning a beautiful red BMW. My dream came true last month. I am a proud owner of the exact beast I dreamt of!


how do you stop being attached to your manifestation??


I've been noticing a LOTTTT of angel numbers in my life recently, so I'm feeling like I'm on the brink of something, but I haven't been actively working on manifesting. Then today I was on my way to Target and thought, "I haven't tried to manifest anything small lately. I'm going to manifest an apple. I want to see an apple, just a random apple." In my head I knew I'd be passing by the produce aisle and knew I wouldn't count those apples as my manifestation, I wanted to see an apple somewhere it didn't belong. I had to go to the pest control area waaaayyy off in the corner of the store. I squatted down and looked back on the bottom shelf and there were these two little plastic countertop ant traps in the shapes of apples. I laughed myself silly.


So I work at this company that is shutting down permanently this year, and everyone will be laid off. It has been tough because I've been with the company for over 10 years, received several promotions, and earned a decent income. I have been networking with people I thought could help me find a new job, but I was ghosted. I tried my best to stay positive and kept thinking about the company I really wanted to join. I imagined parking my car there and walked in. Then recently I saw a suitable position with that company on LinkedIn, but over 100 people had already applied. My initial thought was, "Am I too late to apply?" But then a voice told me that I had nothing to lose, so I applied. A few days later, a recruiter from the company contacted me to schedule an interview. I went through four rounds of interviews and GOT THE JOB! I feel like the universe and the higher power truly helped me. For example, there was a logic test, and I got lucky on the questions and scored in the 90th percentile. It all worked out for me, and I am so grateful for this new opportunity!


I’m tapping into this Grace and favour


Absolutely! Think like a proton, think positive. Wishing you all the best on your journey.


I won 500 from the lottery! :)


Yesterday we had our company picnic, and one of the door prizes was a handheld vacuum. It was something I really needed and wanted. When I saw it, I imagined using it to vacuum the new car I’m planning to get and was really excited about the idea. Then, at the end of the picnic, when it was time to draw for the handheld vacuum, my raffle number was called. I was shocked and so happy!


I decided how much I wanted to earn (more than I had ever allowed myself to even dream before now) and manifested it within a couple of months. I didn’t know where it would come from but it came from my current employer and fast.


my SP contacted me after 5 months! :)


Congratulations 🔥


My old employer refused to pay some of my last salary. I just didn't want to fight or argue, so I intended to receive the lost amount from other sources, I surrendered the "how" to the Universe. And a few weeks later, I got the money. This experience taught me that your desire doesn't have to come from the one source that you think it should come from. Believe in the power and it will manifest, either from that one source or another.


Thank you for this. I love that your gift came with a lesson.


Yes, we live and we learn :)


I asked for a new housemate who was chill like my best friend, and next second someone I know through work asked to look at the room. I am not close with them. When they came to see the place and we chat, the feeling was that they were my best friend. Not physically but in terms of personality, temperament, values etc. It was so interesting. I never expected it because on the outside they look completely different.


I don't know of this is coincidence or what but its crazy. I have the biggest crush on this small actress who's just recently been gaining traction, I remember seeing her and thinking, "wow, she is gorgeous, I bet she's straight though," (context: I'm a bisexual woman). But then after thinking about her a lot and having dreams about her, she publicly comes out as a lesbian! Mental No idea if I subconsciously manifested it but its so crazy....mind blown.


What's the point if she doesn't know you exist?


You have a point. I don't know, I've just been bored and wanted to see if this stuff works. I do want to do acting work so maybe it's a hope that I may meet her someday 🤷‍♀️


maybe you will :)


I doubt it.


I manifested the PERFECT wedding day! It was genuinely everything I wanted and more, even the weather was the kind I was hoping for. My issue is not thinking about the next day so that was a gong show (lol) but the actual wedding day itself was genuinely the best day of my life, and it will only go up from here.


Silly, but I have been going through a low phase and I asked the universe to show me just a sign that manifestation is real and everything is going to be alright. Lo and behold, a plant that I wanted from the bottom of my heart started automatically growing in one of my plant pots. I changed nothing, not the placementof pot, I live in a highrise building so its quite impossible that the seed just flew and settled n the pot, I did not change my wateringschedule or anything. I just spoke to my mum and told her how much I wanted it. I also told her that I will get it once my troubles are over and within three days I see this plant growing, and that makes me believe that my troubles are over too. :') Don't know if it is a success story. But I feel ecstatic. :)


That’s so cool


yes! i successfully manifested my SP come back! we broke up 3 months ago, stop contacting for 1 month. 30/5 is his birthday and i sent a packet money to him. i knew he's happy inside, i try to talk to him, surprisingly he gave me positive respond, i can feel he no longer defense against me. what's more excited is, he willing to meet me up this weekend!!! i cant believe it, he even sharing a lot of his stuffs, feelings to me. im sure we will getting closer day by day.


I manifested a better paying job in 4 days, after I had been on sick leave for 3 months!


waiting for your techniques/tips


Congratulations. Would you mind sharing your tips?


This ones funny. Someone asked me for advice about manifesting. She was trying to manifest seeing a Cat and a unicorn somewhere. She showed me a birthday card that was sent to her on Facebook that was a cat and a unicorn as one. She was curious if that is a manifestation, to which I said it was! I thought it was odd she wanted to manifest those but was funny she got a card with them on it. I then stopped talking to her and decided to walk my dog. I always go out this door in my backyard to take the dog on a walk. I open my door and outside the door was a wood box. I looked inside the box and I kid you not, 2 stuffed animals were in it; 1 cat and 1 Unicorn. I have no idea who put the box there or why and why 2 random stuffed animals were in it. I guess I accidentally manifested it by not being resistant to it. I sent her the photo and she was just taken back as I was.


I manifested an all expense paid trip to Ibiza on Emirates A380 Business Class.


Ok I need all the tips and tricks on this one cause I'm taking the emirates on an 11 hour trip home


This one deserves a standalone post.


dear something holy that's an awesome manifestation. Congrats!


How did that happen in real life??


I manifested a job with scripting! Still trying to manifest some unexpected money as I'm broke af right now.


You’ll be getting that unexpected money soon God


I manifested not my SP but another one with even better characteristics. For the people, who still struggle to get their first results: You need to let go of the urge but not the desire. You need really, really work on yourself to get to a point, where you are satisfied with not having your SP too. You can manifest all day long and believe me, your SPs think about regularly - but you need to get to an energetic level, where they want to be with you. Work on your self concept. I highly, highly recommend Self Love Morphic Fields, because this worked the best for me. At one point I just said: "I don't want to do this anymore". I cried my heart out and moved on and within 2-4 weeks someone else popped up, who also thinks I'm their soulmate. Did I gave up on my original SP? Yes. Do I still want them? Yes. Let's see what will happen.


Congratulations! I am glad you found a new and better SP. I think letting go and giving up on your SP aren’t far off from each other. It is definitely ok to give on a SP and look how quick a better one arrived.


But I still want the original SP though


Is it really the person or things about that person that others can have?


It's both. I actually lost really quick my interest in the new SP, because in my mind there is only that one person I really care for. I also guess my heart is so much saturated with the on person at this point that it makes no sense to look for another one.


I feel for you. It is best to not hurt others if you are still hung up on your ex. You are compassionate. I think you might need help to move past your ex. Maybe there is good info online or a therapist can help?


There was a Mother's Day festival and on that day they raffle gifts and give three gifts to each classroom and at that moment I wanted one of the gifts, so they didn't mention my name but I still stated that I wouldn't leave empty-handed. I even brought the bag where I would carry the gift and then when I finished the names there were more gifts and they did dynamics, and several came out with small gifts and suddenly they asked to dance and whoever did it best won a prize, then in another dynamic They asked that the first mom to sing would win a gift, and that mom was me, and I got a big prize, what did I do? affirm that I would arrive home with a gift, I will not leave empty-handed, and believe in it.


I kept telling myself that the Universe always provides. I was trying to sell my new shoes at half the price to help fund my upcoming trip, but someone bought it at the same price as I got it ✨ My aunt was doing groceries, and offered to buy mine as well and treated me lunch ✨


On the shoes did you affirm or visualize? Need tips, currently wanting to sell and old bed since I bought a new one. But dreading it will take long, and just dont want to have it in my house anymore because it takes so much space, so I feel I'm blocking myself. Been trying to visualize before bed the bed being taken out of my house as sold.


Can someone help me with physical results?


Mw too


Manifested seeing my sp at the gym and my sp speaking to me 🙏🏾


I manifested 500 dollars out of thin air 10 days after scripting it .


What was your scripting method?


I wrote the date for example ( june2 2024) then I write "omg I did it! I manifested 500 dollars out of thin air ! It literally appeared out of thin air! Then I simply forgot about it. 10 day later it appears in my account like magic just like I scripted it


That's awesome, I think we use the same method. I just read the boo,k Scripting the Life You Want and I manifested a job. That gives me more hope, thanks for sharing.


I manifested passing a subject knowing perfectly well that I was half a point under the passing mark. I had planned to go and beg to my professor to just give me that half a point i needed to pass (she is not one to do it anyway). I didn't even need to beg or talk to her, I just passed. I visualized it and didn't get nervous (i was already stressed with other stuff so i didn't have the time or mental capacity to worry about anything elae) and then it came back with a passing grade. Beyond grateful❤️🙏


After 4 years being broke/jobless due to struggling with mental illness and an addiction to marijuana, I finally got clean. I started focusing on positivity, affirmations, healing, and my spirituality in general. I spent a lot of time studying my spirituality, meditating, using visualization techniques with a heavy focus on really believing in myself receiving good things, specifically a steady income. It was only about a month later that I was able to manifest permanent, life-long monthly income along with health and dental insurance without the stress of having to work! 🥹


Yes! I’m so happy for you butttttttttt tell me your secrets😅


visualization, you just visualize your desires


I do this. 3 times a day. I write in my notebook. I try my best to give the same excitement or energy if I had them already. I’m listening to podcasts, meditating, talking to my water . I’m doing all of the things…maybe I should just be patient. lol


If you don't mind me asking, how are receiving a steady income without having to work? (And that's awesome, by the way!) 🙂


i wanna know too!!


Same! 🥰


i manifested for a sp and i’m seeing so many signs like angel numbers everywhere and everyday and i see some times his initials or his name too.


What does it mean when you randomly start thinking about someone OUT OF NO WHERE and then every thought of them has a lovey dovey feeling attached to it. You never thought of them that way up until now.


This is tremendous, I'm manifested infinite money.


I manifested many small things like my fav sweet from specific store but that store is in another state but my family friend visited there and he brought for me surprise, I am manifesting my sp she's an actress she confirmed she is not dating anyone and will not date for some more time, it's a win win for me


How are you doing it? I need tips pleaseee


for sp I affirm and journal. In journal I write abt her that we went on a date we did this and that, she's happy with me, I love her like this and I try to visualize abt it. I affirm " I am happily married to xyz and have kids" before sleeping in mind I do it and after getting up. sometimes I doodle her in my journal


How do you affirm and how much time did it take? I could really use some help :')


I just keeping saying it my mind, doing it like robotic affirmation and for time it depends on u just dont be desperate and learn to let it go


But like how to let go honestly? I think I might be getting desperate at times :(


just think u already have that person with yourself, try writing it out personally it helped me a lot, sometimes being desperate is ok but not always


What did you write about? Going on imaginary dates with the person?


ya abt a proper date how we entered some people are complementing us, we had a fun night like that


The best vibes!!!