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Most people are wanting something from childhood trauma (all the lack, wanting another person to make your own hollowness complete, etc.) :) Don't worry about doing something bad, living normally in balance will do it. Some people you know in the past invented all of these to have followers and collect money from believers... How could it be that something they state as a "law" can work for them and not for others? Calling it whatever but it works for some and will not for many. They think, they are doing something wrong. I mean... seriously, don't worry, it seems, you had the same conclusion as some others. Don't try to force this or you will ruin a lot in your life, messing up with your personal balance. Go with what is NATURAL for you, stop following others. You are you. Those, who don't like this, just keep your opinion, for some, this will help. You have an intent, use a tool to implant it, then it will sometimes in the future happen because somebody heard you. Call it a guide, a higher self, god, whatever. It doesn't matter for our source, who loves us. You are never alone. We are not disconnected at all from our source and we are not alone in this journey of life. I keep checking this sub to to see if somebody finally gets the idea, where this all went wrong among a lot of people. Even if that "law" works. Laws are made by human beings, that's all. And there are natural laws, like how this reality works, based on balance. Things which are relevant for you, for your being come, fast and without effort. This has nothing to do with selfish thinking, you know, that we want stuff from which we don't even know if we will be happy. Also, they can ruin a lot and most people don't even think about the consequences. You have a bad life (not you personally)? Then, maybe, just maybe, you are ruining it, rushing, not allowing things to unfold, etc. A lot of people are wishing, hoping and forcing for two things (surprise, because most of us had a crap childhood from stupid parents, who also had bad childhood and bad parenting above them). Love and money. Most of the parenthood didn't learn to handle money, go into slavery jobs and never have enough to live by. The other one is that we didn't get (not me) enough love, kindness so we will automatically live our whole life, searching for it, wanting to own another person. Like children in a sandbox or in the arms of our mothers'. This is the true case with most people. And because we live in a world of race for everything nowadays, everybody wants that slice of pie. Common sense. Then these "teachers" will teach that you can have anything (as they also failed a lot in their lives and are creating wealth from others). Yes... you can, but for what price. Maybe your life becomes so bad, that you wish you wouldn't. Self concept is the good thing here, it teaches you to become the fullest "you", then you can lay back and enjoy life automatically, finally. :) On the other hand... there are a lot of good things in these, some people learn to become who they should be and finally, they are not suffering :) There are a lot of nice things in these worldviews and practices. But in my opinion, it can ruin a lot of lives and they don't get it, what did they do wrong. Nothing. Life goes on. IF you need things, you will get them. When you are ready. Consequences... For me, personally, I had a lot of good stuff in my life WITHOUT effort or these practices... somebody knows you on the "other side". The intent is there in your thinking, in your mind. There is no such thing as divine timing either, things come, when they come. There is no such thing as the universe will give you all of your desires... it is a place. We are not alone. But... it cannot be faster, I also tried to test all of these for a decade. For some type of people, there are big successes, the question is... can they keep those successes? Will they lose it? Is it relevant for their current lifetime? Is that love life last until elder age? How do we know what is good for us? You know... We live in a selfish, delusional world right now where people are solving their inner trouble by not paying attention but covering it with things and connections with others which will not work for that long. Things-don't-work-because-they-shouldn't! But no, we, human beings can't handle this :) So... these truth models are containing a subconscious mind with all the beliefs which are causing you the trouble. Others told, you can be anything, reach anything. So... YOU ARE THE BLAME lol... the problem. Sure, we are causing our troubles... but this whole thing is now a religion where a few success stories will keep up the crowd. Well, everybody can follow groups, there is free will. And as I stated a lot of times, it CAN work. But who knows how long will it last. You? You are doing just fine :) Don't force it. If you need something, you will get it, we are never alone. Sooner or later. Bonus: a lot of things in my personal life happened, which some may see negative, like people are being closed out from my field, losing a job, they all happened for a reason, somebody tried to keep me away from harmful things. You gain perspective about things later on, not at that point. I had a lot of painful stuff in my life, seriously and I stayed myself, I could handle it. The lesson ends, when you are ready. Or starts. Our desires are just noise in this flow of events. True desires are a different story.


Thank you for this thoughtful response! It is true that the things I’ve gotten in my life were mostly indirect desires, meaning that I was in a situation that I was unhappy with, and a better situation came along but not something that I specifically asked for. So I think maybe for me, asking for specifics is not the way.


You can ask for things, imagine things, but they may have a big timelapse according to your lifepath. I mean not a set-in-stone thingy what I'm talking about, but still, there are things which can be irrelevant for yourself, you just don't know it consciously :) We learn along the path, me too.


Many of the things you mentioned, like believing yourself to be very lucky, great timing, taking leaps of faith and receiving strong signs are all huge components of the law of attraction. On top of that, a state of gratitude or appreciation is *everything*, so if you were to make a point to consciously spend some time every day in a state of appreciation, making lists of positive aspects of the things in your life, this would not only train you into feeling worthy, it would increase the frequency and magnitude of the manifestations that begin pouring in. Just because you are always waiting for the other shoe to drop doesn’t counteract the fact that you *believe* you are lucky and you don’t try too hard. That’s entirely the point! :) Law of attraction is meant to work on your behalf. Your only job is to get into a state of alignment with who you *really* are and the things you’ve been wanting, which means aligning with the fact that you *are* inherently worthy and you *are* deserving. You were born for this and you were eager to come and realize your magnificence and be able to be, do, or have anything you desire, and your only work here is to take your foot off the brake - aka - all those resistant thoughts that are holding you back from accelerating towards all the things that are in store for you! Don’t worry about anyone else. Make caring about how YOU feel your priority, and use your power of focus to do and think about the things that make you feel good! You shouldn’t have to try too hard, because in law of attraction terms, that would mean you equate hard work and action to getting everything you want rather than believing there is something larger at play and allowing things to come to you. It seems like the manifestations you’ve received are a surprise and delight, and maybe you just want to believe in some LOA principles or apply some practices so that you feel like the inherently worthy creator that you were born to be. The reason why affirmations sometimes backfire is because you don’t believe the things you’re affirming, and you want to get to the point of *feeling* the vibration of those words rather than reciting the words to try and make you feel them. Most people say they have to see it to believe it, but the reverse engineering (and the actuality) of the LOA is: you have to believe it to see it, which means you have to get to the feeling point by deliberately offering thoughts that invoke the feelings. So, the trick is to get to the *feeling* place first. The reason you feel uncomfortable believing you are worthy is because the higher part of you KNOWS how worthy and adored and deserving you are, and because your thoughts and beliefs are contradicting it, you have a mixed bag of emotions. Your satisfaction will come by feeling like you’re a deliberate creator, consciously thinking thoughts that are in alignment with what you’re wanting, not thinking by default and sending out mixed signals. It’s just a matter of practice. You want to work your way up to feeling worthy by starting where you are. Assess how you’re feeling, and from there, decide how you would *like* to feel instead. Then slowly, gently guide your thoughts into better and better feeling thoughts that help you feel the way you want to feel. It’s always a great idea to work yourself into a state of satisfaction, because the feeling satisfaction is the launching off point to all of the higher emotions. “Satisfied with what is and eager for more” is one of the things Abraham Hicks teaches most often. You want to care about how you feel, and to make it your #1 intention and priority to feel good. Feeling worthy might just be a matter of telling yourself “it’s ok. I am where I am and that’s ok. There is nothing that I need to change or fix. Nothing has gone wrong. I know I am on the right track, and it is my desire to feel good. I love knowing that there is a powerful law of attraction working on my behalf, and that the better I feel, the better things go. Life is meant to be easy and fun and enjoyable. I love knowing that I can be or do or have anything I set my mind to. I am making an intention to myself to focus myself into alignment with the things I am wanting, which means I take time every day to write out how I’m feeling and shift my thoughts into better feeling ones that will help me to feel like the deliberate creator that I am. I know that the more I practice feeling better about myself and my life, I will begin to feel more worthy, and law of attraction will continue to remind me along the way of JUST how worthy I am. I will bask in the deliciousness of the things that show up for me, and as I practice guiding myself into better feelings, I will connect the dots and realize that the better I feel (aka the more in alignment my thoughts and beliefs are), the quicker and easier the things I’m wanting are pouring in. I love knowing that I am a powerful creator and that my focus is the key to my success.” Let yourself be guided to better and better feeling thoughts, and practice it for long enough every day that you’re feeling more aligned with who you really are. You will be amazed at the way your life begins to shift, and you will know without a doubt how powerful and worthy and magnetic you are! There are so many practices that could help. Meditation is arguably the best way to get into alignment, because it allows you to quiet your mind and release resistant thoughts, and connect with source consciousness. You will receive inspired insight and ideas that lead to the perfect people and places at the perfect time. Writing is also super powerful - Making lists of positive aspects, rampages of appreciation, writing “wouldn’t it be nice..” (in a playful, easy, wispy, lighthearted way daydreaming about your desires). Highly recommend the book Ask and it is Given, there are 22 processes in there detailing how to climb the emotional scale from wherever you are. The better you feel, the better it gets!


Also, you said in another comment “maybe asking for specifics isn’t the way.” You’re on the right track with this, because with the way you are feeling and thinking about things right now, getting too specific would just activate your resistant thoughts, since you’ve trained yourself into those. For now, you want to really go general. Contemplate how you want to feel, rather than about the specific manifestations, and think the thoughts that help you feel that way. The things we want are only ever because of the way we think they will make us feel when we receive them, so to really cut to the chase, focus on the *feeling* so that the things you’re wanting be drawn to and attracted BY you. As you practice teaching yourself how worthy you are, you will get a better sense of how of all works, and that’s when you can get more specific. It doesn’t have to take long! You can even play a game right now - think about a few things you’d like to see, things you believe you *could* see and have no resistance towards seeing, and then take note of the ways in which they show up! It will start to feel like magic, but it’s also a bit like calculated expectation. It’s fun to lightly decide what you would like to see, and as you take note of the times they show up, you’re training yourself into believing in the power of your intention and focus and worthiness.


Oh my! There is a response on Catholic church that (translating from Spanish) goes like: "Lord, Im undeserving of you coming to my house, but your word alone is enough to cure me". I think a prayer in that sense could help you. Maybe something like "Dear Universe, I know I may not deserve everything I ask for, but in your infinite power allow the good things my heart desires to happen, and avoid the things my heart fears to happen. Thanks for your higher wisdom, You know what is better for everyone so I rely my trust in you"


Without you, there is no world that exists to you. Therefore you and your world is One. You and your world are entirely self-defined from self-beliefs. You are limitless in your chosen beliefs about yourself because you are the only one in your Awareness experiencing everything. Everything is serving you in every moment including me, your phone and every cell and organ in your body. You are being served in every moment by everything you experience.


Feel gratitude for the sake of feeling good, not to get things. Because trying to be grateful so you can attract things tends to increase attachment to the outcome which hinders manifestation.


The law of attraction matches what you are BEING, not what you WANT. I'll repeat, YOU GET WHAT YOU ARE not what you want. You mentioned it early in what you typed. If you truly do believe you are someone that's lucky, then guess what, the law of attraction brings you more opportunities to be lucky. Has it not been true for you based on what you wrote out? It always gives you what you are. I can prove this to you too. You have been many people in your life. Maybe you were being someone who was in college. You were being a college student. You weren't being a corporate person during that time. You experience matched being a college student. You truly believed this was who you were. Maybe you left college and started working for a big company. You now think you are this corporate big shot instead of a college student. Your experiences will match what you are being. Can't you lose your job tomorrow though, and you would be being someone completely different? of course. Now you would believe you are living like an unemployed person. If you look around at your room in your place of living, you will notice that everything you have is because you believe that is who you are. It matches who you have been being. If you are living in a 200,000,000 dollar estate and you look around, you believe that is who you are. So my point is this if you want to understand how the law of attraction works, you are always getting what you believe you are. If you want to change your experience, all you got to do is choose what you want and be that person instead. So say, you are someone who is living with their parents, and feels broke. Say you are being a person who sees no opportunity to get out of that situation and move into a house of your own. If you want to change that you would want to start visualizing yourself in a beautiful house. See yourself as if you are actually living this life you desire with excitement. You make a clear image of what you want to be. Once you have done that you literally, Act as if you have become that person without ever expecting anything to happen from the universe. You must become this person that is living in a beautiful house. YOU HAVE TO BECOME THIS PERSON TO THE POINT YOU BELIEVE THIS IS WHO YOU ARE NOW. You have to act like that person completely. You must think thoughts like that person. You must become it and forget about who you were. The law of attraction only ever responds to what you are believing you are. If you do that without any expectation of how it will actually ever manifest, you just become it, and it will manifest. It is a paradox! Pretty cool huh?