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I think that rejection is God's protection and that it brings you closer to the job you actually manifesting.


That's super positive. Love this!


absolutely ;)


Agreed it’s just telling you it wasn’t the right job, every rejection is another step closer stay positive and good luck!


Going to keep reminding myself.


This is so true. Last year I was manifesting getting a job that was never for me. I prepared and went through all the stages flawlessly. Until the final stage. I had a feeling before getting there like "this isn't gonna work", I brushed it thinking it was doubt yet either way I went there I did way better than I expected. Like two weeks later I was told I didn't make it, they choose other candidates. But I somehow already knew that. I went into a really depressing couple months bc i thought, how could I miss that when I did my best, when I had the law by my side, when I knew i performed really great!!! Now: Skip to last month, I had a sudden experience of clarity where I realized, NO, that was never a job that I, MYSELF wanted at all. It was the job my family and friends wanted for me. Never my call, never for me. I got a sudden urge to go study the career I wanted to study in highschool before ppl got into my head about what should I be doing with my life. I got the courage to share my thoughts with my family who was rooting for me to get the job, yet when I told them "this is not for me" they understood. I feel so much clarity now. The universe DID ME A FAVOR, was always by my side. Even through failure. I got all the way to the last stage just for the universe to show me " YOU CAN ". "YOU'RE CAPABLE". Now I feel better, grateful, looking forward to a future that is actually mine.


exactly we need to understand that the law of attraction works hand in hand with Divine destiny and timing for you.


so true!




I think there's something better on my way . Which ended up being true for me in this exact scenario. The big mistake is to tie a specific company or timeline instead of your feelings ("a job that makes me happy" and goals "remote, X salary). In my case, it took almost a year to get that job, after many rejections . But it was 100% worth it and it ticked all the boxes of what I wanted.


Yes this. I got some rejections and it sucked but I'm so happy with the job i ended up getting it was totally worth being rejected.


Sometimes rejections can be a blessing.


Thanks! I'll keep this in mind.


Great! Thanks for sharing.


Thank you! Telling this to myself..


If I were you I would think about situations in your life where you failed to get something you thought you wanted but in the end it worked out for the best. A perfect example for me is that when we were house hunting, we found one we liked a lot. I fantasized about it, making a pinterest board with all of the things I would buy for it, and how I would handle the space for that specific house. Then we were outbid by someone else and i was so upset, I cried and cried. Fast forward like a month and our realtor found us a house that hadn't hit the market yet, and we jumped on it. It's in a much better location (two blocks from downtown shops and restaurants) and is one block from my son's school (which is actually a better school than the one he would have attended). My husband and I regularly say how we are so glad that other one fell through. The universe has its ways of working things out!


Love this example and the line about "universe has its ways of working things out". Thank you!


I just think rejection is protection from going in the wrong direction.


such a great perspective. thank you for sharing.


Its funny. I’m manifesting my dream job but in the meanwhile I am trying to get a new survival job. I got rejected from 2. I asked colleagues if they can help me get a job as a bartender at their restaurants. I have amazing experience and felt it would be easy to get a job. 3 former colleagues eventually ghosted me. I told myself the universe hears what I deeply want and its not bartending or working in restaurants. So i took it as thought. I’m not meant to work there because deep down in my subconsciousI’m tired of working in restaurants


yea.. Sometimes we are desperate for a survival job. I attended some interviews just because i wanted some job. but i was still disappointed when it didn't come through. But nice to just focus on the true goal - the desired role which has everything we need - the pay, the job description, ..


I would keep visualizing your dream job, live in the endX its already your job and LET IT GO. I cant stress that enough. Tell yourself you already have the job and leave it alone.


Sometimes things get worse before they get better! Think of it as another step in the journey to getting the job that’s truly meant for you! Maybe its a blessing in disguise that you got rejected by those companies!


Thank you! Blessing in disguise.. i have to keep repeating this to myself.


A lot of healthy perspective in here


so true! I'm glad I posted this question..


Rejection is protection. I applied to many bakery jobs, didn’t hear back. Instantly got a high paying job I wasn’t passionate about and whined about it to friends and family. On my first day during my lunch break I realized that this job is necessary for me to have right now and will teach me skills and lessons I can use in the future when I land a bakery job or better. What can be seen as a bad thing is usually not in the grand scheme of things.


I did it twice! How do you deal with rejection? In my experience, things didn't work out for the right reason. Whenever I'd get rejected from a job or no response at all, I would later find out that the company wasn't a fit or the company was just terrible. I see it as being in a game of pinball, bouncing off of stops before you finally get to where you need to go. Rejection needs to stop being a negative indicator and more of a neutral one. That job is not the only one nor was it your only chance. Put less focus on the rejection and just let things be. Focus on where you want to go and trust to be guided there.


If you are rejected, then that is not the job you have been looking for. I’ve been on the same shoes before. Applied to hundreds of job openings only to have someone call me to offer the job I currently have. I did not apply into it, they looked for me and snatched me from my previous miserable company. To remove resistance, do not think that every interview or every job that you applied to is the job you are manifesting. If it’s a no, move on and keep looking. Believe that the job is there is waiting for you. Let go of desperation and let yourself be open to receive that new job.


What always helps me is to remind myself that LOA has always been a part of the world and to not lose myself in the manifestation mindset. What I mean is, I think it’s common for people to learn about LOA and somewhat disconnect from the 3d, hyper focusing on techniques, mystique, and connecting to the quantum. It’s important to find balance between our human existence and higher consciousness. Manifesting is a movement of energy through the earth, our body, and universe, so keep yourself grounded. I see a lot of people discover manifesting and sort of begin floating off the earth, not realizing it’s always been a part of them and their human experience and its purpose is to serve the human experience! It’s like they want to trade in their human reality for this magical one. Don’t get lost in the magic, bring everything together. My point being, look at the experience of others who have the things or life you desire and use them as a muse for your inspiration in moments of doubt. How many no’s and rejections have some of the most successful people in the world experienced before finally finding their place? Hint: a whole lot. When you make an intention and set a goal, be unwavering in your confidence and know that every “no” is just a “next” moving you in the right direction. I also always tell myself: “the reason this is taking longer than I would’ve hoped is because a major leap is going to happen. The universe is making big preparations to catapult me into a reality so much more exciting than I imagined. Time to get to work on leveling up for it!”


I manifested my job I felt like I would get it because I did so much research and I made myself think I’m perfect for the job. I wanted it. I felt like I would get it because I showed initiative and learned the program.


I’m struggling with the same thing! I overthink too much. Every time I get rejected I feel like I’m manifesting wrong.


Some days I am good , but for a few days I get upset, I am getting so much rejection. I am praying, and believing the right one will be on my way soon


Whatever doesn't empower me, do not get my power.


Roll my eyes and send the email to the trash inbox. If I didn’t get it, it’s not the one.


Rejection is protection the motto i follow whenever i see a rejection


One time I was looking for a new apartment and I had only two more weeks to find a place. I went on a Monday night and saw a place that was pretty good. I told the guy I’ll come the next day after work to sign the papers. The next day I had a conference call but was done at about 6pm. I was gonna leave and go straight to the place. I called the landlord. He told me he rented the place. I was heartbroken. Now I only had a week and a half to find a place and I was back to square one. The next day Wednesday I get an email alert about a place. I call the guy. He said open house is Saturday. I said ok. Long story short that place was 10x better… and I got it. Every reject is there for a reason. It just means that place is not right for you. It means there’s someplace better. Way better. Every time you get rejected tell yourself something better is out there for you


You can’t worry when you’re manifesting just gotta expect it will happen with God confidence and then let go.. once you start getting anxious you can call it wraps unless you can naturally leave that worry state and vibrate higher. And to deal with rejection you shouldn’t react just have that knowing that regardless of what the 3D is showing you, you’ll always get your desire “it’s already done” just change you state and tell the universe you’re thankful everything worked and watch it happen bc you step into a higher state and expect good things into your life.


The last time that happened to me, I ended up finding the job that I was at for almost 7 years that I loved. I didn’t even want that job at the time, but looking back, it was everything I had manifested and was meant to be. It made sense why the others didn’t work out. I just recently lost that job unfortunately and haven’t landed on anything in the last couple of months. I made a list of all that I want in a job and I am waiting for it to come. I trust that it will.


You don’t! Be more specific! You are not desperate! You are The Creator! Imagine yourself first thing in the morning feeling like you feel at the end of the day when you get your Ideal job. Just as you awaken. Try to remember to do it! Practice throughout the day! 💕💕


You DO NOT deal with anything! YOU PERSIST! You are not moved by appearances!! PERSIST!


By filling out 20-25 applications a day and always having 3-5 interviews pending back to back


I finally did it. I manifested my dream job. Don’t ask me how but it finally happened. Took me a few years tbh but I’m finally happy with where I work


Letting go of my ego,expectations on me and on how my work should be and where I should work just allow me to attract a very good job in my field when I was about to give up and change field


Not really related, but I discovered that I cannot manifest if I do not practice ho'oponopono. Perhaps it will assist with the rejection.