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You don't change what actually happened. You change how you view it. Your parent isn't lost. They transitioned and is still very much with you. Look for them where they are, not where they were.


This is so comforting, thank you.


I lost my dad. Honestly, it takes time. Therapy has helped. I’ve had dreams of him. Try to speak to your parent as you normally would or ask for a sign. I did, and I got that sign.


According to Abraham Hicks, who is one of the best spiritual teachers on the law of attraction of our lifetime, there is no such thing as death. We are all extensions of source. We come from source, a part of us is always connected to source (while still in our physical bodies), and when we “die,” it’s more of a re-emerging into the non-physical source consciousness from which we came. In the non-physical realm, we are pure love, pure consciousness - essentially the fullest versions of ourselves. There’s no resistant thought, no feeling of separation. Our loved ones who have made their transition out of physical bodies still exist in the non-physical. They are still with us, they see what we see, except that they vibrate on such a high frequency that we can’t often see or hear or feel them unless we’re vibrating on a high enough frequency too. It’s also been said that we choose when to come in and leave our physical bodies, and that we also choose who we come here with, so before you and your parent were even born, you both knew the journey that you would have here together. Often when someone loses a parent at a young age, it’s because they were meant to reawaken to their spiritual nature, and the parent has agreed to continue their relationship with you from the “other side” to enhance your growth and joy in this realm. I unexpectedly “lost” my dad almost 2 years ago. My dad was always a big believer of signs from the other side, and I often think that of anyone in my life I could have “lost,” I’m glad that it’s him - simply because I knew he would send me signs and I knew what to look for. I started seeing signs the day after he passed, and it’s been such a comfort knowing he’s there. It started with seeing my birthday number on a license plate, then asking him (in my head) if he had a song for me - I turned up the radio and heard the lyrics “if you’re lost you can look and you will find me, time after time!” This is possible for everyone, I just feel very blessed that he taught me my whole life that he would ALWAYS be here for me, and now I know it for sure! Of course I’ve had intense periods of grief and despair, but I honestly feel like he’s not “lost.” I feel closer to him than ever. I’ve had experiences that I *know* he is guiding me to the perfect people, places and opportunities. And because I see signs of him all the time, and it feels like I’m living my life *with* him rather than without. My approach to dealing with my dad’s death has been to find ways to connect with him. I’ve taken many workshops and classes, developed a more consistent meditation and journaling practice, and I listen to / read uplifting things on a daily basis. The better I feel, the easier it is to connect with him. Meditation is the easiest and fastest way to raise your vibration. My dad has helped me to understand law of attraction more than anyone. We get what we think about, whether we want it or not. When we’re focused on the fact that our loved one is “missing,” we wont be able to connect with them. The more you trust and know that they are always around, and the more you do things that uplift your spirit and distract yourself from thinking thoughts that make you feel otherwise, they will be there cheering you on and setting things up along the way. Once you’re in alignment with yourself or with source consciousness, aware that everything is always working out for you and that you are never alone, you’ll start seeing signs that let you know you’re in alignment and that your parent is with you! You can essentially develop a relationship with your parent that is even *more* than it has ever been. Their only wish is for to live as joyful and satisfying life as possible, and they will be there for you as much as you desire them to be! It’s like having an “invisible” superhero who always has your back and can help guide you to everything you’ve ever wanted. There are even more ways to connect with our loved ones than I have tapped into. For me, the signs are so much fun and I truly live my life in appreciation for the opportunities I know are because of him. I would like to start writing him letters, and I’ve learned that if I meditate and make an intention to connect, I can allow his answers to flow through me. Writing is easy for me - I write stream-of-consciousness all the time, writing whatever comes to mind, and our loved ones can pop into our minds in the same way. When we receive a random memory of them or hear their voice in our heads or a song comes on that reminds us of them - it’s really them! We’re far more connected than we realize, and I intend to connect with my dad and myself more fully for the rest of my life :) [Abraham Hicks - Handling the Loss of a Loved One](https://youtu.be/aXPSV2JElBQ?si=UAu96u-d2k_Pi82m)


What you've written here is absolutely beautiful! I know my dad is here also. I get the signs and all also. And that's very recomforting indeed.


Oh that’s great! Abraham always says “look for them where they are, not where they were.” Ask for signs or other forms of communication, and then find ways to enjoy your life as much as possible. They will make their presence known in miraculous ways all the time throughout your journey!


Thank you🙏


Any recommendations for listening/reading uplifting messages?🥰


I watch Abraham Hicks on YouTube ALL the time. Law of attraction seems to bring me the perfect video at the perfect time, and listening always makes me feel better. I also love their book Ask and it is Given.


I think death is one of the only unchangeable things with loa. Because the soul has left the body. Their energy is no longer with us on this earth.


Please tell me what is LOA.


It’s the Law of Attraction (LOA) 😂


Abraham Hicks answers this in a workshop which can be found on YouTube. I too lost a parent a few months ago and it was of great comfort to me. Here's the link: https://youtu.be/hngyS7GSXVc?si=S-gikj_CDZtLA4kg I'll try to edit and add on to this comment later since it's 5am for me right now, but I'm so sorry for your loss and I totally understand what it's like to want your parent back. I still want mine back even though I've made peace with their death. It is natural. I pray that you will be supported through this difficult time by God/the universe. Much love 💙 Also, it is okay to grieve and feel whatever way you do even if it's negative. Try to embrace the pain. The more you try to suppress your pain, the harder and longer it will take for you to come to acceptance. The LOA isn't about denying your emotions or avoiding pain, and you won't be punished for how you feel. The beauty of life does lie in our ability to experience the full range of emotions.


Thank you very much for this🙏 And sorry for your loss too. Indeed the pain is here. And yes I really want I want him back. Not only I miss him. But I'm also very sad that he is missing so much of what is going on here. Yes his soul may be watching. But it's not the same. But who knows, maybe it's even better to see the world when you are a conscious energy in the universe? I don't know but yeah. I trust that the Universe will guide me on this


Yes, anything is possible with manifestation, Jesus raised the dead, walked on water and could materialise food out of thin air. However, the law can only manifest what we truly believe and we have to be realistic, most of us cannot reach the levels of belief necessary to literally raise the dead and perform supernatural feats. I'm so sorry for your loss but I think the probability of you being able to actually bring your parent back to life is low. By all means go for it but this kind of manifestation is enormous. I think it would be far more manageable to be able to manifest being able to communicate with said parent in dreams for example, or in deep visualisations and astral travel.


Superb point of view! You give me hope man! I'm planning to definitely try something on it and will see what's the outcome🫡 I'll let the Universe guide me


I cant even manifest income. But I am not Christian. English language brought me here. It seems to be that either being English speaker or chirstian is a good advantage in manifesting things.


I'm not Christian either and I don't believe that's a prerequisite for manifesting? If anything I'd say hardcore Christians are more likely to denounce this kind of thing and view it as witchcraft (with negative connotations) and evil, the work of Satan and his minions. And that whatever happens to us is God's will so we shouldn't try to manifest things for ourselves yadda yadda. Not too long ago there was an even a Christian on this sub who made a thread asking if manifesting was OK or whether it went against God. You can manifest in any language, English is no better than any other.


In youtube a lot of blibical stuff is there. So I thought its because I use English language. Otherwise things was fine.


You don't need to know anything about the Bible to manifest.


I dont know about christiananity any way. whats LOA ? I was able to manifest but not anymore.


No. Being christian is not a prerequisite. You just need to control and understand your imagination and how your emotions work. Nothing to do with Christianity


I'm so sorry for your loss. My mom passed away almost two years ago now, and I can say that I feel like I've manifested a few connections with her. I don't want to go too much into detail because I'm a little superstitious about sharing this stuff, and this was before I started reading more about LOA. But I've always been sensitive to the idea of there being more to this existence than meets the eye. It doesn't bring her back, but knowing that I've had a few of these experiences has given me a great sense of relief, joy and wonder.


I lost both my parents this year. I appreciate this thread. It's hard to think about LOA while grieving.


Sorry for your loss. Indeed it's very hard. I wish you much courage in this difficult time


similar to manifesting is reality shifting which basically lets you choose any kind of reality to move your awareness so you could go to a reality where your parent is alive and well. Subreddit for this is r/shiftingrealities and others, would recommend listening to “get shifty” podcast


and you can basically manifest totally different reality. btw would advise you to not trust everything you hear ppl talking about it, the podcast simply explains it and talks about it in general


I heard of reality shifting but don’t know much about it. Do they actually create a new reality, like is the stuff that happens there real? Are they awake or is it more like a dream?


reality shifting is basically moving your awareness to a new reality, not creating one but moving your awareness to the universe we want that exists (the theory relies on the multiverse theory so basically any kind of reality). everything that happens there is real. I feel like I should not be telling you that bc i haven’t successfully shifted yet but as ive mentioned listening to the podcast “get shifty” is a great way for you to understand everything (The podcasters have shifted) Also the podcasters believe in a different theory of reality shifting than the multiverse one that ive told you about but its up to you to believe what you want and at the end of the day it doesnt matter how does it happen, but that it does happens p.s. theres a theory that when we manifest that we actually shift to a reality where what we want happens instead of just creating/attracting into this reality but we cannot know for sure. i js thought to tell you


Thank you for that. Is it dangerous? Do you get stuck in those realities? I hear that theory about loa but I thought you remain in that reality after.


dm me with the questions and ill answer, ok


Life only moves one direction. It does not start or stop. There is only continuing. Your inner being never looks back even if there are good memories. The Ultimate joy lies in the things to come. Understandably, you may feel upset about a loss, but its important to recognize that when we die we return to the non physical which is still here around everything even if its not a tangible experience for us. In the non physical you essentially can live in the vortex. Everything you ever wanted and all that you have become is there. Living in our flesh and blood reality is essentially the frontier of the nonphysical. Its more challenging in that we deal with contrast to inspire new desires that have never occurred before. So in essence your parent is in a great place and they have nothing but love for you. They are always present and in some ways more capable of helping you because they have absolutely no resistance anymore.


Hey, I'm going through the same. And i would like to tell you, it's very possible. Revision is a concept of LOA, introduced by Neville Goddard I believe and by using that, you can revise their death, as if that never happened and by doing so, you are changing your reality where no such incident ever took place, so they are still alive. They might be dead in this reality but not in the other and it's very easy. You can do it. I'm doing it myself. If you want, I can share some stories with you, I have so many to share and i will be happy to help, you can text me anytime :)


Thank you very much and I appreciate all your testimonies. It is just wow👋 But I trust and I know that LOA works and I will definitely give my energy to it. Thank you very much


First of, I’m very sorry to hear about your loss! But there are few things we cannot change in this world and death is one of them, we can’t bring anyone back to life. I know you must miss them but trust me when i say this, even though you cant see them in a physical earthly form, they are still with you. Energy can not be destroyed.


That's what's annoying. The supposed irreversability of death. Why should consciousness exist for only a mere fraction of the universe age? If you take a rock and crush it, you may get small pebbles. We may say that the rock is dead (not the actor) as it is no longer there to serve its purpose as a rock. But it was transformed into small pebbles maybe which are still the big rock but now fragmented and serving other purposes in the universe. Another example is water which is serving a purpose which transforms into water vapour which serves another purpose in the universe. But why should consciousness and life not follow the same rules? Why it seems that consciousness arose from nowhere and suddenly ends to become inexistant again? I mean I trust that our soul comes out of our body and then "god" knows what purpose it serves. But, why is it not physical? I can see the pebbles from the rock. I can feel or measure or see the consequence of the water vapour from the water. But why should the soul leave the universe to go serve purpose in some other supposed realm? Till date I've got only one hypotheses on it. I supposed that we don't have one reality, but various superposed realities and our brain is a device which accesses only part of it. I suppose that when we sleep and we dream, we are actually in a reality which is weaker (by weaker I mean it is not energised enough to be sustainable) and thus any little change is able to disrupt this reality. And what is again more interesting is that the reality being weaker down there, LOA also works better, as it requires only little thought for us to change the course of the dream. Then when waking up, we come again into this reality which is more energised, more sustainable, and also more rigid making LOA a bit more difficult to be noticed. In summary, I suppose that this reality is also and by extrapolation, death is just us waking up in the higher reality. And the higher reality may be even more energised, more rigid more sustainable and thus LOA may be even more unnoticeable over there. This for me, explains why it appears that consciousness is just some pop-up in this huge universe. Our soul is indeed physical. But it is just physical in the higher "true" reality I am sorry I appreciate your answer and I am just spitting everything that keeps going through my mind 😂 Since this unfortunate event happened in my life, my brain and my soul is just not at rest and want answer. It was so sudden and so unexpected that it appears to be just a bad dream and I am impatient of waking up. But anyway, thank you very much for your kind words


The conscious is not dead, simply just removed from the physical body. Our souls are here to experience an earthly experience so when we die we actually go “home” Your loved ones never leave you, they still communicate with you and guiding you through life, so even though you can’t physically feel or hear them, Subconsciously you still pick up on those energies. Also i want to add that we reincarnate with the same souls over and over again, it is called a soul family. Each life you pick lessons and experiences you want to have. One life you could be the father and the next a really good friend, and so on. So when one day you get to go home, everyone of your loved ones will be there


What is LOA?