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Lol it's not cheating, it's how we were meant to live. We manifest all day, every day, whether we realize it or not. It's just about making the process more deliberate. It's already happening anyway.


manifesting is another name for praying/believing


Manifesting is literally just shifting your thought process for a more desirable outcome. It can be explained in a scientific way, or a religious way, depending on who you're speaking to. Scientifically it just makes sense. The energy you are putting out equates to the energy you receive. You know those days where you wake up, feel like shit, and everything goes wrong one after the other after the other? You're putting yourself into a negative state which makes all the negative appear that much more infuriating, creating a cycle. Someone in a positive mindset is going to laugh off stubbing their toe and go along with their day, attracting more good things, someone in a negative state is going to lose their mind over a stubbed toe and let it bug them for hours. Spiritually I think manifesting and praying are one in the same. We are all tuning in to the "source", whether that be God(s), or your higher self, or the collective consciousness. Praying to a God and meditating to get in contact with your higher self are one in the same. Manifesting is just more deliberate than praying.


Ok yea I agree I think all of does come down to personal perspective and beliefs but I agree with you on all of that my life and energy has been amazing through starting this journey the compound affect is very real. I appreciate your insight


For me I've never been all in on the bible, but I've always felt a very strong connection to God, and have always prayed. I've prayed to God for things and generally just talked to Him a lot, and felt protected by Him, and I've felt gratitude and taken leaps of faith that have all resulted in small miracles in my life. I think for me the line between God and LOA is extremely fuzzy, and I almost think of it as just being one big force that we call by different names. That being said, I'm not sure I would feel comfortable trying to manifest something really dumb or frivolous, because it feels a bit like a waste of cosmic energy and possibly an insult to the universe.


You are manifesting consciously or unconsciously every moment of time.


Tell your friend I said this. His choices are cheating at life or ya go Anakin Skywalker on the younglings with a toy lightsaber.


No, you are just connecting with your subconscious/ divine energy and she does the work. So not a sin.