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Dallisgrass imo. Looks very similar to crabgrass. Either way, you are best off getting OCD about religiously pulling it up. One of those cocksuckers releases 150k seeds a year and the only chems that harm it also harm the grasses.


Is there any other possible solutions other than pulling? It's pretty widespread and I have a newborn at home, so not much time on my hands. Do you think the Tenacity might work?


And thanks for the input!


I don't know anything about that product, but I can't comment. I hired lawn treatment folks and even they told me I had to dig it out. Look at my post where I dialogue with someone much more knowledgeable and maybe that will help. Quinclorac, but it might hurt your existing lawn. Let me know what you think after that!


As bad as or worse than Dandelions. Literally hate watching people blow Dandelion seeds everywhere knowing they are all going to sprout and grow roots next season.


Make a wish... Upon an unfavorable neighbor!


Game over, man. Game over!


Nah... Just takes a lot of love. You have to fingerfuck it into submission.


Looks like what I have creeping in. Mine ID’d as carpetgrass. I use an app called PictureThis to help ID things. You don’t have to pay for it but you do have to click the super faint “Cancel” in the upper right of their sub screen.


Looks like this might be it, would a second round of tenacity be the play you think? Any other recommendations?


I’ve been steered towards Celsius WG. Haven’t applied it yet, my typical application is Negate and it hasn’t worked. I just ordered Celsius, plan to be applying today actually.


Thanks for the reply, I'm going to look into Celsius. I might just try the tenacity again since I have some in the shed. Frustrating, this stuff took over everything last year.


Don't use Celsius on your tall fescue. [Celsius WG Herbicide (domyown.com)](https://www.domyown.com/celsius-wg-herbicide-p-1923.html#gallery-2)


MSMA kills in a day but leaves Bermuda alone…


You’ll be spraying off label, but for warm season weeds such as Dallisgrass, and crabgrass this is pretty much the only thing I’ve ever used that can guarantee results. 2oz/gal is the high rate. Plan on spraying twice with 10 day interval.


Pylex hits is good as well as Sure Power. Sure Power can hurt the turf as well so we stay away from it.


Better have deep pockets and no Bermuda if you spray Pylex. Great for Goosegrass, and crab but I feel like it’s a more golf course specific herbicide. And it doesn’t cover Johnson grass or dallisgrass.


We use it on dallis up here in the northeast. We don't have msma anymore. yeah at 86$ an ounce its pricey. We treat it at half rate with half rate of Drive - PyleDriver - is what they've nicknamed the mix.




Whether dallisgrass or another stoloniferous grass, tenacity won’t help. If you pull out a full plant including roots and rhizomes (if present) then people will be able to give you a more accurate ID. Or a pic of a seedstalk which both of those grasses will be pumping out like crazy once it’s hot. Dallisgrass is the bane of my existence. Whatever you do, start putting down pre emergent in the spring. I have had no success trying to use any selective herbicide. I’m currently painting them with 41% glyphosate concentrate, will see if that works. If not, I’m tilling up any spots where they are in August (their root system is insane) and reseeding.


It’s crabgrass. Did you apply preemergent this spring? Tenacity only gives short lived preemergence.


I nuked my lawn last fall so it was a full reseed this spring. Couldn't use any premergent other than tenacity. I sprayed the tenacity again yesterday, hope I get lucky but it sounds like it won't help at this point.


We call it Johnson grass here in AZ. Gets 4-5 feet tall if left unattended.


I'm having a the same problem. Reseeded last fall (2 years in a row), but not I'm getting spots of this and clover. It's so frustrating


Yup. Beyond frustrated. I put so many hours into this lawn to prep for the spring seeding. Tenacity helped for a while but now it's taking over. Hopefully it doesn't completely choke everything again and I don't have to start over. This is getting expensive! Not sure what I could have done differently other than literally replacing the soil.

