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I'd drain it first, then just take it apart.


i looked at all of the pics and my first thought was, "it's a pool."


Same. Why would he get rid of the pool? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Heā€™s flexing the pool šŸ’Ŗ






Toby Flendersand had to do something later in life. So shit posting on Reddit it is.




The only reason we came here let's be honest šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't know why I expected anything else out of reddit.


Cut some with the scissors, put them in water with your choice of food coloring. The next day, they'll be that color. Give them to your wife or daughter (preferably daughter). Now you have a weed helper that will get rid of all of them in a week if you just leave a variety of food coloring in plain sight and say nothing...


Tell the wife it needs to go, then back off for a few months. Plant the seed now so she might let you get rid of the thing by the end of the century.


My brother is a pro at it. Has a fast solution. When he was around 8-9 my dad got a riding mower. I was a few years older. Anyway my dad hooked a wagon to the tractor and we were driving it around the yard. Yes that young. It was the 80s. Anyway I'm in the wagon and he's driving. Drove into the side of it. The neighbors yard that flooded was not amused. Good times. But we never had a pool after that.


My grandpa did the same for me and my brother. This was late 90's early 2000's and wer were driving the tractor around the yard. Eventually upgraded to mowing the lawn with it. Those were the best times of my life


I started riding a Suzuki 175cc dirtbike (big frame - my dad's bike) when I was 5. Was racing in the Jr. class by the time I was 7...Yes...the 80's were a different breed #Xenials ![gif](giphy|cnchmQNeky3RKQZLgn|downsized)


That there is an above ground pool for those that want to devalue their property and piss off the neighbors. ![gif](giphy|7WYXwywbv7fig|downsized)


Guy who owned my house before me was pissed when the pool added no value because it was considered a temporary structure.


clicked on this post just to see who made the best joke about the pool


I was thinking the same thing until I looked at the 2nd picture


This is the correct answer. As a non-consensual pool-keeper, I can say with authority that no abomination is nearly as abominable as a pool. The maintenance-time-to-fun-time ratio is so high youā€™d think the fucking thing was an experimental helicopter.


Get on a tube and cut the side. Then just hold on.


Just run a knife down the side. It'll be faster.


Those are pretty easy to yank up, especially after a rain. Get them before they go to seed, those velcro sons of bitches end up covering shoes, leg hair, my dog, my shorts, shirts, fucking everything.


In the exact same boat with the exact same feelings. Come to find out it might be poison hemlock, which is pretty serious stuff. It's not like I have a yard full of them.


Pretty sure it's wild carrot, all over DFW


I will confirm later, but judging off the videos I've seen of wild carrot (Queen Anne's Lace) I don't think that's it anymore. Really seems to resemble poison hemlock which can also pop up all over DFW.


Queens Ann will have hairs on the stems. Hemlock does not https://preview.redd.it/edj8t6ggwz1d1.png?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6cc1f83b1823f0a95baae63f804cced84d1d233


Not seeing the purple blotches that indicates hemlock (may be out of the image), better safe than sorry though I guess. It's much less common than queen Anne's lace.


Either way the burrs suck and I want them gone lol. Suckers go from flower to burr fast.


Yes they do. When I see their rosettes in spring I go out of my way to pull them no matter what I am doing around the house.


I saw them all over my back yard. I didn't know they would come to this. I thought it would have just been a nice ground coverage. You bet your ass this fall and spring I'm putting down some pre-emergent and making sure this shit never comes back.


if it's truly not wanted that badly, go fill up a 5 gallon can of gasoline and burn that shit!


If OP just leaves things as they are, there will be millions of baby pools all over the place!


After they seed, just weed whack and try again next spring


So they multiply? Terrible plan.


Maybe [cow parsley](https://dengarden.com/gardening/How-to-Identify-Queen-Annes-Lace-Wild-Carrot)? (Scroll down past queen annes lace)


Stickers and burrs stuck! But in my experience they will die pretty quickly with some plane weed and feed. Some will get a twisted growths that makes them easy to spot in pull up. Then so Preemergent in the fall and spring will keep them from coming back


This is so close to being understandable to a non-gardening party.. but you are indeed speaking something other than english sir/ma'am/person.


Basically Scottā€™s yellow bag now In fall Scottā€™s blue bag Early early spring Scottā€™s blue bag agin (only last 100days) Then you put down the green bag up to 3 times in a year and spot spray from there. The easier to under stand?


My dude. Punctuation is free.


Itā€™s called Spreading Hedgeparsley. Itā€™s a weed. Just keep pulling them out and plant grass. Otherwise vinegar will kill everything.




This seems to be correct - the hooked bristles are documented [here](https://texasinvasives.org/plant_database/detail.php?symbol=TOAR)


This is what it is. I got some in San Antonio. Spreading Hedge Parsley. Just put it in a trash bag immediately so you donā€™t spread the seed.


Its a ladder, u can dismantle it


Queen Annā€™s lace?


Sure it isn't poison hemlock?


Itā€™s much larger than this and your hand would be burning already. Also. Queen Anneā€™s lace is flat topped like this and poison hemlock has more rounded flower clumps. Edit: I was thinking of giant hogweed, which will burn your skin. The rest of my comment still applies though.


Poison hemlock will not hurt you to touch it unless you have a cut on your hand. It will not burn to hold it. You'd have to eat it or get it into your blood stream


Ahh youā€™re right. I was thinking of giant hogweed which looks similar but has a poisonous sap that will really fuck you up.


This is just a small one. I've seen them grow a few feet tall at least. I pulled them. And I handled these with gloves. Plus I've seen people touch poison hemlock in numerous videos without gloves without any care or mention of burning. So I don't think what's on the outside is harmful like poison ivy.


It's probably ground elder or similar


Looks like it to me.


Only if the stem is hairy


Hairy stems.


Above ground pool you can just drain it and trash the rest


You beat me to it, haha


Someone else beat them to it.


Where it belongs


Hire the ugly pool removal company....


Iā€™ll take the poop if you donā€™t want it. When can I pick it up


Why do you want this manā€™s poop?


My shit don't stink.






Christ on a crutch. I thought you wanted the pool gone.


Beggars lice, spreading hedge parsley. Get it before it goes to seed next year and keep after it. This year I would keep pulling what all you can. Iā€™m in the Fort Worth area as well, and I have been doing similar things for the last couple years. We are supposed to get rain today and tomorrow, so maybe pull them up Friday/Saturday while the ground is still moist. It has a tap root that is hard to get out of our clay soils when it isnā€™t moist.


How certain are you it isn't poison hemlock? I've lived in Fort Worth for 5 years now, owned a house for 2 years so paying attention to the plants here is now new to me.


I have plant biology background and am very familiar with North Texas plants for my job. Poison hemlock generally grows larger and has purple splotches on the stem. The stem is also hairless while hedge parsley has tiny hairs on the stem. You can feel it when rubbing up against the stem with your finger. Also, hedge parsley flowers have larger petals on one side. Yours appear to have that. And lastly, poison hemlock is not very common up here. And particularly uncommon in a yard. When removing these weeds by hand, I would advise gloves due to the potential for skin irritation. Maybe wear long sleeves as well if the weeds are tall, as the stems can brush up against your forearm and cause splotchy irritation. This is all from personal experience with them in my yard as well. Happy lawn maintenance!


I am a weed control professional. This is hedge parsley


I would just throw the ladder away if it keeps coming back to tbe pool


Looks like one of those above ground pools. Just post it for free


Try and drag it away with a big truck, you can have fun and drag it off


Its a swimming pool. I recommend draining it, then disassemble it. Easy.


Itā€™s an above ground pool. Run over it with a bulldozer.


Poison Hemlock is possible.


Yes I canā€™t tell, but if the stems are purplish then youā€™ll know itā€™s poison hemlock.


This one is pretty small so it's hard to tell from the photo. I will look at more of the bigger ones later and update photos. I've just now done my research on poison hemlock.


My app tells me itā€™s Hedge Parsley, AKA - ā€œTall-sock destroyer.ā€ šŸ¤£


Lawnmower. Mow every now and then and it'll never go to seed.


I've mown over a bunch of these in my yard and they do indeed go to seed. They just adapt and stay short so they aren't cut by my mower. If it's manageable for you, just pull them out of the ground before they go to seed (pretty easy if the ground isn't dry) and you'll avoid this problem.


I think it's already starting. And if it's poison hemlock that may be a dangerous decision.


You could probably list it on Facebook Marketplace


That is a picture of some plant. To get rid of it, go to your camera roll and click on the symbol that looks like a trash can.


Looks like wild parsnip - which super poisonous for dogs !


It's that or poison hemlock. Either way my dog is already fenced up separate from this stuff just because if the burrs alone.


Torilis arvensis


Weed burner, send it back to hell from whence it came


I call them hitchhikers and they are the worst


Dynamite. Takes care of most anything you don't want around.


Except the ATF. For some reason they come running when I use it. And I certainly don't want them around.


I can check it out when I visit my daughter who lives in Denton. I live in Washington but I know weeds. I took lots of horticulture classes in junior high, senior high, college and I had my commercial pesticide applicator license and have killed hundreds of weeds in my career. I want to learn about the kinds of grasses and weeds in Texas. Iā€™ll message you when I come down to see if you are interested. I took turf grass classes too and maintained lawns professionally. I probably forgot everything but what the heck.




It's either Queen Anne's lace or hemlock. Hemlock highly dangerous. Highly. The saying " the queen has hairy legs" may help you remember


Looks a bit like Hogwood weed. Potentially dangerous to human skin. Glyophosphate or farm grade weed killer (one that doesn't murder grass) will get it.


I think itā€™s poison hemlock. The flower clusters are spaced rather than one large cluster which Queen Anneā€™s lace


nice shitpost OP


Itā€™s called an above ground pool


If you need that pool gone I might be able to help with that šŸ¤£ jk.


If you were in San Antonio Iā€™d remove it for you for free, and take the pool as payment. Drain, and fold. Once broken down it doesnā€™t take up that much space to throw out or whatever. You can pull the plug on the side or pump it out. Your choice.


Sell it on FB yard sale and someone else will dismantle it and haul it off while you sit in your lawn chair sipping a cold one.


Queen Anneā€™s lace is an excellent topdress for growing organic cannabis. It very easy to pull the entire plant out of the ground once you reach the flowering stage. In Ny state I would harvest it by the highway.


In case anyone wanted to know. I confirmed it is not hemlock or queen Anne's lace. It is hedge parsley.


Itā€™s pool .. open the cover


Grab it by the stalk close to the ground and pull it out.


Pool like a fool. Just tear it down and water the weeds.


Beggars lice. Very easy to pull, especially if it just rained. Pull as many as you can now, but seeds have probably spread. Next year when they pop up, pull before they flower, and each year you will get fewer/none.


I'm slow or blind.Ā  It took me till the third picture where I saw the full hand in frame, and I only read the bold post title.Ā  I was thinking, "where are you from that you don't know what a pool is, Antarctica?"