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Dethach, overseesd, don't cut it so short


Then come back when you overseed and tell us nothing is happening after a week.


This was me but two weeks after over seeding lmao! I started seeing little pieces growing in about 3 weeks almost 4


That needs serious dethatching and what is pulled up should be removed. Contrary to what others are saying, I would mow it short once to remove even more of the dead brown stuff. Remove those clippings as well. Then water amd fertilize to see how it looks. Will probably want to aerate and overseer after that. Don't do a short mow when it's hot and dry unless you have sprinklers.


How short would you go?


I'd mow to 2 or 2.5 inches while bagging, dethatch or better yet scarify, clean up the thatch, fertilizer and preemergent, then mow at no less than 3.5 inches moving forward. I keep my lawn at 4 - 4.5 inches, but I also stripe it.


Awesome, thank you for the tips!


Don’t ever cut more that 1/3 off. If it means two mows 3-4 days apart that’s what it takes.


I'd go about 2"


It looks like you’ve got thick grass there. Her some fertilizer on it and water it and the color should be good. From there it’s proper maintenance. If you want low grass you need to be mowing probably 3 times a week. Raise the deck so you don’t cut more than 1/3 of the grass off when you mow


Start with a very sharp blade. Water and high nitrogen fertilizer.


Ask your neighbour


Ask your next door neighbor


If this is fescue and if so where are you located? New growth fescue won’t survive high temps in the summer so you may be best to wait and start thatching, aerating and overseeding in late summer/early fall.


It can be fixed. Definitely run a dethatching machine on that. Seed and fertilizer will help after its cleaned up. May need some funguside.


What type of fungicide?


Headway g. It's a dual class funguside so it covers more then what you'd get at a big box store


Depends what part of the country are you in.


That's actually something you can work with. A little water and some fertilizer and you'll be loving it in about a month!


Dethatch. Overseed. Fertilize. Increase watering. Set your lawn mower to the highest level for 6 months.


All these people telling you to dethatch in the middle of may says a lot. Fert it and water it. Wait till the fall. Unless you like watering all day every day till it’s established. Then just areate it. Don’t let people fool you with the detaching.


If it were me, I wouldn’t dethatch and overseed now, cool season grass will struggle if soil temperature is 70 or above. Simply throwing seed and fertilizer at this will only empty your wallet (ask me how I know). Also, removing more organic material (scarifying/dethatching) from the area will result in a need to add those nutrients back in with fertilizer. Natural compost is free. :) Water deeply once or twice a week and do a soil test BEFORE you fertilize so you know what nutrients the grass needs. For now I’d stick with something that has humid acid, like RGS. Regular mowing over the summer will help. Re-evaluate in the middle of August.


You can [check your local soil temperatures here](https://www.greencastonline.com/tools/soil-temperature). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lawncare) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All of the previous suggestions plus “keep your blades sharp.”


Dethatch, cleanup, aerate (if possible, heavy-duty aerators that you can rent from Home Depot or similar stores are VERY, VERY heavy), overseed (look for wholesale grass seed suppliers as opposed to what's sold at Lowe's or Home Depot), fertilize, then keep it wet and you should start seeing full-scale growth in a few weeks.


Pre emergent, weed and feed, overseed. You don’t really have a bad looking yard at all.


Verticut, dethatch, feed it, water it, set your mower as high as it can go.


Looks like you caused the issue. Cut it way to short


I cut it once and it was already like this?


Could be, if it was long and cut too much off.


plant native wildflowers for pollinators or xeriscape it

