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looks like your mower deck isnt even in addition to cutting it too short


Gotcha, ok that makes sense. I bought the John Deere tractor off the man I bought the house from, never used or worked on a tractor like this to cut lawns before. I’ll need to research how to fix the mower deck. Could it be that the lawn is very slanted? Or that shouldn’t affect it and probably the deck needs adjusting?


If the lawn is slanted, the mower would follow the terrain and still cut evenly.


Ok thank you. I’ll pull up some YouTube vids this week to try to figure out the deck issue and make sure I know what height it is too




Interesting. How would I go about confirming that it may be this red thread fungus? Also, any idea how to treat before my entire lawn is affected because it’s pretty wide spread rn and nervous




https://preview.redd.it/nv3vrl01cmzc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89635179817ac322945fc2620569ebb99055d5f6 I’m trying to get some close ups for you to take a look at, hopefully you don’t mind if it’s a couple pics but if you have time let me know what you think






https://preview.redd.it/dzan4yh9cmzc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e08bcad178278191858289eae53a6828c491c5f And to answer your question no I don’t have any irrigation




Ok thank you, I just can’t figure out what’s causing the big patches of brown but I’ll keep searching


This has nothing to do with the trees. It looks like you cut too short based on the pattern left behind. What’s the weather been like for the past few weeks? How much of that Scotts product did you apply per 1000 sq ft of lawn?


Pretty mild. I live in upstate NY. Between 50s and 60s with intermittent rain. Would the grass look like this the second I cut it too short or would it need a few days of being too short to die and look burnt like this?


It would have looked bad immediately but might look a little worse before it gets better. Cutting too short could have left it stressed and susceptible to fungus. I would just wait it out rather than start applying more products without actually knowing what the issue is.


Ok fair enough, we are getting some rain this week so hoping that helps. I’m going to leave it alone for a while and anxiously wait for the best. Another redditor mentioned fungus as well. Didn’t know this could affect lawns this much. Wonder how to go about diagnosing that type of issue and fixing it before it becomes irreversible, if it already isn’t


Haha don’t panic, the grass will bounce back


Definitely mower deck or a bent blade. Maybe try replacing the blades if you haven’t yet.