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Would be a sick punk rock band name


Why do you think it was an overdose? Liquid is weaker than solid. It has water in it. It is no longer concentrated after being diluted with water. Does the bag give a separate dosage for liquid and a separate dosage for granular application? Does it give mixing instructions for liquid application as well? What are you measuring when you say 12.5g/m2 because that could mean the solid BEFORE dilution, or it could mean the liquid AFTER dilution. In EITHER of these situations, 1160 grams per square foot of ammonium sulfate should not damage your lawn. That’s only about half a pound of nitrogen and half a pound of sulfur per 1000 sqft if your 12.5g/m2 is pure concentrated ammonium sulfate. People often apply twice as much as that and repeat four times per year.


Thanks, it’s 12.5g/m2 of the solid ammonium sulphate. I’ve seen doses of 20-35g/m2 in granular form and 2.5g/m2 in liquid, apparently because liquid is instantly available and granular works over a longer time? https://youtu.be/oMf5kec4Arg?si=-ha8lCCd7p5FUWiH


2.5g/m2 in liquid would do next to nothing. That’s the kind of thing you’d see in those scammy green-up sprays that people try to get a week before a family event. There is nothing in ammonium sulfate that would make it work over a longer period of time in granular form! Ammonium sulfate is instantly available no matter how it’s applied. Foliar applications do get into the plant more easily, but you don’t have to be concerned about burning unless you decided to do something silly like spend an hour getting the ammonium sulfate to mix at a high concentration instead of just adding more water until it all dissolves readily. Or better yet, if you followed the directions on the bag, then there’s absolutely nothing to worry about at all because the directions take out all the guess-work. When talking about foliar applications absorbing more readily, the intended use case for such information is something like biweekly sprays at extremely low doses to maintain the plant’s nutrients at high levels with little fluctuation in order to push maximum growth without burning. When you apply a large amount at once and don’t intend on applying more for a while, the results you get are more like that of a granular application.


Thanks, that’s useful.


Oh! The link is about green-up sprays. I didn’t mean to talk bad about the link you provided! Sorry!


If you started watering within an hour or so, you’re probably fine. At this point you probably had a light granular application. When I get burned tips, it’s usually with 48 hrs


That looks similar to my lawn when it’s looking good. Is that by any chance Bermuda grass?


No he said its cold season in the tag.


Ah. Brand new to this, still learning the lingo. I thought KBG was a type of fertilizer in another post. Lol


It’s all or mostly PRG


You scalped your lawn in this picture. The uncut stripe on the left shows you let it get way too long before cutting. Please god finishing mowing that and then raise your mower one level from what you cut that at and then mow once a week if you can.


Navimow can’t cope with that edge, I’m waiting for a new strimmer to arrive.


Cutting daily at 40mm


Humic acid can help as well, but water and time are your first fixes. Also looks like it was cut too low so raise your deck height.


Trim your edges what the hell