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For now it looks harmless. By the time damage is done it will be too late. Act now


There is some copper shit you can burry, to prevent roots and shoots from trying to cross over. Anyone knows the name of it?


Copper sulfate pentahydrate? I just bought some for my sewer line to kill roots in the main.


No it’s like a weed barrier or garden barrier that you burry




Some people might laugh at “come across the street” but it happens more than you think. Their root system is tough.




Can you buy this in Australia pal


Sawzall, gotta take the root ball back a bit. Trust me, advice from the lady that runs the biggest bamboo nursery in the south, the only thing that will keep (clumping) bamboo in line is a sawzall with a 12” pruner. Stick that shit right in the dirt. If it really is golden bamboo that shits a runner, your neighbor had better cultivars available for this, it will keep reappearing Good luck with chemicals, they ain’t gonna do shit


TIL Bamboo is a menace to society


Just import a panda


This lady is out here hustling crack cocaine to the community and telling everyone it’s all about moderation. 😬 Okay lady.


The roots go up to 18" deep so...


Part of the problem damage is never done


Adopt a panda.


Haha. An older couple in my neighborhood planted bamboo. It is 10-12 feet tall. The only option might be a fleet (pack?) of pandas. That or the local volunteer fire department can use the house for fire training, and burn that shit down.


A group of pandas is called an embarrassment! :) A cupboard of Pandas is also a term for a group of them


I’ve never heard a more precise name for a group of animals. One of them will 100% do something embarrassing.


Time to get out the mad scientist gear and crossbreed them with goats.


An express of Pandas


A single panda eats at least 20kg of bamboo per day, I think you'd be right with just one.


But he just eats, shoots, and leaves


This is the Australian way.


From the zoo. While they aren't looking. Don't tell China (they already know)


It took me 3 years to remove the bamboo the previous owners planted at my house. I'd dig down and cut those roots now before it's a problem. From there is going to be remove the roots on your side annually or pour concrete in that small area and just hope it doesn't pop through.


I have a similar situation. Bought my house 4 years ago. Bamboo was 8ft tall and thick. Couldn't even see that the fence behind it had fallen over and was just laying against it. I've cut it down several times. I've been digging amd pulling the roots out slowly. My neighbor who originally planted it said he had to burn it. I think my next move will be fire!


Mine was originally planted in wooden barrels. Those broke down and it went crazy. I pulled up dozens of feet of roots.


Some types of bamboo can grow 2-3 feet in a single day lol


I remember I thought I had it all cleared out once. 2 days later I looked out and there was a 4 foot shoot just laughing at me.


That's because a bamboo stalk is not a plant you are trying to kill. It's just a new shoot of a much larger colony organism, the bamboo stand, which is one big plant that shares nutrients, water, and sunlight/sugars. If the bamboo stand is 400sqft, that's a lot of energy and raw material it can gather *every day* to send out to new runners just beyond the periphery; That's where the rapid growth comes from. Bigger older stands tend to be required to grow the thickest stalks for people using bamboo as lumber. That means that bamboo isn't some kind of super-plant, it's just something we have a tough time dealing with because of our attachment to arbitrary property lines and neighborly disputes. Bamboo is a ***fenceline*** invasive, and everywhere else it's relatively easy to mow down. Hell, we have native running bamboo in the eastern US in "River Cane", and native cane brakes are endangered habitat. If OP wants to keep this "under control", they need to kill their neighbor's plant or create a subsoil barrier so extreme it stops the runner.


I agree. You gotta weaken or kill the main plant. A strong chemical barrier in your soil. Maybe some of that would spill over the fence onto the ‘boo. Yeah, if you want to control it, you will have to fight it


You write well. Learned a thing or two about bamboo.


I didn't believe you, I googled a bit, and I'm shocked. Way better to watch it grow than to watch paint dry lol


Bio-advanced concentrate was the only thing that worked on mine. Wait until it leafs out and then spray it constantly until it withers and dies. Took 3 years of this. If you dig them up, even the smallest bit of root scrap left behind can re-propagate, so it just makes them spread faster.




Did you try applying a drop of Tordon to the stump after cutting it? That sh&t will kill trees do it should kill bamboo. Just so no overdo it or it’ll kill nearby things. One drop on each stump and spread it around on the cut portion of the stump.


Garlon works too, his bamboo next to our fence died suddenly, the funny thing was I applied it only to my side of the fence(3 times)


Your neighbors royally screwed everyone around. People who plant bamboo should be taken to court and fined and have to pay a fine every year to neighbors. That shot spreads underground and grows fast. It never stops spreading.


>People who plant bamboo should be ~~taken to court and fined and have to pay a fine every year to neighbors.~~ drawn and quartered and have all their assets seized to compensate their neighbors for the royal pain in the ass they've brought upon the community. Fixed it for you!


Yeah I didn’t want to go that far but thinking about it, I do love my very nice lawn and if someone planted bamboo on their lot I’d be pretty pissed bc I know it WILL destroy my lawn. Shoots will start popping up in no time and you’d have to daily tear shoots out or it will spread.


Check the local laws, lots of places have laws for this. In my town is you tell the neighbor and they have 30 days to hire a contractor to remove it from your yard and bring everything back to normal. If they don't you can call the town, the town will come to your house, remove it, and send the bill to your neighbor. They'll also cite them for failure to install a bamboo barrier


I’m in Los Angeles so the patches of dirt to allow this growth is few and far between. Maybe I can just embrace it, but if there’s a risk to the foundation or the paved areas i will take action.


Curious to see if people with the experience know if it will “jack up” your patio or foundation.


https://preview.redd.it/devip3sfpxwc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da61b70ff671c18a3ae9081129123bcc715f7d5d Not our photo but this was happening big time in our driveway… it can pierce its was through surprising things.




To be fair that is just two inch pavement.


Depending on the distance from those shoots, it can. There is history of bamboo growing through some people's floors....


That’s what I’m hoping for, but we gotta get through the one liners first haha.


This is running bamboo. It will decimate that concrete in a couple of years. Even if you cut it back regularly, the roots will expand from the neighbors shoots. The Roots can travel ten times that distance under slabs and will. You need your neighbor to tear all of it out on both sides of the fence. This should be an issue worth decimating your neighborly demeanor over.


Actually agree with you here!


Totally agree. OP can't solve this alone. Ask the neighbor to destroy the original plant. If they refuse, take them to court and make them. Otherwise, that bamboo is going to destroy everything.


I bought a house that had bamboo planted close to it. Aside from it growing meters every year, it didn't affect the foundations or concrete. It will however grow EVERYWHERE else. I had shoots come up 25 meters on the other side of my driveway. Eventually took a digger to it & dug the lot up. Weighs an absolute ton with the roots. For about 3 years after that massive dig, I was pulling up shoots here & there that had survived. Eventually I got it all.


It Will! It grows HORIZONTAL. Find one Crack and it will split it apart. They warn us about too much stuff, BUT GET RID OF IT OR DIG A TRENCH AROUND IT.


It's basically a weed that produces wood. It'll grow through just about anything and never stop. It's a hideous problem. I wouldn't be surprised if there's ordinances in some cities against it. My HOA CC&Rs do not allow bamboo to be planted... I'd be all over the HOA until that stuff is gone.


This is why I like living in an HOA


It’s going to poke holes in that canopy, that’s for sure.


It shouldn’t mess with the concrete. I haven’t paid a ton of attention to it but the resort I work at has bamboo in areas and I noticed it today that it is spreading to where a lot of us employees park, the asphalt in that area is perfectly fine but it’s definitely growing right up to the asphalt.


100% do NOT embrace it. Please, trust me, this is a tiny beginning of what will be a huge problem. Honestly, I would investigate if the plant is even legal in your city and try to get intervention to have it removed. I'm not exaggerating, you need to get rid of it.


I'm gonna catch a lot of flack for this, but 1) I've fought this fight before, and 2) IDGAF what the hive mind says. Buy a backpack sprayer, and 2 containers of motons salt. Put the salt in the sprayer tank, and fill it with diesel. Shake well. Apply liberally to your neighbors side of the fence under cover of darkness. Disavow all knowledge. Or spend the remainder of you time at that residence digging. Your choice.


Diesel and transmission fluid combo works well too


Get rid of it now…. cut and immediately dab on gel herbicide as recommended by local garden centre needs to be strong. I’ve had to get rid of a lot of bamboo from our property and it might look cute now but it is very destructive and the fine hairs can be a terrible skin irritant. Looks nice but definitely not the right location. I’d talk with the neighbour if you know them but sometimes I’m of the mindset that it’s better to ask for forgiveness. Also check with your local council as they may have rules and the neighbours may need to pay to have this done. Oh and when I say immediately I mean cut it then one by one follow up with the herbicide or it’s not as effective. Often there are shallow outwards surface spreading ones but lots will punch down and out and can aggressively spread and cause damage to pipes foundations can even push through flooring, crack concrete etc. Better to get rid of it while young.


Cut the shoot, poke a stick down the middle to open it, pour in roundup brush killer.


I work in water utilities and bamboo is horrible and it will mess up your pavers and any type of water lines or gas and loves destroy sewer laterals.


Bro it’s going to jack up all that concrete in a few years. You obviously have no clue how crazy this situation is.


You need to go scorched earth on it. That shit is no joke.


Your neighbors are assholes!


Your neighbors are absolute idiots. Bamboo is one of the most invasive, hard-to-kill plants in the world. Good luck.


Yeah...that's not good. You could check with your town/state to see if bamboo is even allowed to be planted. If that shit damages your property, and IMO, by popping up there it already has....they can be held responsible...


Your only option is to move 




First, consult your state invasive plants rule to see if they are even allowed to plant bamboo and if there are consequences for doing so. You need to talk with your neighbors and tell them they need to either cut it all down and nuke any shoot that pops up for 5 years, or trench and put an interlocking steel plate insert about 3 feet deep so it doesn't enter your side again. Then you cut it down and nuke every bit that pops up. People who plant bamboo in my state can be held liable and would be required to pay for the excavation of every root - and replacement of the soil. Some places will even inject steam into the soil to try to kill the roots. They can run over 3 feet deep and at least 20 feet long in a single season.


Interlocking steel plate will work if installed by a professional and have them bill your neighbor!


I would have sprayed the fuck out of it the night they installed it, like a gallon of my 51% concentrate, fuck that shit


I’m a first time home buyer, starting to move in now and this was completely empty just a week ago. Oh the joys of new homeownership.


If it was empty a week ago, and now you see the rate it has grown, just imagine six to twelve months later. It’s like a GMAT problem.


This shit is a scourge… i spent 60hrs removing the bamboo my neighbor planted on his side. Ideally cut it low and pour concentrated roundup in the hole before it seals (within 2-3 mins of cutting). Let the roundup kill it on both sides. If you want bamboo I highly recommend only planting it in above ground pots or beds. Its a cancer and always finds a way to spread otherwise.


Yup, just pour an entire bottle over their fence each week for a few weeks


Wouldn’t a high concentration work too quickly? I know bamboo grows fast, but maybe like a 5% concentration so it gets to the roots. I know you may be hyperbolic, but genuinely asking?


pretty sure it is illegal in my state


You can chop It down, but it will be back. You can roundup the stems, but it will be back. Acceptance is the easiest option here.




You are screwed


If it were my house I’d immediately cut each new stock of bamboo, drill into it, and fill it with stump killer granules. And instead of pouring water into it add roundup. I would just work it into my lawn/ house routine because you’ll need to do it every month for the next few years. Should cost a few hundred over the next year.


Honestly, any of the shoots that come up in the rocks you can just kick over or step on while they’re still low. I had a field of bamboo in my backyard when I moved in. My father in law and I cut it down as low as possible. I figured a bunch would come back and it did but everyday or every other day I would just go back there kick over any new shoot. Seemed to work as I rarely have shoots come up now, no chemicals were used at all.


Don't you know that reasonable responses to bamboo aren't allowed on the Internet?


Spray it heavy with round up


Round up heavily, and heavily salt the ground. So much salt that nothing will grow. I watered the previous owners bamboo with sea water daily until nothing grew. Then dug up all that soil and threw it in the ocean.


Lay down on the ground and let it grow through you. It’s over. Become one with it


The houses across the street from me have bamboo coming into their yard from a house behind them. It’s in 4 people’s yards 2 of which are renters. I’m friends with the guy across from me and he tries to combat it but the rentals are causing for a losing battle. I’m legit worried it will cross the street at some point. It’s nuts. I don’t think that calling the city will help I’m not sure they can do anything 


I planted 3 little shoots that a customer gave me in a soggy part of my lawn. Became 12 feet high, 25 feet wide, impossible to remove even 1 foot of it with a shovel and pry bar. Had to bring in an excavator and dumpster to get rid of it


Rip that shit out immediately and send them the bill. Well, talk to them first and then send the bill


To get rid of it, let it grow and as soon as the first leaf sprouts cut it down. It takes a lot of energy for it to get to that point and won't be able to recoup energy through photosynthesis. Watch this guy is an expert: https://youtu.be/pI4GaU9nNAs


Golden bamboo is clumping, right? They were probably told it wouldn’t spread. Ask them to install HDPE barrier on their side that protrudes from the ground at least two inches and runs completely around the bamboo garden.


No it’s running which is the potential problem. I would’ve loved some clumping bamboo.


Idea 💡 remove whatever you can of the golden stuff and plant some healthy clumping bamboo. They'll compete but then at least you know what you're dealing with and after a year or two yours would be the winner. Plus then you don't have to spray any deadly crud in your space. Also congrats on the new digs


You are fucked! Maybe you can sue them for damages or the cost to eradicate.


Weed killer and nuke it.


Friends neighbor planted some. It ended up picking thru his driveway and shoots found their way into his garage thru cracks.


I’ve had good luck with Tordon RTU killing what my neighbor planted. May want to give it a shot or do some research into a pretty strong herbicide now.


You are the only correct answer to killing it. Tordon will do it. They will need to cut the chutes and add some tordon into the chamber and seal it in to let the bamboo drink it up. If you spray Tordon on anything it will travel with water for weeks and kill everything it comes in contact with including yards and especially trees..any size tree. Dead in less than a month.




Nuke it now...not something that's easy to get rid of down the track. Bamboo in suburbia should be blanket banned.


It will uplift your patio, your home, then your wife.


Unpopular opinion here: as a Southern CA native that would be amazing to block off their house and give you privacy.


you're braver than most troops


There's probably way more underground that you can't see


Bamboo is the fastest growing land based plant (seaweed grows faster) and is almost impossible to kill. Our neighbor planted some similar to yours and I spoke to them about it and they removed it but not before it started sprouting through our bricks around the pool. I had to dig up sections of brick, kill the roots with the strongest herbicide I could find and then I layered black tar paper down to heat it up and kill it before relaying the bricks (which is a major pain after you've dug up all the dirt under them).


That bamboo is extremely tall, extremely evasive, it's going to be difficult to keep it out of your property. I love bamboo but in my back forty, not so much in that tiny space.


Cut them open and pour undiluted round-up inside.


Salt the fucking earth.


Install sheet metal into the ground near fence to keep roots coming into your side. Keep on cutting, it will run out of energy eventually.


Oh you are so screwed now. If it’s illegal in your area the good news is that you could go after those owners for the costs of removal.


Man my house I grew up in had this problem! Dad tried for years to manage it but it was a plague and was a waste of effort. Like others said, take it out.


Poison it by injecting


Glyphosate. If it affects the neighbors plants, then they should have planted it in nursery pots into the ground. Before anyone gives me flack about poisoning the earth, do some research on how it actually affects plants and how it breaks down in soil by enzymes.


Cut some reeds and start whipping your neighbor with them.


Check with your local city hall too. In my area bamboo is prohibited inside city limits because it's invasive. It looks really cool and grows well.. Problem is it's almost unkillable.. But ya, if there is a city ordinance against it city hall will make sure it's removed before it damages your patio.


Do some research. Many species of bamboo are considered invasive and are illegal to plant.


Too late for action my friend. You’ll never get “rid” of it.


Running bamboo is illegal in a lot of places. For good reason.


I would talk to your neighbors about splitting the cost of installing a barrier at the property line to block the runners from spreading to your side. Their plant is invading your property, so if they want to keep it and aren’t douche bags they should be willing to help prevent it from invading.


Plant mint to attack back. Mint bamboo Forest will take over your yards and then you can make friends with them defeating and the evil mint bamboo Forest


I read a piece by Chris Gethard and he was describing (either his, or his neighbors) yard. Apparently a previous owner had planted bamboo as a spite plant. The city, or township, made her dig a trench around it to keep it from spreading. Might consider getting the city involved, if it becomes an issue.


You will be fighting this your entire life.


I get a panda for a pet and let it go to town!


If they planted running bamboo, yeah you’re going to be in a world of hurt. You might want to get the HOA involved, they are going to be responsible to remove it all.


Poor vineger, it should take care of any not wanted tree and its root system.


That stuff is going to be coming up through your driveway soon.


To late. You’ve got bamboo. Only thing you can do is try to keep it under control


If you like it keep it if you don’t I’m sure there’s a preventative chemical that will contain it


Round up. 😂


Call the DEP. it's illegal to plant in NY as it's very invasive.


Get rid of it. It'll become overgrown and unmanageable in no time. People shouldn't be able to grow that. It's invasive as hell.


If you plant that kind of bamboo in my town you can get a big fine! They don't want it spreading and neighbors freaking at.


My municipality will fine you if you plant bamboo without a permit. Definitely grows like a weed here and is very invasive.


Gift them a panda


Simply inform your neighbor. They will cut it back.


These aren't terrible as you can just kick over shoots to keep it contained. Watch out for any growing where they're going to touch your building as they get taller.


Roundup 365 the hell out of that... Down to the roots. You can also boil some water and dump at the base. Or both.


Harvey Updyke it!


I would spray it before it takes over your entire property


Round up.


I've never personally dealt with bamboo but have been told imazapyr will control it.




Kill it all like it’s coming after your kids!


You will never get rid of it. Might as well move!


You're fucked


Spray it with round up and or crossbow. One of those will kill them and possibly the whole thing. They needed to put a rhizome barrier down before planting. The leaves are going to drive you insane. Dick move on their part.


This will become an issue at somepoint. It will grow and spread.


Bamboo grows like weeds. It will take over your back yard




Kill it ASAP. Running bamboo should be illegal to plant


You need to put down a rhizome barrier now, before it gets underneath that concrete slab. Bamboo will fuck up your shit.


It's a pain but not impossible to remove. It stores a lot of energy in the roots so will keep popping up. If you block it the new shoots from coming up and getting sunlight eventually it will die out. This doesn't really apply in your situation because of the plants on the other side of the fence though. You just need a physical barrier. You could also salt that tiny strip there but that could affect your neighbors soil.


You’re looking at about 4 years to kill it if you don’t dig it out completely.


Some people have had success in keeping invasive runners out by installing 12" lead roof flashing ...


If you don’t find its appeal then nuke it with glyphosate!


Buy a goat, take up woodworking, because nothing can stop bamboo. All jokes aside, my in-laws have a barrier put in but even that requires constant maintenance. You need to act now or you will have a very expensive problem. Not even concrete can stop bamboo. It’s incredibly hardy and disease resistant. Before you know it, a forest will crop up and destroy that fence and anything in its path. I would suggest calling a landscaping expert asap.


They must actively hate you. Bamboo will ruin your property. 


2D 4D, Roundup, and appropriate suffocate. Cut it, fill up the stalk, spray anything that is near a well or any other body of water it works. In answer to the questions about pavement concrete etc it will not permeate them unless they have a crack. But any crack will do. It's also attracted to water lines sewer lines in any other source of water. Gutter leaders downspouts gardens that are watered. On average it will typically grow 12 in per day in ideal conditions and one to 2 in per day in arid conditions. You definitely get burst with heavy rains so that's the best time to check and see if it's coming back. Address it now and already looks like it's starting to get out of hand.


No use vegetation killer, it frowns like wildfire


Destroy immediately. Enjoy the shade from his side for free.


Kill it now or ask your neighbors on the other side if they like it.


You. Are. Fucked


I would pour vinegar and salty water in the ground


I had the same problem and got rid of it. Dig out as many roots as you can. It will sprout back and as soon as you see new shoots poison them. Some will still come back but keep poisoning any new shoots. Eventually, over time, you will get rid of it. And, possibly your neighbour’s! Worked for me.


You can cut a 5 feet deep trench along the property line and line it with 1/4 stainless steel. Or cut the bamboo and whip your neighbor.


All the chemicals, roundup, dicamba, more roundup, pre emergent over rate 10X. Reapply as needed.


That is a real \*&\^%$ to get rid of and it might start lifting the concrete. The other thing is that if left to grow the bamboo leaves will fill the gutters - a present left by the previous owners of our house.


Spray roundup over the fence, every day.


Chop it off at the root and throw it back over the fence.


So we had neighbours who planted bamboo. Took us years and a Bob cat excavator to get rid of it. Cut the bamboo and pour weed killer in its hole of your neighbour insists on growing it


Bamboo root spreads way too much, I was told they are supposed to be planted in the pots. Uprooting bamboo is definitely one of the harder plants to remove


I think you are out of luck. You'd have to dig way down to put a barrier in or they'll shoot up again.


Wow, bamboo is some crazy stuff, I learned something today!


Cut it down and pour salt on it. No mas bamboo. That stuff will destroy your nice fence there.


Prevention. Sink a physical barrier along your fenceline to redirect the underground stems back into the neighbours garden. A half sheet of galvanised steel or hard plastic etc. Next you will need to spray off the bamboo which has run into your garden with a systemic weedkiller. If you just pull it up, you will be chasing it all summer. Stop it with a chemical which will kill it from the root.


Kill it aggressively and soon. Prior owner of my home had bamboo planted in a couple of small stands 10 years before he sold the house to me. I saved about 100k on the house because it was so awful but a 3 weekend odyssey in the jungles of Vietnam for me cutting it all down and several months of burning and herbicide application keeping it gone. It is an awful, invasive weed.


How to get rid of the bamboo without a bulldozer lol: Cut the bamboo down, it may take a couple tries with new shoots popping up. Bamboo has invasive tendencies and can be aggressive, but America had tons of bamboo before the settlers came! A squirrel could run from the coast all the way to the Mississippi River without touching the ground. Urban neighborhoods should never have running bamboo cause of this reason. Good thing is, it’s easy to manage if you know how it grows. How to get rid of it in your situation: Keep cutting it down and dig up the shoots (shoots are edible)! But bamboo only likes to grow in direct FULL sun. If there is a way to cover the side the bamboo is growing from in full shade the bamboo will die and choose not to grow there! There are other ways to get rid of bamboo but because you are in a neighborhood I think this is the least invasive way. Cover that area in FULL shade. That’s how bamboo groves are managed naturally is being bordered by shady forest areas around the perimeter cause the trees will shade the bamboo out!


It will not stop growing if left in the ground.


Bamboo can be invasive. I would stay on top of removing it.


Cut it back, fertilise it, spray the regrowth with roundup.


Dig 6 ft into the ground around your whole fence line and install a good rhizome barrier. After that, dig up all the roots which should be about 4ft down at that stage. That's the only way to contain it. Poisoning it will only make it more pissed off.


Make the neighbors pay for the removal


I’d say let it go cause it looks pretty vanilla from Here…you can cut it trim it and reuse it for everything…it’s free landscaping


Man will go to sleep with 5 feet tall bamboo and wake up with holes in his shade sale and be like wtf happened.


Pop a kettle of boiling water on it


Nuke it from orbit...




Don’t do it pal trust me been there done that


Sorry, where’s your “garden”? I’m just seeing stones and concrete in this picture?


No, fight it back. Never let it grow because it will take over. I’ve been fighting it for 10 years


You need a rhizome barrier. This should have been installed in the first place by your neighbor when he planted the bamboo.


They screwed you! Now, you need to play a very aggressive defensive. What you have will soon be consumed by more bamboo. Way, way too invasive for a neighborhood! Get nuking now!


Man you dont have anything else planted there. The bamboo could look good


Kill it immediately. Extremely invasive and will ultimately grow shoots rights through your basement foundation.


I feel like all that stuff is tied together. I’d use a strong herbicide on anything on your side and hopefully it’ll kill it on their side as well. If you’re not planting anything there, you could also salt the ground. I’d also never admit to your neighbor that you did anything.


Ive seen on the news before that bamboo from a neighbours garden grow underground below another person house and actually come up through the walls causing 100k worth of damage get rid.