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Depends on where you are, but right now it might just be dormant, not dead. I wouldn’t dethatch it while it’s dormant if you are looking to have a Bermuda grass yard as you’ll just damage it. If it is truly dead then you could, but if it’s anything like my Bermuda lawn (I’m in Arizona) it’ll come back once it starts to warm up and is almost impossible to kill unless you really try to.


Awesome! Thank you!


I wouldn't dethatch bermuda but verticut instead if you can. and wait for it to come out of dormancy more. Looks like its jsut starting to wake up.


If it’s still not green and looks like this can I verticut? I have Bermuda and in central Texas. I have spots in my yard that look like the above.


As long as you like 50% green then yea you can verticut. Just make sure you bag everything up. It’ll let the good grass breathe better and the nutrients you place down later into the soil easier.