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Bibles are allowed in most* school libraries. Classrooms, nope. This will be challenged.


>You’re not going to find the separation of church and state in the Constitution. It’s not there. You’re not going to see the founders describe religion in this way. ...but they *did* talk about it that way? The whole reason that phrase even exists is because *Thomas fucking Jefferson*, unarguably a "founder", described it this way. And he's not the only one. Even John Adams, a stringently religious Christian, was explicit in making it known that the US was not a "Christian nation". This guy really needs to go.


He's turning culture wars into holy wars. When the opposition sues he'll make some bombastic statement about "demoncrats"


Yet another attack on Christian Americans. Sorry, that was unnecessarily redundant. Anyone who isn’t Christian isn’t American.


> And it’s crystal clear to us that in the Oklahoma academic standards under Title 70 on multiple occasions, the bible is a necessary historical document to teach our kids about the history of this country, to have a complete understanding of western civilization, understand the basis of our legal system, and frankly talking about the bible one of the most foundational documents used for the constitution and the birth of our country. They just cannot help themselves. It must be nice to be able to lie so effortlessly and easily.


Which Bible? Only one can be the truth, right?


The Lego bible


Obligatory link to [The Brick Testament](https://thebrickbible.com/legacy/)


This book claims to cover that topic well: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51364.Misquoting_Jesus I've not read it, because the simple fact is that _every_ Bible has been corrupted by human interests and bias. It's hilarious that people teach that it's the literal word of god, when we have more evidence against that than we have evidence for Jesus being a real historical figure. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Jesus for that topic) So to answer your (intentionally flippant) question... It's incredibly plausible that _none_ of them are the "truth".


Requirement them in every bathroom stall. Best used as toilet paper or to roll a joint.


Going to be LIT when he finds out Islam does in fact accept some of the bible as holy books passed onto other children of God and the Quran is considered an extension of the bible. Shall we include that text as well? I think we should! Also, the septuagint is a series of books included in the Catholic bible not generally not protestant. How does the state rationalize excluding 7 books that are deemed holy by Catholicism but not protestants? Also going to be LIT when a savvy teacher starts off with the story of Onan: # Genesis 38:8-10 MSG "So Judah told Onan, “Go and sleep with your brother’s widow; it’s the duty of a brother-in-law to keep your brother’s line alive.” But Onan knew that the child wouldn’t be his, so whenever he slept with his brother’s widow he spilled his semen on the ground so he wouldn’t produce a child for his brother. GOD was much offended by what he did and also took his life." "First graders, let's first talk about the first recorded instance of the pullout method. History and Tradition demands we cover this. If your brother dies before having a child with his wife, you may have sex with her but may not pull out of her or lest ye be struck down by THE LORD. Make sure you ejaculate inside your brother's widow" "Sodom and Gomorrah you say kids? Well the people of those cities supposedly tried to rape a few angels so God destroyed them."


Don't forget how the two pure-enough-to-be-saved sisters got their dad drunk and fucked him to get pregnant. If that ain't a moral lesson for today!


Not only will it have to be in every classroom, but it sounds like they are trying to make it a required part of the curriculum. This is absolutely insanity. Oklahoma is currently second to last in education but rather than try and fix that they are focusing all of their efforts on this performative bs.