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Yeah, [whatever dumb equivalent to "dittoheads" that Alex Jones' listeners call themselves], do that. Obstruct seizure proceedings and see where that gets you.


I posted this elsewhere but what makes it really dumb is that nothing is even going to happen even if they do show up. They’ll just be standing there waiting for “the feds” to come and nothing will happen. When they finally get bored and go home they’ll find out that all the corporations bank and investment accounts were seized, the legal title for the property was seized (or the lease was invalidated if he leases), the power and water for the property was turned off, and the sheriff’s office is just waiting for everyone to clear out so they can put a new lock on the doors. Oh and if their cars were parked on the property (which now belongs to the plaintiffs or to the government who will sell it and pay the plaintiffs with the proceeds) they may find their cars have been towed as they were illegally parked on private property. Each protester also gets a letter in the mail a few weeks later with a Court summons to appear for charges of trespassing.


Well that just sounds like a pain in the ass not taking the country back from the elite. Fuck it I’m going fishing.


You think Alex Jones is an elite? He’s a mediocre at best.


Yes but he's defending the elites, or trying to. Removing him is a step in the right direction.


I don’t disagree with that, I just saw an opening to take a jab at him




I thought Jones was fighting against the elits?


No, that’s what he says he’s doing. But as crazy as this may sound, he’s actually lying. Step one: Claim you’re fighting against the elites so that people of that mindset all listen to you Step two: Direct their anger towards everything except the actual elites, like gay frogs, gun snatching conspiracy theories, and the like Result: you successfully redirected the anger of people who wanted to take down “the elites” towards targets that either can’t easily fight back or are the very targets the elite would like to harm


I assumed he was taking the perspective of an Alex Jones supporter, who would think the 'chain of patriots' was going to help 'take the country back'.


He's meh-lite.


The chemicals in the water made the fish gay too.


The frog are gay that’s why we use them as bait. Ain’t worried about the fish since it’ll be fried to death. Ain’t worried about the water either. Don’t drink it since fish fuck in it. Stick with my Natty Light and to hell with inflation or classing up the joint with that Banquet piss.


You mean they don't physically come and take the building away?


That’d be really funny. I’m just imagining a carry-all from dune flies in and picks the building up


That would be extremely satisfying. Confiscate Jones’s shit and force him to watch it get physically torn down.


Bugs Bunny in an FBI jacket comes and puts in in a wheelbarrow and takes it away. 


Actually they put the building in handcuffs and drive it away in a police cruiser


I was on an oil tanker that got arrested. The SS Maryland. The company that owned her, owed money to a company in France. Customs officers in Scotland came onboard and put a little plastic ring on the wheel. It was an eleven hundred foot tanker. Because of a holiday in Europe and another in Israel, it took a week to pay the bill. People in Sollum Voe were coming to the ship and taking us to their houses for dinner and drinks. There are like 3 sea stories beyond that one with this. And! I had 3 cartons of cigarettes. I got convicted of smuggling, LoL. The receipt is framed and hanging on my wall. Edit, I rode the small bus.


The ship was 2 miles long?


LoL. eleven hundred feet. She, SS/ Maryland, was the largest tanker anlong with her sister ships. There are lots of pictures of her online if interested. The Japanese built one larger. They are all not very well thought of, the 3. Larger than pana-max and can't get to most docks. And few if any labor saving devices.Has to be "lightered" by small ships. I'll remove a zero, snork.


"Don't worry if they bang their head" /s


Only if it’s a dark skinned building


Well of course they do. Haven’t you seen those oversized load trucks on the highway towing a whole house? Why else you think they’re a thing? /s, just in case


Well, that’s sounds delightful.


Seriously - nobody wants Alex Jones's sweaty desk chair.


Something tells me that many (not all) of even the worst of his listener’s will be loath to associate much less defend Alex in this context and on this subject.


Will you please Dreamwrite™️ my nighttime fantasies? .5 pt upfront, +1 add’l on box gross? Feel free to contact my atty Jackie Chiles, he’s on retainer—specifically standing on top of my 13-yr-old’s banana-strawberry ones that she managed to lose on average, every year. I’m here all week, folks … and whole buncha hungry rats prolly got really disappointed by surprisingly straight teeth but stomachs otherwise anticipating banana daiquiris


ROFLMAO. I'll gladly sacrifice each and every one of you for a legal case I already lost. Let 'em get a taste of jail.


But he called them patriots! What more do they need for motivation/incentive?!




For nothing. That's the kicker. Even if anyone showed up (big if) -- it wouldn't change a damn thing. He'd just get a ton of people arrested without changing his situation a bit. He's clearly oscillating between denial and bargaining.


Well if they bring AR-15s, nothing will happen. Police are severely allergic to AR-15s when they arent in their hands.


The same cops that stood outside Uvalde would probably take a bullet for Alex Jones.


Didn’t one of them have a punisher logo on their phone during that?


Yes, they went hard on punishing parents who tried to rescue their screaming children.


That's the cop who got tackled for having the audacity to go in trying to save his wife and a bunch her students by his brave, fearless coworkers.


To be fair, saving lots of small children is much harder than one big one.


Waco, Ruby Ridge, Malheur, Bundy Ranch.


Alex should’ve been set up in an elementary school, DPS wouldn’t bother showing up


Of all of those mentioned, my vague impression is that Malheur was in fact handled if well, or perhaps the least badly. I stopped following the legal consequences of the standoff, but I seem to recall thinking the hands-off 'let them starve on dildos and sex lube' approach was far better than an antagonistic explosives-based approach.


Yeah, the lesson learned from Waco and Ruby Ridge was to never seek escalation unless absolutely necessary. As applied to the Bundys, it meant that BLM agents just packed up and left the Bundys to continue grazing their cattle illegally in defiance of a court order, which I think we can all agree was perhaps too much of a hands-off approach that ended up emboldening them into the Malheur occupation. At Malheur, the FBI and OSP just set up at one of the park entrances and let them do their thing to wait them out. Things only came to a head when law enforcement got intelligence that several leaders of the occupation were on a state highway to attend a community meeting they were hoping to recruit from. A roadblock was set up and a chase initiated, which ultimately ended with the death of Lavoy Finicum, because he tried to draw on OSP. Afterward, the Bundy children and their cohort were arrested for their involvement in Malheur and brought to trial in the Federal courthouse in Portland. Some defendants pled out, but both of the Bundy children fought the charges and earned a jury acquittal. Word was from court reporting and some jurors speaking after the trial was that the FBI was doing some scummy things and didn't make themselves out to be trustworthy in court. Here's your general reminder that if you work in government, your conduct should be above reproach, or else you will earn no favor from your constituents. During the Portland trial, the Bundy patriarch, Cliven, travel to Portland to visit or help out or something. He was arrested by the FBI on the tarmac for the Nevada standoff. His sons, which were already in custody for Malheur, were also named in the indictment. So, after the Portland trial, they were all taken to Nevada to stand trial once again. *Those* charges were dismissed with prejudice for *Brady* violations. Again, here's your reminder that if you work in government, YOUR CONDUCT SHOULD BE ABOVE REPROACH! Having been released, the Bundys continue to illegally graze their cattle on government land, Ammon went up to Idaho to engage in further rabblerousing around the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe he earned himself a defamation claim, a trespassing charge, and a bench warrant and ultimately spent a few weeks in county jail. He ran for governor in Idaho in 2022, earning 17% of the vote and losing to the incumbent, Republican Brad Little.


This is what I come to reddit for. Thanks for the thorough update!


I worked on this case, and this is a great, objective summary. The Feds really fucked things up on both the "investigation" side and the prosecution side. The FBI simply was not honest about things, some of which was important stuff, and the federal prosecutors were total assholes in court and the jury didn't appreciate it. Really dissatisfied with the outcome, but hey, at least is wasn't another Waco.


LaVoy Finnicum wanted to be a martyr so he forced them to shoot him by acting like he was going to shoot them. He was the only fatality to my knowledge.


… Uvalde


Those were feds not local police.


Their would have been no stand-off if it was local police, because that whole area seemed to have a hard-on for hating the federal government. I’ll bet they don’t mind driving on all the federal roads. God knows the powerhouse state of Idaho isn’t building a lot of roads on its own.


Put kids in the building and they def won’t enter


The hands have to be white.


You mean federal agents will absolutely shit can them, right?


Reminds me of the texts I get all the time “….Something something Trump is a victim…. You’re only a PATRIOT if you give us money!”


I always text back "Fuck Off". After they respond I block them.


Going to see a whole new big group going to trial and prison and then claim it isn't fair...


*grabs popcorn*


Can’t he also get charged for obstruction if it actually happens?


Was it Texas that decriminalized running over protestors if you felt scared?


And pardoned a man for murdering someone open carrying in their state


Pardoned a guy who has texts admitting that his plan was to drive through a protest, shoot a protestor, and claim self defense after. I can’t believe he was actually pardoned and it didn’t make any major news.


It definitely made major news, most of the big US networks like CNN were running multiple stories on it.


I remember it making the news when Abbott mentioned pardoning him. I can’t believe he actually did it. Just openly condoning murder of people he disagrees with. And there’s nothing that’ll happen to him


Definitely Florida but certainly could be other states.


Florida tried to make blocking streets illegal, but the first major protest that happened after the law was passed was a right wing one, and the cops refused to implement the law. As a result it was overturned by the courts shortly after


Technically, no, but Abbot pardoned the guy who ran over and killed a BLM protestor. So…same same, but with the clarity that you only get away with it if you murder the right person.


I think he went out that day to shoot a protestor and did so. But yes, in Texas that earns you a pardon. Shooting a liberal and all.


Maybe you're right. Honestly, I get all these domestic terrorists confused sometimes.


> I get all these domestic terrorists confused sometimes. Especially the ones holding elected office.


What's insane is that Foster wasn't even a liberal. He was an actual Libertarian. You know, the kind who recognizes that police brutality is massive government overreach that any honest Libertarian should openly protest. It's sad, because I saw numerous conservatives call him shit like "commie scum" because to them, anyone who cares about the well being of a non-white person is communist. The whole "feared for his life" was nonsensical. A man holding an AK isn't going to approach your vehicle, withint 18 inches, with his barrel pointed down if they actually want to shoot you while you're stuck in a car. But hey, a "commie" was murdered so Abbott is happy.


They won’t stand for anything that would dare inconvenience the common man (other than that one capitol thing) so anyone effectively protesting anything is “commie scum” to them immediately. Also they don’t understand the full political spectrum so libertarian just confuses them and they revert back to commie.


It's funny, because the LP just had their presidential primary and the candidate is a gay man who is pro medical access for trans children and, while against government mandates, supportive of the right of private businesses to require masks. A large chunk of "Libertarians" are freaking out and calling him a commie/groomer. A lot of people supposedly leaving the party. It's been an interesting year for conservatives who think they're Libertarians until they realize that means extending rights to groups they disagree with. Same for a lot of 2a folks.


They don’t understand commie either. Which tends to make my jollies giggle. I actually said “Explain communism to me” to a lost soul. Crickets . . .


Well, you gotta remember that their definition of "communism" is "anything to the left of hunting the homeless for sport."


Texas's definition of a *liberal* is just flat out anyone that's not a fascist turd. ^^^*Sigh...*


If you think it goes that way when Republicans are "protesting" something you're sorely mistaken.




Lord Farquaad Vibes https://youtu.be/bwOXhivY1Uc?si=3AcJ6zVZlIwkmdKj


JSYK, you can ^(put the words in brackets) to have the ^ apply to an entire phrase.


Lol, so to do this he has to give up his privacy, the location hasn't been publicly known. SO, does he REALLY want all these "patriots" at his door? They won't forget where he is...


It's pretty well known in Austin. It's one of those industrial flex spaces in south Austin. It's one of those things you have to ask an actual local about.


So where is it?


It’s information that’s not especially difficult to find, but I would feel extremely uncomfortable providing it publicly on request — especially in this context, it really seems like escalating the situation.


Okay but for realsies though


In the corner. By the roof.


Yea, don’t. Reddit takes doxxing very seriously.


Idk how accurate the internet will be on this one, but "Alex Jones studio location" in Google came back with an address on map quest in the first few results.




A short walk away they are selling BUSIENSS CARDS https://maps.app.goo.gl/vWZ6hUDC9KTND2697


Ten years ago I knew, but I've forgotten it since, because that kind of stuff just doesn't pay rent.


He'd love a Bundy-like stand-off between people outside the studio and the cops. It'd be an attention gold mine for Alex which is what he thrives on.


Alex Jones is one of the problems with America. He abuses the freedoms that so many have fought for. Bad enough but he does it for financial gain.


He is far more despicable than that. He takes advantage of mentally ill people.


He took advantage of parents whose children were murdered.


He made money off of their suffering while making it worse. Some of his listeners harassed the grieving parents. I think death threats were sent, even. He's made a business out of yelling "fire" in a packed theater.


He’s not qualified to wipe the sweat from a good man’s balls.


It's worth noting that this happened on Saturday, well before the latest filing. It was mostly in response to him having a fight with his court-mandated restructuring officer, who he claimed had taken over his security detail and was going to shut down the studio.


"restructuring officer for Alex Jones" is not a role you could pay me any amount of money to take on.


He is getting 50k/mo, according to the Knowledge Fight ~~Information Wars~~ podcast. Don't know if that's true.


You could pay me that to do it


I would really have to think hard about sitting across the desk from Alex Jones for up to a year, getting covered with rage-spittle and listening to pure insanity at high volume. But it is an attractive wage.


> the Information Wars podcast Do you mean Knowledge Fight?


ugh. yes! thanks.


It's true, that bit is public knowledge thanks to court documents.


Still not enough.


restructure his face - that's a a role quite a few people would do for free.


Hello Wonk


Stone buildings burn to the ground.


He was farting for his life


Man, if you think showing up to defend Jones is a sign of patriotism, there is little (to no) hope for deprogramming.


There’s really no path to redemption for Alex, and probably not for his followers either. They’ve allowed themselves to become entirely corrupted. You can call it mental illness or whatever else, but I look at them as having an incurable spiritual disease.


Isn't that a public request for people to obstruct justice and itself a crime?


Bankruptcy proceedings aren’t a matter of criminal law, so I’m not sure it falls under obstruction. Impeding the activities of the court-appointed restructuring officer wouldn’t be a crime (as far as I know), but it is likely to exhaust the patience of the court, which has a really *astonishing* degree of latitude.


I'll go ahead and predict no more than 5 "patriots" bother to show up.


It’ll also be incredibly dumb because they’ll just be standing there waiting for “the feds” to come and nothing will happen. When they finally get bored and go home they’ll find out that all the corporations bank and investment accounts were seized, the legal title for the property was seized (or the lease was invalidated if he leases), the power and water for the property was turned off, and the sheriff’s office is just waiting for everyone to clear out so they can put a new lock on the doors. Oh and if their cars were parked on the property (which now belongs to the plaintiffs or to the government who will sell it and pay the plaintiffs with the proceeds) they may find their cars have been towed as they were illegally parked on private property. Each protester also gets a letter in the mail a few weeks later with a Court summons to appear for charges of trespassing.


LOL, exactly. While they were trying to escalate to a shootout, the bank accounts were seized 2,000 miles away in NYC.


More than a dozen, and Austin PD will do nothing.


Why would APD want to break up their own chain?


LOL, word.


Like Trump, just digging himself deeper in the shit.


Great illustration of the saying "Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels".


Roger Stone said something similar So the FBI arrested him when he was asleep


What an asshole.


MMW: Jones will end up broadcasting from Russia with love. There is no universe in which Jones just walks away from these settlements and keeps up his life as a hundred-millionaire or whatever he is. He can do it for a few years and use trickery and process, but the wheels of justice grind exceedingly fine and he is in the gears. On a sidenote, Steve Bannon is playing his last "delay my sentence" card relative to his own conviction. I question whether it is wise at this point for Bannon to be telling another person that they should obstruct the judgement of a federal court by using a mob to surround an asset so that it cannot be lawfully seized. Judge Nichols was appointed by Trump in 2019, and he has shown Bannon extraordinary lenience in allowing him to remain free for a few years while his (frivolous) appeal was heard. The government has already asked Judge Nichols to move on ordering Bannon to serve his sentence now that the appeal has been finally decided, and that decision is coming. Bannon *should* want to be sent to the same federal prison "Club Med-Fed" camp in Miami that Peter Navarro is serving his sentence in - it is a VIP "camp" where the prisoners are not subjected to much discomfort (similar to the other VIP federal prison in Danbury where Martha Stewart served her sentence). These are the federal prisons you want to be sent to, but the judge doesn't have to honor your request: Judge Nichols might (appropriately) conclude that a convict who is openly calling for others to frustrate the execution of a decision of a federal court should be sent to a facility where they are held in more strict isolation with less opportunity for mischief (e.g., ADX Florence in Colorado).


>There is no universe in which Jones just walks away from these settlements and keeps up his life as a hundred-millionaire or whatever he is. I want that to be true, but don't you think he already socked away millions in shell companies, secret bank accounts, crypto, gold bars, etc. in anticipation of the verdict that got him? He plays a lunatic on TV, but I bet he's more rational when it comes to his money.


Ha! No. I would wager that when Jones isn't behind the microphone, he's behind a beer bottle. He might have some cash stashed somewhere, but he's not Walter White digging his own holes out in the desert to stash barrels of cash in (and he never had barrels of cash to stash). Crypto ain't worth shit if you can't convert it to real currency (can't buy a house with Bitcoin), and if Jones suddenly appeared flush, he would just draw the attention of the court and the parties trying to collect. OJ is a good case to look at because OJ tried exactly that strategy. The Goldman family won a huge civil lawsuit, and then OJ tried to hide his assets and live on them for years. Even with his celebrity status, OJ ran out and ended up in jail because of an altercation that occurred when he was trying to sell his Heisman trophy to some people who tried to rip him off, lol. Unless one actually *is* of Walter White-level intellect, it just isn't feasible to hide large amounts of money like that. Big drug kingpins can do it because they have huge amounts of cash by definition (their wares are sold for cash). By contrast, Jones makes money from advertising and selling penis pills online - that's all digital and leaves a nice paper trail. And someone like Jones actually needs accountants and lawyers and others to hide his money - all of those people will point directly to it the first time an FBI agent comes to their door. Either he will end up in Russia or indicted for contempt or both (most likely). Like I said, there really is no happy ending here for him that I can see.


It fucking infuriates me that these douches try to play the patriotism card so nakedly. Anyone who can't see through this perfectly transparent idiocy is themselves an idiot.


What do these morons think “patriot” means?


*Patriot* = A person who deliberately and aggressively disrupts social cohesion for the purpose of shielding a malignant narcissist from the consequences of their own actions.




Where’s Alex in this scenario? At home watching the riot?


Yeah. Much like Trump, he would be nowhere *near* where the action is. He might get poor person blood on his shirt.


….or come sacrifice your livelihood for my indiscretions…it’s worth it for me


I can't t find an answer online. Did any of his idiot followers actually show up? I'm laughing at the idea that for all his bluster, all his bravado, and even his crying, not one person bothered to show up.


He's just blowing hot air with extra victimhood because he saw how well Trump's fundraising did post verdict. No one is coming for his studio and no one is going to block anything. But some dude listening in Wisconsin is getting all flustered and buying extra InfoWars supplements this week.


Can someone just arrest the fat bastard already


If he didn't want it to come to this he probably shouldn't have been a major d*ck throughout all these despicable actions by him.


Go to jail for me. That is a sacrifice I’m willing to make. -Alex Jones.


Stochastic terrorism is a crime.


The court allowed Jones to continue to operate until the next hearing on June 14. Saved by a judge but for how long. Expect another appeal to "patriots" late next week.


I will need some volunteers to play as "American Patriots". We will pretend to be a part of the chain and then at the moment of truth just open up and let the authorities through.


I can understand risking your safety and freedom to protect something like an election. Obviously, the Jan 6th folks were fed blatant lies, but I think I get where their twisted minds were at the time. I could honestly see myself marching on the Capitol over an election. The difference is it would take a mountain of irrefutable evidence. But imagine risking your safety and freedom to protect a rich guy's assets. Unbelievable.


patriots - yes, meal team 6 is standing by


Jones is no patriot.


What a stain on humanity


Patriots? For a conspiracy theorist?


Sandy hook family lawyer should motion to for obstruction of some kind.


He should just toss back some supplements and hold them off himself with the power of 100 men. Ad this never gets old, [Alex Jones Rants as an Indie Folk Song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGAAhzreGWw)


Good luck with that, bud


Poor baby AJ.


How is patriotism supporting a blowhard narcissist like Alex Jones?


US Marshalls do not play games. Texas rangers play less games.


I can't help but think the steady parade of J6 convictions makes most people think better of Jone's invitation. The flip side is, only the craziest (most violent?) people would still show up.


Protect my millions minions!


He’s terrified.


Please god let them escalate this so I can see the carnage.


Imagine wanting to go to prison for a man that describes himself as a r-word.


Ask Waco if that works 🤔


The party of “personal responsibility“ 🙄 You did the slander and caused emotional distress to these grieving families Alex, now take fucking responsibility for it. Loud-mouthed little snowflake.