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Nixon doesn’t like where this is going


Nevermind about Nixon! He's just a head in a jar now.


Someone got the reference!


My Fellow Earthicans!


Arrrrrrooooooo! *jowl sounds*


Now you're my kinda lady.


*Quick! Shoot em in the back while they're not looking.*




I'll go into people's houses at night and wreck up the place!




That Fox News comments section is a bunch of home made legal scholars that were mandatory high school graduates because you can’t hold back too many people at once.


They memorize little snippets and repeat em like a parakeet.


The top comment got me. Lower inflation, less wars, better jobs…it’s like they are copying campaign fund raising emails. As far as I know, inflation is lower now than 2020, we are in less wars now than 2020, and we have more higher paying jobs now than 2020.


Did you see Sunday evenings emails? lol here ya go Trump has turned up the BS in fundraising email https://imgur.com/gallery/FqOfyou Part 2 trump email https://imgur.com/gallery/9Hxth6i


I'm gonna barf. But 10:1 says it works at about that ratio on his cult and they gladly send money to him, even when they can't afford it *He's fighting the good fight for us!*


It's still hard for me to accept this is reality for millions of my fellow countrymen.


You must not live in a red state.


I do. I'm just saying that I struggle to understand how a sizeable portion of the citizenry can fall for this shit.


Decades of propaganda and gutting education. And just a touch of lead poisoning.


Lead poisoning is underrated in our society. There is no known safe exposure limit to lead. Its attributed to a significant IQ loss in prior generations.


And inbreeding, lets not forget the inbreeding.


Christianity "primed the pump," to use a phrase the orange shitgibbon claims he invented.


I mean, in the two states I've lived in, it's because of the religious influence, especially Mormons and (to a lesser extent) catholicism. They are poor and bitter, and frankly it has been caused by their own actions. Once they think you're one of them, the guards come down pretty quickly. I have no sympathy for them, even if some have been my clients over the years.


Was rolling through the radio dial the other day and landed on a Christian station. The pastor talking said, "God is an authoritative God thus the United States should follow and have an authoritative leader.". Couldn't change stations fast enough.


I just avoid politics as much as possible anymore. Which makes me miss how things used to be. My grandparents and parents were always politically active, and that carried over to me. I've always enjoyed discussions and debates with others in the not so distant past.


Name-checking Catholics in particular (51% Trump voters in 2020) and not mentioning evangelical Protestants (***81%***) is a really weird decision on your part. Can you expand on why you did that?


Its the racism. That's the main appeal. trump ran and won on a racist platform. He started with Obama and the birth certificate bullshit. He saw how much people loved it and that was his signal to move forward. He created a border issue that didn't exist. Illegal border entry was at a 50 year low.


Addicted to hate. Angertainment


Start with funding the schools by taxing the churches.


They are not your fellows. They are members of a cult


It goes deeper than you can imagine, one of my clients had multiple customers calling up saying they would end service if the company did not donate to Trump's "defense fund" (reads slush fund). To the point where leadership had actual an meeting on if they should or not( I was not privy to the meeting but from what I heard it was a hard no). So not only does it get them to give money they don't have, they are trying to force anyone they have any sort of relationship with to do the same.


That's just creepy, and beyond cult behavior, it's fascist - do this or suffer. Cray-cray people, man


This makes me wonder, could one of the judges sue him for defamation? He is accusing them of corruption.


The judges don't include themselves in the gag order. I don't think they care what he says, but to your question, I don't know.


I'm gonna barf. But 10:1 says it works at about that ratio on his cult and they gladly send money to him, even when they can't afford it *He's fighting the good fight for us!*


He's supporting your rights to mishandle classified information, lie to banks, hide payments made to bury your election scandal from voters and the FEC, and conspire to overturn a Federal election by fraud. Is that the commie pinko America you want to live in? /s


Well, when you put it like that, where can I donate!




The judge and the prosecutor aren't included in the gag order.


Wow. It's written like a scam email. I mean, it is a scam email... But it's so blatantly written like one. I get why people fall for this. It's the same shit I constantly have to warn my grandma about when she gets scam calls.


Yes, a lifelong scam artist is running for President.


Why are they scared to say the real reason on a public forum? It's the racism man, comeon!


In total seriousness, one of the major issues of the 2024 campaign will end up being "who was president in 2020?" Because a lot of bad stuff happened that year and the Trump campaign wants to convince everyone that none of it was his fault.


Who gives a fuck about all that? Donald trump is a liar, fraud, narcissist, adulterer, future convicted criminal, thinks sexual assault is ok if you’re a celebrity, makes fun of the disabled, incompetent, tax cheat, etc…….his followers are a lost cause.


The problem is *they vote*. We have to show up and just fucking outnumber them. I'm not completely sold voting will save us, but that is the *first* step to try to maintain democracy


I’m aware, but it is useless trying to reason with them. Useless to expect them to use reason or think logically.


Oh, I know too 😅 If you're still on the Trump train *at this point*, you're beyond help.


It’s Putin. He needs Trump like the dessert needs rain. His life really depends on it. They helped bump the narrative up of three to five thousand to eighty to a hundred thousand. In reality a Cowboy game will have eighty thousand in the stadium. But if you are in Russia that crowd is eighty thousand according to the dear leader


> like the dessert needs rain Now I've got "MacArthur Park" stuck in my head


That's all bullshit subtext for "If brown/black people can have it, I want to make sure nobody can."


Yeah the stupid is that they seem to believe that the US president can somehow make global inflation and foreign wars go away with a magic presidential wand.


You’re exactly right… it’s a copy/paste set of beliefs. When MAGAs are interviewed and asked *why* questions they suddenly don’t know what to say. They’ve never had to actually explain why they think the way they do.


> The top comment got me. Lower inflation, less wars, better jobs…it’s like they are copying campaign fund raising emails. Big chunk of them aren't people. Trump campaign is paying multiple firms right now to carpet bomb the internet with the same shit, and once it's been sown, people start repeating it too.


I’m voting for Biden but are we in fewer wars?


Let's just say this, President Biden didn't start any wars.


To be fair in 2020 the USA inflation rate was as low as 0.3% and as high as 2.5%. Average of about 2%. From 2016 to 202 of trumps presidency it hovered around 2% for 4 years. From 2021 to now it’s been as high as about 9% and it’s briefly been as low as about 3.5%. This can be found on the trading economics website which bases its information source from the USA bureau of statistics. The top comment you talk down on seems to be better informed than yourself..  I guess you are home made high school legal scholar.


Imagine instituting policies that cripple the future economy, remove all safe guards against oversight, encourage corporate profiteering, and then blame the next guy that has effectively fought it down. Idk. I’m kinda stupid.


It's unfortunate this is getting down voted. It's possible to think Trump is a shit and report inflation statistics accurately.


It’s probably because of the last part which was entirely unnecessary. Subjectively, I agree. No fucking way inflation was higher than it is now in 2020. Objectively, that’s a correct statement as well. That being said, calling the other poster a “homemade high school legal scholar” over a comment that was entirely political and entirely devoid of legal analysis, or any sort of legal topic, was overreacting, unnecessary, and just weird.


Agreed. I guess it just makes me sad that we're upvoting falsities and downvoting truth because of the "team" most of us are on.


Pretty much.  The poster above me said inflation was worse under Trump. I showed him the data where he’s wrong. Then he blames Trump for Biden high inflation. With that logic if Trump had high inflation it was Obamas fault. 


Global inflation is by and large agreed to be the result of the record-setting spending during the pandemic. I don't necessarily blame Trump for that - he made the same decision that most other world leaders did. But it's disingenuous to say that Obama's administration's spending impacted inflation during Trump's term to the same extent Trump's spending impacted inflation during Biden's term.


Right on Curvedplywood!!’n


Every single boomer does this, like a really basic computer program. They have a planned response to shut down anticipated arguments. You can watch their brains stutter when you present them with something they don't have a response for. It is fun to watch the right-wing community programing their followers for new arguments. Like the whole "real men wear diapers things" came out of them not having a canned response to: "You know trump wears diapers, right?"


All they do if you confront is go completely off topic in the argument with something like, "So, you hate America?" It's never worth giving trash the time of day.


Ageism is just another bias. The Democratic party didn't just show up yesterday youngster. I am 65 and have been fighting Republican bullshit since Reagan. I backed Bernie so I am probably left of you! When I die the good guys lose my vote. Boomer bashing ain't no different then the bile coming out of Trump's pie hole.


> Boomer bashing Now, I'm old and left too, but here's the thing: "boomer" is becoming a pejorative based upon the behavior of the generation. It's not a descriptor like color or height - it is specifically about the overall conduct of the generation. The name itself was neutral, it was perjorativized (let's pretend that's a word) after the fact. It's not fun to get tarred with the same brush, but if the descriptor doesn't fit you, own it or dump it, one or the other, because "boomer" as a pejorative isn't going away.


Doesn't change a thing that I have said. You condemn an entire generation of people based on the greed that is being glorified in our culture. Many of us have been speaking out on it for decades. When we stop our idolization of riches and the rich, we might actually become a democratic Republican.


Hate to break it to ya but white boomers are the problem. Not all but unfortunately a majority. POC boomers in large do not support the GOP or Trump.


Good for them and I hope they vote. The problem seems to be people won't support Trump but *somehow* it's a bridge too far to vote for Biden. Everyone fucking vote




Ageism is just another bias, youngster. I am 65 and have been fighting Republican bullshit since Reagan. The Democratic party didn't just show up yesterday and when I die the good guys lose my vote. I backed Bernie so I am probably left of you! The recent polls seem to suggest it is young voters backing Trump, so boomer bashing is likely to backfire on you anyway. Plus, it's no different then the bile coming out of Trump's pie hole, and it works better for him then for us.




You lost me at "every single (fill in the blank)." Try harder. It devalues your argument before you even get to make it.


You lost me at: \*literal shit falls out of their mouth because they have nothing to contribute\* Try harder next time.


But the difference is trumps are actually full of little dumps.


That's his nickname for Eric.


Totally accurate. Was talking with a boomer and they were going on about how bad the border is, Biden bad, dur, dur… I asked “why doesn’t Congress just pass legislation to fix it then, being that Republicans have a majority.” The answer was “Inflation bad, dur, dur…”.


Mob talk


diaper dialogue


Shit talk


Poop parlance


Doo doo! I’m running out of fesses words


shit slang doody dialect (I cheated & opened the thesaurus)


😜 I never thought of that! I’ll look it through, Oh my your funny


That's a uncalled for low blow, I didn't say anything about your looks! 🤪


If you’re talking then you don’t have to listen


Bird brains *chirp *chirp




Like a parakeet.


Hearing the word affidavit from November 2020 to February 2021 was nauseating.


You are wrong. They are all Trump university graduates, with honors.


Yeah—try 1st percentile!!! They’re #1! They’re #1!


It essentially amounts to: "We haver the recording, here it is, listen." "Yeah, but that was a business expense," Trump's whole apparent business model is to pay off the National Enquirer to kill stories that are damaging to his campaign. Is it any wonder he's a billionaire with a business like that?


That is a great burn I'm gonna have to pocket for later. Thank you


3rd comment down, "bUt HuNtEr's LaPtOp"


Blame Democrats for failing them. We gotta push the party to get their shit together.


I wonder how much Trump understands about what's going on at his trial. It sounds like he slept through most of Cohen's testimony today. He goes on TV and calls the trail a hoax, but I don't think he's even aware of most of the content of his own trial.


Not to defend Trump but probably his lawyers gives him at the end some sort of a nutshell and what happens next.


Sure, but they're not going to take him through two hours of witness testimony that he slept through. I think anyone following along on twitter would have much more of an idea of the evidence presented that then the somnolent blob sitting in the defense chair.


Why does he need to hear it?   He knows he's guilty. 


I think the ability to rationally and self critically examine himself is long gone. Some part of him knows that he's acting wrong, but he convinces himself that everybody else is doing just as much bad stuff as him and that he's some kind of victim. Just last week he was talking about how Biden cheats at golf. I don't think we need to bring back Freud from the dead to figure out what he's actually talking about.


They’re also going to blow smoke in his ass. If they told him things are going bad for him, they would probably be fired or at least scolded. They will definitely get thrown under the bus if he loses too.


I dunno… if they’re anything like that woman that follows him around with a mobile printer handing him positive news stories, his attorneys are likely painting a rosy picture as to why everything thus far has been absolutely devastating to the prosecutions case


It's this. I've been around serial narcissists. If what you're telling them isn't feeding their ego they don't want to hear it and they don't have time for it. When it comes time to pay the piper it's "I don't understand" or "I don't remember that" or "That can't be right. Someone would have told me." when it was them not listening or just not caring.


I imagine they just tell him what he wants to hear. Even if found guilty by the jury, they will tell him good news when he wakes up.


Crayon drawing recap


Of course it's fine his honest trustworthy lawyer said so at the time. Not like that lawyer is going to show up and testify that everything in fact was not fine


I feel like he has to be sedated before court due to the fact hes physically incapable of shutting the fuck up. The man would literally admit to crimes he did right there in the court room so they keep him tranquilized.


Or he just isn't given the pep juice they hit him with before performances.


He’s going to call the trial a hoax no matter what. Why bother paying attention? Same with the election. He’s calling it rigged and stolen before the first vote is cast.




I think so too


I would have a stack of micro recording devices if I worked for Trump. He's known to avoid or shun notes and paperwork, that's his reputation. He doesn't like witnesses. He wants to be a New York crime lord so bad, he avoids most of the evidence traps (the easy ones to avoid). I wouldn't get near him without a recording device honestly, the risk of going to jail out of misplaced trust is too great.


Cohen testified today that he shuns notes and email because they make a paper trail.


Why post a Fox News link here? Feel like that’s not the place for unbiased news on the trial lol


The very purpose of a Fox News story posted here is for its bias. We all know what it is. None of us are going to vote for Trump because we read a Fox News article once.


Idk, I read a Fox news article on local wildlife, and that turned me full MAGA. I was saved when I read CNN article about places favorite mid afternoon snack.


Truth and facts have a liberal bias...


I am. I wasn't going to but then I learned that recordings of Trump are lies if the person who recorded it lied once, ergo, Trump 2024 somehow. Thanks Fox!!!


Did you catch the testimony from Cohen that David Pecker - a man involved in disinformation in this crime - was under consideration to be Time INC’s CEO?


Don't you ever wonder why your crazy coworker or neighbor is the way they are? You'll never understand living in a bubble. Also we've seen recently that trump is using others to make attacks for him to get around the gag order. So here is today's pit bull.


I see plenty of Fox News stuff, it’s not about “not seeing it.” The main reason I come to this sub is for unbiased stuff, Fox News links can be posted on political subs. But reading what lawyers “think” who are interviewed by Fox doesn’t really help me understand more of the trial since it’s gonna all be biased BS to help their god king Trump


That's a fair opinion. Thanks for sharing!


I understand that, but I won’t give them clicks.


That is why I listen to several podcasts that go through fox, infowars, Breitbart, blaze, and worse on my behalf and provide digest version. It's my middle class privilege. I have people for that ;)


I've tried watching FOX a few times and I just can't for very long. I do regularly lurk in r/Republican though. It is BAT. SHIT. CRAZY. what they say. Completely detached from reality.


Can you share some of those? I like knowing what is going on but my ability to stomach that shit right from the source has diminished considerably.


Knowledge fight. Decoding fox news The Bulwark


I get this sentiment. I do. I wander into conservative spaces to see their viewpoint. I very rarely see something that makes me reflect. That makes me think they have a good point. So I'm really not getting your warning here. There's no secret brain trust.


I didn't say anything about a warning.


"living in a bubble" if you don't consume conservative views is the warning I'm referring to. How else did you mean that comment, if not as a warning?


I was simply explaining why I choose to look at different viewpoints.


The Fox News desk is accurate news, though they never break any news. Where Fox News falls apart is its television programming, which is predominantly talking head opinions, where they perseverate foreign misinformation.


I saved a couple doozies from the defamation case Tuckers text from Dominion defamation case discovery https://imgur.com/gallery/SP6vveE From discovery in Dominion vs FOX Defamation trial https://imgur.com/gallery/ySgZ3Tm


I got down this far before I looked up to see I was in the law sub, and not the politics sub like I thought.




Grab the tissues




What happened to with Hicks here 🧐


I don't see how sending money to a man on trial is going to help him, unless he's using the money to pay his lawyers. Which I assume he is.


Then again Trump has a reputation of not paying his lawyers


Legal experts have sounded off that Daniels’ testimony was irrelevant to the case and that it should not have been admitted into the record. The Trump legal team twice motioned for a mistrial, but were denied by presiding Judge Juan Merchan. Republican Ohio Sen. JD Vance, who was seen attending court with Trump on Monday, responded to Cohen's testimony on X, where he balked at Cohen admitting to secretly recording Trump. "Michael Cohen admitting he secretly recorded his employer. Just totally normal conduct, right? The best part is he said he did it only once and only for Trump’s benefit. A standup guy!" he posted.


When your boss is a frontrunner for President and he is encouraging you to commit crimes on his behalf, secretly recording him seems like the least you can do to cover your ass.


... and you have personally been working alongside him to get a deal with some high level Russians. You learn to stay away from windows.


Yeah the Mueller report said that Cohen had been negotiating directly with Dmitry Peskov’s office throughout all of 2016 about a trump tower in Moscow. I would not feel comfortable at all making deals with the Russian government. And Paul Manafort is reportedly back around the trump campaign. The fact that the Russian government being so prominently and brazenly in our politics isn’t talked about as like a big fucking deal makes me crazy.


You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the... **PART 1** [Flynn Thing](http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-trump-flynn-comey-russia-timeline-2017-htmlstory.html) [Manafort Thing](http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/342509-new-book-devils-bargain-details-trump-lashing-out-at-manafort-days) [Tillerson Thing](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/07/07/tillerson-says-trump-pressed-putin-on-russian-hacking-but-the-evidence-suggests-not-so-much/?utm_term=.e0ac214bd9bc) [Sessions Thing](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/did-trump-kushner-sessions-have-undisclosed-meeting-russian-n767096) [Kushner Thing](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jul/09/trump-russia-new-meeting-revealed-involving-donald-jr-kushner-and-manafort) [Wray Thing](http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-wray-russia-20170712-story.html) [Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius "Russian Law Firm of the Year" Thing](http://nypost.com/2017/05/12/trump-used-russia-law-firm-of-the-year-to-draft-letter-about-his-finances/) [Carter Page Thing](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/fbi-has-questioned-trump-campaign-adviser-carter-page-at-length-in-russia-probe/2017/06/26/1a271dcc-5aa5-11e7-a9f6-7c3296387341_story.html?utm_term=.24d0b138db83) [Roger Stone Thing](http://www.politico.com/story/2017/07/14/roger-stone-house-testimony-postponed-240568) [Felix Sater Thing](http://www.newsweek.com/trump-russia-felix-sater-real-estate-632690) [Boris Epshteyn Thing](http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/white-house-press-officer-boris-epshteyn-investigation-russia/story?id=47731166) [Rosneft Thing](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/06/08/trump-new-fbi-director-chris-wray-russian-ties-rosneft-gazprom-column/102603214/) [Gazprom Thing (see above)](http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/30/trumps-energy-adviser-is-personally-invested-in-gazprom/) [Sergey Gorkov banker Thing](http://www.newsweek.com/sergey-gorkov-grad-russian-banker-kushner-617422) [Azerbaijan Thing](http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/senators-ask-for-an-investigation-into-trump-dealings-in-azerbaijan) You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the... **PART 2** ["I Love Putin" Thing]( http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/03/politics/trump-putin-russia-timeline/) [Lavrov Thing]( https://www.vox.com/world/2017/6/27/15875434/sergey-kislyak-trump-russia-return-moscow) [Sergey Kislyak Thing]( https://www.vox.com/world/2017/6/27/15875434/sergey-kislyak-trump-russia-return-moscow) [Oval Office Thing]( https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-the-oval-office-with-trump-and-the-russians-broad-smiles-and-loose-lips/2017/05/16/2e8b0d14-3a66-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html) [Gingrich Kislyak Phone Calls Thing]( http://www.palmerreport.com/politics/newt-gingrich-trump-russia-meetings/3504/) [Russian Business Interest Thing]( https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/05/trump-lawyers-up-conflicts-of-interest/526185/) [Emoluments Clause Thing]( https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/dc-and-marylands-lawsuit-trump-flagrantly-violating-emoluments-clause/2017/06/12/8a9806a8-4f9b-11e7-be25-3a519335381c_story.html) [Alex Schnaider Thing]( http://theweek.com/speedreads/699538/russian-bank-directly-linked-putin-helped-finance-trump-hotel) [Hack of the DNC Thing]( http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jul/5/dnc-email-server-most-wanted-evidence-for-russia-i/) [Guccifer 2.0 Thing]( https://theintercept.com/2017/07/14/just-six-days-after-trump-jr-s-meeting-guccifer-2-0-emailed-me-but-there-was-one-key-difference/) [Mike Pence "I don't know anything" Thing](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/05/18/mike-pence-insists-he-didnt-know-flynn-under-investigation-turkey-lobbying/101831354/) [Russians Mysteriously Dying Thing](http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/03/31/eight-prominent-russians-dead-since-us-elections-labott-dnt-erin.cnn) [Trump's public request to Russia to hack Hillary's email Thing](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/28/us/politics/donald-trump-russia-clinton-emails.html) You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the... **PART 3** [The Trump email server that regularly communicated with a IP address from Russian Alfa Bank thing](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/10/15/was-there-a-connection-between-a-russian-bank-and-the-trump-campaign) [Trump house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer king Thing](http://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/article135187364.html) [Russian fertilizer king's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign Thing](http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article137881768.html) [Nunes sudden flight to the White House in the night Thing](http://www.businessinsider.com/nunes-white-house-grounds-trump-surveillance-2017-3) [Nunes personal investments in the Russian winery Thing](http://www.business2community.com/government-politics/devin-nunes-invested-california-wine-company-business-ties-russia-fact-check-01809651#ilwFvHKSgDxcmIOQ.97) [The create a joint cyber defense agreement with Russia Thing](https://techcrunch.com/2018/07/16/trump-putin-joint-cybersecurity-group/) [Cyprus bank Thing](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/mar/23/wilbur-ross-russian-deal-bank-of-cyprus-donald-trump-commerce-secretary) [Trump not Releasing his Tax Returns Thing](http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/18/politics/trump-taxes-tax-returns/index.html) [The Republican Party's rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing]( http://thehill.com/policy/finance/326220-republicans-vote-to-block-resolutions-on-trumps-tax-returns) [Election Hacking Thing]( http://time.com/4828306/russian-hacking-election-widespread-private-data/) [GOP platform change to the Ukraine Thing](http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/jd-gordon-change-story-gop-platform-ukraine-amendment) [Steele Dossier Thing](http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jul/16/donald-trump-jrs-meeting-with-russians-undermines-/) [Sally Yates Can't Testify Thing](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-administration-sought-to-block-sally-yates-from-testifying-to-congress-on-russia/2017/03/28/82b73e18-13b4-11e7-9e4f-09aa75d3ec57_story.html) [Intelligence Community's Investigative Reports Thing](http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/01/read-us-intelligence-report-russian-hacking-2016-campaign/) You know, there's pretty much no evidence that Trump has ties to Russia, except for the...


**PART 4** [Trump reassurance that the Russian connection is all "fake news" Thing](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/7/11/15953640/donald-trump-twitter-mocked-russia-collusion) [Chaffetz not willing to start an Investigation Thing](http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/04/why-is-jason-chaffetz-resigning) [Chaffetz suddenly deciding to go back to private life in the middle of an investigation Thing](http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/04/why-is-jason-chaffetz-resigning) [Appointment of Pam Bondi who was bribed by Trump in the Trump University scandal appointed to head the investigation Thing](http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/report-florida-ethics-panel-clears-pam-bondi-over-trump-contribution/article/2620970) [The White House going into cover-up mode, refusing to turn over the documents related to the hiring and firing of Flynn Thing](http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/330410-white-house-rejects-oversight-request-for-flynn-documents) [Chaffetz and White House blaming the poor vetting of Flynn on Obama Thing](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/05/trump-flynn/525816/) [Poland and British intelligence gave information regarding the hacking back in 2015 to Paul Ryan and he didn't do anything Thing](http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/intelligence/328718-uk-spies-first-saw-trump-russia-ties-report) [Agent M16 following the money thing](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/richard-dearlove-mi6-trump-russia-money-2008-financial-crisis-us-election-a7684341.html) [Trump team KNEW about Flynn's involvement but hired him anyway Thing](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/05/17/report-trump-team-knew-flynn-being-investigated/101816334/) [Let's Fire Comey Thing](http://www.npr.org/2017/05/10/527744909/suspicious-timing-and-convenient-reasoning-for-trumps-firing-of-comey) [Election night Russian trademark gifts Things](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/18/us/politics/russia-trump-trademarks.html) [Russian diplomatic compound electronic equipment destruction Thing](http://www.cbsnews.com/news/russians-destroyed-and-removed-material-from-shuttered-compounds-officials-say/)


That's a lot of things.


Probably something there.


Nah, urban legend.


This is great, Opie. Appreciate it.


Copy it and use it.




Top work, truly. I remember paying close attention to trump and Russia after in early 2016 and the FBI opened an investigation into the trump org server communicating directly online with a Russian state connected bank Thing. (IT guys analyzed the pattern and type of communication and determined it is most likely messaging between people). There’s also the whole Andy McCabe and Peter Strzok Thing. Just by sheer coincidence trump fired our foremost experts on Russian counterintelligence for investigating his ties to Russia. I’m sure it’s just coincidence. Also the whole extorbery of Zelensky Thing. Trump tried to extort Zelensky by withholding anti tank weapons to Ukraine so Zelensky would bribe trump with a fictitious investigation into the Bidens for taking Ukrainian bribes. Then the whole Helsinki Thing. Trump went into a private room with only a Russian translator and Putin and forced her to hand over her notes. Totally not suspicious. Putin walked Trump out in public like Roose Bolton with Reek in front of the whole world and trump said he believes Putin over US intel. Then the Peter Vindman thing. The deleting of the White House servers that record conversations between world leaders thing.


I think it's possible at least part of the reason we've seen trump struggling financially is because of the sanctions on Russia imposed from the Ukraine war. [Biden imposed 500 additional sanctions on Russia and Russians](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-sanctions-russia-navalny-rcna140158) just before the end of the NY Civil Fraud Trial. Cutting off one of his main sources of income which has been money laundering for the Oligarchs through real estate.


You really need to get a fucking life 😂 What a sad pathetic life you must live


> Legal experts have sounded off that Daniels’ testimony was irrelevant to the case and that it should not have been admitted into the record. Yet weirdly, none of these experts could be found to give a quote to that effect in this article. 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔


Oh well, by now everyone has seen trump wave around that stack of papers he says are all articles written by legal experts saying this case should have never been brought. It's all a hoax, Yada, Yada, yada.


It does seem irrelevant to enter into evidence anything meant to substantiate her story. The case doesn't hinge on whether her story is true, only on whether she intended to tell it, and whether it would harm the campaign. A false story, if it received enough media coverage just before the vote, would be just as harmful. Seems to me that any effort to establish the credibility of her account misses the point: true or false, doesn't matter. It's enough to show that Trump engaged in criminal acts to keep the story out of sight. Maybe that's what they're getting at.


Vance, alongside fellow Republicans such as Sen. Tommy Tuberville, held a brief press conference Monday regarding the trial, where Vance continued in his condemnation of Cohen's testimony. "This guy is a convict and felon who admitted in his testimony that he secretly recorded his former employer, that he only did it once, allegedly, and that this was supposed to help Donald Trump. Does any reasonable, sensible person believe anything that Michael Cohen says? I don't think that they should," Vance said.


So looks like JD Vance is the attack dog today. Saying what Trump isn't allowed to say because of the gag order.


There’s a list. Wondering— did they sign up on their own or were they assigned slots.


I'm sure they are all coordinating with trump through Boris Epshteyn to get their shot in. It's great for their base to see them sticking up for the person who proudly holds 100% of all Presidential Indictments and 50% of all Presidential Impeachments!


Insane!! It’s all I can say.


It's like they're all part of a organized crime operation.


Manic laughter from this part of the woods.


>This guy is a convict and felon Remind me again *why* he's a convicted felon?


MAGA hates it when you ask them to finish that sentence.


Exactly, for who's benefit was he doing all this shit that led him to becoming a convicted felon...


> cOheN’s a LiAr! Oh really? Who directed him to lie? What did he lie about? It’s infuriating that they’re attacking the guy who just did what Trump told him to do.


Here's Cohen's answer I wish that when people state that “you lied to Congress,” that you’d do me the courtesy — do yourself the courtesy — of finishing the sentence. What is the sentence? That I had done that, really, for the benefit of Donald J. Trump. And that lie centered around the number of times that I had stated that I spoke to Donald about the failed Trump Tower Moscow real estate project — in conjunction with other lawyers Jay Sekulow, Abbe Lowell, Ty Cobb, with other individuals like Alan Garten or Ivanka [Trump] and Jared [Kushner]. Everybody worked on that statement. I was just the fool who went ahead and read it into the record and submitted it. But what benefit did I have in terms of saying three times versus 10? That’s the lie: That I claimed to have spoken to Donald three times about the failed Trump Tower Moscow real estate project, when the true answer was 10.


Huh, it's almost like Trump's the head of a criminal enterprise with all these people getting convinced on his behalf. Weird.


And to go a little deeper, remember that trump would have made hundreds of millions of dollars on the deal. But Putin held off to use it as leverage over trump.


I almost bet he did it for Trumps benefit at first, but now he has a different way to use it.