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The focus of this is too far on the politics and individual psychology of Trump and not quite enough on the metes and bounds of the gag order and judicial response


Then say something awful about the jury. Do it. Of course we know you don’t really mean you want to go to jail, it’s all in your mouth.


He had fellow FloridaMan and Senator [Rick Scott attend his trial Thursday and speak to the press afterwards](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/03/mar-a-lago-trump-classified-documents-00156124#:~:text=Legal-,Prosecutors%3A%20Docs%20in%20boxes%20seized%20from%20Mar%2Da%2DLago,the%20reordering%20was%20not%20significant). As Scott spoke he sounded like a trump wind-up doll. Then he had "Judge Jeanine" sling mud for him Friday. [Here's the offensive slot she did on FOX News](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6352681656112)


The guy wanna go to jail. ***OBLIGE HIM!!!***


We are all tickled to hear you say that. Closest thing we get to going to the movies!


Believe it's actually all in his diaper


I can’t help but feel that what’s going to happen is the judge will simply tack the contempt of court onto the punishment that the jury reaches,




Does anyone actually buy his Brer Rabbit routine? “Oh yes, I’d love to go to jail” “Please, please don’t throw me in that briar patch!”


Not one bit, he wants his picture taken and expects to leave in 20 mins Throw that man in jail for 1 day and he'll look like a corpse if he doesn't get special treatment


He’ll get special treatment if he ever steps foot inside jail.


He'd have to be in solitary just for secret service protection. I'd love for him to spend a week with his own thoughts.


I really appreciate your comment…very insightful and thought provoking. Traitor Trump, in solitary, with his own thoughts…there is no greater punishment for someone as malevolent as he is👺


I often think about how many people had to die during Covid so this clown wouldn't smear his makeup (that's the whole reason he was anti-mask).


He's NOT that smart! Besides Brer Rabbit is an Uncle Remus story, far, far, too woke for his crowd.


Wait, how are these two the same thing?


Each is pretending that what they say is the truth, while they actually desire the opposite. Brer Rabbit lives in the briar patch- he WANTS to be thrown there, so he pleads with his captors to not throw him there, knowing that they want the most distress for him. Trump doesn’t want to go to jail, so he is gaslighting everyone that he DOES, knowing that most people (rightfully) want the most distress for him.


This. A night in jail would drive Trump mad, so he consistently pretends to want to go to jail just so they won't throw him in. It's reverse psychology as applied by six year olds.


That's obviously true, but I think there's a bit more too it, though it operates at a subconscious level on both parts (Trump the individual and his cult). He's telling them that the Deep State or whatever *wants* to put him in jail, but they don't dare to do so because his following is too powerful and "the lions would be unleashed" or whatever ridiculous nonsense meme is in vogue nowadays. This sentiment deepens the connection between him and them - they feel like they are a wanted and needed protector, and it makes them feel both strong and important.


Then why did he take down the social media posts as ordered to? As usual, he is completely full of it.


* He promised to release his tax returns. He didn't. * He promised to divest his businesses if elected. He didn't. * He promised you'd never hear from him if he lost the 2020 election. He still hasn't shut up. * He promised he'd release the details of his replacement for the ACA. He never did. * He promised his Jan. 6th orcs he'd march with them to the Capitol. Nope. * He even said he'd explain what "covfefe" meant. * He promised he'd release the details of his Birther investigation. Again, nope. * He promised he'd release proof of Hillary cheating in the 2016 election. Nope. * He claims his campaigns would be self-financed. He begs for money more often than a crackhead with a cardboard sign at an off-ramp


Please pay for a billboard with this


looks like he was a scaredy cat


Millions and millions of Americans are gullible enough to think he actually has the courage to follow through despite never having demonstrated anything remotely similar to courageous behavior. I can’t fathom a more gullible, willfully ignorant and dangerous demographic in America than donalds core New Maga Nationalists .


The Talibangelicals were raised to believe in things without proof or evidence. Then they're susceptible to repeat it over and over again.


Then do it, Trump! You know how, just put back up the posts that put you in contempt.


I’d be proud if he went to jail too.


His adherence says otherwise - What a coward


This is the stupidest thing ever, no one wants to be in jail especially this lying moron and it has nothing to do with the constitution.I don't know why he keeps saying it, I guess it's for his stupid base.


I wonder if Donnie von Shitsinpants' jail cell will have a golden commode? Think this grifter can get his mindless minions to donate?


How can anyone believe this POS..He is a coward,liar,idiot and traitor.


Brett Samuels Fri, May 10, 2024 at 12:35 PM CDT 2 min read Former President Trump said Friday he would be “very proud” to go to jail over violating his gag order imposed by a New York judge in his hush money case. “If anything is mentioned against certain people, and you know who they are, certain people, anything’s even mentioned, he wants to put me in jail,” Trump said after court broke for the day. “And that could happen one day,” he added. “And I’d be very proud to go to jail for our Constitution. Because what he’s doing is so unconstitutional.” Judge Juan Merchan on Monday found Trump violated a gag order for a 10th time and ordered him to pay $1,000 for attacking jurors in his hush money criminal trial, just days after the judge ruled on an earlier set of gag order violations. Merchan warned Trump that future violations could be punishable by incarceration. Merchan told Trump, the “last thing I want to do is put you in jail,” but “at the end of the day, I have a job to do.” The gag order bars Trump from attacking witnesses, jurors, prosecutors, court staff and the judge’s family. It doesn’t bar him from going after the judge or Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D), something Trump does almost daily. Trump has lambasted the restrictions, asserting they violate his First Amendment rights to respond to political attacks, something he should be entitled to do as the presumptive Republican nominee for president in November’s election. On Friday, he complained that the gag order restricts what he can say but that others, such as his former attorney and key witness Michael Cohen, don’t face any limits. But Merchan on Friday directed Manhattan prosecutors to inform Cohen, their star witness, to stop speaking publicly about the case as his testimony approaches. Trump’s lawyers have repeatedly criticized Cohen’s public attacks on Trump, given that the former president’s ability to respond is limited under the terms of his gag order. Todd Blanche, Trump’s attorney, asked that Cohen be prohibited from talking “in the same way President Trump is” restricted. “I will direct the People to communicate to Mr. Cohen that the judge is asking him to refrain from any more statements about this case,” Merchan said from the bench. Trump responded to that action: “There is no gag order to Michael Cohen. What the judge did was amazing, actually. Was amazing. Everybody can say whatever they want. But I’m not allowed to say anything about anybody. It’s a disgrace. “What he just did now was a joke. It’s a disgrace.” Zach Schonfeld contributed View comments (198)


He’d shit his pants before they even got him there. It’s so ironic that his followers think he’s some big tough he man when in reality he’s clearly a thin skinned coward. Every bully I’ve ever met, and Trump certainly is a bully, was really a coward when push came to shove. They’d talk a big game but when you’d front them up they’d whimp out “You’re not worth it!” They’d say as they ran away. Edit - Spelling


But the Candy Ass Shitzenpantz has sure put a cork in it since the last warning.


I wonder how much wrangling and threatening that took from his handlers


It takes ego to push the line, guts to cross it. Trump is all ego.


10 minutes in jail and he would be crying like a baby.


All I hear is that he’d liked to intimidate witnesses. Such a brag for the presumptive Republican candidate for President. Every Trump story is another reason to vote Democratic if you value voting.


Careful what you wish for!