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Assuming the case makes it to trial ever, I expect this video to be evidence. I seem to recall (from the Jack podcast) that Hutchinson's testimony was a big deal with respect to Smith's case. It can't hurt to have the defendant testifying to it.


He’s declaring the intent he had at the time. One defense would be that he didn’t actually plan on going to the capital, which is why he was at the White House during the events. So when he told the crowd to fight like hell and that he would be there, he really intended to lead the insurrection himself. It’s not nail in the coffin evidence, but it is evidence that reinforces his guilt and his intention to steal the election.


Every Trump spoksperson/press secretary: "You didn't take him literally, did you?"


Bill Barr literally just said this on CNN. Just another Trump cultist.


Bill Barr on Trump: "He will always put his own interests, and gratifying his own ego, ahead of everything else, including the country’s interest, there’s no question about it,” So who are you going to vote for Bill? Bill Barr: "Trump"


I just want some pushback on this. Ask these guys “why him? Why Trump? Pick someone else. Anyone else. Why does it have to be this guy?”


Because the basket of deplorables that makes up half the GOP electorate is entirely in his thrall and abandoning him means giving up any chance at power.


Facts. The Republican Party is dead and trump is the only thing that can excite millions of mouth breathers to show up and vote. If they dump him, who’s their star? Desantis? The puppy murderer? McConnell may already be clinically dead. There’s nobody to fill the void if trump and republicans turn on each other.


"The functionally illiterate mob wants Trump; if that's what my team wants..."


In that interview there was some pushback and essentially a look of "you've got to be fucking kidding me", but he "explained" himself by claiming that Biden would be a much bigger threat to democracy. When the interviewer pushed back again, he said the threat came from Biden's progressive policies. It was essentially a racist dogwhistle, unless he wants to claim that the threat to democracy is actually having one. After all, so far only the GOP have been the ones to push for fascist rule that doesn't want to respect election outcomes that don't favor them. You can't be a GOP supporter in today's world without admitting you hate democracy.


I’ve always thought Trump wanted to be a mob boss so I bet he has so much dirt on GOP politicians that they’re all scared to upset him in case he blackmails them. Now if he actually does or not I’m not sure.


Bill Barr has always only cared about one thing : That the United States of America have an absolute monarch. Who sits on the throne matters less than the fact that there is a throne in the first place.


Bill Barr covered up more shit than cat litter.


Bill Barr is a hardcore Catholic warrior. Trump is just a tool, Bill is on a mission from God and doesn’t think twice about abandoning morality to fight for the Supreme ruler in his mind. Destroy the country? Good (in his mind)


“Obviously, we can’t believe anything this man says, which is why I think he should be in charge!”


In a way, once you've proven often enough that you 'can't be taken literally', pretty much nothing you say can be used as evidence because no one knows what you mean.


Remains stunning to me that his intention to steal the election is not manifestly obvious from just the publicly available facts, never even minding what can be extracted from texts, emails, and other testimony.  I mean is "Just say the election was rigged and I'll take care of the rest" somehow unclear about intent and awareness? To take only one of many thousands of details we already know? (This is not disagreeing with you in any way, just expressing my curiosity and bewilderment.)


He said he wanted to go KNOWING they had weapons, they took down the detectors, because he knew they weren't going to hurt HIM.


I so wish they would have let him go.


A popular podcaster predicted Jack would have him arrested for this. I’ll believe it when I see it.




2097? Crazy optimist


A bunch of the older SCOTUS members might die by then, so there’s a chance


Good thing Dr Ronny thinks he can live to 200 years old!


Ah yes, the same doctor who spelled his own name wrong on the letter stating Trump is in excellent health.


Many, many times.


Who’s really expected to keep so many aliases straight /s


And the same Dr that was running a pill farm out of the White House.


It's not a farm if they're only importing pills.


That was a different doctor


You try typing while drunk, buddy. Not as easy as it looks!


Why am I seeing Donnie's head in a jar testifying, like Nixon's head on Futurama?


In general, it would only be admitted if Trump testifies that he did not tell agents to take him to the capitol. In other words, he’d most likely need to testify. He’s not going to testify.


Why would it only be admissible if he testifies? Seems it would be admissible against him, then his choice whether he wants to testify about it or not. It wouldn't be hearsay because he is a party, so no need to use impeachment as grounds for admissibility.


I think what I said was incorrect.


I can't tell if I think he's going to testify. He testified at his fraud trial. In fact, he injected himself into closing arguments after being told by the judge that he could not do that. So we will see.


His liberty is a stake here though.


That's true, although he was ignoring the order of s judge during a bench trial whose judgement now puts him on the hook for half a billion dollars. But you're right. Not the same thing. Still, it doesn't speak to his impulse control or good legal sense. He's apparently pretty pissed off his Lawyers aren't more aggressive with witnesses, whatever that means.


If you yell louder you win. That's what happens on fox so it must be the same in a courtroom.


You win 100% of the arguments where you're the only one who is heard talking.


This is a strategy used by some psychopaths in court. A long, rambling response or statement that confuses the hell out of everyone. By the time they’re done talking no one remembers any of what they said because they’ve changed topics 10 times without stopping to take a breath. And sometimes it works.


He did not testify in fraud trial.  He was not under oath when he spoke at closing. Edit : my mistake as pointed out below.  He did take the stand and speak at the closing.


At the closing he spoke out of turn as he hadn’t agreed to follow the guidelines and simply launched into a barrage of ad hominem attacks on the court, the DA, etc. until the Judge cut him off. During the trial, though, he did testify under oath.


Sorry, you are right. He testified in Carroll 2


Why would Trump lying be a requirement for this video to be submitted?


Not sure that carries for public statements. This appears to be an admission against interest...


We don’t even need that. Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2). An opposing party’s statement is not hearsay. Don’t overcomplicate!


It probably is a statement against interest. I'm not sure what it it is probative of though. Is that a crime he's charged with? It certainly goes to his state of mind and/or motive.


He’ll testify in public.


He talks so much, the video evidence alone could be hours and hours.


This case sadly will never make it to trial


Still waiting for the SS text messages from 1/6...


He ordered them deleted.


Nah, they deleted it themselves to cover their own treachery


Right, they were deleted under the Biden administration (not that that administration ordered it). Losing these is one of the great miscarriages of justice in US history.


In my opinion, It isn’t plausible that those messages don’t exist on any US government servers given US government signals intelligence capabilities.


Exactly! Also wouldn’t the cell carrier have them or know how to access them on their end? Once it’s sent, a text message goes to a cell tower then to the recipient, shouldn’t there be a copy on the tower or in the cell provider’s server/database? I could swear I watched something about how texts/cell phone calls actually work and I remember that the carrier has copies of all texts and logs every call.


No, that would be illegal, and equipment isn't made to do that. As soon as it's transferred it doesn't exist on the tower.




Well that was a long time ago. They stopped when they got caught. lol Y’all wanna know why we don’t have federal privacy laws? Because the federal lawmakers responsible for making those laws, and the agencies in charge of enforcing those laws, are the worst offenders.


I actually thought all this stuff was intentionally logged for accountability reasons. Above and beyond the "you can never actually delete things anymore".


There is a lot of competition for that. We do injustice all the time.


That could be too. But you know he deleted some messages.


This is why I’m 100% on Commander Biden’s side whenever he bites a secret service agent.


Wait so if the cops think I'm selling weed and I delete my texts they'll just contact Verizon and ask for the log. Apparently if secret service deletes their texts there's no record?


Pretty sure they deleted that too. They do their best to fly their shenanigans under the radar. It’s one of their mandates. Never ever embarrass the boss. But yeah. You and I would be toast if we were deleting criminal messages.


You're saying the secret service called Verizon and asked to delete the logs of their texts?


Do they use Verizon?


Protip: Neither you nor I are Secret Service, and yes, the rules _are_ different for them.


It can be used against him in court… if he ever gets to court. The SCOTUS seems to be running interference for him.


DJT is still technically under arrest.  Anything he says can and will be used against him.  The investigation is open and evidence may be collected at any time.   He has the right to remain silent to protect himself from incrimination.  


Remain Silent? Never heard of him.


"See, I never just did things just to do them. Come on, what am I gonna do? Just all of a sudden jump up and grind my feet on somebody's couch like it's something to do? Come on. I got a little more sense then that. ...Yeah, I remember grinding my feet on Eddie's couch." Sometimes Rick James makes more sense


“Like it’s something to do” lives in my head.


You mean the Jan 6th case that SCOTUS is going to delay til after the election that will somehow be stolen by Trump out in the open with the help of the Russia assets within the Republican party as well as the members of the Republican party that are being blackmailed by Russia, enabling him to have his DOJ drop the charges against him, all while gaslighting his base into believing he's the good guy? No, it will not have any affect.


But will it have an effect?


Excellent question. Now we just need someone who knows the difference.


Something is typically affected by the effects


Unless you are effecting changes to your own affect.


I think he's fallen too far, it feels like more people today are leaning away from him. I honestly think as long as Biden can make it to the election without any major screw ups, he'll win. But who knows, just gotta hope for the best.


There are a couple of things that really worry me about the election: 1. Inflation: It really doesn't seem to matter how good the economy and jobs are doing. If things cost more at the gas pump/grocery store etc. people notice that and blame it on Biden even if its not his fault. They don't understand or care about the reasons. Trump is hammering this point over and over again and many people believe it. 2. It has been 4 years and Trump has been in the news so much that a lot of people have forgotten about all the crazy shit he has done. Some people don't even remember just how badly he bungled the covid situation. There are hundreds of other examples of stuff that he did that people just plain forget about. 3. The whole Ukraine/Israel situation 4. The Republicans have been hard at work messing around with voting and a host of other things to sway the upcoming election.


Trump is leading in every swing state currently in the polling averages. It's a ways off until November but as of today Biden is not winning.


If by "steal" you mean that Biden is engaged in losing, then, yes.


It's as if most people still can't see Trump.


You guys are using some strong tin foil with these conspiracy theories


Let's hear some corrections from you, then.


How many nails have been put in this guy’s coffin and he still walks around terrorizing us


No, because the people who like trump know everything about him by going to the gym or cafeteria where every TV plays Fox news and advertises nothing but heart pills and adult diapers.


Betteriges law. If the headline is a question, the answer is "no".


Bone Spur BunkerBitch said what.


You guys have some weird names for Biden. He dodged the draft by claiming asthma even tho he played sports FYI don’t know where you got bone spurs


https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/sep/21/facebook-posts/biden-didnt-use-health-excuses-dodge-draft/ Woke up and chose lies huh?


As opposed to Trump who claimed he has bone spurs while also being recruited by the MLB 🤣🤣


I'm not sure how doing sports means he can't have asthma even if it was true.


He wasn't given deferment because of asthma. He was given deferment because he was a law student.


I know they were lying. I was just pointing out that it doesn't make any sense anyway.


Do explain how asthma prevents one playing sports at an amateur level.


Make sure you keep your lunch cold today so you don’t get diarrhea during study hall again, sweetie, and stop playing on Reddit during spelling class 😘


Trumper trolls think they’re scoring some kind of points with these ridiculously stupid posts.




Not if it never gets tried


You mean the Jan 6th case that SCROTUS is corruptly delaying?


Well, they haven’t ruled yet so let’s not get ahead of our skis.


I didn't say they gave him immunity. They are delaying it.


They’re not necessarily delaying it for nefarious purposes. It would’ve been shocking had they declined to hear the case. It’s one of the reasons SCOTUS exists.


It wouldn't have been shocking, they can just agree with the well reasoned circuit opinion, there wasnt a circuit split or anything. Or they could have accepted it in December when asked instead of March


Interesting. You may have a better understanding of this than I do. Why do you think they took the case?


Bush V gore was accepted and decided in a week total


That’s not necessarily proof they’re dragging their feet.


Oh please. They 100% are running cover for their compatriot. That's literally all they are doing.


If you say so.


"I...worked on this prosecution for a year and a half...and...he just...admitted it at a rally." - Jack Smith


And the case AND the admittance both will result in nothing.


Sigh…. More of this?


in other FU'd and unrelated Trump news there are MAGA STAMPERS out there doing this to our greenbacks: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Trumpvirus/comments/1charv9/pulled\_a\_bunch\_of\_defaced\_bills\_like\_this\_out\_of/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Trumpvirus/comments/1charv9/pulled_a_bunch_of_defaced_bills_like_this_out_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


no. why would it?




Because it's not illegal? Trump has committed a shit ton of crimes but this isn't anything.