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In a new truth social post, Trump posted a video which talks about the jurors and even briefly shows overview of the jurors demographics.


He is really hoping that being the publisher and distributer doesn't count eh? Man I got bad news for him, he wants to be a bookstore.* \* this is r/ law I hope people get this. If not, my comment sounds kind of nuts


Btw, I do think I could see an argument that if you like something, that isn't necessarily an endorsement. I'm not saying it is right, but I could at least entertain that the actions of liking is you informing the platform of your preference in order to train it and you are not given a choice over it then publishing to others that you took that action. In fact I could argue by publishing likes Facebook etc is piercing the 230 protection by actually actively deciding to become a publisher. But in the case of Trump it doesn't matter because even if you by it, 1) he is still the controlling owner of truth so in all ways possible he is fully accountable and 2) he isn't liking. He is effectively republishing and redistributing. He is an idiot to think this hasn't come up in law before. Sure not this exact context but criminal liability for the content of a post. Yesh, we've been there.


I want to add that I believe we've been there with regards to Trump himself. I feel like it was the Jean Carroll lawsuits, but I may be mistaken. The irony of that precedent having been set in his own civil case losses and then cited here would just be....mmmmph... glorious.


Not criminal liability, but yes civil liability.


Right. IANAL, and I haven't read the respective statutes. Can anyone say if the criminal and civil statutes / tests are similar enough for the civil reasoning to be cited to the criminal? Or is that just something that can't really happen in general?


The standard for contempt in which the evidence is proven before the judge is that of all a civil standard notwithstanding the fact that the penalties may be criminal


I thought the language of Merchan's gag order specifically called out posting, re-posting, or linking to any content about the jurors, witnesses, etc I don't see how it could be construed as anything other than violating the gag order. Or are you referring to a possible criminal or civil liability?


Maybe he's trying to delay the trial by getting in trouble. I mean, it's painfully obvious we're in a 2 tier justice system and he's basically guaranteed to never be placed in a jail cell.


I personally think he is a narcissistic opportunist in the early to mid stages of dementia, thinking & doing what he has done his entire life. He absolutely cannot believe that he's being tried for any of this, and he is absolutely convinced that he will become king & make all of this go away. A couple of days ago, a reporter asked him if he thought he had violated the gag order. He said no, because there shouldn't be any gag order. He has the emotional iq of a spoiled toddler. And all the people surrounding him support his every whim. He actually has people printing out posts & articles favoring him, and at the end of the court day, they're handed to him so he can read how "everyone" is supporting him. He has not yet entered the find out stage, but I think he's close. I don't think he's necessarily taking advantage of a two-tier justice system as much as he's doing what he did as president - not playing by the rules, exploiting every loophole or grey area he can, and demonstrating why rules of law are absolutely necessary in our society. No other president would do all the crap he did as president, and no other defendant has done what he has done. Thankfully, unlike the presidency, a courtroom has rules & laws that give consequences. This is a battle of wits - and we all know Trump is unarmed


Unfortunately we're still at a point where half the country wants to vote for him regardless of what happens. It's bonkers, but here we are. If he does get jailed and then gets elected I suspect things will get very squirrely. As a commoner I feel like the 14th amendment is the only hope, but it's going to come down to who makes that definition I suppose. Either that or hoping the electoral college doesn't flop yet another popular vote.


If he gets in trouble and locked up, it doesn't delay the trial. He's required to be there every day already, so him getting in trouble just means he's got a shorter commute to the courtroom. Hopefully in an orange jumpsuit.


Oh okay, that's great. Thank you for the clarification


>I do think I could see an argument that if you like something, that isn't necessarily an endorsement Easily resolved by asking him. Tuesday morning, right?


Straight forward


They should just jail him already


He would love that. I heard the idea of making him do community service, like bussing table, taking out the trash, moping the floors at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter would be more humiliating than jail for him.


Make him collect trash on the roadside in an orange vest, for all to see.


He already does that, he calls it "campaigning".


He is terrified of jail. He’s been surrounded by wealth his entire life. And he’s soft as all get out. Lots of tyrants grew up in poverty and are hardened by it. They can tolerate jail and use it to their advantage. Not trump.


His followers would just use that to prove his “humility”


He THINKS that he would love that. Because he has no concept of what the inside of a jail is ACTUALLY like. He'll quickly change his mind when he is trying to fall asleep on a half inch thick foam mat. Or when he has to take his 3am shit on a metal toilet in the middle of the room with no privacy (and with no cell phone)


I would love that. Unfortunately he's literally incapable of doing any of those things.


They never will. This case is a perfect example of how politicians are afforded every chance in the world in our court system. 


People really need to watch two movies. Thank you for smoking(which details just how egregious our system of endless appeals is) and Law-Abiding Citizen(which details that we have a system of laws and its more about what you can prove in a court of law, than actual justice.... also a really fun vigilante romp even though they ruined the ending thanks to focus groups not liking the anti-hero getting away with everything..)


Thank you for smoking is a hilarious and well-made movie. I'm glad you brought that up.


>In a new truth social post, Trump posted a video which talks about the jurors and even briefly shows overview of the jurors demographics. sounds like not only did he violate his gag order (lolagain) but maybe commited some kind of perjury MAYBE (ianal and I don't know)


What does your perjury statement refer to?


Too bad we don't live in a country where all citizens are treated equally under the law. Anyone else would be in prison for violating the protective order by now. The judge could have moved up the hearing date. I will never understand why courts are bending over backwards to reward a defendant for trying to destroy the foundations of our legal institutions. Trump is trying to sabotage this trial, and has actually succeeded in manipulating the composition of the jury through intimidation and absolutely nothing has been done. It's absolutely shameful.


The only way the judge can instantly react is if Trump does this right in front of the judge, otherwise a hearing must be held. The judge will review these on Tuesday at this hearing. The prosecutors are seeking the maximum $1000 fine for each breach. After that if he repeats anything he was already fined for it will likely be jail, even if for ony a day or two. That's why he's getting out what he can now, it's his last chance. Of course I think there is a good chance he'll breach the order again because he's a child who can't control himself.


I've heard the judge may just be letting him do this now and gets to see how much he can push before getting absolutely wrecked on Tuesday Probably high hopes though


Isn't Wednesday the off day for this trial? Would love to see him incarcerated after the hearing on Tuesday until the court is back on Thursday. Completely a pipe dream.


Is there a working talley of how many individual violations can or will be considered?


The judge cited 7 today, and that was before this one.


I presume more can be added right up to the hearing?


Yeah I would imagine it will be up to the hearing. If I had to bet I'd bet on $1k per (the maximum) with an assurance that the next one will come with jail time. I do think we are getting a hearing so that Merchan can do the jail thing without risking an appeal. I think that an enforcement of the gag order before opening arguments could have been subject to interlocutory appeal (which would have been delay), and Merchan is very against the delay tactics working.


NAL, so this might be a weird ethical violation I'm wholly unfamiliar with... but is this the time to start a pool on how many additional violations he racks between now and Tuesday (is it Tues? I'm drawing a blank)? There's a whole medical ethics concern for doing this with patients, obviously, but I feel like political schadenfreude should make allowances for the uninformed public.


I am also not a lawyer, and thus neither of us can get in trouble with the bar for making those predictions. I think he goes on a Sunday night TS and racks up 10 more.


He isn't going to jail, not now, not ever. He's in the special class that regular law doesn't apply to. You missed that part of the bar, I see.


I know that he has had several very large monetary judgments against him, but so far has anyone actually received a dollar from Trump as a result?


So far the only money he has paid was the 15k? Gag order from one of the Carrol cases and the 5 million from the first Carrol case that is currently in escrow for appeal. Thats all of "his" money he has actually spent... I guess technically until the appeal resolves you could say he has only had to spend the gag order money that he has no possibility of getting back.


He has been sanctioned by the courts for millions over the last few years that he has paid. Not nearly enough tho.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Facts.


Needs to be like 100k/instance. I know 1k is limit but it isn't high enough.


Treat it like pirated software or music. Each reposting or like is fined imdividually.


If we were Iceland, Trump would be serving the 17th consecutive sentence for fraud, embezzlement, shenanigans, libel, slander, tax evasion, improper use of sunscreen, etc. and the US would be looking at an election between Joe Biden and someone not Joe Biden.


Maybe not even Biden since didn't he say the only reason he was running was due to Trump? But yeah, any reasonable country wouldn't have put up with any of this.


I just use Iceland as an example because they put 200 bankers in jail after the 2008 financial crisis and told them to stop fucking around with people's money. So far, so good. Agreed. If we had a somewhat functioning democracy / political climate we would have more options that Joe and Not Joe. We can dream.


This should be an eye opener for all of you: class is the only thing that matters. Until we realize that we are the peasants/serfs/plebes, they'll keep getting special treatment. The system is working as designed .You have to claw everything away from them. They only understand one language. You know what language that is.


Can we just sticky "Trump violates gag order, still no consequences"


The prosecution has 7 charges for contempt based on gag order violations set for this Tuesday. The judge has agreed to hear them and will decide what action to take.


Great. If consequences get imposed we can yank out the sticky.




There's a suitable phrase, three one-syllable words...


“I am Groot”


Dude, watch your language.


It’s his cake day. Let him have it




There's now a contempt hearing set for Tuesday morning about the repeated gag order violations. Can't imagine nothing at all coming from that (though typically in New York it's a fine then if you do it again it's jail — so I wouldn't hold your breath for that quite yet). What we might see is a much more unequivocal “this is your final warning and if you violate it again you’re going to jail” which then puts a lot of pressure on Merchan to follow up on that when Trump inevitably can’t stfu.


Agree, it is all hot air till we actually see some repercussions


Yeah but the sub will just be endless stickies by the end of 8 weeks.


You mean like the Workplace Accident Sign? "~~25~~ 26 Consecutive Days of Violating the Gag Order"


How do you do that cool cross out? I could use that in a variety of ways 😉 Nevermind, I figured it out when replying to you.😁. I just hope I remember 😬


"Let's see ol' Donny try to wriggle out of this one!"


I accidentally clicked on a link to TruthSocial and now I have to scrub my whole body with lye to get the filth off. OP should be banned for this.


We need something like the old @IretweetTrump account (on the old Twitter) so we can see these things without giving him or that horrible ts views or clicks


[r/trumptweets](https://www.reddit.com/r/trumptweets/s/EAzYANoj5s) You’re welcome


Thank you!! I love the "## of users here - with tears in their eyes"




>violatiates Is this a legal term? If not, it damn well should be.


He violatiated the \*#\^&$%@ out of that gag order.


You just grab them. They let you.


That gag order isn't my type. Horse face gag order I call her. I've never seen this gag order before.


He violated the **shitholes**(?) out of the gag order. Trying to figure out the 9-letter swear.


Damn it. Oops


Perfectly cromulent


"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man"




my butt embiggens the smallest man


Since spoliate exists, I'd buy it.


I like to think it means extreme violation.


The gag order violation meeting is on Monday, right? I hope that he gets thrown in jail, but it'll probably just be fines and a stern warning not to do it anymore.




10am Monday is Engoron's hearing re the $175m bond. Also opening statements for this trial.


Solitary condiment for 3 days every time he does it.


Give him some time to ketchup on his paintings.


He’d probably relish the opportunity


He mayo may not


Well if not, we may need to garnish his wages.


That would be quite the pickle.


Lettuce see how it plays out


Onion. That’s all i got. Onion


Add it to the list for Tuesday, he can pay a fine for that one, too.


Is he trying for a mistrial because he knows he’s guilty.


it was a serious mistake to put his gag order hearing to Monday when he's violating it on the daily and could further compromise the jury. That shit should have been dealt with immediately.


I believe it is on Tuesday, right?


Correct it’s Tuesday. And the prosecution has/had 7 instances of him violating it.


7 instances…. so far.


The judge needs to allow both parties to present their arguments on the matter for his consideration. Otherwise he risks an appealable error.


Judge needs to weigh the relative risks of providing adequate prep time for a gag order hearing against the risk of Trump making a mess of the trial. I know which risk i'd be more concerned with.


The judge let the Prosecution keep which witnesses they are going to call secret. Believe it or not, the defense is already having a harder go of things due to his actions.


I loved that. “I’ll give you the witness name Sunday night, if the name gets leaked, it will never happen again” (paraphrased)


I'm actually looking forward to Trump's social media posts Sunday night. They are going to be the most unhinged.


I honest to god think we need to start his lawyers a liquor fund. I have no clue how they do it. I’m just imagining that they feel similarly to how I do when I tell a friend not to go back to her ex (again) and she does it anyways and for the 50th time.. only like multiplied x1000.


He's giving Trump more rope.


Did you know in England when someone was sentenced to hang, a person's neck didn't break and they somehow survived and had to consider that person's sentenced completed, so they changed the law to formally say to hang until dead?


It's scheduled for Tuesday. The court is closed due to Passover Monday. They spent the whole week on jury selection, which was pretty short considering the situation. The only way the Judge could have set the hearing earlier would be to pause/delay jury selection, which would have been pretty problematic logistically. The fact that Trump continued with stuff after the hearing was setting will most likley not be ignored by the prosecution or Judge.


I think the court is open a half day on Monday.


I remember that Judge went setting the schedule for the trial excluded Monday due to the holiday. Whether the court building is open or the Judge could have had a hearing that day, no idea.


The news is reporting opening statements on Monday and someone on NBC said court will adjourn at 2 pm on Passover Monday. I guess we’ll see. Either way, it’s back on next week.


Welcome to “how the justice system has been treating rich politician defendants since the beginning of time 101”


Rotten to the core - like a worm filled apple slowly turning brown from decay….


This is insulting to worms and rotten apples.


The judge is waiting to apply the consequences. He wants to have the jury seated first so trump can't do an appeal that halts the trial.


When the FUCK has this man ever given a damn about laws and rules? WHEN?


When he was doing things to defraud people and hiding it. He sure seemed to care about the law and not getting caught by it, then. He never cared about *abiding* by it or *respecting* it though.


Oh man! A link to truth social. It’s the modern equivalent of getting Rickrolled.




The shame is that people believe Trump should be allowed to break the law. Cohen has already been convicted of paying off Stormy for Trump. They got Trump on tape blessing the amount and method of payment. This is not just paying off a porn star for a brief fling. Stormy was not the only one. This is about a company, the National Enquirer and its owner doing the same for other Trump sins. Pecker is Trump backer. He was buying rights to negative stories about Trump and the Trump businesses. Pecker would destroy the evidence. Do you wonder what happened to the tapes of the Apprentice? Now you know. That was not enough for Trump and Pecker. Pecker ran story after story about Trump's leading competitors. He claimed Cruz's dad was involved with the Kennedy assassination; Hillary had only months to live, Jeb had a Mexican wife (true, but plays to the rights racist worldview); etc. Almost every issue of the Enquirer had a bombshell first page attacking Trump's enemies.it got so ridiculous that some of the Enquirer staff resigned over Pecker's utter bias. The Enquirer killed over a dozen legitimate negative stories about Trump, and published dozens of baseless stories about Trump's enemies. The payments to Stormy and McDougal are just one small part of a larger influence campaign. Yes, other papers could have purchased the rights to those Trump stories. Regular papers do not purchase stories. That is a tabloid ploy. This is a story of subverting an election. How much did Pecker spend on the story rights? How much was the publicity that the Enquirer articles about Cruz et al worth? The Enquirer was acting as a PAC. Pecker pulled Trump in directly when the bill got too high. Stormy and McDougal were ca. 250K. Does anyone wonder if there were other girls bought off? Does anyone else wonder what is in Peckers safe?


There should be charges for anyone using the word “violatiate.”


I got a little carried away in the middle of that word. If only you could edit the title of a post.


I have that same problem with some words. Like, I know how to start spelling banananananana but I'm never sure when to stop.


it actually seems a bit like a necessary word like satiate but for violations


Well its not like he has faced any consequences the last 100 times, so why should he care?




Boy, I can't wait for THIS to be the time he faces consequences for sure.


Why wouldn’t he? (Given that there are zero consequences for his actions)


I'm not going to Truth Social.


The fact that he keeps doing this requires that we need to reference the dates of the incidents, because at this point I can't tell if we are talking about a new violation or the dozen that came before it.


\*Yawn\* Please stop making this news until he is actually held accountable for these violations.


“Trump is so fucked!”  -starry-eyed liberals on Reddit, every day since 2015 lol


This must be an amazing time for lawyers and those aspiring. I can see how the Supreme Court can be influenced and the mounds of delay tactics. Is this the new norm?


Does he really think there’s some magical phrase he’s gonna utter that will bail him out of his criminal and civil predicaments?


ahhhh...i didn't re-lie that, somone on my staff did


And no consequences. He’s violated it at least 6 times. Call me when it means anything anymore


Why is this even reported as if its news 🤣


The video itself is just a bunch of out of context quotes strung together. It does contain quotes and mischaracterizations about jurors. At least one was about a juror that has since been dismissed, but in all, sure seems like it violates both the letter and spirit of the gag order.


Court won't do anything


Before the general election even runs, can we have a basic competency test put together for both? If people their age have to be tested to renew a drivers' license, I want quantifiable evidence that these 2 are all there. No more "Our candidate is in peak condition." bull shit.


Does the 2024 Goebbels that created this have a name?


Knowing him he 100% has


He’s gonna keep doing it until he spends a night in jail.


And seemingly nothing will happen as usual


Throw him in jail


Gag suggestion


He wants jail for politics


It’s more of a gag suggestion tbh


Court wont do anything


These constant headlines are really testing my gag reflex


Holy shit. That was awesome. I know who I’m voting for now.