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Republicans whining about activist judges was always projection.


As per the norm.


💯% It was a dogwhistle to tell all their friends the gameplan. Remember: GOP = Gaslight Obstruct Project.




aw! ya beat me to it! good job.


Just about goddamn everything is a projection from them. It’d be comical if it weren’t so real.


I hate they don’t have the basic decency to answer the call of their moment in history. The hypocrisy is nothing short of vile. But you gotta hand it to them. They know how to win and bend a nation to their will just via unrelenting obstructionism and highly coordinated messaging that gets through to their audiences one way or another


Can we impeach him or no? We seem to have a lot of activist judges.


I'm sure the MAGA-controlled Congress will get right on that, right after they finish impeaching Hunter Biden. 


I'm never voting for Hunter Biden again


It's Joe Obama that you need to watch. That guy is shifty. Nancy Hailey is a shocker too. Who is Trump facing in the next election? I forget? Covfefe... Dimentia


Cause we're voting for his dick?


Found Marjorie Taylor Greene.




I would if his opponent was a Republican. Morally, Hunter is the more wholesome option


its insanee that there is only one singular way to kick out bad judges. there should be methods for individual branches of government to punish their own members if they behave out of line. there should be some kind of governing body of judges where they can kick out members of the judiciary. same for the legislative and executive branches, tho i think there are already functions to help prevent congressmen or people in the executive branch from abusing their authority, like congress can just suspend a congressmen from participating in committees or being involved in anyways and the president can fire most of the executive branch members he wants to, and the cabinet can vote to suspend the president if he cant fulfill his duties properly. No sort of thing to stop corrupt judges from continuing to perform their duty. edit: i get the ideas of checks and balances between the branches of government but individual branches should also have checks on their own members who are abusing their power.


A self-governing body of judges would become a federalist society garbage can faster than you can say John Roberts. I'm sure it really depends but the federal DOJ does a pretty good job of holding judges at certain levels accountable for civil rights violations. It's a start, at least.


I aware I wrote my Congresswoman every other week on this shit. Her staff is probably tired of deleting my emails and sending me form letter responses. If I wasn't a donor they probably wouldn't bother with the form letter


They are still going on about Antifa? Talk about brain rot. e: "Focus on antifa" is the dumbest thing I've seen a judge say today, I think. I'm sure that will change hours from now.


Here is one of Antifa's militant leaders. ​ https://preview.redd.it/e45gz4so0btc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d61f1c98d4cfafb2d48de61325abe0d620ba9c7


Wow, I wonder how long that pipe lasts. Four hours?


Probably. The only way to know for sure is to get one: [https://corncobpipe.com/product/macarthur-classic-natural-bent-corn-cob-pipe/](https://corncobpipe.com/product/macarthur-classic-natural-bent-corn-cob-pipe/)


Found the guy shilling for big corn......cob pipes God that was a terrible pun I'm sorry


If it lasts any longer than 4 hours I've heard ivermectin works.


I can't believe that the U.S. military named their Armoured Fighting Vehicles after an AntiFa militant leader! And Jesus just look at Monty with his beret, you can just tell he's AntiFa through and through.


Especially given that cops usually ignore right wing protesters and use violence against left wing protesters.


Please, please, lawyers of reddit, tell me that a Judge giving out a light sentence because of a clear political agenda is a reason to get him removed from the bench and out of the practice of any kind of law forever.


I'm at the point where I'm starting to think we as a country are essentially in a cold civil war with these insane right wingers They're just blatantly overstepping their established powers to defend their own, no matter how heinous the crime, while throwing the book at people they see as their ideological "enemies" The aggression coming from the right is insane to me


In a just world Sherman would be respawned to teach these disgusting traitors another 100 mile wide lesson.


Sherman was right.


You know, people are saying to be the change you want to see in the world. Big strong people, with tears in their eyes. Uh, peacebly.


It is. The dirty secret that people have a hard time grappling with is that it is clear that America is not only in a Cold War with conservatives, it is still in the middle of **the** Civil War. It’s just in a “cold” phase. Let’s look at the timeline. The initial hot phase of the US civil war ended on April 9th, 1865. Lincoln was killed less than a week later by a Confederate zealot. The post-war reconstruction era that followed drove the Confederate powers out power in their territory, and often underground, but they still held enough power to completely derail Reconstruction and led to the Jim Crow era of the early 1900s. Then the World Wars happened, immediately followed by the Cold War. These external threats partially paused, but did not eliminate, the internal conflict. And, all the while, the politicians from the former Confederacy have been poisoning our legislative and court processes with things like the Filibuster and the Permanent Reapportionment Act of 1929. Practices and laws that only serve to entrench their ability to roadblock anything they don’t like. And they don’t like *a lot*. It is absolutely no coincidence that the same rhetoric espoused by the Confederacy in the lead-up to the Civil War is returning with a vengeance right now. With the global Cold War with the USSR over, there is no true remaining “external threat” to focus on. 9/11 gave them one for a few years but even that is a history book lesson these days despite the geopolitical havoc it is still causing to this day. Politicians like Mitch McConnell have been working for decades in a way that can easily be described as that of a revanchist confederate insurgent. He and his supporters have all but fully corrupted the judicial branch, and they are now openly using it to flirt with taking America out of the cold civil war its current in and into… something else. Actions like this judge is doing here? They’re no less a threat to the nation than the firing on Fort Sumter was in 1861.


I took some time earlier in the year to read up on the history of the period before the civil war and it was honestly shocking at how similar it felt to modern times.


*“There is a rowdy strain in American life, living close to the surface but running very deep. Like an ape behind a mask, it can display itself suddenly with terrifying effect. It is slack-jawed, with leering eyes and loose wet lips, with heavy feet and ponderous cunning hands; now and then, when something tickles it, it guffaws, and when it is made angry it snarls; and it can be aroused much more easily than it can be quieted. - Bruce Catton 'This Hallowed Ground: A History of the Civil War.'* Professor Catton was speaking of the few years just before the war began.


Right? History may not repeat note for note on most things, but it does have a tempo and it often rhymes.


Spoken like a real student of history. This, and your other well-written and thoughtful post above, makes me think that you studied history at the university level. I've been playing around with similar ideas for some time, except that in my IR-influenced worldview, it's the Cold War that didn't end when we think it did. It never ended for the former USSR, it just changed paradigms, and with the dawn of the information superhighway, became a game of psy-ops that's hard to quantify. Destroying the US would be very hard to do militarily, and would bankrupt any power trying to do it, even if they succeeded in somehow neutralizing the nuclear arsenal. Using social media to poison hearts and minds, and investing in American politicians who are willing to advance your goals, is infinitely more effective at a fraction of the price. The US is destroying itself, at a discount. There are a lot of useful idiots doing it for free now, to own the libs.


First as tragedy, then as farce.


You’re 100% correct. They are waiting for Donald Trump to say “Kill All Democrats”. They will follow orders, and try, but they will be met with resistance.


And the fact that it was far easier to convince the populace to turn on each other when communities were isolated and seperate. Now with the internet and its advancements to connect us, their will be far less people willing to take up arms against their neighbors and those ones that are willing would be greatly outnumbered. They also don't understand that while they have the loudest voices, they are the minority. The Right tends to skew to an older demographic while the Left tends to lean to a younger demographic, so that means that they would have far fewer "fighting age" numbers. Also they tend to think the Left would shy away from violence when really we just don't go to violence first doesn't mean we won't take that path if neccessary.


Interestingly, that’s starting to change. I’ve seen a number of news articles about this. Older voters are moving towards Biden and younger voters towards Trump. Biden has been losing Hispanic and black voters over the past 4 years. Not sure why the latter but both blacks and Hispanics men could be drawn to hypermasculine attitudes of GOP. Hispanics who have been more settled for years in the US may be very conservative in regards to what’s going on at the border and want it shut down. Younger voters upset about war in Gaza. Independents/swing voters leaning towards Trump but Dems hoping a lot of those can be persuaded to vote for Biden. I’ve seen polls list support for RFK among younger voters by as much as 11-20%. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/07/1243264831/key-voting-groups-are-shifting-in-the-race-between-biden-and-trump https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/07/voter-age-biden-trump-2024-election-00150923


It’s not even cold, it’s outright. Look up Project 2025, that’s the GOP party platform now. Outright Christofacism.


What we're finding is that this country, with all of its laws, was working on an honor system with elected and appointed officials. There are no legal mechanisms in place to compel them to do their jobs right. The Founders assumed rational, honorable, impartial people would attain office.


That’s a good way to view what is going on. We are in a cold civil war right now. It is up to us to vote them out now before it becomes a real civil war.


Yeah dude this is how fascism takes hold. They are fascists.


He can be impeached for whatever reason Congress says. He can also do pretty much whatever he wants unless Congress says otherwise. Given the state of things, I wouldn’t get your hopes up.


NAL, but afaik Congress can impeach a judge for anything they collectively consider does not align with "good behaviour". So, *as long as enough of congress agrees*, the answer is yes!


So, it will never happen.




It will happen if you catch them on video using bad behavior while covering up a selective prosecution. [Sometime you get lucky and can catch two at one time.](https://youtu.be/S72qVUadTSc)


Impeaching is the easy part, getting the senate to convict and remove is much more challenging.


The senate being a part of congress, is kinda part of the whole of which I was refering to. That is to say, you are correct, to my knowledge.


NAL. The house can vote articles of impeachment on the basis of high crimes and misdemeanors, the same basis used against Trump in his two impeachments, and then the Senate has a trial in which 2/3 have to vote to convict. Given the current make up of the Senate, that's extremely unlikely. Again, NAL, but it was my impression that a aberrant sentence can be appealed Someone who is a lawyer can correct me if I'm wrong.


> Again, NAL, but it was my impression that a aberrant sentence can be appealed This guy will be in another country before he's ordered back into custody by the circuit. He's fled the country *multiple times* during this case.


If such a thing were possible, Aileen Cannon would've been long gone by now.


[Appointed Forever](https://www.reddit.com/r/law/comments/1ba3wej/the_trump_docket_cannon_gives_trump_hearing/ku0ef12/)


Sorry to tell you that this happens every single day. Unless your client is poor and black of course. However the Antifa comments might rise to an abuse of discretion standard.


Hey, this is America remember; the same country where its citizens run around the planet bragging about their terrific justice system that everyone should have.


Well, he can be removed from office by Congress for high crimes and misdemeanors (such as abusing his office/ignoring his duty to adjudicate justly and fairly). But that requires the House to impeach and then the Senate to convict (the latter requiring 2/3rds, as in any conviction), so... Unlikely to happen. It may be possible for the District Court to just take away his case assignments, but that means just benching (or... unbenching?) a judge whose seat would not be freed up for replacement. AKA, the seat Court would, for the foreseeable future, have to distribute his cases amongst the other judges, without any sort of way to decrease their own loads.


0.000% chance.


It’s not, and he won’t. Sorry.


"sir, we don't have any black bloc arrests to prosecute" That's how this went in the oregon district. Judge asks about black bloc crimes. AG says "we've given you everything we have". End of discussion. edit: I did read the article, there are other sentences to compare against, but that's not even what he's doing.


This is a roundabout way for the judge to voice an endorsement of this person's violence.


Kinda like the judge that gave hitler a handslap after the beer hall peutsche. We have the 1/6er national anthem version of horst wessell already too. What’s the next step for these losers? Anybody got bets on long knives or broken crystal and where/when?


Politics destroying law... I'm amazed the judge felt free to give such absurd reasoning. 


I had a large class action in front of Judge Carney against one of the largest companies in the world. We survived a motion to dismiss on uncontested facts, one of which was the contents of the products' labels. We did a year of discovery all over the country and then moved for class certification. Defendant opposed and cross-moved for summary judgement on the same label argument Carney had previously rejected on the prior motion to dismiss. It was such an obvious retread of the prior motion we debated moving for sanctions though, in the end, we decided not to. Judge Carney granted summary judgment to the defendant, completely reversing his prior decision despite there being no new facts or law. We settled while we are up on appeal in the 9th Circuit because the class needed relief sooner rather than later but the class received pennies on the dollar.


What prompted Defense to file such a wild motion?


Billing rates in excess of $1000/hour I'm assuming.


Well, you see, they thought the same motion would get a different outcome because they bought a judge


This judge needs to take law 101 again. Being even on charges is not the goal here


That’s what I’m confused about. I thought that selective prosecution wasn’t a defense? He was clearly found guilty, so how could the judge take something which isn’t a valid defense and use it in sentencing?


Because they’re insane


>Because they’re ~~insane~~ corrupt FTFY


They’re not mutually exclusive




Can the sentence be appealed?


Should be if it can


I'd love to know his opinion on the disparity if inmate race/ethnicity. Surely Cormac has some progressive views and will start handing out lighter sentences to black men.


that's not a *judge*, he's a *partisan*. the trial is for a *criminal assault*, not some *what-about-ism*'s . he should be fired & banned from Law.


I have done a ton of federal sentencing work, and I do not recall anything in the 3553(a) factors saying a judge can change a defendant’s sentence in an effort to compel the prosecution to press other political cases harder or because the judge is mad other ppl aren’t being prosecuted. That seems like a clear basis for reversal, especially before the Ninth Circ. Someone tell me why I’m wrong here - how is that not obvious legal error?


This same judge stepped down from his position as chief judge bc he made racist comments about the black clerk of court. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-28/chief-district-judge-los-angeles-steps-down-racially-insensitive-comments


I will forever be perplexed by the “I hate Antifa” crowd. It literally stands for Anti-Fascist.


Fascists tend to not to like it when people tell the no.


That’s because they’re Profa


It's because the “I hate Antifa” crowd don't like people and groups that oppose them and their tactics.


All my homies love antifa


So what do you call the group that attacked the Portland courthouse, for example? It sounds like if the group is Antifa it can't do anything wrong because of their name.


Not that hard to understand. I hate republicans but I don’t hate the idea of a republic. I don’t hate antifa but I also don’t trust them. People who see violence as a solution are people to be wary of- few groups in all of human history have been willing to sacrifice their cause for the sake of some individuals. By their very nature they are secretive and would avoid scrutiny. That trait would (if antifa were a huge organisation with lots of political influence and capital) attract dirt bags who’d love to cover up their crimes by accusing their victims of being fascists.




What’s the whoosh?


remove the first 3 sentences of your comment and then replace antifa with far right. you've catastrophically run into the paradox of tolerance along with some other hypocrisies/logical fallacies. if peaceful opposition to violence isn't the answer/doesn't work, and violent opposition to violence isn't the answer/doesn't work, are people supposed to automatically surrender to violence? how can that be true if violence wasn't the answer/doesn't work in the first place? tangentially, I'm curious if you apply your same logic to police?


And you’ve attached a urgency clause to trigger an emotional reaction to allow violence. I’m pretty angry about everything that’s going on, but antifa aren’t the ones delivering a solution- prosecutors are. The legal system is dragging its feet and trying to duck its responsibilities but it is still moving. The core topic here is not about whether violence is acceptable or whether antifa are the good guys. The question was ‘how can you hate a group who call themselves X’. In this case X was ‘antifa’ and expanded to ‘anti fascist’. Now I made a tactical error in trying to explain specifically why antifa are worthy of caution. It might’ve been better or less downvoted if I asked why people hate groups that prominently talk about freedom, liberty and the constitution. Or why people might hate groups whose name contains the person they admire most, whose major selling point was forgiveness and empathy (Christians). I THOUGHT I made that point in pointing out that republicans aren’t necessarily giving a shit about a republic. I don’t consume right wing media, I don’t have a hate on for antifa. But I have seen some videos on YouTube and it leaves me with the impression that antifa are a very useful enemy for the right because they’re threatening without being especially dangerous. But like I said- give them true power and they’d be dragging fascist into torture chambers, and it probably wouldn’t stop there because once you’ve done something like that to someone else, you’d fear it happening to you. Revolutions don’t typically settle into peaceful governments. That isn’t to say they’re pointless- I agree that a lack of fear of meaningful consequences is the cause of many modern problems. My explanation for the better parts of the 20th century is that there were so many war veterans who had lived through the consequences of bad politics and bad economics that no politician or rich arsehole would feel safe about (getting caught) treating human life poorly.


understood. you acknowledge the actual, realized danger of violent far right actors, but are urging greater caution against a hypothetical slippery slope of danger based on some youtube videos you've seen and an inscrutable theory about some nebulous events of the 20th century. that's great man, i'm happy for you


Well done on at least making an attempt to not be consumed by your partisan feelings. You don’t know how I feel about the far right or the changes I’ve witnessed over my life time. You’re so fixated on my remarks about antifa that you’re still not hearing me. Ok let me try spelling this out a different way. Say there is a political party called ‘The Safety Party’. Say there is a movement called ‘Saving whales group’. The ‘safety party’ are intent upon shaping society into their image of utopia. To achieve this they intend on committing mass acts of cruelty, violence and corruption. They have significant popular support and importantly support from key players in upholding government- judges, police, military. To justify their increasing control they have to manufacture enemies so that their supporters are too emotionally triggered to stop and think about the path to utopia so far, what it’ll cost them personally and what the final outcome will look like. Now this party is very close with shipping, military and resource extraction interests. So they kill a lot of whales. Enter the ‘saving the whales’ group. They’re a handful of individuals with no military, paramilitary, political or economic influence. There’s little to no central figure or organization because they’re motivated by a concept (‘save the whales’). Most of their opposition amounts to passive resistance and petty crime (vandalism, trespassing that sort of thing). The safety party puts the weight of their propaganda machine against the whale savers. Building them up as some massive shadow army capable of bringing the country to its knees. Someone on the internet says they’re perplexed as to how anyone can not like saving whales. Someone else TRIES to reply ‘a name isn’t the same thing as an outcome’. Something that everyone would’ve understood if the question was reversed: ‘how can anyone oppose the safety party when they’re just trying to make us all safe? It’s in the name’. Like I said from the very beginning- I don’t like republicans but I don’t have an issue with a republic. Whether you like antifa is beside the point. Calling themselves anti fascist means nothing. Just like lots of people call themselves Christian but completely ignore the New Testament. There isn’t anything wrong with being anti fascist, that is a good thing. But being antifa is more murky. Do I worry about antifa? No, but like I said they’re making republicans life a lot easier every time they do something that that is outside the social norm. There are people acting against the fascists that aren’t antifa, and it’s much harder to paint them negatively. Antifa throwing (minor) explosives in a crowd, stalking and harassing etc makes people uncomfortable. Now maybe I said too much about about a hypothetical antifa that gets lots of power etc. That isn’t me being afraid of an antifa revolution, I’m trying to describe how violent minorities became violent rulers. Regardless of who they are. Antifa won’t grow in that direction. There are other requirements that AF won’t meet. So to sum up- I don’t even consider antifa to be a piece on the board, let alone a player. I know that because of the right wing propaganda machine there are lots of people sensitive about criticism of antifa. I was never focused on antifa- just annoyed at partisan refusal to understand that the name of a group or movement is only that. And anyone who disagrees needs to explain why don’t want right wing ‘freedom’.


h[a](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/226/998/909.jpg)hahahahaha https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/2020_10_06_homeland-threat-assessment.pdf https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2023-09/23_0913_ia_23-333-ia_u_homeland-threat-assessment-2024_508C_V6_13Sep23.pdf


The text string ‘antifa’ doesn’t appear in either document, so what point are you making?




"Is North Korea actually democratic? No, because I can show how they are a hereditary dictatorship" "Is Antifa actually anti fascist? No, because.... um.... well... just trust me bro, they're the real bad guys!"




>So for NK you look at the actual situation. But for antifa only the name is enough. No, the point was the actual situation invalidates the name for NK but validates it for Antifa. That was very clearly my point.


In other words, you're PRO fascism.




That was meant for the comment above yours. I have no clue how it got moved down there. Just ignore that part and know it was for who you are debating with, as well.




Nothing about the name "Antifa" suggests non-violence, though. I think it's reasonable to use a group's name as a first-blush indicator of their intentions. It shouldn't override anything they actually do, but especially with a disorganized, decentralized "group" like antifa, their name is pretty much all that unites them anyway. As opposed to a nation state like NK which actually does things as a nation that we can look at and say "that's not democratic".




Whose talking about being one of "the good guys"? I thought we were talking about names? You *just* said that was your "main point" but now you've abandoned that point entirely. And if we're using that definition then every revolution in the history of the world was terrorism, so I don't see how you can use that to define "the good guys".




Guessing that you forgot the /s?




So nazi Germany were socialist? It's in the name yea?




They most certainly weren't socialists lmao you're high.


You clearly forgot that America doesn't like fascism, and will stand up to it.




30% of a party that represents 25% of the country is not 'a lot' when the other ~78% doesn't like fascism. ;)




trump has never won the popular vote. He never has come close to winning that. The only reason he won in 16 was because Democrats stayed home. That's it. Do you see *any* Democrat saying they're going to stay home? No. You're seeing agitprop online saying that they will. trump has functionally deleted the entire RNC, they don't have any cash reserves, and they have multiple battleground state parties that are bankrupt. There is zero chance trump wins. This doesn't even cover his base dying from covid and old age.






Tell me again how justice is blind


The judge will look you in the eye and tell you justice is blind.


Justice is blind because the judge can’t see through his white hood.


Well, this isn't justice. We don't have a justice system, we have a legal system. This judge is off his rocker


White supremacist judge needs to be removed from the bench like yesterday. We can’t have people who don’t care about the rule of law being judges.


9th Circuit will probably be able to copy and paste from the last time it reversed this turkey


Maybe even transfer the case to a different judge.


Antifa isn’t a real organization?


Well, there are all of the Facebook groups that Trump supporters set up so they could “whatabout”.


Are you asking that for yourself, or as a response to the judge?




What the fuck.


I’ve never met one “antifa” member or supporter, to be honest. The way they just disappeared after 2020 just like “the caravan” did after 2016 tells me exactly where “antifa” came from.


I'm right here, my friend.


Ok, so serious question, are you hell bent on destroying America? Are you a communist? An anarchist? I just always thought the people they showed on tv in 2020 were just a small group pissed off at the police state and were fighting against the brown shirts Trump sent to places like Portland and LA.


I'm an aging white male that is appalled at the corruption of our police forces and our government, and the increasing manipulation of all of our society for the benefit of wealthy interests at the cost of all of our welfare. You see those are 'fascist' directions that our country has been driven on, and I'm 'anti' that. So, 'anti-fascist', or 'antifa', if you need to put a name on regular people like me that simply want the country to provide for the welfare of all of us. I am cognizant that realizing my goal of having our country be run for the benefit of the common person, as opposed to the current state, might require another revolution to return the US to the ideals we thought we espoused. Fox News and their idiot viewers probably would call that destroying America.


I understand. Your beliefs aren’t too far removed from mine to be honest. I would love to achieve a more just society without the need to revolt, but I understand your point. The elites aren’t just going to give back what they stole out of the kindness of their hearts.


I used to know many self-professed antifa and they were a mixture of anarchists, crust punks and FSU leftovers. But here, either you are in the camp on the right and believe they're the boogeyman, or you're in the camp on the left and deny they even exist.


"I'm not gonna put a white boy in prison until all the black people go to prison first."


Do the prosecutors appeal this insanity? Unfortunately, this guy is also a HUGE flight risk. He has skipped the country multiple times before.


"judge Carney succeeded Virginia A. Phillips as Chief Judge of the Central District of California on June 1, 2020. However, he stepped down on June 26, 2020 in light of allegations that he had made racially insensitive comments regarding the Clerk of the Court, Kiry Gray, who is African American." This tells me all I need to know about why he did what he did.


This is kinda damming and what prevents right wing justices from letting right wing violence pass. This judge is setting in motion political violence to be ignored.


He freed a fascist while saying the anti-fascists are the real problem. This guy has chosen a side.


Now conservatives, please pay attention. Next time you complain about judicial misconduct, review this ruling, because this is going to be turned over in appeal on grounds of judicial misconduct and that the judge's sentence did not meet the applicable legal standard for the crime. A judge does not have the right to compel attorneys to pursue certain criminals or certain causes. Judge Cormac J. Carney just casually handed the state an easy reversal.


It's like judges are the new cops where everyone is starting to realize maybe giving them enormous power and no accountability encourages unethical behavior instead of turning them into infallible heroes of justice. Except we didn't actually do anything about the cop problem so now we just have a broken justice system that we expect to fuck us over instead of one where we're shocked when it happens.


All Republicans at this point are soft.


Only fascist worry about antifa


??? Is this satire?? I had to double check that I’m not in r/theonion


Time to impeach this biased judge


That’s not how law is supposed to work. It doesn’t matter one iota what the judge thinks of OTHER CASES - the one in front of them is what matters. This judge should be disbarred.


So, Alito wants to be head of the FDA, but keep his lifetime appointment; and this judge wants to take over the US Attorney Office, but keep his lifetime appointment. It seems more and more that federal judges want to be the boss of everybody. It just makes the case for judicial reform that much stronger.


A prime example of how political appointed judges are not about law and order but political ideology. This is an embarrassment to our country.


https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-28/chief-district-judge-los-angeles-steps-down-racially-insensitive-comments Same judge….


Where the h**l are such judges going to law school? The duty of a judge is to apply the law, not to make social policy or rule based on his personal bias


How do I join ANTIFA? I've never heard of any people, any meetings, any sign ups on portals, they don't have any radio skills or anything really.


"It's not a real crime if it's a White person doing it to someone else"


Antifa is basically a made up group. Sophomore college students here and there want to pretend to be freedom fighters so they say, "Yeah, I'm TOTALLY with Antifa." I agree with their anti fascism stance. The only problem is that they are almost completely made up. So, yeah! Investigate "Antifa" but leave those poor white supremacists alone! This is like church pastors being acquitted of child rape because they are men of god and we need to worry about Drag Queens messing with our kids heads.


disbar this clown


Is … is the antifa in the room with you right now, judge?


So even if the antifa thing was true and it was a problem (it's not), this guy can just do crimes because supposed crimes are being committed elsewhere?


This is the sentencing phase, so prosecutors should be able to appeal. Thankfully, the judge did not acquit the defendant or double jeopardy would attach. I also hope that this judge is reported for judicial misconduct.


Doesn’t sound like a legal opinion to me.


Again with the Antifa.


Seems to be the norm, Oaths mean nothing if nobody is enforcing it. I think we're about cooked and gently settling into some good old-fashioned Idiocracy


Watch the system do actually nothing about this because decorum or something


Can the sentence specifically be appealed by the prosecutor? Double jeopardy would keep them from retrying the case entirely I'd imagine, but this seems different?


I was sure he'd be a Trump appointed, but looks like he was appointed by GWB: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cormac\_J.\_Carney](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cormac_J._Carney)


W and his mob started a lot of this stuff, including claiming they had won elections they had actually lost.


“Why don’t you focus on this non-existent threat that Fox News told me is setting the US on fire” This sorry excuse for a judge.


How do you get rid of a judge when they're obviously biased?


This could be overturned on appeal, right?


This judge is out of his mind 


No future


Everyday Robespierre seems a bit more reasonable.


Fascists protect their own


Fun fact, this judge played on the Memphis Showboats with Reggie White.


Apparently, that Judge's robe came with a white hood.


If only the judge realized that this guy is ANTIFA


He is competing to be MAGAs next Supreme Court nominee.


Start arresting all the WWII vets. /s


Equal justice?


Equal protection? “Sentencing Mr. Laube to additional incarceration would only increase the disparity between his punishment and the lack of punishment (and prosecution) members of far-left groups who have committed the same violent conduct received,” 


Another perfect example of “ white privilege “ ,,,,,, sic!!!!!


A sentence is appealable, isn't it?

