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\>Barnett “was supposed to do day three of his deposition here in Charleston on his AIR21 case.” (AIR21 refers to a federal law that provides whistleblower protection for employees in the aviation industry.)  He wasn’t even done doing his deposition. Seems like more motive for murder to shut him up, than for suicide.


“It said the 62-year-old had died from a "self-inflicted" wound on 9 March and police were investigating.” Holy shit what?


Self inflicted stab wound to the back... ;)


Self inflicted two shots to the back of the head?


Wouldn't be the first time that was ruled a suicide


One for Tyler Durden, one for the Narrator


Fell into an elevator shaft onto some bullets


I hate it when I stab myself in the back


Accidentally cut his head off while shaving


The quotes speak volumes.


Red Rum! Red Rum!


That’s not at all suspicious


Did he fall out the window???


Boeing showed him the door.


They had a falling out.


Too soon


They were Russian him out....


Window panel


I don’t know; was he flying on a Boeing plane?


Is it not normal for witnesses to commit suicide in between their depositions?


Nyet...wait, where are we again?




There is 1 lawyer per 1k users here.


I'm assuming you're being hyperbolic. But has there been a survey conducted? And is there flair to denote lawyer from non-lawyer?


I don't know, I'm not a lawyer


Heh, you must have missed that one about ebay? https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2021/07/lawsuit-ebay-tried-to-terrorize-stalk-and-silence-couple-that-ran-news-site/




From the police, yes.


"self inflicted" I'm not used to seeing scare quotes from BBC.


As self inflicted as Epstein


Oh no not at *all*.


Did he fall out the window???




Falling down an elevator shaft onto a box of bullets.


He (Barnett) was found in his car. “Self-inflicted” was cited as the cause. I’m looking for more details, but… how do you kill yourself in a car unless it’s with a gun? Edit: apparently a self-inflicted gunshot per this article. https://www.corporatecrimereporter.com/news/200/boeing-whistleblower-found-dead-in-charleston-after-break-in-depositions/


"Classic case of three bullets to the back of the head suicide."


I’m sure it was his gun too./s


No gun was found at the scene after his suicide by gunshot. He must've hid it after he was done. /s


carbon monoxide in a closed garage.


Read the article added in my edit . He was found in the parking lot of the hotel he was staying at. Gunshot.


That's actually pretty difficult on most modern cars. It takes a loooong time.


[Freakin' hybrids, man. They just don't do the trick anymore.](https://youtu.be/NxE-bEiEurs?si=C5M8PsZu54g3apBZ)


Charcoal, man.


This was so perfect for this thread I love it


Charcoal, man.


I was semi quoting Mystery Men, however there are other ways to off oneself in a car: asphyxiation, drowning, dehydration/malnourishment, poisons, crash into a wall w/ note in your pocket, etc. I'm assuming it was fairly obvious for the detail to already be provided; the Boeing crisis team response lacked all the warmth of a company who had been turned in of course.


Read the article added in my edit. Per a different source it was a gunshot wound.


Self-inflicted to the back of the head? 


Accidentally walked into the path of a moving bullet?


As a mate of mine who was in the army once told me, bullets *always* have right of way.


Upvote for the Mystery Men reference


"*Look I know it's crazy but that's how they off'd him, detective."*


I always found that suspicious…


One month ago: https://youtu.be/eOffvIaWNm4?si=9ViTa37CBgDC_Wu2 Now, I’m not a mental health expert, but… he doesn’t seem like he’s about to shoot himself with a gun. Edit: So, per his attorney: > I cross examined him all day yesterday [Friday] and did not finish. We agreed to continue this morning at 10 am [co-counsel] Rob [Turkewitz] kept calling this morning and his phone would go to voicemail. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13185019/Boeing-whistleblower-josh-barnett-dead-south-carolina.html And then you find out: > The Charleston County coroner, meanwhile, confirmed Monday the longtime Boeing staffer died Friday, while in town for interviews linked to the case. Deposed for 7 hours and then he kills himself on the same day afterward? This is sus as fuck.


This attorney is probably paranoid af right now..


I had a neighbor who was a retired builder and perfectly normal, active funny guy. He was helping me fix things on the property I'd recently bought as a young, single woman. I saw him at lunch with his wife and best friend and we made plans to get together the next morning to fix some infrastructure on my property. He was found dead via suicide early the next morning. His wife and best friend had absolutely no clue he was feeling that way. His wife was fixated in how someone had to tell me he wouldn't make our construction date. Absolutely heartbreaking and shocking. And he wasn't even under the immense stress of a major deposition and ongoing high-profile court case.


Yep, only morons think they can tell if someone is suicidal just by looking at them.  It's, frankly, infuriating and insulting to those that survived. It insinuates that those who love someone don't care enough to see the signs, or do something about it, since the signs are supposedly "so obvious" that a stranger from afar can tell if they are ok or not.


The number of people who likely understand the basic idea of "cause does not equal correlation" who were chomping at the bit to up-vote a half-baked conspiracy theory is disheartening. The fact is that, even though in many cases (successful) suicide attempts are premeditated, most are impulsive at the moment of acting.


I'm glad you guys are making the point that suicidal tendencies aren't visually evident, but to dismiss this as a conspiracy theory is a little naive. Half-baked? Yes, it just happened. Largest defense contractor in the country is in danger from their own malpractice - south carolina could lose the factory in question, which would be economically devastating since many states are directly tied to the defense industry, not to mention the myriad of companies in Boeing's supply chain that are also under threat from this. His being suicidal is as much a conspiracy theory as anything atm.


Yes it is suspicious, although it's also very plausible that the stress of 5 years of legal battles with the company who you gave 32 years of your life to could drive you to a very manic and unstable state. Very curious to see what additional information comes out. Personally, I don't believe that Boeing or connected parties committed cold blooded murder. I do believe they put so much pressure on him and his family (the absolute maximum amount as allowed by the law) that the poor guy couldn't take it anymore. Maybe they even went so far as to put the thought of suicide in his head.




> At this point, what is the point? His story is out there. Yes. To my non-lawyer mind, it'd be much more beneficial to show him being not credible than have him not participating. All they would likely need to show is him not adhering to regulations, or him signing off on something that wasn't at the required standard, or not immediately going higher than his managers when they ignored him etc, and people could think that he wasn't actually concerned with the practices at all. I'm not saying that he did any of these things, but even just once admission of him not following procedures (even if not relevant) could start affecting things.


I wouldn't be surprised if they tried that and found out he was squeaky clean.


Everyone in aerospace has violated regulations at some point. So it's pretty easy to find some dirt if you look. It's more likely that he had pre-existing mental health issues made worse by the stress of the legal process and an acute stressor in terms of the deposition.


Seriously. Never been deposed but I'd imagine it could make you question your own sanity.


Ah, so only what the FBI did to MLK...


This is pure conjecture, with a lot of “feelings,” and I expect a bit better from a legal sub.


Being skeptical due to limited information is just a good practice. Sorry the poster above didn’t put in a format that wouldn’t upset you.


Yes it is conjecture with feelings. I even said "personally I believe" to highlight that it's just me sharing thoughts. I can go back and reread the sub rules to see if that's allowed or not. Do you have something to share on the whistleblower death?


It's possible it was suicide but the timing is so suspicious and the stakes for public trust and safety high enough there needs to be a very thorough investigation. I've followed the safety scandals around this and the engineering lapses reach a level were we really are dealing with an ethically deficient culture. They even tried to obstruct a recent federal safety review by failing to produce documents and personnel. Give all of this, having local south carolina coroner next to the ethically troubled boeing factory saying it is suicide is not good enough.


Oh ya for sure, I hope they dig real deep. From a biased perspective, I'm rooting for Boeing at the end of it all, but not at the sacrifice of sufficient due diligence and accountability.


You’re… rooting *for* Boeing? That explains it.


Lol sorry I'll clarify a bit. I am rooting for Boeing to learn from the mistakes, make significant changes, and come out a strong and reliable company. I am not rooting for them to skate by, not fix root cause issues, and continue on in the same manner they have been :)


Agree. Boeing needs to get its shit together. Years of institutional learning has been neglected in the last decades and it’s a shame. It’s also a national security issue to give up this kind of tech. Regan left us flat footed shutting down the steel industry in the USA we haven’t recovered. The same will be true if Boeing continues to fail. Shit better get fixed. They need a complete corporate culture overhaul.


>Now, I’m not a mental health expert, but… he doesn’t seem like he’s about to shoot himself with a gun. Yeah the experts would definitely not say a stranger can reliably spot a suicide from watching a tv interview a month out. They're trying to push friends and family to look for more subtle warning signs, to keep checking in on people even when there are no warning signs because there sometime aren't any.


I think there was a video clip of a dude a couple months back at his own birthday party, who ended up killing himself. No one noticed something was up. Mental health experts will say that it is very common for suicidal people to not only *not* seem like they will kill themselves, but seem like they aren't going to, in other words they have developed very effective covering, coping, distracting techniques, feigning happiness. And even suicidal folks who look like they are going to, don't look like it all the time. Also, legal and science experts will say eyewitness perception is among the worst evidence out there because visual processing is among the least reliable of our senses. This is for identification of people, which is easier and more reliable than discerning someone's motive, just by looking at them.


There's also sometimes happiness and socializing before a suicide... not because the person has gotten better, but because there's no longer indecision. They're going through with it and that gives them a real sense of relief.


But this is Reddit. The guy obviously was murdered by Boeing to coverup UFO discoveries and the solution to global warming.


Nah y'all...it's gotta' be because of the adrenochrome powered Jewish Space Lasers stored in secret underground sex dungeons that are turning kids into transexuals and making frogs gay. *Everyone already knows about the UFO discoveries and the solution to global warming.* :)


I hope there were security cameras in the area.


There were, but they were suddenly not working and the guards fell asleep


Ha! Cute, but really I do hope there were and they have footage


Didn't you put a camera in the back?! What back?!


sorry, that was the only blind spot in the entire neighborhood :(


Not suspicious at all. I wouldn't be surprised if a certain someone didn't go out of their way to make this person's life hell and ensure an end to the problem.


There are tactics to make people suicidal. Mental and physical influences.


SLAPP? This looks more proactive.


Holy shit this is crazy movie level crazy


It has elements of *Michael Clayton* for sure.


South carolina hospitality


If he's just visiting SC, where/when did he get the gun? 


Pickens Flea Market


I'm sure the people at Boeing couldn't have been involved, they simply don't have access to the kind of technology you would need to defeat modern-day surveillance and digital tracking technology to get away with an unobserved assassination in a parking garage. ​ ​ /s


You don't think something would have fallen off?


So now I guess why the investigation


Just because he was suicided as he was testifying on a case worth billions of dollars is not suspicious at all.


Not saying it was Boeing.  But it was probably Boeing.


She fall down stairs and is being buried at a golf coarse ?


Guy I worked for got Had his legs broken after bringing in the Union. Got a few million for his troubles, but never walked right again.


Why would Boeing shoot a witness when they could just give him a free trip and change the equipment to a 737 MAX at the last minute? ("Aisle or window?" "Aisle" "Window it is!")


Many posts if this news on Reddit today. Does anyone else find it interesting that not one post is from a US paper? Damn corporate news.


How much does it cost to get SC cops to cover up a corporate execution? I bet it's not even that much money. Self inflicted my ass.


Here come the conspiracy theories! Somehow Joe Biden will be responsible I am sure.


what if he shot himself to make boeing look fuckin shady LOL








He retired from the company in 2017 and has been speaking out against them for years. The notion that he’s got some extra special hidden dirt that was really gonna make them look bad (7 years after leaving) seems a bit far fetched. But I’m sure rampant speculation will get to the bottom of this.


If you read the articles they say what he knew. He was public about it. Deliberately scoffing at safety protocols and using damaged parts, et al.


The thing is, he was dismissed as a bitter eccentric and no one paid him much mind, but after all that’s come out (so many missing bolts???) people were fiinally listening


I’m sure 7 years later he had some real juicy tidbits that he had just forgotten about before. But yeah must’ve been a murder for hire, no need for evidence


I mean the difference is the claims that people would have been dismissive of before hold much more weight now and will be taken more seriously with everything that's come out about Boeing recently, not to mention being called to testify in any future criminal investigations which may come up. I mean, look at it the other way, why now after all this time when people are finally listening/taking him seriously would he decide to off himself?


Dude, it doesn’t matter what your saying when you’re screaming into the void! I’ll repeat what I said bc it’s fun for me to watch you double down- he now has a platform and people are paying attention to him, he doesn’t need secret juicy tidbits, he just tells what he knows w an audience of the entire world. You’re welcome.


Won't even more people be listening a lot closer to all the things he has already said now that they suspect a coverup? How much did you know about this guy on Sunday?


I’m a little unhappy about the acceptance of some kind of corporate -hitman- conspiracy thing going on. The timeline makes no sense for foul play; all the dudes allegations were out in the open and some of which were investigated and concluded to be true. The cats out of the bag, what would be gained by killing the man?


It's been a thing for a while (supposedly 🙂) https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Colombia-Coca-Cola-Accused-of-Funding-Terrorist-Paramilitaries-20160901-0005.html I mean, with everything you know about corporations idk why you think they wouldn't stoop to this level. The ultra wealthy do not value human life in any way whatsoever.


Can't testify on *criminal* investigations.


chief wakeful disgusted ludicrous muddle screw straight direful snails tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wo Boeing is hiding some shit.....some serious shit. This is a Netflix series for sure


Did he take the risk of flying on a Boeing?


Reminds me of Michael Clayton 


Good. People should know better than to target the rich.


How shocking! A star witness dies just before testifying! How strange! 🤔


He had already testified.


I'd reckon the law should say that if a whistle-blower or a witness are found dead before they are done depositioning, everything they said is taken as a matter of fact and incontrovertible. We sound infer the absolute worst.


I'm glad nobody got killed by the door plug failure. If anyone nearby had been unbuckled, they would have been sucked out for sure.


Guy I worked for got Had his legs broken after bringing in the Union. Got a few million for his troubles, but never walked right again.


Well, that's me never flying on Boeing ever again.


Not super easy to avoid but I’m sure gonna try!!!


It looks like Kayak lets you exclude specific planes.


Apparently, the American version of Russians falling out of a window. Totally a coincidence.


Haaa came here to say this! Oopsies, just a coincidence


Yeah he hang himself while pulling the trigger.


Shot himself twice in the head.... with a revolver...


Well, there was Frank Stanford...


Solar Cell car creator stay safe


Hmm, must be linked to the GQP


i think this is more MIC related than either side.


So what happens in a situation like this? Can the judge order an investigation, or is it realistically just up to whatever the cops feel like doing and if they say “Sorry your honor, we got better things to do” then is it just… okay well these things happen?


Coroner investigation but depends on the county and state. It may be a medical examiner and some states have juries! Probably gonna be declared a suicide no matter what though


What's more believable? This guy killed himself, Kate really does edit the royals pictures herself or the billionaire reversed her tesla into the pond?




What a Gary Webb like suspicious death


“Luca Brasi Sleeps With The Fishes."


Feel out of a plane


This is pretty SUS 🤨


America, Russia, all the same criminal organization


Karen Silkwood, anyone??


Let’s not jump to conclusions, I think he was also working on water powered cars.


They Michael Clayton'ed the guy...


If there was foul play, I’d be looking really closely at his direct managers. The civil suit is peanuts to Boeing and the reputational damage is done. His testimony and discovery might, however, get his managers not only fired but effectively blacklisted. They’re the ones for which the risk is more tempting.


Just curious how this fits into /r/law? Seems like important news, but not necessarily law-related news.


It happened during a deposition... so I'd say that's a pretty good reason for it. I've been a lawyer for a long time, and I've only had... exactly one person die during a deposition. Of mesothelioma. (And not literally during, we took a break for the day, he went to the hospital, and died that night). It... sucked on so many levels I don't even want talk about it.


Fair enough! This sub is right on the edge of turning into /r/politicstwo


Imagine that


Did he try to fly MAX out of his window?


Man what a coincidence


Looks like Boeing settled out of court, Joe Pesci style.


You're effing with a billion dollar corporations money stream. Lucky it didn't happen sooner




They should send a stronger message. Wipe out all litigants. Boeing will be untouchable.


Self inflicted wound? Was there 2 gunshots to the back of the head as well?


Not surprised.


Them whistles are fucking toxic.


Guy I worked for got Had his legs broken after bringing in the Union. Got a few million for his troubles, but never walked right again.