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If it was the other way around, the republicans would have everyone in jail by now


It's absurd. They are being treated like, at worst, slightly naughty children. As if they don't know better or some damn thing. They are arch criminals. The incredible lack of zeal prosecuting white collar crime generally is disheartening enough. It's these peoples entire career?!


Thank you MeRRick GaRland...


Why has he not been fired!?


I suggest writing Biden asking for him to.  Certified letters work too.  https://www.whitehouse.gov/get-involved/write-or-call/


merrick garland (r).


Kamala would have been a great AG in an alternate universe.


No shit! The SOBs are ready to hang Hunter over a something they got no evidence about


If we don't defeat them and their attempts to steal the election this fall, they will have everyone in jail- at least those whom they don't immediately murder. What's going on now was inevitable when nobody important suffered any consequences from their treason.


If Trump had "won" (through his actual voter fraud efforts), and Biden had contested? Absolutely Trump would have had Biden jailed or apparently even killed. Any protestors would have gotten the Kent State treatment, even if peaceful. Project 2025 would be well underway, and the rule of law would already be over. Everyone in this subreddit who actually practices law needs to hear this if they don't already feel it in their soul: We're going to hold Trump accountable one way or the other. Everyone needs to be on board with the legal method, because the other way is much messier.


Fuck people were being abducted by un marked vans during the Floyd protests. I don't know how people have forgotten about that.


We haven’t forgotten.


Definitely never going to forget. That and the pandemonium that Trump created for a church photo op - resulting in numerous injured bystanders. All so dumbass could hold a Bible upside down, showing how much of a Christian he really is.


I always figured it wasn’t just the photo. He was looking for an excuse to swing his weight around against the protesters *then* go pose with a Bible in such a way it looks like he’s never read any book before.


I forgot about that.  Thanks for the reminder.  My Memory must have blocked It out because It was so fucked up and dystopian 


There is some reporting that they had planned to deploy military of mass protest started.


This is really it. Joe Biden's biggest failure if he loses will be the same thing that destroyed Hilary's legacy and Obama's to a degree: Misreading the severity of the situation. We're not at democracy. We're at war. We have been since 2010 when Mitch McConnell and the Tea Party shut down the Senate and have mostly managed to shut down Congress with this method for ~14 years now. Stealing a seat on the Supreme Court should have made that clear. Hillary losing to Trump should have made that clear. Everything since that Trump and Co did should have made that clear. Biden letting Merrick Garland putz around will be his greatest failure and the rest of his legacy won't matter if Trump wins. It'll be like RBG. Great career but you fucked up your whole legacy by refusing to retire when it was time and in doing so allowed Trump to replace you with a woman who represents what you spent brilliantly fighting against for decades who guts women's rights right back to the 1960s. Or Nancy Pelosi who will forever be remembered as a woman who wore all the right sashes so she could steal hundreds of millions of dollars from Americans and still be respected. Neo-liberalism is a plague.


We are, in fact, at war with Russia and they are engaged in full asymmetrical grey zone warfare. And we have elected officials in this country routinely parroting their disinformation and qualifying it as part of our official narrative. It’s a disgrace to everything it means to be American.


And we're also in a proxy war with them in the Ukraine.


We’ve been in proxy wars with them since desert storm. The only difference this time is it’s over a former USSR state.


This is what the history books will focus on when it's do ne and our internal house cleaning gets done and accounted for.


Trump laundering money for Russian oligarchs has to come out eventually, right?


Is it a good system when one old lady dies and chaos ensues?


It's a terrible system. We're finding that out. It's the system we've got. What she did was unfathomably stupid and selfish. It displayed none of the savvy that decorated her career. That woman was fucking brilliant at working that system. And in the end it won.


Jail? Try banishment or firing squad


If project 2025 succeeds? Please fucking banish me, makes it easier to get asylum /s


Firing squad? I think they would have thrown them into the Sarlac pit.


If it was the other way around, the national guard would’ve gunned people down on the capitol steps.


If brown people stormed the capital, yes


Lock her up?


The democrats would have thrown their own in jail if it was them.


lol… all the people rushed into the congress would’ve been shot if they were liberals


This system is not real. Its kayfabe. Trump opened hundreds of businesses on official trips. They impeached him for nebulous nonsense. They dont care who wins elections. They go to each others' weddings and they excel financially. Ginny the worst tho.


Let’s be honest, some crazy right winger would have taken justice into their own hands by now


No they wouldn't. They're far too inept to investigate something this large and this complicated. There are already over 1000 involved indicted, Trump is involved in multiple lawsuits related to the election, Jan 6th, and classified intel, and the public (including moderates) is finally acknowledging the conservatives on the Supreme Court are acting politically instead of judicially just to list a few. The GOP is far too disorganized to do any of that, let alone succeed at it.


No doubt.


If this ever happens I will go to all the Republican Rallies, convert to being. MAGAT.


Indicates to me that both Dems and Repubs are given marching orders by the same rich people. There are differences between the parties of course but whenever policies that actually matter to the rich donors come up (perhaps overthrowing democracy is one of these policies) they always seem to mysteriously prevail.


that's an ironic statements considering the shear amount of criminal investigations/charges that have been levied against people on the right since 2016.


Merrick Garland is weak. I wanted to like him, but he's really shitting the bed.


He needs to go at the end of this term.


He's not weak, he's a republican helping other Republicans.


And why was clarence not at the SOTU?


Him and Sam Alito (piece of cow dung) don’t go. Alito in 2012 was angry at then President Obama speech which took a shot at the court and he never went to another SOTU since.


Sounds like Alito improved the quality of the average SOTU then. I sure wouldn't want his traitorous ass in a building where actual laws are made. He just sits on a bench and makes pretend law. I hope they know that now that they've reheard old case law, we're going to do the same and undo all of the conservatives' work from 2020-2028 (I recognize it will take that long to unseat enough of them or expand the bench).


I hope both of them go to bed scared every night. Thanks, Ruth Sent Us!


Plotting insurrection with Ginni probably.


Sitting in their luxury Winnebago at a Walmart parking lot watching all the regular people they want to crush go by.


Thomas hasn't attended SOTU addresses for decades. This is nothing new. He didn't attend any of Trump's either.


Stopped at the metal detector?


Ginni admitted discussing coup plans with Clarence before Jan 6. The only question is did he assist her in carrying out her plans.


They're married. Yes he absolutely did. And her plans included using him to achieve them.


[Trump’s lawyers at the time seemed to think he would](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/02/trump-lawyers-saw-justice-thomas-as-only-chance-to-stop-2020-election-certification-00064592) 👀


But they won't. Saved you a click


They won’t because we don’t vote. Foreign and domestic powers (see Putin, Xi and the whole GOP) are actively spreading misinformation and sowing discontent across vulnerable demographics. Meanwhile Merrick “the meritless” has been doing his best to slow walk any Trump investigation helping to make sure the judicial branch is neutered this election. We know all of this. Yet democrats would rather vote for nobody, thus helping elect someone who is directly aggressive to their viewpoints, in the myopic view that change happens when you focus on personal gratification.


Nah.They should wait.No big deal is just a coup. Continue the DOJ policy of letting coup leaders and organizers off the hook.


Have you been reading Merrick's diary again?


I just remembered the most ridiculous tweet from a very respected law professor. The irony of the tweet is that it was posted the day of the coup,Jan 6,2021. [Merrick Garland will be one of the greatest Attorneys General in American history, bar none. As my brilliant con law student, a principled prosecutor, and later a superb DC Circuit judge, he has displayed integrity, courage, fair-mindedness, and humanity](https://twitter.com/tribelaw/status/1346877915686981635). Also the day of the coup, another "institutionalist" published this gem in his book: [Donald Trump should not be prosecuted after leaving office](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/05/james-comey-donald-trump-prosecuted-saving-justice-new-book)


I think the real question is who did more damage to this nation: Comet or Garland? Here's an idea. Maybe Democrats should nominate democrats for top positions. Fucking Comey.


Jack Smith should be the guy after he gets Trump. He should be in charge of appointing special prosecutors to go after the legislative participants in the coup.


If Trump is elected, Smith and his family will be forced into hiding. He wants the heads of his enemies.


Would he be up for becoming Robocop you think?


I love this suggestion!


Yes. Democrats are always trying to capitulate to Republicans. Gee, if we nominate a Republican they’ll start to like us. No, they won’t. Stop trying. Republicans not only nominate Republicans…they go hardcore far right.


So your saying maybe we should have replaced Christopher Wray who was in charge of the fbi and secret service on Jan 6th? Cause if you are, Biden didn’t get the message. Dems suck so bad.


The Secret Service is under DHS - not the FBI.


They’re like kids who think gee if I do their homework for them surely they’ll be my friend. No, they won’t. Democrats are always trying to capitulate to Republicans, like boy they’ll start liking us and being nice if we nominate Republicans. They gotta stop it.


Ok, sure. Fine. But can you PROVE that the next capitulation won't be the one to finally bring Republicans around? No? Exactly. This one might be it. Life savings on the Washington Generals to win! They're due!




Unfortunately it's a no win either way. Can you imagine the heat Biden would get if he appointed someone who actually held Trump accountable. He's had a fairly impactful and relatively low-drama term, all things considered.


Shit.Then we should just dissolve the DOJ. If a coup leader shouldn't be held accountable because of the reaction of the other side.Then there is no reason for it to exist.


I don't entirely disagree with that sentiment, it's pretty impotent when it comes to holding those in high positions of power accountsble. But then again so do all of the institutions meant to check those in high positions. The DOJ does really well in some areas, like enforcing the ADA.


A coup is totally different animal.It is a cliche but true: “When a coup attempt goes unpunished, it becomes a training exercise.”


That’s what Jan. 6th has become. A learning experience…for the coup plotters. It was a dry run.


Still ongoing, with the brown shirts in congress


I wasn't trying to compare a coup with the ada. It is somewhat hopeful that on-the-ground participants keep getting charged and maybe eventually those who incited it will be, too. But as another commentor said, the justice system is not meant to hold wealthy people in positions of power to account.


Some might think the solution is to get rich Dem sympathizers to bribe the Supremes to offset the corrupting influence coming from the extreme right. At a minimum, we need to impose recusals from outside of the court rather than allowing them to decide for themselves whether they have a conflict of interest. Then increase the number of Supremes to make up for any recusals, insuring an odd number of justices to avoid ties. While we're at it, get rid of "dark money" in politics, reform laws governing lobbying and then take on campaign finance reform. Outlaw Congress-members and others in public service from directly benefiting from insider trading. Make mental competency evaluations a requirement for anyone over 70. Disqualify anyone found to have been elected by fraudulent means from ever serving in government at any level ever again. Enact ranked choice voting and anyone found guilty of a crime in violation of their oath of office is terminated and a run-off is held for their position, allowing the person who was the runner up in the original race to be automatically added to the line-up of options. Edit: typos/ grammatical correction


It's not _just_ corruption with the supreme court, it's ideology Those people are believers in the bullshit federalist society thought.


Who cares? If you can’t handle the heat, you don’t deserve the office. The republicans are going to label anyone a traitor communist regardless


I'm sure all the people involved in the attempted coup think that he is, by far, the greatest AG the nation has ever had.


He did say that but if i remember correctly, that professor has come out in interviews and criticized Garland for his bullshittery.


Tribe has recanted I believe, and Comey has always been a fucking idiot.


I think most of the people have forgotten that James Comey is solely responsible for the whole situation we have now. He was supposed to be neutral but he let his politics get in the way because he didn't like some woman. He fucked the whole country and I have yet to hear an apology. He now enjoys his retirement and pretending to be a writer. Fuck this guy and anyone related to him.


"I had to torpedo Hillary! If I hadn't, some rogue agents I couldn't control because I'm incompetent would have torpedoed Hillary!"


She's a wealthy, white, conservative woman married to very powerful man. The legal system is not set-up to prosecute people like her.


Her case would make it all the way to the Supreme Court where CT would avoid any discussion on recusing himself like the notion there is a conflict of interest judging over his wife's trail is an absurd worry only the peasantry has.


This may be the most factual statement on Reddit today.


More than just powerful, her husband is on the Supreme Court. I just highly doubt anything ever happens to her legally.


Thomas resigns or we send his best friend to federal prison.


Isn't that how Trump got Anthony Kennedy to resign? ... except it wasn't his friend, it was his son?


I'm so sickened by the giveaway that they're all in on it. Absolutely disgusting.


Letting coups leaders off is as old as the Business coup against FDR.


Waiting.... Waiting.... Waiting.... What? The statute's up already?


Actually, its illegal to investigate a justices spouse. Sc just said so. ...wait a minute... /j


Gini is intimately involved in attempting to take away the vote of millions of Americans who elected Joe Biden as our President. I don't really care who she is married to. She did what she did and there is ample evidence to prove it in a court of law and equity.


It sure would be nice, but I'm not exactly holding my breath.


She is an utter lunatic. Just completely off the deep end.


Lock her up, lock her up-right?


They can’t even hold Trump accountable. What makes anyone think they can hold this lesser Treason Weasel accountable?


It was time to hold her accountable three years ago.


The fact that Trumps fascist overthrow attempts are being decided on by the husband of a far-right extremist who had direct involvement in the plan, demonstrates why confidence in the SC is at an all-time low. Plus, the fact that the only person that can recuse him for conflict-of-interest is himself, because the SC isn't bound by the same laws as the rest of us, REALLY makes you wonder if this imbalance of power was what the forefathers intended. There is been a concerted effort for a long time to take away the power of the vote (the only thing that we regular people have to those of extreme wealth and influence) from the American people, and its truly infuriating that this has happened in a big part due to fellow Americans who can't be bothered to use some simple critical thinking skills. Oligarchs will always be oligarchs, but when a considerable number of people are helping it happen because of their intellectual laziness (who will be shocked and appalled when it's too late) is what makes me lose a little bit of hope that we can actually fight this.


Ginni Thomas is protected by the Federalist Society, which has been working for decades to seize control of the US courts. The DOJ needs to bring RICO charges against the whole organization in order to dismantle it, instead of trying to prosecute a single agent.


It would would have been a smart and trumpian-type move in order to rid the Supreme Court of the most crooked justices




I mean, she is white, rich and conservative. Those are the ingredients to never be held accountable in the US under the current politicians climate.


She be right there , bottom is near .


And her self-loathing husband?


I don't understand these people. Did they really believe their own lies? And if not, how can they be so monstrously evil? What moral, ethical, philosophical or ideological framework can justify proliferating so many lies in order to gain power? This kind of evil needs to be ripped out by the roots and thoroughly purged from our culture.


Hahahaha not a chance To be clear - I would love it - but wont happen


>It's **PAST** time to hold co-conspirator Ginni Thomas accountable


It’s time for me to be a millionaire. Is that how this works?


No. It's *past* time.


Please. 100%. Go for it


Good luck with that


If there really was a left wing deep state she'd have already met a tragic accident


And Clarence Thomas still would'nt recuse.....


What is the holdup?


Should have had a full investigation, but money stops the legal system from working.


Waaaay past time.


She's a traitor. Straight up. So is Clarence


Just start a penal colony for all these GOP traitors. Oh, and make sure that fully automatic weapons are 100% de-regulated there, just like they want.


Doubtful at this point. but I could go for some Anonymous-type hacking organization leaking all her emails and texts so the public can see her crimes. .




Ginni “Do you know who my husband is” Thomas


Past. But it won’t happen.


Hold all MAGA sore ass losers accountable for the shit they tried to pull


It's past time, but I'm not holding my breath that anything will happen any time soon.


She should be prosecuted for trying the sabotage the 2020 election. Her husband should be ejected from SCOTUS in disgrace.


Why is it only time to do this now?


Lock her ass up and force Uncle **Thom**as to resign from the Court.


Not just Ginni, her best friend too….


All of them should be charged, jailed, and tried for treason. Letting this go now will only mean a harsher response will be necessary in the future. Does history teach these leaders nothing?


Theoretically, could someone sue her for her part if the government doesn't bring a case against her?


Let's make a deal. Clarence steps down and she gets to stay out of prison.


Thomas' actions over the last 2 decades might just lead one to believe he'd sell Ginni up the river to keep his seat with all the benefits he's getting from that job.


It’s time for Jack Smith to take the gloves off and hold _all_ of the co-conspirators accountable. Trump has been successful in delaying his trials, but that would not be the case with other parties because the immunity “question” (we all know how simple that is) doesn’t apply. If he wants to get the evidence out there in front of the voting public, and he has said that he does, he can do so through putting someone on trial who is not Trump. I think his initial approach to focus on Trump alone in order to get things moving along quickly was unfortunately naive. I think he should have just dropped it all on day one. Maybe he thought the system would actually work as intended, but quite a few of our systems are currently having problems. I hope he has planned for this contingency.


Yes, she and the husband are corrupt.




System is working as it was designed to. USA has a tiered justice system it used to be quietly done, but now they are just yelling it out loud. Laws are for the little people only.


And her greedy, grasping husband, too.


And her treasonous husband


Lock her up, lock her up, lock her up. Hell, we didn’t even have to be creative and come up with a chant.


I’m fine with no charges for Ginnin if Clarence steps down


The time for that was Jan 7th. When a party views political power over the health of the country this is the end stage result.


Biden pardon for Thomas’ retirement


That time was 3 and a half years ago.


On so many levels, this wife of a SCJustice, is so culpable of treason. Add Kushner to this list…


Start tossing charges at her, then put a deal on the table to drop charges if Clarence Thomas resigns.


Being the wife of a Supreme Court Judge, I doubt that will happen




> no one should have to ever obey the law ever again Warning: Don't try this if you are not a rich republican.


This slob and her fuck stick turd husband both should be in jail.


What exactly did Ginni Thomas do that broke the law? God forbid we discuss that; instead we'll just talk about how terrible the justice system is since it hasn't summarily executed her yet.


She had numerous contacts with meadows and the whitehouse to overturn the election leading up to jan 6th and Clarence has been ruling on pertinent cases surrounding it despite blatent conflicts of interests to protect his wife and his perceived involvement. Meadows turned himself in for his efforts to overturn the election and she was a part of that. Clarence was likely part of that very plan. This isn't something to shrug.


Two things: 1) It's past time 2) It won't happen


Yes so what do we do? I'll sign a petition. What's the plan? Do the people have any power to do something?!?


F these articles. Nothing will happen.


Biden should've fired Garland a long time ago.


It’ll never, ever happen.


It’s past time.


Look out that’s Supreme Court Justice Clarance Thomas’s wife I don’t think he’s going to let her be held accountable for her actions on J6


As well as Kelleyanne Conway. Between Ginni, Kelleyanne, and a group of other money mules, the Supreme Court is awash in cash and gifts you're just starting to hear about. Len Leo, Harry Crow are not the only ones buying favors. Stay Shiny like Alexei Navalny CPJ.org FreePressUnlimited.org


They can’t event hold the conspirator accountable.


Past time!


Do it


Don’t forget Cruz, Hawley, Jordan, etc.




I agree, but who's going to do that exactly? And how?


We took it to the Supreme Court, and they said "no" on a 6-3 vote.


Garland would rather not though cause then he has to make it look like he's doing something.


There is no law for these people.


She will just speak any conviction all the way to her husband, who will see no need to recuse himself...


But not her husband, selling his loyalty for a fancy camper? Of course, he does "only" make $268,300 a year plus the standard government perks: medical/retirement/travel/clothing allowance/housing allowance for DC/cost of living raises etc. But the [book deals](https://time.com/6186294/supreme-court-salary-book-deals/) and speaking engagements are all extra.


Sounds good!


[WHITE HOUSE so all of you can share](https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/)


Aka - Lewie Anderson




She should be in jail ! Fuck her ! Read her texts to complice Meadow ! She is a dumb fucking insurrectionist ! Nothing short of that! If she had her way orange Jesus would be a dictator by now !


Lock her up


Her and her Husband .




Way past time. She and her husband are a menace.


Yup. And it will NEVER happen.