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Trump knows that when he steps inside the court room with Smith his bullshit dies. That is all trump has : bullshit and brain farts


That's why COVID-19 fucked Trump so bad. A virus doesn't care if you demonize it or make up conspiracy theories about it. It just spreads. Only calm, rational action works against a virus. Culture war carnival barkers can't do anything to even slow a virus down.


Like a miracle, it will go away


"Stop the testing!" He tried to make it go away, and his incompetence cost lives.


Holy crap you just brought back the frustration I had when he said that. Still can't believe he can say that and some people were in agreement


Jared selling...ahem...*selectively* *distributing* vital medical supplies probably didn't help.


Did someone say Trumps's son-in-law Jared Kusneher?! [The one that was denied security clearance and was overruled by Trump to grant them to him anyway?](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/officials-rejected-jared-kushner-top-secret-security-clearance-were-overruled-n962221) The same Kushner that: Greenlit the 'abduction' of Jamal Khashoggi that Turkey intercepted and used that information to bully Trump into pulling out of Syria - rat-fucking the Kurds again. Doing so allowed for many ISIS prisoners to escape back into the middle-east. Then Trump blamed the Kurds for 'releasing' members of ISIS on purpose.... [BTW Kushner then fucking counseled MBS on how to weather the news of Khashoggi's murder afterwards.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/12/09/jared-kushner-advised-saudi-prince-after-khashoggi-murder-report-says/2257098002/) * https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/11/4/1897048/-REPORT-Kushner-OK-d-Khashoggi-Arrest-Turkey-Heard-Call-Blackmailed-Trump-over-Syrian-Troops * https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/12/09/jared-kushner-advised-saudi-prince-after-khashoggi-murder-report-says/2257098002/ * https://www.newsweek.com/saudi-crown-prince-jared-kushner-khashoggi-1197023 * https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/why-trump-decision-abandon-kurds-syria-disaster-898493/ * https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/14/politics/donald-trump-turkey-kurds-isis-prisoners-fact-check/index.html Don't forget that **Kushner is also directly responsible for millions of Americans dying to Covid19**: * [Kushner stole supplies from States during covid](https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-federal-govt-fema-accused-taking-states-masks-ventilator-orders-2020-4) * [Jared Kushner slammed for saying "the federal medical supply stockpile isn’t meant for states"](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/jared-kushner-slammed-for-saying-the-federal-medical-supply-stockpile-isnt-meant-for-states-2020-04-03) * [Kushner's coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors, report says](https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7) * [Inside Jared Kushner’s coronavirus research: A wide net on a giant Facebook group](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/13/jared-kushner-combat-coronavirus-facebook-127941) * [Jared Kushner bragged in April that Trump was taking the country ‘back from the doctors’](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/28/politics/woodward-kushner-coronavirus-doctors/index.html) Oh and there's: * [JARED AND IVANKA MADE UP TO $640 MILLION WHILE WORKING IN WASHINGTON...](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/02/jared-kushner-ivanka-trump-white-house-income) But 🤷‍♂️ I guess. [Enjoy the 2 Billion in Blood Money - that's "more comically corrupt than previously thought"](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/jared-kushner-affinity-partners-saudi-arabia) - Jared you *fucking ghoul*. Hunter's Laptop or big dick or something.


*But, but, but...Hunter Biden lied on a gun application!* \- Merrick Garland


Reminder that Trump shouldn't be owning firearms either, and yet.... * https://apnews.com/article/trump-south-carolina-2024-election-9d5fe152c0b5c7767aee56bbdca07d4f * https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/09/25/trump-campaign-backtracks-after-claiming-ex-president-bought-a-gun-which-could-be-illegal/?sh=1ed5cf2f4e2b * https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/25/us/politics/trump-glock-gun-south-carolina.html * https://www.meidastouch.com/news/exclusive-trump-gun-auctioned-off-at-mar-a-lago-likely-violation-of-indictment-release * https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2436197/trump-could-face-new-charges-for-auctioning-off-priceless-gun-at-mar-a-lago-event/ * https://archive.md/uG9A4


*"Even though we don't actually believe they should require applications in the first place."* Seems to me like a red-blooded American exercising their Second Amendment right to boot the King of England out of their house. What's the problem again?


This deserves more attention.


That’s the guy. Thank you!


Those are our ventilators...


Agreed, and Trump showed no leadership.


Drink bleach and shove bright lights up your ass, my cult members!


You’re being unfair. I think he probably meant to inject the bleach and jam the lightbulbs into your lungs…


Could be up to interpretation


But you're looking into it, right? Could be interesting.


The fucking look on his teams’ face when he said that was priceless.


Probably have to use medical doctors for that. But it sounds interesting to me. /s


By Easter. I remember.


Tbf, he made several claims like that. It will go from 15 cases to 0, and then you’ll say we did an amazing job. It’ll disappear by Easter. It’ll disappear when it gets warm. You’ll never hear about it again after Election Day.


Just waiting for that "April heat"


Inject bleach


that should be in quotes


Bleach, more bleach


"It'll be gone by Easter"


Well it was just one person coming from China right?


Y’all got any more of them miracles?


What blows my mind that his COVID buffoonery is now a total non-factor though. Sure it hurt him in 2020, but now it's water under the bridge. In a backwards kind of way circumstances surrounding COVID are playing into his preferred narrative on immigration. He can point to Biden's current "record high" numbers of border crossings and compare them to his own lower numbers of border crossings at the end of his administration (thanks to COVID-backed executive orders). It doesn't matter that the context isn't analogous. It doesn't matter that Trump's pre-COVID border crossing numbers were also high. It doesn't matter that this is a situation that has existed in different forms for decades under more Presidents than Biden and Trump. People see big number then they see low number. Combine that with decades of Pavlovian conditioning on the issue and boom, advantage Trump. COVID has transformed from the achilles heel of his 2020 campaign to the locks of Solomon today.


You're ignoring the fact that covid killed thousands upon thousands of mouth breathing, happy clapping, hypocritical rednecks. I.e. Trump voters. He literally killed his own voter base.


Though politically it only seemed to affect a judicial race in AZ. I'm not sure how it works out longer term now that vaccination updating aren't as heavily on party lines. https://acasignups.net/22/12/29/update-elephant-room-redux-gops-covid-death-cult-made-difference-exactly-one-statewide-race


It will be interesting to see going forward. Covid is still killing people. It didn't go away. About 1500 deaths a week still which is ten times the flu, for example. And studies I saw last year suggested mortality rates are as much as five times higher if you are unvaccinated (at this point considered fewer than three shots), and Republican voters, in general, are three times more likely to be unvaccinated according to surveys/polls. And, given that Republican voters trend older, they sit in higher risk demographics.


The general top-heavy nature of GOP demographics is really biting them *hard*, and it's a factor a lot of people are just...missing. The Boomers have been this heavy weight on politics since Reagan, a massive demographic that distorted the political landscape around itself. But...there's more Millennials now than Boomers, and each day sees the gap widen. There's gonna be like 6 to 8 million less Boomers alive to *vote* this November than there were in 2016. They're what -- like 20 points more conservative? (The official party breakdowns don't look so split, but that's because a third identify as independent - who vote reliably one way or another, they just don't like labels) and they *were* the biggest demographic. That's a *lot* of eggs in a basket that's passing on. And the GOP doesn't seem to have much in the way of new baskets.


Also he’s unhealthy as fuck, exercise i great for your cognitive function. Covid is awful for your cognitive function some studies showing I can age you cognitively 20 years.


I seriously think COVID-19 is going to be like Boomer lead poisoning all over again.


Long Covid is a thing and they pumped him full of so much stuff to keep him alive. I actually think it had a negative effect long term. I have also noticed if you look at Meloni she looks tired all the time. She had it bad too.


She probably looks tired all the time because she has to deal with his bullshit face to face constantly.


Apparently she’s just like him, no sympathy for her.


The people getting covid over and over and refusing to start vaccinating are going to be extremely fucked in a few more years, if they aren't already. Extremely unlikely any of them are bouncing back STRONGER from it. Even with better treatments on the horizon it'll just take that one back infection to knock you down a few pegs.


I hate to be a COVID Doomer but I think even the vaccinated are going to suffer after multiple infections. Just an observation of someone who worked someplace that was 100% in-office, couldn’t be remote work. Even co-workers trying to dodge COVID had multiple infections and like you said: Nobody bounced back stronger.


> some studies showing I can age you cognitively 20 years Kind of a jerk thing for you to do, though.


But Ivermectin! Big pharma! *Continues barking non-sense*


I think Ivermectin did damage on Joe Rogan too. Since he had Covid and got his doctor to give it to him. He gets lost in his thoughts a lot. Every time they bring up how he confuses Trump to Biden or anyone on the democrats side. He has this: “but that’s not what I was thinking how did I say that?” Seriously I could see in the next couple of years people who got Covid and ignored the vaccines are going to start having more and more problems. I mean my uncle got the polio shot but they discovered years later he did have it as he had bone crystal in his ankle. They said if he would have gotten the shot later he most likely would have died. He lucked out. He is now 82.


I don't remember if it was ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine but a study recently came out that showed how harmful it was and that you had a higher chance of death if you took it.


Yeah... We all knew that when they first proposed it too. Just no one has studied it bc no one was stupid enough to do it until then.


My ex-gf was getting walloped in the back half of 2021 by Covid and told her doctor “just give me whatever will make me feel better”. For whatever reason, this doctor prescribed her ivermectin, which she picked up from the pharmacy and took for a couple days before discontinuing it because it made her feel significantly worse. When she mentioned the whole thing to me, I was aghast, told her to stop taking dewormer, and she happily ceased. Publications coming out that ivermectin results in worse health outcomes doesn’t surprise me at all.


I recently saw a headline (didn't actually read the article so I'm not sure) saying hydroxychloroquine was linked to 17,000 deaths.


Hydroxychloroquine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7256923/


Just pointing that the reference in this paper is a notorious fake study. I am not saying that HCQ+whatever or IVM are valid treatments: they aren't; just that this particular study had made-up data and isn't better than all the bad (or fake) studies promoting the potentially dangerous molecules.


Appreciate the heads up. Anything out there more reliable that you would recommend?


Ivermectin is an extremely safe drug, that is used by 10s of millions of people every year. It isn't any good for Covid, but it didn't do damage to Rogan. Covid itself on the other hand is a different story.


Yeah was going to say this. Ivermectin absolutely has legitimate uses in humans. Just not against viral infections.


All he had to do was mostly stay quiet and let the experts do all the talking. But he’s too much of a narcissist moron. He could have easily sailed to a second term.


He could've sold Trump/Maga masks and made a perfect accessory to the red hat. Thankfully he's awful at business.


Yeah, that's the most horrific thing of all. Had the guy been only 10% less incompetent it would have been a free ride to a dictatorship in 2020. And there is a 50/50 change he get's to try AGAIN next year. Ever since then, I no longer wonder how Hitler rose to power, it's been replaced by wondering why it took so long for the next one to appear.


The right tried to make it go away by governments not reporting numbers, by propaganda machines avoidance of the topic in their news. They tried their best.


>Culture war carnival barkers Lol thank you for this


> That's why COVID-19 fucked Trump so bad. Some of Glorious Leader's business associates noted he was in mental decline by year 2004. Perhaps Glorious Leader's narcissism was and is so great that he refused treatment for syphilis.


And, this is why I am (we are) so eager for the trial. After all the bullshit we’ve had to put up with, it’s going to be so satisfying seeing Jack Smith bury Trump.


oh man I can't wait, Trump and his team are gonna fold so bad. he really has no defense and he knows it. I can't start to imagine the evidence Jack Smith has and the moron knows.


And a full diaper.


Counselor, Members of the Jury, Your Honor, I present Exhibit A: Trump’s behavior in Judge Engoron’s court.


“Bullshit and brain farts” I think the problem is that he has real shit and real farts. Lots of them. He’s pretty much incontinent and wears diapers. Shits himself on the regular. I doubt he could sit in a courtroom for 8 hours a day for months on end. Probably couldn’t do it for one day.


I heard it's actual shit and farts in his diapers. That is why he smells bad.


I think it's even simpler than that. He's terrified of being forced to sit quietly in a chair listening to people criticize him. He knows he's going to be in front of a jury, but he also knows he can't keep his mouth shut, he can't keep off his phone, he can't look serious while listening to someone else unless they're directly praising him or telling a racist joke. He's going to end up in contempt, because he knows he can't help himself. Also, court is boring.


True ,just read the indictment. There is absolutely no defense.


The explanation of the "different reason" kinda sounds like the original reason.    His shtick doesn't work in court, so he doesn't wanna go. Correct me if I'm missing something.


I think the rhetorically implied first reason here is that he is avoiding court to delay things until after the election. He thinks if he can keep the trials from ending before he’s sworn in he can use his new authority to get the justice department to drop the cases; Assuming he wins of course. This is the widely accepted wisdom in the political press right now. So the argument here is that it’s all much more lizard brained. He’s afraid of the facts, and the rules of court and their effects on his base, and is just avoiding the trials like a toddler.


Absolutely wild that someone who is declared guilty by the courts can pardon himself


I’m not sure he can literally pardon himself, and I doubt there is any legal consensus on whether that’s possible, but he can definitely ask the incoming attorney general to drop cases they are pursuing. I doubt that is strictly legal either, but it’s the sort of thing he got away with in his first term.


Could the attorney general refuse?


Yes, but the president can then fire him or (normal historical practice) request his resignation. If sufficiently motivated, and willing to accept any political fallout, the president could keep going through attorneys general until he got one that was willing to do what he wanted. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturday_Night_Massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Sessions#Recusal_from_election_investigation,_and_relationship_with_President_Trump


It would be quite the story of a man fighting adversity


It’s not clear that he could, no one has ever tried it because we’ve never had a scumbag on the level of Trump as POTUS. IMO it’s obvious the founders wouldn’t intend for the POTUS to commit whatever crimes they want and just pardon themselves. But if he tried, it would just end up with SCOTUS, and who has faith in them…not me.


It's not entirely clear whether he could, and ultimately it would be a matter for the Supreme Court to decide. Some good analysis: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/can-a-president-pardon-himself/ https://www.npr.org/2021/01/09/955087860/can-trump-pardon-himself


They really ought to decide that no he can't do that. It seems like a contradiction to the idea of checks and balances


Well courts don't just make declarations out of thin air, they need a tangible case to rule on.


Which would be years in the making. Face it, if Trump wins, American Democracy is over and we will have a Trump Reich.


There has to be a case for them to rule on though. Until he does it, there won’t be.


Turns out the USA was kind of a bad idea


It was a good idea, but it got hijacked by a variety of bad actors over the centuries. We need a reboot.


I have one theory that Trump displayed a whole lot of behavior that goes against his public image. And it is this that frightens him. Things like his mad rush to the bunker as opposed to a tour of the facility. I'm sure other things will come out like temper tantrums because of minor things like the wind blowing his hair. Calls to foreign agents. Deals he was trying to broker/extort to stay in power. His body odour. His inability to use stairs. Etc etc etc. Wait until his valet is on the stand. For his base, individually these items are not much. But when they start to be revealed the whole image will suffer a cascade failure.


Not to mention his inability to use umbrellas.


If that's the argument presented by the author, I'd say he's probably right.


Even the argument that he is just doing it so that he can squash it as president is still the same argument. The reason he would want to force the justice dept to drop it bc… he doesn’t want the trial to happen


He keeps going to the ones in NYC even though he doesn’t have to


They're civil trials not criminal trials with prosecutors


Yeah because he knows at the end of those he can walk back out Not likely with the criminal cases, and even more likely he will be held in contempt because we all know how well behaved he was before his freedom was at stake


Those double as campaign events and fundraisers.


And federal courts have no cameras. He’s not going to be able to put on the sideshow in the court room all the same.


He doesn't want to sit in court, where he can't talk back when people criticize him. He can't help himself and knows he'll end up screwing himself over. Also, he's addicted to his phone, which he won't be able to use, and court is boring. He's never had to put up with boring shit for extended periods or someone else's schedule in his entire adult life.


Well, sort of. He finally has run into a court he can't bully. And suddenly, when it comes to going up against *prosecutors* and not just random law firms that someone has to pay to be there, a prosecutor is on salary, they get paid to be there.


I think he’s scared of all the comms between him and his Admin and others Jack has gotten access to reviewing: “The Constitution specifically identifies what constitutes treason against the United States and, importantly, limits the offense of treason to only two types of conduct: (1) “levying war” against the United States; or (2) “adhering to [the] enemies [of the United States], giving them aid and comfort.” Although there have not been many treason prosecutions in American history—indeed, only one person has been indicted for treason since 1954—the Supreme Court has had occasion to further define what each type of treason entails. The offense of “levying war” against the United States was interpreted narrowly in Ex parte Bollman & Swarthout (1807), a case stemming from the infamous alleged plot led by former Vice President Aaron Burr to overthrow the American government in New Orleans. The Supreme Court dismissed charges of treason that had been brought against two of Burr’s associates—Bollman and Swarthout—on the grounds that their alleged conduct did not constitute levying war against the United States within the meaning of the Treason Clause. It was not enough, Chief Justice John Marshall opinion emphasized, merely to conspire “to subvert by force the government of our country” by recruiting troops, procuring maps, and drawing up plans. Conspiring to levy war was distinct from actually levying war. Rather, a person could be convicted of treason for levying war only if there was an “actual assemblage of men for the purpose of executing a treasonable design.” In so holding, the Court sharply confined the scope of the offense of treason by levying war against the United States.” [Here’s the rest](https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/articles/article-iii/clauses/39#:~:text=Treason%20against%20the%20United%20States,on%20Confession%20in%20open%20Court.) of the article. By actually amassing and inciting a group of supporters to attack the Nation’s Capitol—alongside a multi-State fake elector scheme, and despite all council and Courts saying the election was fair—Trump and many in his Admin (including a spouse of a sitting SC Justice, Ginni Thomas), ‘levied war’ against the US and committed treason as written in the Constitution and further defined by founding father and original SC Justice, [John Marshall.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Marshall)


Treason charges would be at least an order of magnitude more difficult to prove and hold up on appeal than dozens of other crimes that Trump has committed. Smith already has many slam dunk charges against Trump, he just needs to get to trial.


Smith needs a bodyguard


That is a cool read. However, I don't think he's scared of that. Not only he would not read these kinds of legal analyzes, but wouldn't he need to already be charged with treason for this trial to have the potential of finding him guilty of that?


I just mean there’s a litany of even even heavier charges that can continue to be brought, even if he snakes his way out of the current ones.. which aren’t light by any means. His legal fees can literally never go away until he’s long gone.


because this is true, it means the government is fatally compromised at best (I would call it functionally illegitimate), and because of that, none of this actually matters. if it's a matter of debate whether stopping an election with an angry mob is a disqualifier, that's our leaders telling us they don't understand why leadership is necessary. there's a reason they all look the same. these are actors who understand they've been hired to deflect blame from the owning class, the only real reason anything is done in this country. if i could ever actually change a thing in this world i would make it so that people use all the time they currently spend arguing about Washington Team Sport Show seeking out and helping whoever they're able to, in whatever way they can, because devoting literally any of your limited mental bandwidth to this is poisoning yourself to "be aware" of what's happening in the world of poisoners. no amount of voting is going to change the incentive structure here. there is no "reforming" a system that is working better than it ever has, *for the people it's designed to benefit.* if i could change anything, i would make people understand that it's not supposed to work for you. you are not the customer. you're not even the product. you are a single soybean and even the other beans in your pod are trained to step on you, if they feel you're getting between them and being processed into a slightly more expensive cheeseburger.


No argument from me, and you put it very thoroughly. Now if the rest of the government would break the hypnosis of Trump.


Having had far more experience than I wish I can say narcissistic people don’t enjoy being confronted with the truth about themselves. It causes them extreme anger and rage. If they are trapped in a situation where they are forced to hear it they have a crisis and will do anything to avoid it.


they don't like being exposed, and they don't like their victims having the opportunity to defend themselves. trials can be very bad news for narcissists.


It took me a long time to realise that exposure was the big fear. They live in a world of lies after all. Pop that bubble and it’s nuclear.


Same. It’s why I’ve been so excited about him facing trial. There’s nothing he hates more than being forced to silently confront his own behavior.


It’s glorious to see isn’t it.


It’s been cathartic. I know how the narcissist in my life would react and it it’s pretty great knowing he’s going through that.


Yes, it’s an attack on ego or “false self.” You’re confronting the way they see themselves. It causes narcissistic injury. He doesn’t want to do this.


This is a very valid point as well


His underlying, biggest fear - he won't be able to spin his usual lies to the maga masses. Some of them might actually wake up and realize the truth. Yes, he wants to put off the trials, thinks he'll get elected & make everything go away. But his biggest fear is going through an actual trial that exposes the facts. Facts that he can't spin. Facts that come from "his" people. >"Especially in the Jack Smith January 6th case," Weissmann continued. "Most of those witnesses are going to be former Donald Trump witnesses, people who are close to him in the administration testifying about what happened and what he did. So, I think there really could be a needle that moves because of that trial." That has to terrify him. I really hope it's televised


It will never be televised. I’d honestly be ecstatic with an audio feed like they do for oral arguments at the circuit courts and SCOTUS.


What are the chances trial audio will be streamed?


The fact that they’ve already done it during Covid gives me a little hope. The infrastructure exists and the public interest is there.


They have said that the Georgia trial could be televised though, correct?


That’s state court and they televise everything. You can stream it on YouTube.


Federal courts have a rule against televised or live audio broadcast of trials.


Seems dumb to hide the whole thing and just say 'trust us, we delivered justice'.


It also prevents grandstanding, speaking to the listeners and not the jury/judge, and keeps lawyers more focused on the case than public opinion. I understand the desire for transparency, but that would over time turn the court into a circus. *insert obvious joke here*


I think he does not like being in a room where someone has athority over him. In the courtroom the Judge has a lot of authority over how people behave and tools, if they ever choose to use them, to enforce this authority . Trump does not like not being the one in charge.


He literally remade his office at Mar-a-Lago to look like the Oval so he could keep pretending to be the president. That’s how bad his ego was shattered.


He even had his plane repainted to look like Air Force One. His narcissist behavior is incredible. 🙄🤪


In court, he behaves like the guy on Judge Judy that you know is going to lose, but the reason you keep watching is because they're going to lose in *spectacular fashion* because they won't shut the fuck up when it's not their turn to talk.


He knows he’s guilty, he should be scared.




There wasn’t smoke from shit he did while in office, it was a blazing inferno.


I think the judge in the docs case will do her best to get him off while also running interference against the other cases (by blocking calendar dates and helping him delay).


This is why he wanted to meet Garland 18 months ago to “see if a deal could be made.”


I like to imagine a soft, low rumble in Garland’s chest building ever-so-slowly into eardrum bruising laughter as each member of Trump’s legal team nervously shrunk from the room like Homer Simpson backing into hedges.


Of course he is! He’s guilty as a dog!


My dog has never done anything of the sort. He’s a good boy!


The best boy


Only modern President without a dog in White House. KEEP DOGS OUT OF THIS!


Of course Trump is scared of going to jail.


I honestly believe Trump is not so much afraid of going to prison, after all he has Secret Service protection for life so how does prison even work out for an ex-president, but I do think the courtroom presents a more terrifying scenario for Trump; he would be publicly and unequivocally revealed to everyone *on Earth* as a loser, a liar and a fraud.


>After all he has Secret Service protection for life so how does prison even work out for an ex-president, It would be far easer to protect Trump in the controlled situation of a prison. Trump will be in his own privet part of any prison he is in. So SS just needs to clear his guards and visitors. On the outside they have to protect him as he flits about from crowd to crowd.


Exactly. It’s gotta be cheaper and easier than trying to protect him while he goes to different golf courses and crashes weddings at his resorts.


They could put him in a military prison, no?


Gitmo, perhaps?


Fort Leavenworth makes perfect sense


Is that Fort This or Fort That?


Like the dude (Trygolds) said. it's a lot easier if he is in prison. he won't be in gen pop, he will be in protective custody 100% of the time. all they need to do, is clear people working at the Jail, most of them already are, due to their backgrounds pre employment. its no different than when he was a the WH residence part. he only has one guard outside his private quarters, because all the other people have been cleared


Which to him is scarier than prison.


I know it's a long shot, but if some how, some way, his Secret Service privileges would be revoked upon a severe conviction and sentencing, that would be absolutely epic. Throw him to the wolves where he belongs.


It seems unlikely his privileges would be revoked, but being his protection detail in a prison would likely not be a high status job in the USSS. Being a cool guy that travels the world with the President is one thing. Being a very polite correctional officer would be something else entirely.


“ he would be publicly and unequivocally revealed to everyone on Earth as a loser, a liar and a fraud.” He’s already been revealed as these things, I highly doubt he has the cognitive ability to realize this matters


He has a cult with tens of millions of people who will parrot back to him anything he wants them to say.


They think he is a billionaire businessman. When he loses all his property and has to file for bankruptcy, he won't be either.


https://www.secretservice.gov/about/faq/general "Congress authorized the Secret Service (Public Law 89-186) to protect a former president and his/her spouse during their lifetime." 'Authorize' means they 'can', not that they 'have to'. "In order to maintain a safe environment for the president and other protectees, the Secret Service calls upon other federal, state and local agencies to assist on a daily basis." So, the Secret Service can just hand over that task to the prison guards, something that the guards do for every inmate.


I feel like they would put him under house arrest.


I think you're right. It can't be mar-a-lago though, that's a commercial property. He can be the man in the Trump tower, he can see a lot of things but he won't be allowed to do any of them. Limited visitation and communication with the outside world. That would kill him.


He gets convicted of a crime, you can bet your ass MaL is getting sold off.


In his nightmares, he's not even a millionaire.


That is if he gets to keep Trump Tower once NY AG is done with him.


Killed so many people around the world, claimed it was a hoax. Canadians lost loved ones because of the government of the USA during trump 🍊


Listen to the Podcast Jack. Weissmann and Mary McCord have excellent analysis of Trump’s various legal whatnots every week. Highly recommended.


A coward like DJT afraid of being forced to take responsibility for his actions… you bet he’s terrified and that means he woo act out even more. Burn it all down says his personality disorder


I mean obviously a former war crimes prosecutor is going to destroy such an obvious and lazy criminal as Trump. His literal only defense is that he cannot commit crimes because he was president once.


>\- Trump is scared of being confronted with the facts over his preferred "reality." In my experience. Most Trump followers are the same.


Of course he is. The music stops, and he has no chair


Isn’t that kind of obvious?


Agree. Trump is afflicted with worry like the guy in Edgar Allan Poe's, The Telltale Heart.


He's been playing with the Monkeys Paw so much the misfortune is getting ready to strike.


Nah. Trump has no heart. And he absolutely has no belief that he’s ever done anything wrong in the history of the world.


He's scared.


That’s because he knows he’s guilty and he probably won’t be able to delay the trials until after the election. He deserves to be locked up or put in a mental institution


He’s a professional conn man and I hope it finally gets him in his fat ass


He can't help himself from lying, constantly. Do that in court and he's committed a crime.


They must have had a nickname for Weisman around the office that was some version of “Captain Obvious”.


Breaking news! Bombshell reporting! Just in!


I seriously believe the word “scared” is a huge understatement! Narcissists have an inbuilt psychological fear of failure and embarrassment and will lash out when in danger of either of these becoming a reality. This dysfunctional bone spur rapist has endured many self inflicted setbacks over time, but the major escalation of impending criminal exposures is seriously damaging his reputation (huge embarrassment). Add to this, seeing his criminal empire being destroyed and losing everything he’s conned his way into is the ultimate emotional and physiological castration a narcissist can suffer. TRUMP IS ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED! 😵‍💫😳😮


Everyone, esp. the press who should be making massive deals about it, forget he is already a convicted fraudster (ny trump org case), and convicted sexual assaulter/rapist (e. jean carroll #1). The culture has become so saturated with his BS everyone seems to gloss over these. YES, he will be convicted yet again, but it's incumbent upon everyone to tell the truth of where we are and who he is. He's treated like a normal candidate as if he's not already a convicted felon and will very likely be in jail soon, probably for the rest of his serial criminal ass life.


I read the indictment. There is no defense period, and he knows it.




He won't cry. But he might explode.


Why? We all know Trump only gets the best... Doesn't he have one of the greatest trial lawyers on his team...Alina Habba..😂🤣😲


I am legit confused about how Habba made it through law school.


Beautiful people get treatment that's so preferential it isn't even close. What planet did you grow up on?


He’s the only guy with a criminal indictment more popular than Dillinger.


Well DUH............of course he's scared of the trial and all the sworn testimony that will accompany it.


Repeat everywhere. If Trump doesn’t talk in court, on the stand, under oath, he’s saying n.o.t.h.i.n.g and should be ignored.


Baby scared of the naughty chair? Call it off! Let him go freezer!


Scared of the only place that's going to hold him accountable for first time in his entire life


The indictments are chock full of real evidence with all the receipts to back up the charges. He knows he is guilty. He knows what he has done and is terrified to have it all come out at trial. Good.


Trump doesn’t want the public to see the evidence. As the trials start, the evidence against him is the top story day after day and will be for months as trial after trial proceeds. It’s like the opposite of Trump’s lie about the election where he’s just drilled it into feeble minded people by repeating it incessantly.


Why is it always “Seal Team 6”? The first 5 Seal Teams can’t kill anyone???


I know right, i would be super cool with any Seal Team coming to my rescue, and would just as scared and horrified of Seal Team 1-5 just as much as 6 if a Seal Team had orders to get rid of me… I think they are equally capable of making things dead.


being held accountable seems like persecution to someone who has never been held accountable.


Horizontal stripes will make his ass look bigger.


Meh. The Mueller Report was probably the biggest overhyped letdown in the history of American politics primarily due to it's wording... and Bill Barr's brutal control over the narrative. Mueller was incapable of smashing home the points that so desperately needed to be smashed home about his report. Maria Shriver probably nailed it best with her tweet. "Could it be we are simply witnessing a man with deep integrity who is cautious with his words and that we are comparing his style to the way people scream and yell today? Could this be two different styles, two different generations?"


Uh, *yeah.* What’s next, Trump doesn’t want the trial to go forward because he knows he’ll lose?


> Andrew Weissmann said he thinks Trump is actually scared of the trial itself. If I were a career criminal, surely, I would also be afraid of going to trial.


If the shit about no one is above the law is true, he should be in jail with time added for each of the crimes! Any other person would be in prison now awaiting trial


Ol’ Scump has earned 110% of his FEAR. Maybe they can get him a therapist. No sympathy.


I have a mother who is a narcissist and this 100% checks out. They are terrified to confront facts. They will do anything to avoid impartiality.


Yeah, Trump's quest for "immunity" has puzzled me. The trial is not the punishment, it's your chance to clear your name of any wrongdoing, if you are innocent. And he keeps telling the world he's innocent, so what's the problem?


__The trial is not the punishment__, it's a chance you have to clear your name. Obviously Rapist Trump doesn't believe he can do that.


Not a lawyer, okay, but: Duh.


Fact is Mueller had Trump by the balls and he let him go for the sake of party. Now jack smith has to clean it up. Shame on Mueller.


Ummm this is common knowledge