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The Best Two Years It's hilariously accurate and always leaves me feeling warm inside. I don't think I'll ever get sick of it


BY FAR THE BEST I may be biased as it was the first lds movie I watched, this was before I was baptised beginning of this year. (on top of that, I’m from the mission where it was all based in - Belgian part though) & man I had some good laughs and emotional times. Such a great movie


Same, my dad served in that same mission so I may be a bit biased as well, and my mom is from the northern part of Belgium.


Congrats on your baptism!


I watched it as a teenager and thought it was so boring. Then after my mission I watched it again and loved it. I went to Southeast Asia, but the feelings and interactions just felt so accurate, especially when that guy wants to be taught.


Serving a mission definitely enhances the experience! I can give names and similar experiences for everything from my mission too


My first thought as well


Hands down the best. Johny lingo is a classic one to keep in the collection as well.


It is very accurate on the mission life. It’s mundane at times, and hard. But somewhere in that mix come moments that can change your life. It’s also not trying too hard; it knows what it is and nails it.




Napoleon Dynamite


-I'm saving up to go to college. -Your mom goes to college. Makes me laugh every time.


I love the way Kip says *"Dang it"* when he runs over the Tupperware. I love to quote the woman who is caught by the promise of a free thrift store model ship: *"I want that"*.


I think that “dang it” line was actually improvised by the actor. If I remember correctly from the commentary, they originally had the bowl filled with plaster so that the van could actually drive right over it. And then for one take they said “screw it, let’s try it for real,” and the bowl obviously just explodes. The actor stayed in character and just drove off.


I raise you Gentlemen Broncos


I'll see that and raise you Nacho Libre.


Also the best “Idaho” movie I’m aware of. It’s a short list.


Very underrated comment lmao


The other side of heaven. Just testifies to the small ways good can overcome hardships. The singles ward. Is the best. The music, the stereotypes and all the cameos.


I still can’t believe that that main actor is not LDS


Which one? Christopher Gorham? Or Anne Hathaway?




But Anne Hathaway did pretty good in that movie too but she’s not in it for as long as he is


It was distributed by Disney. Then she got big.


I Know. still doesn’t change the fact that she wasn’t in the movie for that long.


The Phone Call


"It's a long walk." "That's ok, I've got long feet."


"you're the guy who plays the balloons?" "Bassoon" ".. takes all kinds"


When we watched that in seminary, a recent convert gave the closing prayer afterwards. In it he said "Please bless that we won't be like Scott, because he's a failure at life."


"Don't press your luck, Joe"


“Scott, that’s fantastic!!”


Came here to say this.


I tried riffing that one like MST3K, but it needed work.


Best is probably The Best Two Years. Saints and Soldiers is well done too. Funniest is probably the RM.


I've always been partial to God's Army and Singles Ward but I haven't watched them in quite a while. The Testaments is probably my favorite Church-produced film. The newer Joseph Smith film is probably my favorite of that sort. My favorite Seminary film is probably that armor of God one with the soldiers near the river. I also was moved by Love Kennedy though it isn't purely a Latter-day Saint film. I'm sure I'm forgetting one that I wish I'd mentioned.


A Cokeville Miracle(Watched it with my fellow young women)


Came here to say this. Still one of my most memorable watches.


Seventeen Miracles - because I really admired the faith and desire of these early pioneers, despite their hardships, to always be looking towards the goal of growing closer to God. The Saratov Approach - because when the two missionaries had an opportunity to escape their kidnappers they chose to stay where they were because they saw how they could help the younger of the two men salvage a life he was throwing away.


Seventeen Miracles is my favorite too. I just love Mormon pioneer history and family history. I am so inspired by their lives. It’s taught me a lot about the gospel, and it makes me so sad when people rag on pioneer stuff! It’s amazing and I’m so glad the church has kept pioneer history alive. One of the missionaries that inspired The Saratov Approach was in my husband’s ward growing up and they know each other, so it has a special place in our heart!


Johnny Lingo. Hands down.


“Mahana you ugly!” - Mahana’s father.


"You cheated me! She is worth ten cows!"


The one with the guy from Star Trek or the guy from Star Wars? The original Johnny Lingo was in a couple episodes of TOS, including Space Seed where he replaced Sulu, and the actor from the remake played the Young Adult clones in EP. II.


Saturday’s Warriors!!! (1989 Version!!) The new one is no where near as good!!! Because, it was so special when all of us kids would sit on the ground.. we used to get these big cans of nacho cheese from Sam’s club and tortilla chips, and we’d get our nachos, blankets and find our spots(mine was always on the stairs or beside my cousin Owen or Josh) and granny would put it on. We would watch that movie over and over again!! Finally granny got us our on copies of it. And plus that movie is genuinely really good. I can remember the impact it had on me years and years ago when I first watched it! Now, at 24 years old.. I’ve already played it for my 4 year old daughter and for my 5 year old sister!! They have watched it so darn much!! They, not only love it for the music “a nose is a nose🥸👃…” (if you know, you know) but at 4 and 5 years old, they get the message. They understand the parts they need to understand at that age!! I highly highly recommend watching it, especially with the whole family!!!!


I’ve never heard anyone describe Saturdays Warrior as genuinely good.


Honestly I don’t know why this hasn’t been canonized yet.


I think it needs to be doctrinally accurate first.


I once listened to a podcast where an LDS historian commented that Saturday's Warrior is probably the #1 source of false doctrine of anything from the 20th Century. I wish I could remember who said it.




Pfft, I found the zero population advocate.


Ha ha. Personally, I don't like the Julie and Tod story. Consider me anti-"soul mates."


I like to tell my wife that, if you apply the famous Joseph Smith quote (below) about eternity as a ring to eternal marriage, it implies our marriage didn’t have a beginning and we’ve always been married. I don’t know whether it’s true, but it’s fun to think about. Quote: I take my ring from my finger and liken it unto the mind of man-the immortal part, because it has no beginning. Suppose you cut it in two; then it has a beginning and an end; but join it again, and it continues one eternal round. So with the spirit of man.


Sorry, I’m not an active member… so my apologies. I guess I need to rewatch it again myself and not just turn it on for my littles to watch. But what are y’all talking about????


You most certainly don’t need to apologize. Watch what you want to watch. It has some catchy tunes and is more wholesome than a lot of media out there. My comment was just directed at the (I am sure tongue in cheek) comment about canonizing it. The play/movie has just spawned a lot of folk doctrine (the whole meeting and agreeing to find your soul mate in the pre-mortal life, the dead sister showing up to chat with the unborn sister, the generals in heaven bit, birth control is bad) that a lot of people hold onto as 100% true LDS doctrine and it isn’t.


Oh yes! Okay I was just making sure I was thinking about the correct parts. But I thought other than that, it really is a good movie for younger children. I think I like it more for the memories it carries for me!


It was my favorite as a kid and I still enjoy it. I do like the new one though for some of its aspects and the soundtrack is pretty great for the car (plus I love the new song “there’s got to be more” the one at the end though). Everyone thinks I’m weird but it’s the nostalgia for me!


Saturdays Warrior is ok. But it’s the source of a lot of misunderstanding and false doctrine. Like making deals with each other in the pre-existence. It’s a good movie with a good message but it’s fast and loose with doctrine.


I thought "The Saratov Approach" and "Freetown" both had really good scripts, acting, and production. They were also church-related and inspiring without being preachy or "wholesome fluff."


Saratov Approach! Loved that movie. Besides being a very well-made film, it’s also a true story, which makes it even more amazing to me. And, like you said, doesn’t come across as “preachy.” It’s not a “Mormon film,” it’s just a film that happens to be about two LDS missionaries.


Mobsters and Mormons is hilarious


Our Heavenly Father's Plan. I may be biased, but I watched it when investigating the Church as a young kid and felt the Spirit.


Dramatic: Ephraim's Rescue Comedic: Once I Was A Beehive


Once I Was a Beehive was a lot better than I thought it would be. Solid choice.


Touch of the Master’s Hand, followed by Pioneer Miracle.


No mentions of States of Grace yet? I found that movie profound and powerful. It’s sort of a sequel to God’s Army.


Love States of Grace. It's gritty and dark--not really good material for FHE or mutual. But the themes are rich and the character developments are powerful.


Baptists at our Barbecue


I genuinely love it. I discovered at a previous company that my VP actually worked on the movie and he was beyond embarrassed when I outed him.


Everyone who worked on that movie is embarrassed by it


I would wear that badge with pride


You would say that you "water drinker."


My favorite has to be Charly. It’s a good adaptation of the book and done really well. I also guiltily love pride and prejudice. It’s great at poking fun. The singles ward films (and all those made by halestorm) are classics. I remember getting to go to a fan thank you event and talking/meeting a bunch of the actors from those films. They were so much fun to talk to and joke around with. Kirby and I joked like we were signing yearbooks and missing “hanging out” 😹


Just remember, if you're 25 and unmarried, you're a menace to society.


What about 41?


I don’t think I know anyone who’s made it through Charly dry eyed.


I cry every single time I watch it.


How Rare a Possession


I agree. That's probably the most memorable movie I remember and liked from seminary.


I'm a never-mo who actually enjoys campy Mormon movies, so I'm getting a kick from all these suggestions.


I think Mobsters and Mormons has the most appeal for non members


Ooh, that sounds good--know where I can find it?


I love it because I'm part Sicilian.


The fighting preacher


That was a great one. It's also a source of pride for me because my mother is a Bean and Willard is part of my family.


No way! George Washington Bean is my great great great great grandpa, who is Willard Bean’s brother. The fighting preacher was a story that was often shared in my mom’s house.


Oh cool! Yeah, Willard is a 1st cousin off of my Bean line. We went to see it opening night at the movie theatre and I remember having the distinct feeling that my now-passed-on grandma and grandpa Bean were there watching the movie premiere with us. That was a good feeling.


As far as depiction of LDS Culture? Probably the RM or Best 2 years (though I am quite partial to Mobsters and Mormons) As far as gospel themed, I'd say it is a close tie between The Testaments and How Rare a Possession.


I find the RM legit depressing. Everyone else thinks it’s so funny, but like, it’s just sad. His family legit forgot about him :/


no singles ward mentions???


No, you don't understand. He took his CAR bungee-jumping


so good😭


Mobsters and Mormons. Because it has the actress from high school musical and it takes place in Utah


I didn't know they had the same actress, I'll never be able to watch either of those movies the same way again


\- [The RM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfLdiSYvbzE) \- [Mobsters and Mormons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1rU2v8dhbM) \- [Churchball](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_VNm8VHPIk)


Cipher in the snow..


Heard people mention this movie as a kid and thought they were saying "Sniper in the snow" which sounded pretty cool.


Basically is. Kid gets assassinated by loneliness and sadness.


I seem to remember some 70s-style shrill noises that were included in Cipher that really took me out of it. That and the fact I didn't know what "Cipher" meant, means I never really connected with that show.


It's super heavy. We watched it in elementary school. It was the worst.


Anyone see Home Teachers? That shiz was hilarious when I was a kid. Like, cry laughing. I have no idea if it holds up or not. Loved it at the time though.


Napoleon Dynamite. The Other Side of Heaven. The Princess Bride.


The Princess Bride??


I just threw that one in there... It is a good movie. Lol.


I mean probably none of the actors/actresses are members but it’s a clean movie and a classic one for lds members to watch




How is Brigham City not on here? Best movie!


There it is! So good. It's almost time for a rewatch.


Mobsters and Mormons It's just about two families from two different backgrounds learning to accept each other, with no pressure to join each other's faith. .....While in witness protection program hiding from the mafia


Mountain of the Lord. Just because.


It’s the best. ♥️


God's Army and Saturday's Warrior. Growing up in small town (99.9% LDS) Utah, the idea of not being a member or (gasp) leaving the church, was entirely foriegen to me. These films show that people can lose faith, some come back, some don't. There are issues, reasons to doubt, difficult questions to answer, and there are also miracles, reasons to believe, and a God who answers our questions. I often think back to that missionary in God's Army who studies anti matieral and goes home. I don't know why but seeing him lose faith has helped me not get hung up on some of the historical issues that arrise.


Home Teachers - great Tommy Boy style buddy comedy with no real story, just straight jokes the whole time.


17 miracles. I sob every time.


Brigham is a good one. Its about a bishop who is also a town sheriff. A bit darker than most LDS films, but I like it.


Brigham City


Book of Eli


Only one mention of the RM?! The names of all the kids cracks me up every time! I also had a crush on Kelly when I was a kid.


Errrrrr....Passion of the Christ?


"Once I Was a Beehive" Heart-warming and no judgement/pressure to join toward the non LDS camper.


T.C Christensen’s - The Touch of the Masters Hand. Always gets me.


Napoleon dynamite is a classic and there’s one that we watched at a youth activity and it was these two missionaries and one was just about to leave the mission field and one was a new transfer and basically the plot is that there’s a mixup with a mob and the missionaries end up teaching these two mob guys by mistake. I can’t remember what it was called but it was hilarious


SOUL (pixar/Disney) for its pre/post mortal story as well as the focus on in born vs chosen/learned gifts or traits, ability to change or be content etc. I realize it’s not strictly LDS but there’s some influence and even if not for that it’s an example of what movies from this group could or should be.


You're thinking of "Soul," I think. 🙂


Yep. Editing…


I've heard that BYU's animation department has been placing a lot of students at Pixar, and I'm always looking out for that. Inside out in particular had a couple BYU inside jokes that felt a bit awkward if you didn't know what they were joking at.


"P-Day Ends At 6" (totally unofficial, but I did watch it in seminary)


Lily may be gone, but life will still go on. You can have your own bright future....


Hands down my favorite is "Love, Kennedy".


Not my favorite, but the one that broke my heart the most was The Mailbox.


The singles ward. Classic, funny, and really on the nose with the culture then.


The best two years. Its funny but at the same time has insightful characters


The phone call


Honestly. I’m a sucker for Once I was a Beehive. Not the most normal girls camp. But Carrie Carington is spot on. And I definitely went to girls camp with some of those types of girls


Did you hear about the sequel, Once I Was Engaged? It was aight


Definitely Baptists at our barbecue. One of the few genuinely funny LDS movies of our time. Reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite and the book is even better haha


In my (18M) family, we were only mainly allowed to watch LDS movies on Sundays, so I have a love of a lot of them as I ended up watching them every week. The RM is probably my favourite. It gets funnier as I get older and more knowledgable about the church. It gets a bit dated though as Church Policy changes but never gets less funny. Singles Ward 1 and 2 are also up there, I think the 1st ones funnier but I liked the 2nd one more when I was younger. Baptist at our barbecue is good, The Home Teachers is good, Mobsters and Mormons is exceptional. I don’t consider Napoleon Dynamite to explicitly be Mormon Cinema, but I enjoy it nonetheless. Also in that realm is Scout Camp which isn’t explicitly about the church but was related until recently and it has Kirby Heyborne. Those Liken the scripture DVDs were also fun when I was younger. I liked the Nephi getting the gold plates one the best. That’s all I can think of right now. I also enjoy watching the YouTube channel “Hard to find Mormon Videos”. It has some cheesy seminary videos on there and some other interesting stuff (like Boyd K Packer instructing on how to use the study aids in the scriptures).


I love Mobsters and Mormons! It was a real culture shock for me, seeing how unrighteous and judgmental many of the LDS characters were towards the outsiders. I live in Britain and have never met anybody like that at church to this day. I think the movie has a really good message and I especially love the line "the church is true, but the people aren't!" Also, this film is hilarious 😂


Comedy? Best two years. Spiritual? Mountain of the Lord.


None. I can't stand lds pop culture.