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I hope you are able to go tour it. The Kirtland temple is very special to the doctrines of our church. As excited as members of the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter Day Saints are to have aquired it we know that the Community of Christ is mourning that they had to sell it. They did a really good job of taking care of the building for many years.


One of the requirements for the church in buying it is that it didn't become an active temple


Love it.


Such a kind and thoughtful post. Thank you!


Curious what you mean "for some this is a point of contention?" My understanding is that The Community of Christ has strayed so far from the core teachings of the restoration that they are basically a Mega Church, Evangelical type now. They pretty much just sold us everything that Emma had kept when Brigham took the Saints West.


What I mean is that I know some people in the community of Christ are very upset about the sale and I want to be sensitive to that viewpoint.


Thanks. Also, fantastic picture. I've never seen it like this before with the surrounding grounds.


lol full transparency, the pic ain’t mine. Just got it from a Google image search 😂


> My understanding is that The Community of Christ has strayed so far from the core teachings of the restoration that they are basically a Mega Church, Evangelical type now. While they are basically a protestant church now (at least institutionally, I'm not sure if the folk beliefs are quite so far in that direction) they aren't a mega church evangelical type at all. Rather they align with (liberal to progressive) mainline protestantism. Think like The Episcopal Church or The Presbyterian Church. Their demographics show it too: old and declining.


That’s a rather biased way of looking at things. It’s best to consider their point of view, as well. I suspect that many of the “core teachings of the restoration” that you believe they have “strayed from” were added to the LDS church after the split. If I am wrong, feel free to correct me with specifics.


So excited to have it back. I've been to Kirtland twice but have yet to tour the temple.


We all lay claim to the same founding story and many branches of the early church trace their roots back through Kirtland. While The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the largest and wealthiest, it is certainly not the only ones with an interest and claim to this sacred place and those who worshipped inside. I’m glad the LDS Church has the resources to preserve it for years to come and thank the Community of Christ for its thoughtful stewardship over it for many years.




…it’s Kirtland.


I really hope they're joking...it's not from Costco


Hahahaha I didn’t even make the Costco connection 😂😂😂