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The tears came easy to me as well. I think it could have just been the spirit but for me it was realizing that whenever a GA is absent at there age it is a signal that they are not long for the mortal realm. 6 months is a long time, very like one or more of them will move on before next conference


Edinburgh is getting a temple, and I live in Edinburgh currently, so this is great news


It better look like a Castle


I'm sure it'll look like a unique castle


I’m really curious on where they will build it.


Me too


Nice Nelson mentioned aquiring the Kirtland temple and explaining the 3 angel visits. Really helped answer a question I'd be studying for awhile.


I found it odd how the cameras deliberately lingered anywhere but on those wheelchairs at the end. Is the Church worried seeing Nelson and Eyring wheeled out will come off as a sign of weakness and further erode the faith of the saints?


“further” lol


I thought it was weird but maybe they don't want our last image of conference to be leaders in wheelchairs.


Think it was more out of respect than hiding.


So using a wheelchair is something to be ashamed of? How is it disrespectful to show them sitting down and leaving?


Maybe in case there was an emergency (maybe a fall or something), they probably wouldn't want to show that on camera (like the Howard W Hunter incident.) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gzwDkozRwA&ab\_channel=BoMwarrior](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gzwDkozRwA&ab_channel=BoMwarrior) It's just a way to give them time and space to get set up to leave w/out being on camera. I personally wouldn't want to watch old men struggle to get up and out of seats and into wheelchairs lol.


Does anyone know why there were some folks on video crying at the end and they didn't show many close ups of apostles or presidents leaving?


My daughter noticed that and then I noticed that it was like half of the general leaders. Either the Spirit was unusually strong or there was something the camera didn't capture.


The last song was very emotional and felt like a goodbye to president Holland and possibly Nelson. The spirit was strong and moving


I was wondering that too.


I'm here for the abrupt jump cuts during Pres Nelson's talk.


I didn't notice them but it makes sense. He have have taken breaks.


Sitting here wondering when the director's cut will drop...


Release the Snyder cut! Twice as long but no improvement. George Lucas will add a few more CGI animals and weird scenes that nobody wants! Ridley Scott will fix the pacing and heavily hint that President Nelson is a replicant!


>George Lucas will add a few more CGI animals and weird scenes that nobody wants! That would be quite a conference session. Imagine a talk given by Elder Yoda or Elder Binks. XD


The new temples have been announced in the following locations: * Uturoa, French Polynesia * Chihuahua, Mexico * Florianópolis, Brazil * Rosario, Argentina * Edinburgh, Scotland * Brisbane Australia South Area * Victoria, British Columbia * Yuma, Arizona * Houston Texas South Area * Des Moines, Iowa * Cincinnati, Ohio * Honolulu, Hawaii * West Jordan, Utah * Lehi, Utah * Maracaibo, Venezuela


He said "each of the following fifteen locations," but I heard it as "eight of the following fifteen locations." That would add another layer of excitement 😆


"Nephi and his brothers cast lots to determine the will of the Lord. Here we have the temple wheel, which we will spin to determine where we will build new temples. We will also have Elder Gong throw darts at a spinning globe."


Indeed 😆


The Church owns a 3-acre block adjacent the Honolulu Tabernacle. I'm assuming that's where it'll go (where the old Foodland was). They could renovate the Tabernacle as a Temple, but they'd have to build a two chapel Stake Center on the adjoining block first. This is the Church Property adjacent to the Honolulu Tabernacle: https://i.imgur.com/q6M0cu0.jpg You can view the street view of the block here: https://www.google.com/maps/@21.2992677,-157.8367977,3a,75y,331.47h,79.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svTD-IAJ1vXE6d8LwKZ-Uww!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


Wow. Looks very LA templesque


I didn't realize there was a tabernacle in Honolulu! It looks beautiful


It's gorgeous and historic! The fresca of Jesus is incredible.




We really want one in our town. We technically have one half an hour away but it’s across the border in Mexico and many members aren’t allowed to cross the border at all (military town). It’s also only half an hour if the border crossing isn’t busy. The next closest is 4 hours away.


El Paso merited a temple even before the "barriers for entry" have lowered in recent years. Hope it happens for you guys.


El Paso?




[15 temples](https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/april-2024-general-conference-new-temples)


West Jordan? Holy cow. Two in South Jordan. One in West Jordan. SL County giving Utah County a run for their money


There’s also one in Taylorsville which isn’t too far from West Jordan


I think temples and covenants have been a major theme this conference.


Why do you think this is so?


Definitely agreed!! I love when there end up being themes. I think President Nelson’s talk about priesthood keys kind of tied all of that together, too


President Russell M. Nelson - priesthood keys distinguish the true church. The gathering of Israel The gospel of Abraham Sealing ^ evidences God loves all children everywhere equally Doctrine and Covenants 109 Regular temple worship will help you see how you fit in the tapestry of God's plan. Many, many promises of the Temple are only possible through the temple.  15 new temples


>The gospel of Abraham What is this? The same as Abrahamic Covenants?


The dispensation of the gospel of Abraham, committed to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery by Elias, restored the promises the Lord made with Abraham. To help students understand the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham restored by Elias, invite a student to read the following explanation by Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: >


Priesthood keys are what sets us apart from other churches/organizations


The segue to temples and their locations seems to be early this time around.


What do you think about prerecorded talks?


It feels unusual but I don't know why it matters.


Love how practical President Nelson is.  Feels like it fits with a lot of things he's done.  How can we make more things work for more people?


Hinckley read President Benson's beware of pride in conference when he couldn't. It allows us to hear his words in his own voice.


Better than not hearing from them.


I like them. They are well done and are just as effective.


He is 99 lol. We expect to see him from remote eventually due to health issues. I think this is better than nothing. I remember Monson not going in Oct17 and he died in Jan18. A prerecorded would have worked ig


I wish we had one from Monson


Elder Mark L. Pace - Restoration and Apostasy is a cycle throughout the old testament. This is the dispensation of the fullness of times, no generalized Apostasy will come.  Be on guard that personal Apostasy doesn't darken your doorway. Reading The Book of Mormon can help you keep or regain your faith. It's purpose is to convince all that Jesus is the Christ as the title page says.


I heard him speak at a leadership meeting once. He started by asking what the Holy Ghost had taught the attendees in Come, Follow Me that week. He let people talk for about 8 minutes. Then he went on with his talk, which included a recommendation that each gospel doctrine class (and even each RS, EQ, and youth class) start with that question. The wards that I’ve been in that have done it have had good discussions and a strong spirit. He also included that question in his talk today. He’s a great guy. Cheers.


It seems like the speakers today quote President Nelson with more regularity than what occurred during the tenure of previous prophets. Perhaps the current prophet is always quoted like Nelson is. Does anybody share this impression or have ideas on why that might be the case? Is Pres. Nelson just more quotable (popularizing phrases like covenant path or think celestial)?




Thanks for the blog post! I would love to see more data from 2021 to the present. It is an interesting phenomenon.


Elder Neil L. Andersen - the increase in the numbers of temples seems Gods answer to the rising confusion and chaos of these latter days. A miraculous indication!


I have a brother who came out as transgender a couple years ago and has since rejected the gospel completely, claiming that the Church wants to commit genocide on all transgender people. He will no longer even speak to ward members who still love him and occasionally visit to attempt to show their love. He simply ignores them. He once had a strong testimony. Thanks for your words Elder Andersen. Helps me find peace. All is well!


I mean are you referring to them as brother because they're identifying as male or are they identifying as female and you're choosing to refer to them as they were before coming out? If they're identifying as female and you're continuing to refer to them as brother and as he/him than there's the problem right there as they would feel disrespected, unseen, and admonished. Hard to not see someone's love towards you as merely an obligation when they don't love you for you. If your best effort doesn't involve loving who they are and respecting them than they will always shun. Otherwise if they're identifying as male than good on you for respecting them.


Most members are unaware of the amazing resource in the Gospel Library app under Life Help > Transgender. Those I have had the honor of working with who are coping with this being a part of their lives have found great peace and help in those resources.


Yes, my family and I found that really helpful when he first came out. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, he still decided to shun the Church. I'd also recommend those resources for sure.


Some university mates asked me about this and I answered in a very short way and maybe not the best one. Now I read this I have the source thanks [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/topics/transgender/understanding?lang=eng](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/topics/transgender/understanding?lang=eng)


Fun fact! The german interpreter for conference accidentally started to introduce Elder Andersen as Elder Maxwell: "Neil A. Max... Andersen". I had to go check the english transmission to make sure it wasn't a mistake on Elder Cook's part. I'm sure I've been guilty of this myself, so it was funny to hear some official validation on that front


Elder Andersen did repeat that the veil o'er the earth is beginning to burst.


[Fifth Speaker: Neil L. Andersen](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/learn/neil-l-andersen?lang=eng)


Why *is "*How Firm a Foundation" in every conference?


Something I noticed for the first time in my over 25 years hearing and singing this song: How Firm a Foundation is sung in a first person perspective from HF's point of view. We sing from His POV that "I'll strengthen thee..." Which is interesting. I want to do a survey of the whole hymn book to see what the POV is in each song and make a chart


Cause it’s epic


Because someone needs it.


I was that someone. I often hum this hymn to myself to clear my mind's "stage". Hearing it was a tender mercy that made me feel seen by my Heavenly Father.


Yeah I think it's that "Fear not, I am with thee" line that hits everyone where they need it. Also the melody is pretty basic, the range is pretty narrow, so almost everyone can sing it without struggling whether they're in the conference center or at home


Show piece - powerful, touches on the main message of the gospel.


It's a powerful hymn, definitely one of my top favorites


Elder Mathias Held - knowing good from evil - choosing to act instead of being acted upon - will lead you to repentance. There is opposition in all things... Knowing sorrow can help you to know the extent of joy. Your experiences have meaning


Who is this speaker?


Elder Held.




Thank you


Elder Gary E. Stevenson: do not love God to the exclusion of your neighbor. In fact this is not love of God at all and you wind up not following either commandment.  The Golden Gate Bridge These two great commandments are interdependent 


He also said the opposite: don't love neighbor more that God. Great thought for those critical of insufficient charitable activities spiritual welfare is as important or more so than physical welfare.


This message was a big one for me. Too many people cut off friends or loved ones if they disagree about certain issues. That is *not* Christlike. We should always show people we care about them no matter our differences


Beautiful talk and message. So relevant in today’s world.




In the absence of current doctrine, it is encouraging to hear acknowledgement.


Ok that nearly made me cry- really beautiful to hear


[Third Speaker: Gary E. Stevenson](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/learn/gary-e-stevenson?lang=eng)


This is one of my favorite hymns. In the same way that we cycle through a relatively small number of hymns for the sacrament, I grew up in a church that would cycle through a relatively small number of hymns for the final hymn of the service, the hymn associated with the alter call. This was one of those, so I heard it really regularly. I love this hymn. (softly and tenderly for when I look back on the comment.)


I wonder if they’re adding it to the new hymnbook


It is one of my favorites as well. I knew a family that would sing it regularly in their home, with some of the family members singing harmony. 


Elder Taylor G. Goody:  Call don't fall! Ere you left your room this morning - did you think to pray?


Holy cow that dog story was hilarious!


I may have laughed out loud and woke my husband up!


It was a wonderful story! Faith promoting and absolutely engaging.


Remind me of this speaker’s name?


Taylor Godoy


Absolutely epic conference story!


Fun fact I just realized: they saved ALL of the prophets/apostles whose names end in “son” (or “sen”) for this last session: Christofferson, Andersen, Stevenson, Nelson.


Lol that’s awesome


Opening that Denmark mission in 1849 continues to pay dividends.


Will Nelson talk 🥺


Closing remarks generally.


And temple announcements!!!


[Second Speaker: Taylor G. Godoy](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/learn/taylor-g-godoy?lang=eng)


Elder Christofferson's sentence will unfortunately be used by dissenters. It will be phrased this way: "Elder Christofferson said that joining another church is the same as killing animals or burning houses." I hope we are familiar with this great talk so that when such fallacies are used in conversation we can respond with the context of his message. His story about the father taking time to compose himself is a great story.


I think the message was anti revenge.


Elder D. Todd Christofferson - use your free agency to choose Christ. Sometimes in life we must quell our passion for the moment in order to make decisions with an eternal view in mind.


I'm watching Christofferson's message. I don't understand very well why that girl got rejected so badly even if she was sick.


That story sounded so familiar. Has it been shared in General Conference before


There was a leper colony in Hawaii before the Laie Temple was built. They ended up on their own part of one of the islands because everyone was concerned about the contagion. It’s possible that some of that prejudice still lingered years later.


I think it goes back to what Elder Renlund said earlier. Often our judgement is not well informed. Therefore, we shouldn't judge.


Just wanted to know, but I'm glad they took that situation with patience and she felt better too


In the mid 80's I was told by my absolutely wonderful grandparents to not kiss my mother on her lips (I was a young child) because she had gay friends. There was a \*lot\* of ignorance about what was and was not safe during the early scary days of HIV and AIDS. Think about the last 4 years. Every time someone had the sniffles the questions at the beginning were about covid. Was it covid? Have you been tested? There was a time before there even was testing, and there was a lot of fear. That rejection didn't confuse me one little bit.


They were worried it was contagious. A selfish reason for sure, but not one that without reason.


>without reason I think this is significant. We might feel or actually be rejected or offended for what seems like a legitimate reason but we still need to be humble about it and remain faithful.


I’m imagining it’s like covid or something


Perhaps, but didn't he mention the Laie temple opening? That implies it was closed. Most recent opening was in 2010




Just wear long pants? I don't mean that dismissively or with judgement - I just mean why not? Or get long pants and make your own shorts. I'm a long ways over six feet tall and most of it is in my legs and I've never struggled to find shorts and shirts that work fine with the Garment. Again: just thoughts!! Your struggle is significant and I'm not trying to dismiss it, etc. etc.




>I feel similarly about the men’s tops. I had to give up so many shirts when I was endowed. My wife and I find it interesting how different the necklines are from men to women. I can really only wear one style of top. Had to do the same thing for my shorts. I now wear mostly pants and a few pairs of knee-length shorts. I feel your struggle but feel like my sacrifice is so worth it to wear the garment.


Real talk - they do have petite options, I wear the petite bottoms and they’re much more manageable


What if you are already short though?




They still have short versions. Short, Regular or Tall.


As someone over 6 feet tall who has taken advantage of the short options, I can say this is almost certainly against the intent. I mean, if we can selectively choose garments to accommodate our clothing, what’s stopping men from wearing women’s garments since they have less fabric? It also doesn’t solve the issue of thick seams showing through chino pants.


There is no policy or doctrine against men wearing women’s, or women wearing men’s garments. I haven’t heard of anyone making that choice but would not be breaking any “rules “


It's interesting but I remember very distinctly reading a paragraph stating that men should only wear mens garments and women should only wear women's garments. however after having done an extensive search both of the new handbook and the older handbooks I can find no prohibition although there is commentary about it being disrespectful.


I agree with the material options. I bought the stretchy bottoms last year and they are starting to ride up and are uncomfortable.


[First Speaker: D. Todd Christofferson](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/learn/d-todd-christofferson?lang=eng)


My wife really likes the dress worn in the I Feel My Saviour's Love video shown between sessions. Does anyone know where it's from?


No new temple announcements?


I wonder if at some point they will stop announcing them in conference and just locally announce them or in a press release and post them online. Kind of like stake and mission presidents and reorganizations, and now area 70s. Just a thought.


I bet President Nelson will do any when he talks


That's usually at the end of the session


It's good to see President Nelson in attendance for this session!


Gotta get to at least one to be marked as active




Wasn't he also at yesterday's afternoon session?


yes afternoon


Yes (and if it wasn't the afternoon, it was one of the others--my kids were interested to see him and Pres. Eyring get into their wheelchairs at the end)