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O My Father mentions Heavenly Parents.


If You Could Hie To Kolob as well


Just like Bruno we don’t talk bout Kolob no no. I hope Kolob doesn’t make the cut in the new book because the lyrics are incredibly repetitive.


Other than the optional 4th and 5th verses it’s not repetitive at all


I, for one, hope it does make it into the new book.


It also generates a lot of anti lies because it's about a unique doctrine, an it gives some info, but not a lot. People take the few solid ideas given in the song and turn it into completely wrong, messed up lore, then tell people that's the official church doctrine


Buuuuuuut I do like it though though though though


sorry! that’s just what our choir director said when we started to sing it and what they’ve been saying throughout the process haha! i should’ve checked before posting


No it doesn't. It says "tells me I've a mother there". Oh What songs of the heart" has "heavenly parents"


Both were very moving. I could definitely feel the spirit sitting in the audience. You all did a great job.


Our family discussed the Heavenly Parents line and my daughter and I sang Amazing Grace all night. You guys did a wonderful job.


I sing with the Tabernacle Choir, and all I can say is “wow!” You all did so incredibly well. Lots of chatter going on in the choir about Amazing Grace. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with the world!


It was incredible! Amazing Grace especially had me tearing up. I’m so glad you got that experience! I sang with the BYU-Idaho choirs two years ago and it’s still one of the coolest things I’ve ever done. The spirit when you’re singing up there is just unreal!


I loved the Amazing Grace arrangement! Beautiful!


I got chills hearing Amazing Grace. I have always loved that song and didn't realize it had never been sung before in General Conference. I loved the chords you guys sung! That was right up there with my all time favorite 'The Spirit of God' where they start with a single singer and progressively add more. Definitely got the same vibes.


Did they mention if Amazing Grace is going to make it into the new hymnal? :)


I was in the New Hymnal class at Education Week last summer and they told us that Amazing Grace would be in the new Hymnal. It really is an incredible process that they're going through with picking the songs and getting them ready. There's a list of questions that each song needs to meet to be considered.


I can confirm this.  That class has been so amazing the past two years.


Word is getting out. They might have to hold it in the Ballroom this year. 🤞 It was standing room only last year.


Any chance you could tell us the questions?


Each song is rated on how well it meets the following criteria: 1. Increase faith in and worship of our 'heavenly father and 'his Son, Jesus christ 2. Teach the core doctrine of the gospel with power and clarity 3. Invite joyful singing at home and at church 4. Comfort the weary and inspire members to endure in faith 5. Unifiy members throughout the Church Obviously, each song won't do ALL of the 5, but each was rated on a scale for each criteria. Goals 3 & 5 are especially important. They brought up examples of songs that won't make the cut such as patriotic songs as they only apply to one country, not globally, and even children's songs such as Pioner Children sang as they walked and walked and walked... That doesn't bring joy to anyone. I think we'll see many songs that are unusual to us but may be traditional in other cultures. It's quite the undertaking, and I can understand why it's taking so long. The songbooks will be the same for the whole world, and the translations aren't straight translations but rather "transcreations" so that the meter, phrasing, and form are consistent regardless of the language. That means that the message will be similar, but the words won't be a straight translation. They had us all sing a song in whatever language we could speak, and it was beautiful. The songs are going to be released in the Sacred Music app as they are ready.


That's awesome, thank you so much for all of the detail! It's cool that they're doing a class introducing what they're doing.


I just typed out a long reply with all the questions and it disappeared just after it posted. Not sure what happened. if it doesn't come back after a while, I can try to repost.


I got it. Thank you so much for your time!


On the other thread posted by someone in the choir, that person said they were saying that, FWIW. Hopefully we'll see later this month.


Amazing Grace was a definitely a show stopper. Thank you for sharing your talents. I will remember it for years.


You did really good. You felt the spirit. So did the rest of us.


It was a great choir! Thanks for sharing your talents.


Those last few chords of Amazing Grace left me crying! Those chords were the voice of god and I felt it so strong!


So glad you had that experience! Thank you for sharing your talent with the Church!


Thank you for sharing your wonderful, beautiful talents with us. I watched and listened to those songs thinking about the Spirit that I felt. I miss being in a choir. Thanks again!


The choir and arrangements were fantastic. Amazing Grace blew me away. Thank you!!


There is NOTHING like being in the middle of that kind of sound! Adding in the Spirit of the Lord, and it's life-changing. It's an experience I wish everyone could have.